DRTM Student Events : 2024

Jul 21 | Sun

活動簡介 澳門大學工商管理學院是一所建院已久,在教學、研究和校企合作領域均得到國際認可且具亞洲區域特式的綜合性商學院。現將於今年暑假舉辦為期四日三夜的暑期研習營,讓有意報讀澳門大學工商管理學院的碩士或博士課程的優秀學生以至在職人士,親臨澳門 ...

旅遊局舉辦“知寓於行”研學遊行程徵集比賽 促“旅遊+教育”
Jun 24 | Mon

旅遊局舉辦“知寓於行”行程徵集比賽,鼓勵學生和公眾發揮創新思維,結合學習和旅遊體驗,設計三日兩夜的研學行程,發掘澳門研學旅遊的潛力,同時提升公眾對研學旅行的認知和關注,促進“旅遊+教育”跨界融合,推動旅遊業多元發展。 “知寓於行”行程徵集比 ...

Integrated Resort and Tourism Management Students Won the Competition at the “SJM Luxury Service Experience Bootcamp”
Jun 17 | Mon

SJM Resorts recently organized the "SJM Luxury Service Experience Bootcamp," inviting students from local universities t ...

Good News | The Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management (IRTM) and students received awards in the HSMAI Foundation Global Collegiate Case Competition
May 31 | Fri

Recently, the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management (IRTM) and students won the 2nd Global Collegiate C ...

Students from the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management visited the 12th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo
May 23 | Thu

On 28th April, the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management organized students to participate in the 12th ...

Practical Journey of Postgraduate Students of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management: Exploring the Integrated Resort Industry
May 20 | Mon

In 7 May, postgraduate students of IRTM7035 - Gaming and Casino Operation Management participated in an enriching and in ...

Students of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management visited the Hotel Morpheus at City of Dreams
May 06 | Mon

On 19 April 2024, undergraduate students from the DRTM course "Food and Beverage Management,", led by Assistant Professo ...