Associate Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
- Ph.D. in Marketing, HKUST
- MSc in Economics, HKUST
- BBA in Finance, HKUST
- Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Neuroeconomics
- Behavioral Addiction
- Yang, H. M., Fong, L. H. N., Zhou, H., Chark, R., Fong, D. K. C., Hui, B. P., & Wu, A. M. (2024). Is self-compassion a protective factor for addictions? Exploring its effects on alcohol and gambling-related problems using a self-compensation model framework among a Chinese adult sample in Hong Kong, China. Current Psychology, 1-13.
- Chui, H. I., & Chark, R. (2024). More space needed: Social disconnectedness predicts the aversion to crowdedness. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
- Chark, R., & McCartney, G. (2024). What is unique in the brains of frontline employees? A Structural Neuroimaging Study. Journal of Travel Research, 63(6), 1335-1352.
- Li, S., Chark, R., Bastiaansen, M., & Wood, E. (2023). A review of research into neuroscience in tourism: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on neuroscience in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, 103615.
- Chark, R., & Wang, J. Q. (2024). Relationship Norm Moderates Observers’ Reaction to Unearned Preferential Treatment. Journal of Travel Research, 63(4), 923-939.
- Zhou, H., He, Y., Yuan, Z., Zhou, Y., Yin, J., Chark, R., … & Wu, A. M. (2023). Altered hierarchical organization between empathy and gambling networks in disordered gamblers. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1083465.
- Chark, R., & Ip, M. M. H. (2023). Is menu design effective? A p-curving analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103378.
- Ip, M. M. H., & Chark, R. (2023). The effect of menu design on consumer behavior: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103353.
- Chark, R. (2022). Social disconnectedness moderates nostalgia preference. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103342.
- Chark, R., Zhong, S., Tsang, S. Y., Khor, C. C., Ebstein, R. P., Xue, H., & Chew, S. H. (2022). A gene–brain–behavior basis for familiarity bias in source preference. Theory and Decision, 92(3), 531-567.
- Chark, R., Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2022), Brand effect on extended warranty valuation: Subjective value versus popularity, International Journal of Research in Marketing, available online
- Chark, R. (2021), Midnight in Paris on heritage and nostalgia, Annals of Tourism Research, 90
- Chark, R., King, B., Tang, C. M. F. (2021), The journey from episode to evaluation: How travelers arrive at summary evaluations, Journal of Travel Research, Forthcoming
- Chark, R., King, B. (2021), Loss aversion in hotel choice: Psychophysiological evidence, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Forthcoming
- Chark, R., Lam, L. W., Fong, L. H. N. (2021), Morning larks travel more than night owls? Chronotypical effect on travel frequency through novelty seeking, Tourism Management, V77
- Chark, R., Mak, V., & Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2020), The premium as informational cue in insurance decision making, Theory and Decision, V88, 369-404
- Chark, R., Chew, S. H., & Zhong, S. (2020), Individual Preference for Longshots, Journal of the European Economic Association, V18, 1009-1039
- Chark, R. (2019), Price Fairness in the Era of the Sharing Economy, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V60, 200-211
- Chark, R., Fong, L. H. N., Tang, C. M. F. (2019), A Room of One’s Own: Need for Uniqueness Counters Online WoM, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V60, 216-232
- Fong, D. K. C., Fong, L. H. N., Chark, R., Chui, P. M. W. (2018), The Bias of Size in Gambling Decisions: Evidence From a Casino Game, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V59, 78-84
- Zhong, S., Chark, R., Hsu, M., Chew, S. H. (2016), Computational substrates of social norm enforcement by unaffected third parties, NeuroImage, V129, 95-104
- Chark, R., Chew, S. H. (2015), A neuroimaging study of preference for strategic uncertainty , Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, V50, 209-227
- Chark, R., Chew, S. H., Zhong, S. (2015), Extended present bias: a direct experimental test, Theory and Decision, V79, 151-165
- Muthukrishnan, A. V., Chark, R. (2015), Choice set induced conflict, deliberation, and persistent preference, Marketing Letters, V26, 437-448
- Chark, R., Muthukrishnan, A. V. (2013), The effect of physical possession on preference for product warranty, International Journal of Research in Marketing, V30, 424-425
- Tsang S.Y., …, Chark R., et al. (2013), Social Cognitive Role of Schizophrenia Candidate Gene GABRB2, PLoS ONE, V8
- Zhong, S., Chark, R., Ebstein, R. P., Chew, S. H. (2012), Imaging Genomics supports Dual System for Utility of Risks over Gains and Losses, NeuroImage, V59, 540–546
- Chark, R., Rapoport, A., & Zwick, R. (2011), Experimental Comparison of Two Multiple-Stage Contest Designs with Asymmetric Players, Public Choice, V147, 305–329
- Chark, Robin. “Neuromarketing.” Innovative Research Methodologies in Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. 179-198.
- Ebstein RP, Zhong S, Chark R, Lai PS, Chew SH. (2012) Genetics of Social Cognition in the Laboratory: Definition, Measurement and Association, in T. Canlin (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Molecular Psychology. Oxford University Press.
- Chew Soo Hong, Li King King, Robin Chark, and Zhong Songfa (2008), Source Preference and Ambiguity Aversion: Models and Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroimaging Experiments, in D. Houser and K. McCabe (eds.), Neuroeconomics, Advances in Health Economics. Emerald Insight.