Professor of Marketing
Director of Business Research Training Center (BRTC), FBA
Coordinator of Executive Education, FBA
Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), UM
- Certificate in Business & Entrepreneurship professional training program, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
- Certificate of Development, Leadership & Globalization program, Universidade de Coimbra
- Certificate in CWCD (HKUST session), Harvard Business School
- Ph.D. (Summa Cum Laude) in Marketing, Peking University
- MBA in Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
- BA in Politics, National Taiwan University
Current positions
- Director, Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), UM (2018/08 to present)
- Independent Non-Executive Director (INED), Lai Si Enterprise Holding (HK) (2022/04 to present)
- Director, Business Research and Training Center, FBA, UM (2022/07 to present)
- Coordinator of Executive Education, FBA, UM (2022/01 to present)
- Adjunct Professor of The Centre for Macau Studies (CMS), UM (2018/03 to present)
Previous positions
- Head of General Education Implementation, AAO, UM
- Interim Director of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program, FBA, UM
- Acting Associate Department Head of Management and Marketing, FBA, UM
- Coordinator of General Education Enhancement, CTLE, UM
- Research Fellow, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, UM
- Assistant Professor & Coach of debate team, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau
- Project Manager, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), Beijing
- Research Assistant, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing
- University Council member, UM (2018 to present)
- UM Senate member, UM (2018 to present)
- Director, UMTec Ltd., UM (2019 to present)
- Member of the Economic Development Commission, Macau S.A.R. Government (2021 to present)
- 200+ community services, lectures, and speeches
- 900+ editorials, opinion and column articles in local media
- Associate Editor, European Journal of Marketing (to be announced)
- Editorial review board member, Psychology & Marketing (2023 to present)
- Editorial board member, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (2012 to present)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer of Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Advertising, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, and so on.
- University of Macau Outstanding Academic Staff Award, 2023/2024
- Long Service Award of University of Macau, 2023
- Best Research Award (Department Level, FBA, 2016-2018), 2018
- Best Teaching Award (Department Level, FBA, 2016-2018), 2018
- University of Macau Outstanding Academic Staff Award, 2017/2018
- Long Service Award of University of Macau, 2018
- Best Teaching Award (Faculty Level, FBA, 2015-2017), 2017
- Best Service Award (Faculty Level, FBA), 2016
- Best Teaching Award (Department Level, FBA, 2013-2015), 2015
- Best Service Award (Department Level, FBA, 2013-2015), 2015
- World’s Top 2% scientists ranked by Stanford University, 2023, 2024
- Second Prize of the 5th Zhuhai Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Award (第五届珠海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖政府奖,二等奖), 2024
- Best Reviewer Award, Psychology & Marketing, 2023
- ESI Top 1% highly cited paper in 2022 (Web of Science): City resilience and recovery from COVID-19: The case of Macao (Elsevier), 2023
- Emerald 2022 Literati Award Winner: Outstanding Reviewers (APJML), 2022
- ESI Top 1% highly cited paper in 2021 (Web of Science): Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: Hospitality industry in Macao under COVID-19 pandemic (Emerald), 2021
- Emerald 2020 Literati Award Winner: Highly Commended Paper in 2020: Celebrity poses and consumer attitudes in endorsement advertisements (APJML), Emerald, 2021
- ESI Top 1% highly cited paper in 2020 (Web of Science): How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry (Emerald), 2021
- Emerald 2020 Literati Award Winner: Highly Commended Paper in 2020: Co-creation and co-destruction of service quality through customer-to-customer interactions: Why prior experience matters (IJCHM), Emerald, 2021
- Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, 2020.
- One of 20 best articles (influential and highly cited) on customer loyalty chosen by the editors of International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (Do perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos), 2020.
- Best Paper Award, The 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering with Second Workshop on Data Engineering meets intelligent food and COoking Recipes, Macau, China, 2019
- Best Paper Award, The 19th Cross Strait Forum on Continuing Education, Tianjin, China, 2018
- Chinese Management Association Mr. Lu Feng Zhang Memorial Medal, 2017
- Top 100 Research-Active Marketing Scholars in Asia during 2011-2016, ranked by Asia Marketing Journal, 2017.
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Taipei Municipal Chengyuan Junior High School, 2016.
- Emerald’s prime picks: Specially selected articles, 2013: Understanding perceived casino service difference among players (IJCHM), 2013.
- Outstanding Marketing Teacher Award (finalist in 2012), Academy of Marketing Science, USA.
- Graduate with Honors, Peking University
- Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Scholarship, Peking University
- Henan Lingrui Pharmaceutical Scholarship, Peking University
- Best Paper Award, International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, South Korea. 2008.
- Best Paper Award, The 3rd Chinese Youth Development Symposium, Guangzhou, China. 2007.
