Assistant Professor of Management
  • Ph.D., Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • M.Sc., Organisational Behaviour (Distinction), London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
  • B.A., Economics (Distinction), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Principles of Business Management (MGMT1000)
    • Research Methods (MGMT3004)
  • Leadership
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work
  • Well-Being
  • Organizational Ethics

I am recruiting PhD students.

  1. Chintakananda, K., Diefendorff, J. M., Oc, B., Daniels, M. A., Greguras, G. J., & Bashshur, M. R. (2023). Leader-expressed humility: Development and validation of scales based on a comprehensive conceptualization. Journal of Business Ethics.
  2. *Oc, B., *Chintakananda, K., Bashshur, M. R., & Day, D. V. (2023). The study of followers in leadership research: A systematic and critical review. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(1).

*The authors contributed equally and share first authorship.

  1. Liu, Y., Greguras, G. J., & Chintakananda, K. (2019). Integrating LMX components: How LMX components interactively influence justice and deviance. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  2. Chintakananda, K., Liu, Y., & Greguras, G. J. (2018). Ostracism and deviance: The roles of anger, guilt and avoidance coping. In A. A. Grandey. Discrete Emotions at Work: Experiencing Anger, Guilt, Compassion, and Pride. The Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  3. Chintakananda, K., & Greguras, G. J. (2017). Abusive supervision and power distance: Exploring discrete emotions. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  4. Chintakananda, K., & Bashshur, M. R. (2017). Moral flexibility. Asian Management Research Consortium, Singapore.
  5. Chintakananda, K., & Bashshur, M. R. (2017). Moral flexibility. In K. Chintakananda & M. R. Bashshur. New Perspectives on Moral Agents in the Workplace. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  1. Reb, J., Sim, S., Chintakananda, K., & Bhave D. P. (2015) “Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviours, styles, and development”, In J. Reb & P. W. B. Atkins (Eds.), Mindfulness in Organizations: Foundations, Research, and Applications, pp. 256-284. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.