Professor in Business Intelligence and Analytics
Prof. Zhaotong Lian is a full professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. Prof. Lian received his Ph.D in Operations Management from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests are Stochastic Models, Business Analytics, Supply Chain and Service Management. He has published many research papers in outstanding journals, including Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Mathematics of Operations Research, Naval Research and Logistics.
- Ph.D in Operations Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
- MSc. in Statistics, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China
- BSc. in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
- September 2011 – present, Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- July 2019 – June 2021, Associate Dean, Director of PhD Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- July 2006 – June 2020, Coordinator of BIS, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- July 2006 – August 2011, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- September 2001 – July 2006, Assistant Professor, MBA Coordinator (2002 – 2004), Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- August 1998 – August 2001, Research Staff, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts
- February 1998 – August 1998, Postdoctoral Researcher, Florida State University
- UM-FBA Service Award, 2019
- UM Outstanding Academic Staff Award, 2011, 2018
- UM-FBA Research Award, 2016
- Best Paper Award in the 8th International Conference on Service Science and Service Management, Nankai, Tianjin, China, 2011
- Undergraduate Courses
- Cyber Security and Blockchain (ISOM3036)
- Machine Learning for Business (ISOM4008)
- Logic and Reasoning (QMDS103)
- Introduction to Computing (CBIS100)
- Computer Applications (CBIS111)
- Operations Management (ISOM3035)
- Business Mathematics (MSOR100)
- Survey of Calculus (MSOR103)
- Database Management I (CBIS343)
- Database Management II (CBIS344)
- Information System Project I (CBIS493)
- Information System Project II (CBIS494)
- IT and Supply Chain Management (EBIS310)
- Quantitative Decision Analysis (QMBS300)
- Postgraduate Courses
- Technology Advancement and Application for Business Management (ISOM8300)
- Advance Topics in DS/IS (ISOM8002)
- Research Methods in DS/IS (ISOM8001)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management (IMBB135)
- Advance Management Studies (IMBC127)
- Service Operations (IMBC116)
- Industrial Policy Optimization and Start-up Investment Evaluation in the Post-epidemic Era, FES, Macau, 2021 – 2023, PI
- Supply Chain Coordinate and Optimization of Perishable Products, UM, 2020 – 2021, PI
- Optimization and Strategic Analysis of a Passenger-taxi Service System, UM, 2016 – 2019, PI
- Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Service Industry, Macau FDCT, 07/2016 – 06/2019, PI,
- A Study in Service Systems Strategies with Free Experience Service, UM, June 2014 – May 2017, PI
- Study of Service Systems with Multiple Stages, UM, June 2011 – May 2014, PI
- Development of Macau Cargo and Logistics Management under New Circumstance, 2009, Macau Shipper Association, PI
- Study of Service-Inventory Systems with Priority, UM, 2008 – 2009, PI
- Online Banking Customer Relationship Management (OBCRM) System, IT CHANNEL (MACAU) COMPANY LIMITED, 2007, PI
- Stochastic Models for DoS Attacks and Security of Internet Service Systems, UM, 2007, PI
- IMAP and a Novel Approach to Tandem Service System, UM, 2006, PI
- Study of the Discriminatory Processor Sharing Queue and its Optimal Priority Pricing, UM, 2005, PI
- Study of Processor-Sharing Systems, UM, 2004, PI
- Production Planning in a Supply Chain with Updatable Demand Forecasts, UM 2003, PI
- Service and Operations Management
- Optimization
- Data Analysis
- Luo, Z., Yang, Z., Wu, J., Lian, Z. (2024), Optimization and decision-making for a service contract on machine maintenance. Operations Research and Decisions, 34(4).
- Shi, Y., Lian, Z., Li, X., Long, Q. (2024), Social welfare optimisation in a Hotelling model with two double-sided queues. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 18(1), 46-62.