- Outstanding student, Peking University
- Outstanding university student, China Youth Corps
- Outstanding student, National Taiwan University
Internal Grants
- 2025-2026. PI. Visual perspective’s impacts on different levelled online influencers marketing development (MYRG-GRG2024-00120-FBA)
- 2025-2026. Co-PI. Threshold discount: What drives you to spend more respectively (MYRG-GRG2024-00232-FBA) (led by Prof. Cheris Chow)
- 2024-2025. PI. How does social class influence consumers’ willingness for AI adoption (MYRG-GRG2023-00054-FBA)
- 2024-2026. PI. Study on Continuing education training, marketing, and strategy (CCE/PRJ001/2023)
- 2023-2024. PI. How do AI-based service frontlines affect consumer dishonesty (MYRG2022-00151-FBA)
- 2022-2025. PI. A study of comprehensive development strategy for executive education in GBA (FBA/INT/22/MAY/005)
- 2022-2024. Co-PI. Computational social sciences and humanities: A cross-disciplinary research guided by theory of selective spiral (CRG2021-00002-ICI) (led by Prof. Xinshu Zhao)
- 2021-2023. PI. Applying Pygmalion effect to analyze how do leaders’ and co-workers’ expectations influence employee green behaviors (MYRG2020-00129-FBA)
- 2020-2022. PI. The eclipsing effect of celebrity endorsers on consumer’s brand recall (MYRG2019-00037-FBA)
- 2019-2021. Co-PI. Health and communication: Understanding media coverage and content to improve diseases treatment and prevention (MYRG2018-0062-FSS) (led by Dr. Angela Chang)
- 2018-2020. PI. A study of influence of perceptual fluency processing on celebrity recognition and celebrity endorsement (MYRG2018-00078-FBA)
- 2016-2018. PI. An empirical study about how social media marketing affect brand attitude and communication effectiveness (MYRG2016-00050-FBA)
- 2016-2018. PI. Investigating antecedents-brand experience model: Case from catering industry (MYRG2016-00049-FBA)
- 2016-2018. PI. The impact of brand equity on brand attitude and purchase intention from hotel customers’ mindset perspective (MYRG2016-00048-FBA)
- 2014-2016. PI. Does CSR initiatives perception enhance customers’ preference and repurchase? A cross culture study (MYRG2014-00095-FBA)
- 2014-2016. PI. Chinese migrant workers’ adoption of urban consumer habits (MYRG2014-00096-FBA)
- 2012-2013. PI. The research of relationships among brand loyalty, perceived benefit, attitude, and purchase intention with co-branded products: An empirical study in Greater China area (MYRG011(Y1-L1)-FBA12-LTC)
- 2011-2012. PI. The consumers internet-based group buying influential factor model: The empirical study in China (MYRG010(Y1-L1)-FBA11-LTC)
- 2010. PI. The research of perception toward endorsers in sports marketing: An empirical study of Chinese consumers in Greater China (RG008/09-10S/LTC/FBA)
- 2009. PI. Research of redemption behavior for credit card reward programs (RG008/08-09S/LTC/FBA)
External Grants
- 2024. Co-PI. Comparative analysis and countermeasure research on the development of high-end talents in Suzhou and the Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, funded by Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau (苏州市科学技术局,软科学研究指令性计划).
- 2023. Advisor. Challenges and opportunities for the Macau gaming industry in the next decade (2023 to 2033), funded by Macao Foundation (澳門基金會).
- 2021-2023. PI. Examining self-efficacy and health behavior amid COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative study among Chinese and Portuguese diet culture, funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Chinese and Portuguese Bilingual Talent Training and Cooperation of Education and Research for Macao Higher Education (澳門高等院校中葡人才培訓及教研合作專項資助計劃).
- 2021-2023. Co-PI. Validation of Portuguese e-health literacy amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study on adults in Macao SAR and Portugal, funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Chinese and Portuguese Bilingual Talent Training and Cooperation of Education and Research for Macao Higher Education (澳門高等院校中葡人才培訓及教研合作專項資助計劃).
- 2021. Co-PI. Research on the “soft construction” path of innovation community in Suzhou, funded by Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau (苏州市科学技术局,软科学研究指令性计划).
- 2020-2022. Co-PI. Research on the multi-subject cognition, cross-level internalization and influence mechanism of corporate green behavior, funded by Ministry of Education in China (教育部人文社会科学基金一般项目).
- 2020-2021. Co-PI. Chinese emotion study towards novel coronavirus (COVID-19) – From discovery of blame attributions to future enlightenment, funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education Fund (澳門高等院校人文社會範疇研究專項資助計劃).
- 2019-2022. Co-PI. Antecedents of residents’ collection intentions for household solid waste and the government regulation interaction model, funded by of Guangdong Provincial Government, China (广东省哲学社会科学规划项目)
- 2019-2021. Co-PI. Tackling health misinformation on social media by applying data mining techniques, funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education Bureau (澳門高等院校人文社會範疇研究專項資助計劃).
- 2019-2021. Co-PI. A multilevel study on the driving mechanism of green behavior: Based on the Pygmalion Model, funded by Ministry of Education of PRC (教育部中央高校基本科研业务培育项目).
- 2019. Co-PI. Macao entrepreneurship index research, funded by SMEs service platform and Macao Economic Services (Direcção dos Serviços de Economia 澳門經濟局). (consultancy project).
- 2018-2019. Co-PI. The Investigation of talent demand in retailing industry in Macau, funded by Talents Development Committee (澳門人才發展委員會). (consultancy project, led by Prof. Davis Fong).
- 2018-2019. Co-PI. An exploratory study about industry-university-research cooperation innovative mechanism: Innovative service & Ningbo intelligent manufacturing: Evolution from ‘bonsai model’ to ‘rain forest model’, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (宁波市哲社规划课题,科学基金一般项目).
- 2018. Co-PI. Macao entrepreneurship index research, funded by SMEs service platform and Macao Economic Services (Direcção dos Serviços de Economia 澳門經濟局). (consultancy project).
- 2017. Co-PI. Macao entrepreneurship index research, funded by SMEs service platform and Macao Economic Services (Direcção dos Serviços de Economia 澳門經濟局). (consultancy project).
- 2016. Co-PI. Macao entrepreneurship index research, funded by SMEs service platform and Macao Economic Services (Direcção dos Serviços de Economia 澳門經濟局). (consultancy project).
- 2015-2017. Co-PI. Rethinking the development path of Zhejiang modern service industry cluster orientation to global value network, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (浙江省哲社规划课题,科学基金一般项目).
