FBA General Office Administration

Name Major Responsibilities Office Telephone Email
Calvin Kun Seng VONG Faculty Secretary E22-4030 (853) 8822 8683 calvinv@um.edu.mo
Roberto Antonio NORONHA Functional Head of General Administration E22-G031 (853) 8822 4665 roberton@um.edu.mo
Sally Man Cheng MUI Functional Head of Undergraduate Programmes and Student Affairs
Liaison to Bachelor of Business Administration Programme
E22-G031 (853) 8822 4734 sallymui@um.edu.mo
Jennifer Ka Man LAO Functional Head of Postgraduate Programmes and Student Affairs
Liaison to PhD in Business Administration Programme
E22-G031 (853) 8822 4656 jenniferlao@um.edu.mo
Kevin Kam Weng WONG Liaison to Doctor of Business Administration Programme
Support to Executive Education
E22-G036 (853) 8822 4723 kevinwong@um.edu.mo
Amy Pui Hang HO Liaison to Master of Business Administration Programme E22-G036 (853) 8822 4607 amyho@um.edu.mo
Triss Yongxin LIANG Liaison to Executive Master of Business Administration Programme E22-G036 (853) 8822 4637 trissliang@um.edu.mo
Stephy Hang Mei LOI Liaison to Doctor of Business Administration programme
Support to Executive Master of Business Administration programme and Executive Education
E22-G036 (853) 8822 8885 stephyloi@um.edu.mo
Tochi Iao Tong LEUNG
Liaison to Master of Science in Accounting Programme E22-G031 (853) 8822 4736 tochiitl@um.edu.mo
Cornelia Ka Kei NG Liaison to Master of Science in Business Analytics Programme E22-G031 (853) 8822 9091 corneliang@um.edu.mo
Kelmen Hio Man YEUNG Liaison to Master of Science in Finance Programme E22-G031 (853) 8822 4799 kelmenyeung@um.edu.mo
Candy Ka Wai LAM Liaison to Master of Science in International Integrated Resort Management Programme E22-3026a (853) 8822 9957 candykwlam@um.edu.mo
Katherine Man Kei CHAN Secretary of Department of Accounting and Information Management E22-3069 (853) 8822 8868 katherinechan@um.edu.mo
Tina Teng Na SI Secretary of Department of Finance and Business Economics E22-4067 (853) 8822 9949 tinasi@um.edu.mo
Michelle Lai San KUAN Secretary of Department of Management and Marketing
Liaison to Outgoing Exchange Programme (GBM Major)
Liaison to Incoming Exchange Programme
E22-2072 (853) 8822 4649 michellekuan@um.edu.mo
Joseph Chon Loi CHEANG Secretary of Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management E22-3026a (853) 8822 4731 josephcheang@um.edu.mo
Christine Lai San KUONG Liaison to Bachelor of Science in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics E22-G031 (853) 8822 4737 lskuong@um.edu.mo
Denise Ka Man CHOY Academic Staff Recruitment and Promotion E22-4045 (853) 8822 4729 denisec@um.edu.mo
Carla LEONG Grant/Research Support
Secretariat to FBA Research Committee
E22-4046 (853) 8822 4183 carlaleong@um.edu.mo
Karen Ka Wan LAU Faculty Budget
Liaison to Outgoing Exchange Programme (Non-GBM Major)
E22-4045 (853) 8822 4628 karenlau@um.edu.mo
Rex Chong Hou CHAN Events and Special Projects E22-4048 (853) 8822 4732 rexchchan@um.edu.mo
Suzana LIN RODRIGUES Events and General Administration E22-G031 (853) 8822 8073 suzanalr@um.edu.mo
Peggy Ka Pui CHEANG Events and Special Projects
Internship programmes
E22-4029 (853) 8822 4621 peggycheang@um.edu.mo
Sterling Hei In CHAO IT Support and Special Projects E22-4048 (853) 8822 8892 sterlingchao@um.edu.mo
João Paulo CHAN Research Fund Execution E22-G031 (853) 8822 8413 toutchan@um.edu.mo
Sandy Lai Meng HOI Research Fund Execution E22-G031 (853) 8822 4724 sandyhoi@um.edu.mo
Ion Chun LEONG Office Attendant E22-G031 (853) 8822 4664 icleong@um.edu.mo

Dean’s Office

Name Major Responsibilities Office Telephone Email
Albee Ho Ieng CHAN Dean’s Secretary E22-4047 (853) 8822 4716 albeechan@um.edu.mo
Debby Ka I LEI
Secretariat of Dean’s Office, Budget and Finance, Academic Leave E22-4047 (853) 8822 4654 debbylei@um.edu.mo

Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming (ISCG)

Name Major Responsibilities Office Telephone Email
Tiffany Kit Peng LAM Budgeting, Consultancy and Training Programs E22-2040 (853) 8822 4174 tiffanylam@um.edu.mo
Bernadete OZORIO Consultancy Projects, Training and Development Programs E22-2039 (853) 8822 4739 bozorio@um.edu.mo
Raymond Pui Lam TUNG Academic Programs and Research Projects E22-2042 (853) 8822 4666 raytung@um.edu.mo
Lina NG Promotions and Special Events E22-2038 (853) 8822 4184 linang@um.edu.mo
Mark Man Kit LEI Lab-technicians for Mock Casino and ISCG Survey Laboratory E22-2035 (853) 8822 4193 marklei@um.edu.mo
Melanie Hei Lam KOK Advanced Diploma programs, Secretary of the Director of ISCG E22-2035 (853) 8822 4719 melaniekok@um.edu.mo

Business Research and Training Center (BRTC)

Name Major Responsibilities Office Telephone Email
Beatriz Maria CÂNDIDO Consulting Services
Training Programs
Student Exchange Program Agreements
E22-2036 (853) 8822 4743 beatrizcandido@um.edu.mo

Centre for Tourism and Integrated Resort Studies (CTIRS)

Name Major Responsibilities Office Telephone Email
Jason Lun Fai TANG Training and Development Programmes
Events and Special Projects
E22-2036c (853) 8822 8871 jasontang@um.edu.mo