- Zhong, H., Lian, Z., Zhou, T., Niu, B. (2024), A time-varying competitive swarm optimizer for integrated flight recovery with multi-objective and priority considerations. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 190, 110019
- Xiao, H., Gong, M., Lian, Z., Nip, K. (2024), Joint promotional effort and assortment optimization under the multinomial logit model. Naval Research Logistics, 2024. V71(7), 941-959 (ABS3)
- Zhong, H., Lian, Z., Zhou,T., Niu, B., Xue, B. (2023), Integrated recovery system with bidding-based satisfaction: An adaptive multi-objective approach. Expert Systems, 40(9), e13409.
- Huang, Y., Lian, Z., Guo, X. (2023), Zero-sum infinite-horizon discounted piecewise deterministic Markov games, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 97, 179-205
- Gu, X., Lian, Z., Peng, L. and Zhao, Q. (2023), A comparative study of bank efficiency in three Chinese regions: Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao, Journal of Financial Research, V46(2), 547-571 (ABS3)
- Io, H.N., Lee, C.B.P., Lian, Z.(2023), Sentiments about Autonomous Vehicles, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 66(6), 101717
- Zhong, Z. Lian, B. Xue, B. Niu, R. Qu, T. Zhou (2022), An integrated container terminal scheduling problem with different‐berth sizes via multiobjective hydrologic cycle optimization, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1‐17, doi:10.1002/int.23069
- Zou, X., Zhu, D., Huang, J., Lu, W., Yao, X. and Lian, Z.(2022), WGAN-Based Image Denoising Algorithm, Journal of Global Information Management, V30(9), 1-20 (ABS2)
- Gong, M., Lian, Z., Xiao, H. (2022), Inventory control policy for perishable products under a buyback contract and Brownian demands, International Journal of Production Economics, V251, 108522 (ABS3)
- Cai, X., Li, J., Lian, Z., Liu, Z. (2022), Fixed Allocation of Capacity for Multiple Retailers under Demand Competition, Omega, V110, 102629 (ABS3)
- Fu, H., Ke, G., Lian, Z., Zhang, L. (2021), 3PL Firm’s Equity Financing for Technology Innovation in a Platform Supply Chain, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, V147, 102239 (ABS3)
- Peng, L. and Lian, Z.(2021), Diversification and Efficiency of Life Insurers in China and India, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, V46(4), 710-730 (ABS2)
- Li, X., Lian, Z.and Pang, C. (2020), Efficient coordination of supply contracts with demand learning and two production modes, International Journal of Production and Economics, V225, 107585 (ABS3)
- Deng, Q., Gu, X., Law, R. and Lian, Z.(2020), A Comparative Study for Determinants of Gaming Efficiency in Macao and Las Vegas, Tourism Management, V77(4), 103964 (ABS4)
- Deng, Q., Lian, Z.and Fu., Q. (2021), A Novel Method of Variable Selection in Data Envelopment Analysis with Entropy Measures, International Journal of Operational Research, DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2021.10022201
- Io, H.N., Lee, C.B.P., Lian, Z.(2019), Comments about the siri chatbot: a sentiment analysis of the postings at a microblogging site, Journal of Information Technology Management, V30(4), 26
- Huang, Z. Lian, X. Guo (2020), Risk-sensitive finite-horizon piecewise deterministic Markov decision processes, Operations Research Letters, V48(1), 96-103 (ABS2)
- Huang, Z. Lian, X. Guo (2018), Risk-sensitive semi-Markov decision processes with general utilities and multiple criteria, Advances in Applied Probability, V50(3), 783-804(ABS2)
- Cheng, S. Xiao, R. Luo, Z. Lian(2018), Single-machine scheduling problems with a batch-dependent aging effect and variable maintenance activities, International Journal of Production Research, V56(23), 7051-7063 (ABS3)
- Zhu, Z. Lian(2017), Parking robot based on fuzzy reasoning and parking big data, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, V33(5), 3087-3094