- 2015-2016. Co-PI. Research on the development trend of “Industrial 4.0” and Ningbo city’s countermeasures, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (宁波市哲社规划课题,科学基金一般项目).
- 2014-2016. Co-PI. Assistance scheme of employment development for disabled- Phase II, funded by Social Welfare Bureau (Instituto de Acção Social de Macau澳門社工局). (consultancy project, led by Prof. Raymond Loi).
- 2014-2015. Co-PI. The influence of non-mandatory central provident fund system on the business sector, funded by Associação Comercial de Macau (澳門中華總商會). (consultancy project, led by Prof. Rose Lai).
- 2014. PI. Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU)’s Call Center service quality investigation, funded by Banco Nacional Ultramarino (澳門大西洋銀行). (consultancy project).
- 2013. PI. The service quality investigation for general counter service of BNU: Through an initial Mystery Shopper method, funded by Banco Nacional Ultramarino (澳門大西洋銀行). (consultancy project).
- 2012-2013. Co-PI. A Study on improving satisfaction of Zhejiang residents’ leisure tourism in Taiwan, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (浙江省台办,科学基金一般项目).
- 2012-2014. Co-PI. The research of bilateral relationships, economic development, and trade policies after Ma’s second presidency in Taiwan, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (浙江省哲社规划课题,科学基金一般项目).
- 2012. PI. The initiative study to reserve and limit regulations about election campaign promotion: A cross-regional perspective, funded by Office for Personal Data Protection (澳門個人私隱保護辦公室 Gabinete para a Protecção de Dados Pessoais, GPDP) (consultancy project) .
- 2011-2015. Co-PI. An empirical study on the migration of Taiwan’s knowledge-intensive service cluster in the Yangtze River Delta region in post ECFA period, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (教育部人文社科基金,科学基金一般项目).
- 2008-2010. Co-PI. The research of bilateral relationships, economic development, and trade policies after Ma presidency in Taiwan, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (浙江省社科规划专项研究).
- 2005-2006. Co-PI. The research of feasibility evaluation of virtual airport implementation in Macau International Airport, funded by C.A.M., Soc.Do Aeroporto Intervacional De Macau (澳門國際機場專營公司). (consultancy project, led by Prof. Xue, H).
Current courses
- Doctoral Course
- Doctoral Seminar in Marketing Theories (MKTG8012: PhD)
- Research Method for Business and Management Research (BAGC8300: DBA)
- International Marketing (MKTG8350: DBA)
- Master Course
- International Marketing Strategy (MKTG7300: EMBA)
Available courses
- Undergraduate Course
- Business to Business Marketing (MKTG3001)
- Strategic Management (MGMT330)
- Principles of Marketing (MKTG2000)
- Certificate/Diploma Course
- Strategic Management for Casino Industry (GMAD006: Advanced Diploma in Gaming Management, ISCG)
- Strategic Management & Decision making (CCE)
- Advertising and communication
- Marketing, service and branding strategy
- Hospitality & Tourism research
- Green marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Consumer behavior and celebrity endorsement in hi-tech and AI contexts
Selected Journal Papers
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Lai, I.K.W. (2025). The dynamic joint roles of green human resource management and environmentally specific transformational leadership on team green behavior. Tourism Management, 107, 105046.
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Ma, Y. (2024). How AI awareness can prompt service performance adaptivity and technologically-environmental mastery, Tourism Management, 105, 104971.
- Wong, I.A., Xiao, Y., Lin, Z., Sun, D., Huang, J., Liu, M. (2024), Smart hotels but not necessarily smart decisions: the smartness paradox, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(10), 3378-3402.
- Sun, D., Wong, I. A., Huang, G., Kim, J. H., Liu, M. (2024). From savoring past trips to craving future journeys: The role of destination cultural capital and enjoyable reminiscence. Journal of Travel Research
- Wong, I. A., Fong, H., Lin, X., Liu, M. (2024). Organizational fashion as trend setting in the hospitality industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 36(7), 2484-2500.
- Zheng, Y., Shi, G., Zhong, H., Liu, M., Lin, Z. (2023). Motivating strategic front-line employees for innovative sales in the digital transformation era: The mediating role of salesperson learning, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 193, 122593.
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Wong, I. A., Wu, P. (2022). The role of (in)congruence modes between supervisor prescriptive and descriptive norms on employee green behavior, Tourism Management, 93, 104627
- Liu, M., Wang, S., McCartney, G., Wong, I. A. (2021). Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: Hospitality industry in Macao under COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(4), 1249-1275.
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Wong, I. A. (2021). More than lip service to internal market orientation: A multilevel investigation of the role of internal service quality, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(8), 2559-2585.
- Tseng, T., Huang, H. H., Liu, M. (2021). Limited edition advertising does not always work for luxury brands: The influence of consumption contexts, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(5), 1204-1215.
- Liu, Y, Liu, M. (2020). Big star undercover: The reinforcing effect of disfluent celebrity endorsers’ faces on consumer’s brand memory, Journal of Advertising, 49(2), 185-194.
- Ou, J. Wong, I.A., Prentice, C., Liu, M. (2020). Customer engagement and its outcomes: The cross-level effect of casino service environment and brand equity, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(2), 377-402.
- Pérez, A., García de los Salmones, M.M., Liu, M. (2019). Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility communication: An empirical test, Business Ethics: A European Review, 28(3), 275-289.
- Luo, J. Q., Wong, I.A., Liu, M., King, B.E.M., Huang, G. (2019). Co-creation and co-destruction of service quality through customer-to-customer interactions: Why prior experience matters, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), 1309-1329.
