Chair Professor of Marketing
- Doctor of Philosophy, London Business School, UK
- CAAE, IAE Aix-en-Provence, France
- Bachelor of Business Administration (First Class Honors), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (SAR), China.
- Services marketing
- Consumer behavior
- Cross-cultural marketing
- Vice Rector (Academic Affairs), Interim Director of Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management and Chair Professor of Marketing, University of Macau, 2019–present
- Head of the Department of Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), 2017–19
- Choh-Ming Li Professor of Marketing, CUHK, 2014–19
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President, CUHK, 2009–17
- Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, 2004–2008
- Professor of Marketing, CUHK, 2004–19
- Professor, CUHK, 1999–2004
- Associate Dean and Director of BBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), 1999–2002
- Associate Professor, CUHK, 1996–1999
- Lecturer, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1994–96
- Assistant Professor, Concordia University, Canada, 1989–96
- 2024 – Honorary Fellow, CUHK
- 2020 – Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Marketing
- 2017 – Medal of Honor, Hong Kong SAR Government
- 2004 – Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award by CUHK
- 2003 – Outstanding Teacher Award, Faculty of Business Administration, CUHK Business School
- 2003, 2015, 2018 – Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Retailing
- Member of the Public Administration Reform Consultation Committee of MSAR, February 2024 – present
- Chairperson of the Consumer Relations Panel, Tourism Commission of HKSAR, September 2022 – present
- Member of the Board of Governors, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, 2018–present
- Member, the Insurance Appeals Tribunal of Hong Kong, 2017–present
- Psychology and Marketing, 2019–present
- Journal of Marketing, 2012–present
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2004–present
- 營銷科學, 2004–present
- Journal of Retailing, 2001–present
- Journal of Business Research, 1997–present
- Journal Papers
- Zhang, Y, Hui, M.K. and Du, J. (2023), “Controllability and Consumers’ Preference for Sad and Happy Esthetic Stimuli when Feeling Sad,” Psychology and Marketing, 40(2), 317-327.
- Zhou, L., Hui, M.K., Zhou, L., and Li, S. (2022), “Cultural Congruity and Extension of Corporate Heritage Brands: An Empirical Analysis of Time-honored Brands in China,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(5), 1092-1105.
- Wan, L.C., Hui, M.K., and Qiu, Y. (2021), “Tourist misbehavior: Psychological closeness to fellow consumers and informal social control,” Tourism Management, 83, Article number 104258.
- Jiangang Du, Qiuying Zheng, Michael King-man Hui, and Xicheng Fan (2019), “Can Fear Be Eaten? The Emotional Outcomes of Consuming Frightening Foods or Drinks,” Psychology and Marketing, 36(11), 1027-1038.
- Huang, X, Zhang, M., Hui, M.K. and Wyer, R.S. (2014), “Warmth and Conformity: The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Product Preferences and Financial Decisions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24, 241-250.
- Fock, H., Hui, M.K., Au, K.Y., and Bond, M.H. (2013), “Moderation Effects of Power Distance on the Relationship between Types of Empowerment and Employee Satisfaction,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(2), 281-298.
- Cai, F., Shen, H., and Hui, M.K. (2012), “The Effect of Location on Price Estimation: Understanding Number-Location and Number-Order Associations,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), 718-724.
- Wan, L., Hui, M.K, and Wyer Jr., R.S. (2011), “The Role of Relationship Norms in Responses to Service Failures,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38(2), 260-277.
- Fock, H., Chiang F., Au K.Y., and Hui, M.K. (2011), “The Moderating Effect of Collectivistic Orientation in Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction Relationship,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 319-328.
- Hui, M.K., Ho, C., and Wan, L. (2011), “Prior Relationships and Consumer Responses to Service Failures: A Cross-Cultural Study,” Journal of International Marketing, 19(1), 59-81.
- Zhou, L., Yang, Z. and Hui, M.K. (2010), « Non-Local or Local Brands? A Multi-Level Investigation into Confidence in Brand Origin Identification and Its Strategic Implications,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 202-218.
- Hui, M.K., Au, K. and Zhao, X. (2007), “Interactional Justice and the Fair Process Effect: The Role of Outcome Uncertainty,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 210-220.
- Hui, M.K., Tse, A.C. and Zhou, L. (2006), “Interaction Between Two Types of Information on Reactions to Delays,” Marketing Letters, 17, 151-162.
- Woo, K.S., Fock, H. and Hui, M.K. (2006), “An Analysis of Endorsement Effects in Affinity Marketing: The Case of Affinity Credit Cards,” Journal of Advertising, 35(3), 103-113.
- Fock, H., K.S. Woo and Hui, M.K. (2005), “The Impact of a Prestigious Partner on Affinity Card Marketing,” European Journal of Marketing, 39, 33-53.
- Hui, M.K., Zhao, X., Fan, X.C. and Au, K. (2004), “When Does the Service Process Matter? A Test of Two Competing Theories,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31(2), 465-475.
- Poon, P., Hui, M.K. and Au, K. (2004), “Consumer Attributions for Service Failures: A Cross-cultural Comparison,” European Journal of Marketing, 38, 1527-1540.
