Associate Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
  • Ph.D. in Marketing, HKUST
  • MSc in Economics, HKUST
  • BBA in Finance, HKUST
  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  • Neuroeconomics
  • Behavioral Addiction
  1. Yang, H. M., Fong, L. H. N., Zhou, H., Chark, R., Fong, D. K. C., Hui, B. P., & Wu, A. M. (2024). Is self-compassion a protective factor for addictions? Exploring its effects on alcohol and gambling-related problems using a self-compensation model framework among a Chinese adult sample in Hong Kong, China. Current Psychology, 1-13.
  2. Chui, H. I., & Chark, R. (2024). More space needed: Social disconnectedness predicts the aversion to crowdedness. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
  3. Chark, R., & McCartney, G. (2024). What is unique in the brains of frontline employees? A Structural Neuroimaging Study. Journal of Travel Research, 63(6), 1335-1352.
  4. Li, S., Chark, R., Bastiaansen, M., & Wood, E. (2023). A review of research into neuroscience in tourism: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on neuroscience in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, 103615.
  5. Chark, R., & Wang, J. Q. (2024). Relationship Norm Moderates Observers’ Reaction to Unearned Preferential Treatment. Journal of Travel Research, 63(4), 923-939.
  6. Zhou, H., He, Y., Yuan, Z., Zhou, Y., Yin, J., Chark, R., … & Wu, A. M. (2023). Altered hierarchical organization between empathy and gambling networks in disordered gamblers. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1083465.
  7. Chark, R., & Ip, M. M. H. (2023). Is menu design effective? A p-curving analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103378.
  8. Ip, M. M. H., & Chark, R. (2023). The effect of menu design on consumer behavior: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103353.
  9. Chark, R. (2022). Social disconnectedness moderates nostalgia preference. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103342.
  10. Chark, R., Zhong, S., Tsang, S. Y., Khor, C. C., Ebstein, R. P., Xue, H., & Chew, S. H. (2022). A gene–brain–behavior basis for familiarity bias in source preference. Theory and Decision, 92(3), 531-567.
  11. Chark, R., Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2022), Brand effect on extended warranty valuation: Subjective value versus popularity, International Journal of Research in Marketing, available online
  12. Chark, R. (2021), Midnight in Paris on heritage and nostalgia, Annals of Tourism Research, 90 
  13. Chark, R., King, B., Tang, C. M. F. (2021), The journey from episode to evaluation: How travelers arrive at summary evaluations, Journal of Travel Research, Forthcoming 
  14. Chark, R., King, B. (2021), Loss aversion in hotel choice: Psychophysiological evidence, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Forthcoming 
  15. Chark, R., Lam, L. W., Fong, L. H. N. (2021), Morning larks travel more than night owls? Chronotypical effect on travel frequency through novelty seeking, Tourism Management, V77 
  16. Chark, R., Mak, V., & Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2020), The premium as informational cue in insurance decision making, Theory and Decision, V88, 369-404 
  17. Chark, R., Chew, S. H., & Zhong, S. (2020), Individual Preference for Longshots, Journal of the European Economic Association, V18, 1009-1039 
  18. Chark, R. (2019), Price Fairness in the Era of the Sharing Economy, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V60, 200-211
  19. Chark, R., Fong, L. H. N., Tang, C. M. F. (2019), A Room of One’s Own: Need for Uniqueness Counters Online WoM, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V60, 216-232 
  20. Fong, D. K. C., Fong, L. H. N., Chark, R., Chui, P. M. W. (2018), The Bias of Size in Gambling Decisions: Evidence From a Casino Game, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V59, 78-84 
  21. Zhong, S., Chark, R., Hsu, M., Chew, S. H. (2016), Computational substrates of social norm enforcement by unaffected third parties, NeuroImage, V129, 95-104
  22. Chark, R., Chew, S. H. (2015), A neuroimaging study of preference for strategic uncertainty , Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, V50, 209-227
  23. Chark, R., Chew, S. H., Zhong, S. (2015), Extended present bias: a direct experimental test, Theory and Decision, V79, 151-165
  24. Muthukrishnan, A. V., Chark, R. (2015), Choice set induced conflict, deliberation, and persistent preference, Marketing Letters, V26, 437-448 
  25. Chark, R., Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2013), The effect of physical possession on preference for product warranty, International Journal of Research in Marketing, V30, 424-425 
  26. Tsang S.Y., …, Chark R., et al. (2013), Social Cognitive Role of Schizophrenia Candidate Gene GABRB2, PLoS ONE, V8
  27. Zhong, S., Chark, R., Ebstein, R. P., Chew, S. H. (2012), Imaging Genomics supports Dual System for Utility of Risks over Gains and Losses, NeuroImage, V59, 540–546
  28. Chark, R., Rapoport, A., & Zwick, R. (2011), Experimental Comparison of Two Multiple-Stage Contest Designs with Asymmetric Players, Public Choice, V147, 305–329
  1. Chark, Robin. “Neuromarketing.” Innovative Research Methodologies in Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. 179-198.
  2. Ebstein RP, Zhong S, Chark R, Lai PS, Chew SH. (2012) Genetics of Social Cognition in the Laboratory: Definition, Measurement and Association, in T. Canlin (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Molecular Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  3. Chew Soo Hong, Li King King, Robin Chark, and Zhong Songfa (2008), Source Preference and Ambiguity Aversion: Models and Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroimaging Experiments, in D. Houser and K. McCabe (eds.), Neuroeconomics, Advances in Health Economics. Emerald Insight.