- Wong, I.A., Ji. M.K., Liu, M. (2018). The impact of event supportive service environment and authenticity in the quality-value-satisfaction framework, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(4), 563-586.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M. (2018). Explaining inconsistencies in implicit and explicit attitudes towards domestic and foreign products, International Marketing Review, 35(1), 72-92.
- Mo. Z., Liu M., Liu, Y. (2018). Effects of functional green advertising on self and others, Psychology & Marketing, 35(5), 368-382.
- Liu, M., Wong, I. A., Tseng, T., Chang, W.Y., Phau, I. (2017). Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding, Journal of Business Research, 81, 192-202.
- Liu, M., Phau, I., Teah, M. (2017). ‘First in first out’ or ‘Last in first out’: Presentation of information order on evaluation of utilitarian products, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 36, 148-155.
- Liu, M., Yan, L., Phau, I., Pérez, A., Teah, M. (2016). Integrating Chinese cultural philosophies on the effects of employee friendliness, helpfulness and respectfulness on customer satisfaction, European Journal of Marketing, 50(3/4), 464-487.
- Yan, L., Liu, M., Chen, X., Shi, G., (2016). An arousal-based explanation of affect dynamics, European Journal of Marketing, 50(7/8), 1159-1184.
- Shi, G., Yuan, P., Liu, M., Wang, Y., Bu, H. (2016). Customer relationship investment and relationship strength: Evidence from insurance industry in China, Journal of Services Marketing, 30(2), 201-211.
- Chu, R., Leonhardt, J., Liu, M. (2015). Chinese migrant workers’ adoption of urban consumer habits, Marketing Letters, 26(1), 57-66.
- Liu, M., Wong, I.A., Chu, R., Tseng, T. (2014). Does perceived CSR initiatives enhance customer preference and loyalty in casinos? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(7), 1024-1045.
- Liu, M., Wong, I.A., Shi, G., Chu, R., Brock, J. (2014). The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and perceived brand quality on customer based brand preference, Journal of Services Marketing, 28(3), 181-194.
- Cheng, M., Wong, I.A., Liu, M. (2013). A cross-cultural comparison of world heritage site image: The case of Hue. Tourism Analysis, 18(6), 707-712.
- Wong, I.A., Fong, H., Liu, M. (2012). Understanding perceived casino service difference among players, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(5), 753-773.
- Shi, G.C., Shi, Y., Chan, A.K.K., Liu, M., Fam, K.S. (2011). The mediating role of renqing between customer relationship investment and relationship commitment in China, Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 496-502.
- Liu, M., Brock, J. (2011). Selecting a female athlete endorser in China: The effect of attractiveness, match-up, and consumer gender difference, European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8), 1214-1235.
Selected Conference Papers and Keynote Presentation (100+)
- Wang, X., Liu, M., Loi, H. N., Xu, M. (2024). New technologies in casino marketing. The 2024 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, December 5-7, 2024 at São Miguel, Azores, Portugal.
- Wang, X., Liu, M., Loi, H. N., Chen, Y. (2024). High technology application in influencer marketing. The 2024 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, December 5-7, 2024 at São Miguel, Azores, Portugal.
- Hong, K., Yuen, S.M., Ma, Y., Liu, M. (2024). How video’s color hue style affects influencers with different follower size. The 2024 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, December 5-7, 2024 at São Miguel, Azores, Portugal.
- Zhu, M., Liu, M., Song, X. (2024). The interplay between color temperature and psychological distance. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 27-29, 2024 at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Song, X., Liu, M., Zhu, M., Mo, Z. (2024). When it comes to love, do you believe in fate or choices? Consumer reactions to algorithm (vs. human) dating recommendation agents. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 27-29, 2024 at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Zhu, M., Liu, M., Song, X. (2024). Human-AI moral relation: When would people regard AI as moral patient? ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 27-29, 2024 at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Wang, S., Liu, M., Wang, C., Chen, J. (2024). Visualizing emerging trends in collaborative consumption: a scientific map. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2024, May 10-12, 2024 at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Liu, M. (2024). How death reminders encourage languishing people to travel: A TMT and COR perspective. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2024, May 10-12, 2024 at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Xue, J., Liu, M., Liu, Y., Mo, Z., Zhou, X. (2024). Diversity and inclusion in AI – human employee interaction: Influence of employees with disability on consumer response. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2024, May 10-12, 2024 at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Deng, B., Liu, M., Wang, X., Loi, H.N. (2023).Omni-channel and marketing communication in second-hand luxury trade business: Examples from two leading companies in the US and China. The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, November 30- December 2, 2023, at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Gao, M., Liu, M., Loi, H.N. (2023). Understanding the critical knowledge of Live Streaming Commerce eco-system development in China. The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, November 30- December 2, 2023, at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Wang, X., Xue, J., Liu, M., Loi, H.N. (2023). Social media presence impacts AI influencer’s endorsement. The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, November 30- December 2, 2023, at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Song, X., Ma, Y. (2023). How tourism employees perceive intelligent machines adoption in human resource management practices. Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality, November 10-12, 2023, at Macau University of Science & Technology, Macau, China.
- Deng B., Liu, M., Song, X. (2023). How to strategize for omni-channel retail with second-hand luxury trade: A sustainable circular fashion business example from P-company in Macau. Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2023, November 9-10, 2023, at UEH University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Zhu, M., Liu, M. (2023). How AI agent affects consumer lying behavior: An empirical examination of contemporary practices. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2023, September 22-24, 2023 at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
- Song, X., Liu, M. (2023). Why the recommendation agent (RA) is going to backfire? Evidence from consumers’ shunning recommended products. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2023, September 22-24, 2023 at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
- Wang, S., Wang, C., Liu, M. (2023). Digital divide in marketing: A science map, bibliometric analysis and further research agenda. Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference 2023, September 22-24, 2023 at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
- Wang, X., Xue, J., Liu, M. (2023). The impact of social media presence on purchase intention in AI influencer endorsement: A serial mediation model investigation. The 24th Chinese Marketing International Conference, June 23-26, 2023 at Chengdu, China.