- Li, P. Guo, Z. Lian(2017), Price and capacity decisions of service systems with boundedly rational customers, Naval Research Logistics, V64(6), 437-452 (ABS3)
- Fu, Q. Wang, X. Xu, Z. Lian(2017), A two-product newsvendor system with a flexible product, International Journal of Production Economics, V193, 590-601 (ABS3)
- Li, Q. Li, P. Guo, Z. Lian(2017), On the uniqueness and stability of equilibrium in quality-speed competition with boundedly-rational customers: The case with general reward function and multiple servers, International Journal of Production Economics, V193, 726-736 (ABS3)
- Ge, X. Yao, Z. Lian, H. Wang, T. Tao (2017), Applications of computer vision in measuring total cumulative pitch deviation of a gear, Tehnički vjesnik, , V24(1), 71-78
- Xu, Z. Lian, X. Li and P. Guo (2016), A Hotelling queue model with probabilistic service, Operations Research Letters, V44(5),V44, 592–597, 2016 (ABS2)
- Lian, Z., X. Gu and J. Wu (2016), A re-examination of experience service offering and regular service pricing under profit maximization, European Journal of Operational Research, V254(3), 907-915 (ABS4)
- Li, X., P. Guo and Lian(2016), Production and Operations Management, Quality-speed competition in customer-intensive services with boundedly rational customers, V25 (11), 1885-1901 (ABS4, FT50, UTD)
- Li, X., Lian, K. Choong and X. Liu (2016), A Quantity-Flexibility Contract with Coordination, International Journal of Production Economics, V179, 273–284 (ABS3)
- Shi, Y. and Lian(2016), Optimization and Strategic Behavior in a Passenger-taxi Service System, European Journal of Operational Research, V249(3),1024-1032 (ABS4)
- Shi, Y. and Lian(2016), Equilibrium Strategies and Optimal Control for a Taxi-Passenger System, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, V33(3), 1-18 (ABS1)
- Ge, D., X. Fan and Lian, Binocular vision calibration and 3D re-construction with an orthogonal learning neural network, Multimedia Tools and Applications, V75(23), 15635-15650, 2015
- Zhao, N., Lianand K. Wu, Analysis of a MAP/PH/1 Queue with Discretionary Priority Based on Service Stages, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, V32(6), 1-22, 2015
- Ge, D., X. Yao, C. Hu and Lian, Nonlinear camera model calibrated by neural network and adaptive genetic-annealing algorithm, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, V27(5), 2243-2255, 2014
- Yao, Z. Lian, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. Jin, Wisdom manufacturing: New humans-computers-things collaborative manufacturing model, Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsV20(6), 1490-1498, 2014
- Zhou, W., Lianand J. Wu, When Should Service Firms Provide Free Experience Service? European Journal of Operational Research, V234(3), 830–838, 2014 (ABS4)
- Xu, W., Lianand X. Yao, The Impact of RFID Investment on Complex Product in Three-Level Assembly Supply Chain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volumn 2013, Article ID 271496, 11 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/271496, 2013
- Wu, J. and Lian, A single-server retrial G-queue with priority and unreliable server under Bernoulli vacation schedule, Computers & Industrial Engineering, V64(1), 84–93, 2013 (ABS2)
- Wu, J. and Lian, Analysis of the Queueing System with Retrial Customers, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, V14(1), 365-382, 2013
- Zhou, W., Lian, W. Xu, W. Huang, A two-stage queueing network with MAP inputs and buffer sharing, Applied Mathematical Modelling, V37(6), 3736–3747, 2013
- Yao, X., Lian, Y. Li, H. Jin, C. Xu, W. Tan, J. Zhang, Y. Lin, Service-oriented architecture and integrated development environment for cloud manufacturing, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, V18(10), 2312-2322, 2012
- Zhou, W. and Lian, A Tandem Network with a Sharing Buffer, Applied Mathematical Modelling, V35(9), 4507-4515, 2011
