2809, 2022 FBA Seminar Series: “Influencing Diversity Beliefs Through a Personal-Testimonial, Promotion-Focused Approach” by Prof. Pisitta VONGSWASDI Gallery FBA Seminar Series: “Influencing Diversity Beliefs Through a Personal-Testimonial, Promotion-Focused Approach” by Prof. Pisitta VONGSWASDI FBA Seminar Series, Management FBA Seminar Series: “Influencing Diversity Beliefs Through a Personal-Testimonial, Promotion-Focused Approach” by Prof. Pisitta VONGSWASDI
709, 2022 FBA Seminar Series: “Timing of Equity Splits on Venture Team Relational Norms and Behaviors” by Prof. Jared NAI Gallery FBA Seminar Series: “Timing of Equity Splits on Venture Team Relational Norms and Behaviors” by Prof. Jared NAI FBA Seminar Series, Management FBA Seminar Series: “Timing of Equity Splits on Venture Team Relational Norms and Behaviors” by Prof. Jared NAI