- Xue, J., Liu, M. (2023). If a celebrity clones a virtual avatar, will the endorsement effectiveness be surprising? Evidence from multi-approaches. Organisational Neuroscience Conference, an Interest Group of the Academy of Management, June 15-17, 2023, at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Pérez, A., Collado, J., Liu, M. (2023). Comparing consumer intention to purchase ethical fashion cross-culturally. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 23-26, 2023, at University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
- Liu, M. (2023). [keynote presentation] High quality global talent development in digital era. The 3rd GHMGBA HR development Summit, May 20, 2023, at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China.
- Mo, Z., Liu, Y., Liu, M. (2022). The effect of brand similarity, moral disengagement, and ethical mind-set on consumers’ copycat brand consumption. The 2022 Annual Conference of JMS China Marketing Science, December 16-18, 2022 at Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
- Mo, Z., Guo, A., Wong, I. A., Liu, M. (2022). The joint role of green human resource management and green transformational leadership on tourism team pro-environment behavior. The 2022 Annual Conference of Tourism Tribune, November 19-20, 2022 (online due to COVID-19) at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
- Jiao, W., Liu, M., Chang, A. (2022). Modeling the mediating and moderating roles of food media exposure, food literacy, fear of coronavirus anxiety, and healthy eating among Chinese. The 5th Medicine, Humanity and Media: Rethinking Global Health & Communication International Conference, November 5, 2022 (online due to COVID-19) at Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Wang, S., Liu, M. (2022). Green marketing in marketing and related fields: Theoretical roots, research trajectories, and research themes. 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 16-19, 2022 at Indiana Convention Center, Marriott Downtown and JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis, USA.
- Gao, M. Liu, M., Loi, H.N. (2022). Exploring the success of Live streaming commerce in China: A literature analysis. International Conference on Business and Industrial Research, Sep 8-9 2022, (online due to COVID-19) at Singapore.
- Xue, J., Liu, M., Loi, H.N. (2022). Exploring factors triggering individual knowledge hiding at the e-commerce operation workplace. The 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management, September 1-2, 2022, (online due to COVID-19) at Naples, Italy.
- Chen, Y., Liu, M., Tseng, T., Loi, H. N. (2022). Matching advertising with gift givers’ stereotypes of recipients: An empirical study of young Chinese buyers. International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences, July 3, 2022, (online due to COVID-19) at Bangkok, Thailand.
- Wang, S., Liu, M. (2021). A bibliometric analysis about social class in marketing. The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2021 Annual Conference, November 29-December 1, 2021 (online due to COVID-19), at University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
- Gao, M., Liu, M., Chu, R. (2021). Information disclosing willingness in using mobile internet. The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2021 Annual Conference, November 29-December 1, 2021 (online due to COVID-19), at University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
- Rochon, F., Chen, Y., Liu, M., Gao, M. (2021). Potential psychological and attitudinal markers for luxury consumption among Chinese and Canadian consumers, Global Fashion Management Conference, November 5-7, 2021 (online due to COVID-19), at Seoul, Korea.
- Chang, A., Liu, M., Jiao, W. (2020). Healthful awareness, concern, and symptoms during the COVID-19 crisis. International Conference on Medicine, Humanity and Media (MHM 2020): Healthy China & Health Communication, November 7-8, 2020 (online due to COVID-19), at Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M., Pérez, A., Mo, Z. (2020). How do knowledge and trust influence fast fashion consumption in an ethical way? An empirical study. The 2020 Global Marketing Conference, November 5-8, 2020 (online due to COVID-19), at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
- Tseng, T., Liu, M., Mo, Z. (2020). Limited edition advertising does not always work for luxury brands: The influence of consumption contexts. The 2020 Global Marketing Conference, November 5-8, 2020 (online due to COVID-19), at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
- Huang, L., Yen, J., Liu, M., Mo, Z. (2020). A multi-criteria approach for patent valuation: An example in Greater Bay area. The 2020 Global Marketing Conference, November 5-8, 2020 (online due to COVID-19), at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M., Mo, Z., Ng, K. (2020). Travel destination image change analysis with python and content analysis: An example from Macau. The 2020 Global Marketing Conference, November 5-8, 2020 (online due to COVID-19), at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
- Liu, M., Liu, Y., Mo, Z. (2020). Analysing Macau’s travel destination image change from 2014 to 2018: A foreign tourist-generated content perspective, Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI) 2020 International Conference, July 10-11, 2020, at Hunan University (online due to COVID-19), Changsha, China.
- Mo, Z., Liu, M. (2020). I expect you green: A multilevel investigation of the influence of leader expectations on employee green behavior, Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI) 2020 International Conference, July 10-11, 2020, at Hunan University (online due to COVID-19), Changsha, China.
- Liu, M. (2019). [keynote presentation] Macau Entrepreneurship Index research report in 2019, The 3rd ‘Macao, Xiamen and Kinmen’ Youth Forum, November 3-6, 2019, at Fliport Software Park Hotel, Xiamen, China.
- Liu, M. (2019). [keynote presentation] How does ‘Programa de Desenvolvimento e Aperfecoamento Continuo (PDAC)’ enhance continuing education development in Macau: Current situation and future suggestions, The 20th Cross Strait Forum on Continuing Education, October 29-31, 2019, at Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M. (2019). Gain more by showing less- attenuating the endorser’s face can enhance brand memory, Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2019, September 20-21, 2019, at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ng, K., Liu, Y., Liu, M. (2019). Tracking image change of luxury travel destination by using text-mining The case of Macau, Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2019, September 20-21, 2019, at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Liu, M., Zhao, J. (2019). [keynote presentation] Corporation about continue education among higher education institutes in Greater Bay Area: An example from Macau and Jiangmen, The 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Forum and Economic Development Symposium, September 6-7, 2019, at University of Macau, Macau, China.