- Zhao, N. and Lian, A Queueing-inventory System with Two Classes of Customers, International Journal of Production Economics, V129(1), 225-231, 2011 (ABS3)
- Zhou, W. and Lian, Optimum Design of a New VSS-NP Chart with Adjusting Sampling Inspection, International Journal of Production Economics, V129(1), 8-13, 2011 (ABS3)
- Lian, Z.and N. Zhao, Departure Processes and Busy Periods of A Tandem Network, Operations Research International Journal, V11(3), 245-258, 2011
- Guo, P, Lianand Y. Wang, Pricing Perishable Products with Compound Poisson Demands, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, V25(3), 289-306, 2011
- Yao, X., Lian, D. Ge and Y. He, Approaches to Model and Control Nonlinear/Uncertain Systems by RBF Neural Networks, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information & Control, V7(2), 941-954, 2011
- Lian, Z., L. Liu and X. Zhu, Rolling-Horizon Replenishment: Policies and Performance Analysis, Naval Research Logistics, V57 (6), 489-502, 2010 (ABS3)
- Lian, Z., X. Liu and N. Zhao, A Perishable Inventory Model with Exponential Lifetimes and Markovian Renewal Demands, International Journal of Production and Economics, V121, 176-182, 2009 (ABS3)
- Lian, Z.and A. Deshmukh, Analysis of Supply Contracts with Quantity Flexibility, European Journal of Operational Research, V196, 526-533 , 2009 (ABS4)
- Liu, X. and Lian, Cost-effective Inventory Control in a Value-added Manufacturing System, European Journal of Operational Research, V196, 534-543, 2009 (ABS4)
- Lian, Z., X. Liu and L. Liu, Discriminatory Processor Sharing Queues and the DREB Method, Stochastic Models, V24, 19-40, 2008
- Lian, Z.and L. Liu, A Tandem Network with MAP Inputs, Operations Research Letters, V36, 189-195, 2008 (ABS2)
- Lian, Z., A. Deshmukh and J. Wang, The Optimal Frozen Period in a Dynamic Production Model, International Journal of Production Economics, V103, 648-655, 2006 (ABS3)
- Lian, Z.and A. Deshmukh, Performance Prediction of an Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Multi-Agent System, European Journal of Operational Research, V172, 680-695, 2006 (ABS4)
- Lian, Z., L. Liu and M. F. Neuts, A Discrete-time Model for Common Lifetime Inventory Systems, Mathematics of Operations Research, V30, 718-732, 2005 (ABS3)
- Li, Q., Lianand L. Liu, An RG-Factorization Approach for a BMAP/M/1 Generalized Processor-Sharing Queue, Stochastic Models, V21, 1-24, 2005
- Lian, Z.and L. Liu, (s, S) Continuous Review Models for Perishable Inventory with Batch Demands, IIE Transactions, V33, 809-822, 2001 (ABS3)
- Liu, L. and Lian, An (s, S) Continuous Review Perishable Inventory Model with Fixed Lifetime, Operations Research, V47, 150-158, 1999 (ABS4*, FT50, UTD)
- Lian, Z.and L. Liu, A Discrete-time Model for Perishable Inventory Systems, Annual of Operations Research, V87, 103-116, 1999 (ABS3)
- Lian, Z.and Y. L. Deng, Reliability Analysis of A Machine Service Model, Mathematica Applicata, 1996, Vol.9, No.3, 278-282
- Lian, Z.and D. R. Deng, An M/PH/1 Queueing Model with inspected Server, Journal of Guangzhou University, 1997
- Lian, Z.and Y. L. Deng, A General Class of Quasi-birth-death Processes with Stationary Solutions, Chinese Journal of Operations Research, 1994, Vol.13, No.1
- Lian, Z., Reliability Analysis of A Repairable System with Delayed Vacations, Journal of Guangzhou University, 1996, No.2, 1-8
- Lian, Z., Reliability Analysis of A Repairable System with Repairman Vacations, Journal of Guangzhou University, 1994, No.2, 34-40
- Lian, Z., Reliability Analysis of A Repairable System in A Randomly Changing Environment, Microelectronics and Reliability, 1992, Vol.32, No.10, 1373-1377
- Lian, Z., Reliability Analysis of A Two-item Series Repairable System, Journal of Guangzhou University, 1992, No.1, 43-50
- Lian, Z., Reliability Analysis of Two-item Series System with Shut-off Rule, Journal of the Graduates, Zhongshan University, 1991, Vol.12, No.2, 29-35