- Hui, M.K., Au, K. and Fock, H. (2004), “Reactions of Service Employees to Organization-Customer Conflict: A Cross-cultural Comparison,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21, 107-121.
- Hui, M.K., Au, K. and Fock, H. (2004), “Empowerment Effects Across Culture,” Journal of International Business Studies, 35, 46-60.
- Zhou, L. and Hui, M.K. (2003), “Symbolic Value of Foreign Products in the People’s Republic of China,” Journal of International Marketing, 11(2), 36-58. This paper was featured in an article entitled “Foreign products in China retain symbolic value for consumers,” Marketing News (published by the American Marketing Association), June 23, 2003.
- Hui, M.K. and Zhou, L. (2003), “Country-of-Manufacture Effects for Known Brands,” European Journal of Marketing, 37(1/2), 133-153.
- Hui, M.K. and Toffolli, R. (2002), “Perceived Control and Consumer Attributions Regarding the Service Encounter,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(9), 1825-1844.
- Hui, M.K. and Zhou, L. (2002) “Linking Product Evaluations and Purchase Intention for Country-of-Origin Effects,” Journal of Global Marketing, 15(3/4), 95-116.
- Au, K., Hui, M.K. and Leung, K, (2001), “Who should be responsible? Effects of voice and compensation on responsibility attribution, perceived justice, and post-complaint behaviors across cultures,” International Journal of Conflict Management, 12(4), 351-365.
- Hui, M.K. and Au, K. (2001), “Justice Perceptions of Complaint Handling: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between PRC and Canadian Customers,” Journal of Business Research, 52(2), 161-173.
- Hui, M.K., Thakor, M. and Gill, R. (1998), “The Effect of Delay Type and Service Stage on Consumers’ Reactions to Waiting,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 469-478.
- Laroche, M., Kim, C., Hui, M.K. and Tomiuk, M.A. (1998), “A Test of Nonlinear Relationship between Linguistic Acculturation and Ethnic Identification,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29(3), 418-433.
- Hui, M.K., Laroche, M. and Kim, C. (1998), “A Typology of Consumption Based on Ethnic Identity and Acculturation,” European Journal of Marketing, 32 (9/10), 863-883.
- Hui, M.K., Dube, L. and Chebat, J.C. (1997), “The Impact of Music on Consumers’ Reactions to Waiting for Services,” Journal of Retailing, 73(1), 87-103.
- Hui, M.K., Kim, C., Laroche, M. and Joy, A. (1997), “Psychometric Properties of an Index Measure of Ethnicity in a Bi-Cultural Environment,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(1), 14-27 (Best Paper Award, for all papers published in the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences in 1997).
- Laroche, M., Kim, C., Hui, M.K. and Tomiuk, M.A. (1997), “A Multidimensional Perspective on Acculturation and Its Relative Impact on Consumption of Convenience Foods,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10 (1/2), 35-56.
- Laroche, M., Kim, C. and Hui, M.K. (1997), “A Comparative Investigation of Dimensional Structures of Acculturation for Italian- and Greek-Canadian,” Journal of Social Psychology, 137 (3), 317-331.
- Hui, M.K. and Zhou, L. (1996), “How Does Waiting Duration Information Influence Customers’ Reactions to Waiting for Services?” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(19), 1702-1717.
- Hui, M.K. and Tse, D.K. (1996), “What to Tell Consumers in Waits of Different Lengths: An Integrative Model of Service Evaluation,” Journal of Marketing, 60(April), 81-90. (Reprinted in Batseon, J.E.G. and Hoffman, K.D. (1999), Managing Services Marketing: Text and Readings, Dryden Press)
- Laroche, M., Kim, C., Hui, M.K. and Joy, A. (1996) “An Empirical Study of Multidimensional Ethnic Change: The Case of the French Canadians in Quebec,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27(1), 114-131.
- Laroche, M., McTavish, R., Hui, M., Kim, C., Johnson, L. and Rankine, S. (1995), “Consumption Pattern and Lifestyle Differences between English-French Canadian and Australian Consumers,” International Journal of Business Studies, 3(2).
- Laroche, M., Hui, M.K. and Zhou, L. (1994), “A Test of the Effects of Competition on Consumer Brand Selection Processes,” Journal of Business Research, 31(1/2), 171-181 (Best Paper Award, 1993 Seminar on Strategic Evaluation Research, American Marketing Association).
- Hui, M., Joy, A., Kim, C. and Laroche, M. (1993) “Equivalence of Lifestyle Dimensions Across Four Major Subcultures in Canada,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 5(3), 15-35.
- Bateson, J.E.G. and Hui, M.K. (1992), “Ecological Validity of Slides and Video in Simulating the Service Environment,” Journal of Consumer Research, 19(2), 271-281.
- Kirpalani, V.H., Mun, K.C. and Hui, M.K. (1992), “Hong Kong and China: Strategic Options for Investors,” Long Range Planning, 25(2), 44-51.
- Hui, M.K. and Bateson, J.E.G. (1991), “Perceived Control and the Effects of Crowding and Consumer Choice on the Service Experience,” Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 174-184.