- Z., Liu, M. (2019). Proactive personality and employee workplace green behavior: Applying theory of planned behavior, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2019, at Sheraton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Tseng, T., Liu, M., Balabanis, G. (2019). Will made-in tags intervene the effects of limited-quantity scarcity messages for luxury brands? AMS World Marketing Congress, July 9-12, 2019, at University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M., Pérez, A. (2019). Big star undercover: The eclipsing effect of celebrity endorsers’ faces on consumer’s brand recall, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 28-31, 2019, at University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
- Pérez, A., García de los Salmones, M.M., Liu, M. (2019). Attributions of message authenticity in CSR communication, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 28-31, 2019, at University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
- Pérez, A., García de los Salmones, Baraibar-Díez, E., M. Liu, M., Lopez, C. (2019). Maximizing business returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication: Du’s et al. (2010) model put to the test, 2019 Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference. April 29-30, 2019 at Ariel University, Ariel, Israel.
- Chang, A., Hu, J. Y., Liu, Y. Ch., Liu, M. (2019). Data mining approach to Chinese food analysis for diet-related cardiometabolic diseases (Best Paper Award), The 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (Scopus®), April 8-12, 2019, at Parisian Macao, Macau, China.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M., Chen, X. (2019). Mass does it: The role of perceived weight in cuing product evaluation, Journal of Marketing- Research Development Workshop. April 3-4, 2019 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- Liu, M. (2018). Applying case teaching method in continuing education relates to business management (Best Paper Award), The 19th Cross Strait Forum on Continuing Education, October 24-25, 2018, at Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
- Liu, M. (2018). [Invited presentation] Higher education development in Macau and latest development of University of Macau, October 18, 2018, at Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, Ningbo, China.
- Liu, M. (2018). [keynote presentation] Interdisciplinary development and trend for General Education, 2018 International Conference and the 36th Annual Workshop of Chinese Association for General Education, October 3-5, 2018, at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Liu, D. (2018). Factors influencing Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior: An examination and extension of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), The 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, 2018, at Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Liu, M., Lam, I. K., Liu, Y., Tseng, T. (2018). How video bloggers (Vlogger) affect parasocial interaction and brand, The 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, 2018, at Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M. (2018). Does perceptual fluency of celebrity recognition influence celebrity endorsement advertising? The 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, 2018, at Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ou, J., Wong, I. A., Liu, M. (2018). Customer engagement and its outcomes: The roles of service environment and brand equity, The 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, 2018, at Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M., Huang, H. Y. (2018). Limited-quantity scarcity messages for luxury brands: Consider customer in cognitive and emotional consumption, AMS World Marketing Congress, June 27-29, 2018, at The Universidade Lusíada-Norte, Porto, Portugal.
- K. K. Liu, M., Li, Z., Benson, S. (2018). [Panel workshop] Evolution of a multi-cultural research university in Greater China, The International Consortium for Educational Development, June 5-8, 2018 at Crowne Plaza Ravinia at Perimeter, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Liu, M. (2018). [keynote presentation] General Education Courses Design: Through an interdisciplinary approach, Annual Conference of Chinese Association for Suzhi Education, March 29-31, 2018, at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
- Liu, Y., Liu, M. (2017). Holistic perception of celebrity endorsers and the role of unique outline, INFORMS 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, June 7-10, 2017 at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M. (2017). Can product typicality enhance consumers’ attitudes toward goods from economically hostile countries, AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference, June 27-July 1, 2017, at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- T., Liu, M.(2017). Limited edition products for luxury brands: Consider customers in hedonic and utilitarian consumption, Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2017, May 11-12, 2017, at Royal Hotel Seoul, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lei, K., Liu, M. (2017). Why do Chinese consumers buy high end but low key goods: A study in Macau, Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2017, May 11-12, 2017, at Royal Hotel Seoul, Seoul, South Korea.
- Liu, M. (2017). [keynote presentation] General education: Framework, implementation, and issues, Annual Conference of Chinese Association for Suzhi Education, March 9-11, 2017, at Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China.
- Liu, M. (2016). [keynote presentation] Intellectual property protection helps to entrepreneurship and marketing, Mainland and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium 2016 (keynote speaker), October 26, 2016, at Tourism Activities Center, Macau.
- Liu, M. (2016). [keynote presentation] Intellectual property protection in Hong Kong and Macau under “one belt one road” scheme, The conference of integration of Macau and Pearl River Delta under one belt one road scheme, August 26, 2016, at Macau Science Center, Macau, China.
- Tcheong, P., Liu, M., Loi, H. (2016). Challenges and opportunities in the Macau casino gaming industry, International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking, June 6-10, 2016, at The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, USA.
- Liu, M., Tseng, T., Pérez, A., Chang, W.Y.(2016). The impact of customer-based brand equity on purchase intention: The mediating role of brand attitude in hotel industry, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 24-27, 2016, at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.
- Tseng, T., Liu, M.(2016). Examining consumers’ dual-attitudes toward products from a hostile country: May ethnic product typically make a difference, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 24-27, 2016, at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.
- Liu, M., Chang. C. (2016). Major challenges of intellectual property protection: Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, The 11th cross-strait academic conference on public administration- Modernization of public governance: Sustainability and development, May 15-16, 2016, at University of Macau, Macau, China.