- Lian, Z., Z. Li and X. Li etc., Development of Macau Cargo and Logistics Management under New Circumstance, a book published by the Publication Center of University of Macau, June 2011
- Lian, Z., W. Zhou and B. Su, A Joining Shortest Queue with MAP Inputs, Lecture Notes in Operations Research 10, Edited by Zhang, X., D. Liu, M.Fushimi and X. Tong, World Publishing Corporation, 2009, pp.25-32
- Lian, Z. and A. Deshmukh, Performance Evaluation of an Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Multi-Agent System, Book Chapter in Intelligent Aerial Vehicle, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Austria, 395-412, 2009
- Lian, Z., Zhao, N. and Liu, L., Departure Processes of a Tandem Network, Lecture Notes in Operations Research 8, Edited by Zhang, X., Liu, D. and Wang, Y., World Publishing Corporation, 2008, pp.98-103
- Shi, Y., Z. Lian and W. Shang, Study of a passenger-taxi queueing system with nonzero matching time, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM15), Guangzhou, pp1-5, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSSM.2015.7170154
- Shi, Y. and Z. Lian, Equilibrium Strategy of a Processor-Sharing System with Discriminatory Discipline, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2013), Thailand, 10 -13 December 2013
- Xu., W., Z. Lian and X. Yao, Integrating RFID with Blood Supply Chain: A Technical and Business Analysis, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2013), Thailand, 10 -13 December 2013
- Xu., W., Z. Lian and X. Yao, Exploring the Impact of RFID in A Supply Chain Network, Proceeding of the 43rd International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering, 16-18 October 2013, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Lian, Z. and J. Wu, Design and Analysis of a Maintenance Service Contract, Proceeding of The 11th International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications (ISORA2013), 23 – 25 August 2013, Huangshan, China
- Lian, Z., J. Wu and L. Cao, Equilibrium Strategic Behavior and Optimal Pricing with Experience Service, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2012), Hong Kong, December 2012
- Li, X., Z. Lian and W. Zhou, A Quantity-Flexibility Contract in Two Periods with Supply Chain Coordination, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2012), Hong Kong, December 2012
- Xu, W., Z. Lian and X. Yao, Analysis of RFID Technology on Controlling Shrinkage and Anti-counterfeiting in Luxury Industry, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2012), Hong Kong, December 2012
- Lian, Z. and Zhou, W., A Tandem Service System with a Sharing Buffer, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Service Science and Service Management, Nankai, Tianjin, China, 24 – 27 June, 2011 (Best Paper Award)
- Lian, Z. and N. Zhao, A Two-Stage M/G/1 Queue with Discretionary Priority, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2010 (IEEM2011), Singapore, 6 – 9 December 2011
- Zhao, N. and Z. Lian, A Two-Stage Service System with Markovian Arrival Inputs and Priority Queue, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2010 (IEEM2010), Macau, 7 – 10 December 2010
- Lian, Z., Guo, P. and L. Liu, A Call Center with Automatic and Manual Services, Proceeding of the first International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI2010), Beijing, 9 – 10 August 2010
- Lian, Z. and N. Zhao, Analysis of a Priority Service-Inventory System, Proceeding of 2010 International Institute of Statistics & Management Engineering Symposium, Weihai, China, 24 – 29 July 2010
- Li, Z., Z. Lian and W. Zhou, Analysis of Supply Contract with Postponement Strategy, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2010
- Lian, Z. and Fu, G., A Joining-Shortest Service System with MAP Inputs, Proceeding of the first International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI2009), Taiwan, 11 – 12 August 2009