- Teah, M, Liu, M. (2016). The counterfeited shopaholic: the case of US travelers, The Mystique of Luxury Brands- Shanghai Conference 2016, May 12-13, 2016, at The Majesty Plaza, Shanghai, China.
- Liu, M., Wong, A., Tseng, T., Chang, W.Y.(2016). Applying CBBE in luxury hotel branding: An empirical study, The Mystique of Luxury Brands- Shanghai Conference 2016, May 12-13, 2016, at The Majesty Plaza, Shanghai, China.
- Liu, M. (2016). [Invited presentation], Differentiation strategy in global competition: An example from Macau, April 22, 2016, at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
- Chang, W. Y., Liu, M. (2016). E-Health literacy: A critical role for online media communication in China, 2016 KABS Annual Spring Conference, April 22-23, 2016, at Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea.
- Yan, L., Liu, M., (2015). Match or not? The beauty of static and dynamic effects of emotional cues from different sources on Ad evaluation: An arousal-based approach, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators Conference, August 14-16, 2015, at Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, Chicago, USA.
- Chang, W. Y., Liu, M., Schulz, P. (2015). Systematic review of obesogenic environmental determinants of diet and the implications of obesity prevention and intervention efforts, IARIA The Fourth International Conference on Global Health Challenges, July 19-24, 2015, at Hotel Novotel, Nice, France.
- Liu, M., Shi, G., Tseng, T. (2015). Do customers prefer casinos with CSR? AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference, July 14-18, 2015, at Palace Hotel, Bari, Italy.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M. (2015). The inconsistency of ethnocentric bias in the dual-attitude model, AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference, July 14-18, 2015, at Palace Hotel, Bari, Italy.
- Liu, M., Yan, L., Brock, J. (2015). Interactive effects of service attributes on customer satisfaction, AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference, July 14-18, 2015, at Palace Hotel, Bari, Italy.
- Liu, M., Chang, C. L. (2015). The major challenges for intellectual property protection of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, The 11th Cross-Strait Conference on Public Administration, May 15-16, 2015, at University of Macau, Macau, China.
- Liu, M. (2014). [Invited presentation] Migrant workers’ adoption of urban consumer habits, December 17, 2014, at Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
- Shi, G., Cao, T., Liu, M., Bu, H.(2014). Responsible gambling and customer commitment, The 5th World Business Ethics Forum, December 9-11, 2014, at University of Macau, Macau SAR, China.
- Bu, H., Shi, G., Liu, M. (2014). A study on consumer repulsion: Evidence from China, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators Conference, August 1-3, 2014, at Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, USA.
- Liu, M., Chu, E.(2014). Social exclusion and consumption pattern: An experimental study, The International Conference on Business and Information, July 3-5, 2014, at Osaka International House Foundation, Osaka, Japan.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M.(2014). The inconsistency of explicit and implicit manifestations of ethnocentric bias, Academy of International Business 2014 Annual Meeting, June 23-26, 2014, at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
- Yan, L., Liu, M. (2014). The effect of employee attributes on customer satisfaction, Academy of International Business 2014 Annual Meeting, June 23-26, 2014, at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
- Liu, M., Wong, I.A., Chu, R. Tseng, T.(2014). Does CSR enhance premium customer preference and loyalty? An empirical study, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, June 3-6, 2014, at The University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
- Tseng, T., Balabanis, G., Liu, M.(2013). Ambivalence in ethnocentric bias, AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference, July 17-20, 2013, at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Liu, M., Chu, R. Tseng, T.(2013). Leveraging affective loyalty and perceived benefits to enhance co-branded products purchase, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2013, at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Loi, H., Liu, M., Chu, R. (2013). Does a socially responsible casino can better retain its employees? An empirical study in Macau, International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking, May 27-31, 2013, at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, USA.
- Shi, G.C., Yuan, P., Wang,Y.G., Liu, M.(2012). Investments in customer relationships and relationship strength: Evidence from insurance industry in China, American Marketing Association(AMA) Summer Marketing Educators Conference, August 17-19, 2012, at Downtown Marriott Chicago, Chicago, USA.
- Chu, R., Liu, M. (2012). What enhance new product usage at the bottom of pyramid? An empirical test from Chinese migrant workers, The 4th Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, July 27-29, 2012, at the Loyola University Chicago Water Tower Campus, Chicago, USA.
- Liu, M., Wong. I.A., Shi, G.C., Zuniga, M., Chu, R. (2012). How corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and brand quality impact brand performance evaluation: An empirical study, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 22-25, 2012, at ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Liu, M., Shi, G.C., Brock, J., Chu, R.(2011). Chinese consumers group buying behavior analysis, AMS-World Marketing Congress of AMS Biannual Conference (session Chair), July 19-23, 2011, at Reims Management School, Champagne, France.
- Liu, M., Brock, J., Shi, G.C.(2011). The consumers online group buying influential factor model, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 23-27, 2011, at Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida, USA.
- Liu, M., Brock, J., Singh, R., Sy-Changco, J. (2011). How customer involvement influences credit card loyalty reward programs, Eastern Academy of Management 48th Annual Meeting, May 11-14, 2011, at Omni Parker House/Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Liu, M., Yuen, S. M. (2010). The Relationship between customers loyalty and value: An empirical study of Chinese banking industry, The 2010 Global Marketing Conference (session Chair), September 9-12, 2010, at Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan.
- Liu, M., Brock, J., Singh, R., Sy-Changco, J. (2010). The empirical study of Indian consumers involvement and redemption behavior of credit card reward programs, The 2010 Global Marketing Conference (session Chair), September 9-12, 2010, at Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan.