- Yao,X., D. Ge and Z. Lian, A Method to Model Nonlinear Systems by Neural Networks, Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, pp. 148-151, 2009
- Lian, Z., Zhao, N. and Liu, X., An Inventory Model for Perishable Products with Markovian Renewal Demands, the Proceeding of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2008
- Zhao, N. and Lian, Z., A Priority Queueing System with Inventory Management, Presentation in INFORMS, Washington DC, 2008
- Lian, Z. and Lin, J., Simulation Analysis of the DoS Attack in Internet Service, Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. WiCom2007 International Conference on 21-25 Sept. 2007, pp6292-6295
- Lian, Z., A Perishable Model with Markovian Renewal Demand and Fixed lifetime, IFOR, Hawaii, 2005
- Lian, Z., Liu, L. and Zhu, X., Analysis of Supply Commitments with Unlimited Flexibilities, The Second International Conference on Information & Management Science, Chengdu, 2003
- Lian, Z. and A. Deshmukh, Analysis of Supply Contracts with Discounts, Proceedings of the International Conference of Global Supply Chain Management, Beijing, 210-215, 2002
- Feldmann, G., Z. Lian and A. Deshmukh, Dynamic Pricing Strategies for Stable Production Plans, Proceedings of Annual IIE Conference and Exhibition, 2002
- Lian, Z. and A. Deshmukh, A Frozen Inventory Model with Updateable Forecast Demands, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Production Research, 2000
- Lian, Z., A. Deshmukh and J. Wang, Optimal Frozen Period in Supply Chains with Updateable Demand Forecasts, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Production Research, 1999
- Lian, Z. and L. Liu, Sojourn time of Join the Shortest Queue, Working paper
- Lian, Z. and Guo, P. and L. Liu, A Call Center with Automatic and Manual Services, Working paper
- Lian, Z. and L. Liu, Sojourn time of Join the Shortest Queue, Working paper
- Lian, Z. and Guo, P. and L. Liu, A Call Center with Automatic and Manual Services, Working paper
- Postdoctoral Researchers
- Jinbiao WU, 07/2013 – 06/2014, Central South University
- Maosen ZHOU, 10/2018 – 03/2019, Chongqing University
- Min GONG, 09/2019 – 08/2021, Jinan University
- PhD Students
- Ning ZHAO, 2011, Kunming University of Technology
- Xin LI, 2014, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Wei XU, 2014, International Bank of Macau
- Ying SHI, 2015, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
- Xiaoya XU, 2016, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
- Renfei LUO, 2018, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
- Qiang DENG, 2019, Zhongshan Institute, University of electronic Science and Technology of China
- Lei PENG, 2020, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Campus
- Hua XIAO, 2022, City University of Macau
- Huifen ZHONG, ongoing (Joint PhD programme with Shenzhen University
- Jin LI, ongoing
- Xiaozhi FENG, ongoing
- Master Students
- William Jian LIN, 2004, Win Hang Bank
- Hong SHEN, 2007, Shenzhen Hua Son Biotech
- Zhen LI, 2010, Beijing Huaqing Cloud
- Kuong Hoi MOU, 2014, Macao Traffic Bureau
- Kevin LAM, 2018, Yonyou Software
- 2001 – present, FBA Academic Council Member, UM
- 2006 – 2021, FBA Research Committee Member, UM
- 2012 – 2021, FBA Executive Committee Member, UM
- 2017 – 2018, Selection Committee Chair of PhD Student Recruitment, FBA, UM
- 2017 – 2018, Fellow of Graduate Student Housing Office, UM
- 2017 – 2018, Chair of Housing Committee, UM
- 2006 – 2015, Senate Member of UM
- 2012 – present, Chair of the Guangdong and Macau Association of Logistics Study (GMALS), Macau
- 2014 – present, Committee Member of POMS-HK Association
- Organizing Chair of the 2016 International Conference of POMS-HK held during 9 – 10 January 2016 in the University of Macau
- Program Chair of the 2010 IEEE IEEM International Conference, December 2010, Macau
- 2011 – present, Committee Member of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Association