- Zhu, Z., Liu, M. (2010). Using balance scorecard (BSC) to evaluate performance of Chinese small and middle enterprises (SME): Match or not? The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (IEEE, EI, ISTP indexed), August 21-23, 2010, Wuhan, China.
- Yuen, S. M., Liu, M., Tong, H. Y. (2010). Discussion and overview: Post-graduate and master degree programmes in logistics and supply chain management, The 4th International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2010, July 25-27, 2010, at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Shi, G.C., Kim S. Fam, Liu, M. (2010). Customer relationship investment, renqing and relationship commitment, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, July 6-8, 2010, at Coventry University Business School, Coventry, UK.
- Wong, I.A., Rosenbaum, M., Liu, M. (2010). Examine value equity in event service: The moderating role of event experience, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2010, at Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Zhu, Z., Liu, M. (2010).The influential factors of SMS usage among youth: An exploratory study to Western exchanging students in Asia, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society(IEEE, ISTP, EI indexed), May 30-31, 2010. Wenzhou, China.
- Zhu, Z., Liu, M., Yuen, S.M. (2010). The research of how e-business improves Hong Kong freight industry operations, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society(IEEE, ISTP, EI indexed), May 30-31, 2010. Wenzhou, China.
- Zhu, Z., Liu, M., Loi, H., Zhang, H.(2010). E-business online payment and credit card industry development in China, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society(IEEE, ISTP, EI indexed), May 30-31, 2010. Wenzhou, China.
- Chen, C., Liu, M. (2010). A study on the structure and mechanism of organizational interpersonal harmony in Chinese context, Eastern Academy of Management 47th Annual Meeting, May 12-15, 2010, at Jewett, The Eastland Park, Portland, Maine, USA.
- Liu, M., Shi, G.C.(2009). Putting web gambling consumer marketing in its place: A Macau example, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, July 7-9, 2009, at Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
- Liu, M., Hefel, A., Wong, I., Chen, C. (2009). How to select a female athlete endorser in China, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2009, at Audencia Nantes School of Management, Nantes, France.
- Liu, M., Zhu, Z.,Huang, H. Zhang. H.(2009). Web gambling with the 4Cs marketing framework: Macau perspective, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society (IEEE, ISTP, EI indexed), May 30-31, 2009. Guiyang, China.
- Liu, M., Zhu, Z.,Pang, C.(2009).3G mobile phone usage in China: Viewpoint from innovation diffusion theory and technology acceptance model, International Conference on Networking and Digital Society (IEEE, ISTP, EI indexed), May 30-31, 2009. Guiyang, China.
- Liu, M. (2009), A research of satisfaction survey of travel and leisure quality in Taiwan: inspiration to Mainland and Macau, The 3rd Pan-Pearl River Delta Quality Forum, March 24-26, 2009, at Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau, China.
- Loi, H., Liu, M. (2009). Improving gaming service quality by developing regulation system: The implications of international casino regulations for Macao, The 3rd Pan-Pearl River Delta Quality Forum, March 24-26, 2009, at Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau, China.
- Liu, M., Brock, J., Chang, Y. (2008). Does redemption reward program of credit card work in China: An empirical study, Asia Academy of Management, December 14-16, 2008, at Caesar Park Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Loi H., Liu, M. (2008). The impact factors of Macau residents perception toward gaming industry, The 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, July 7-9, 2008, at JW Marriott Hotel, Seoul, South Korea.
- Liu, M. (2008). Hi-tech mobile phone adoption intentions: An empirical study in China (Best Paper Award), The 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, July 7-9, 2008, at JW Marriott Hotel, Seoul, South Korea.
- Liu, M. (2008). [keynote presentation] Analysis of gaming industry in Macau: The development and the social impact and employment intention: A survey of Macau residents’ perception, International Casino Development Symposium, January 5-6, 2008, at National Kaohsiung Hospitality College, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M. (2008). [Invited presentation] Reveal casino secrets: The global gaming industry symposium, January 4, 2008, at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Pang, C. (2007). A research note on the practical 10 Ps for internet marketing, The 13th Cross-strait MIS Conference (ISTP indexed), August 18-20, 2007, Beijing, China.
- Loi H., Liu, M. (2007). The reception of gaming industry impact: Macau youth perspectives (Best Paper Award), The 3rd Chinese Youth Development Symposium (in Chinese), November 23-25, 2007, at Sun-Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
- Liu, M., Loi H. (2007). Strategic analysis of gaming and tourism industry in Macau, Academic Conference of Tourism 2007, May 18, 2007, at Aletheia University Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Chu, R. (2006). The development strategy of ‘Good morning’ soybean milk machine, Cross-strait Management Case Conference, December 23-24, 2006, at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Chu, R. (2006). Study of SMEs performance evaluation in mainland China: Base on balance scorecard, International Conference on Innovation & Management, December 8, 2006, at Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Loi H., Liu, M. (2006). Analysis on mainland visitor’s consumption on gaming sector in Macau , 1st Academic Conference of Social Science of Macau, December 7-8, 2006, at Fundação Macau, Macau, China
- Loi H., Liu, M. (2006). Suggestion for Macao gaming industry’s continued development, 1st Academic Conference of Social Science of Macau, December 7-8, 2006, at Fundação Macau, Macau, China.
- Chen, Z., Liu, M. (2006). Computer mediated communication, social network and service industry, IEEE International Conference of Service Systems and Service Management (ISTP, IEEE indexed), October 25-27, 2006, at University de technologie de Troyes, Troyes, France.
- Huang, Y, Liu, M., Shi, G. (2006). The Influences of demographic variables on consumer buying behaviors, Annual Conference of Journal of Marketing Science, October 20-22, 2006, at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
- Liu, M., Nadkarni, S., Huang, Y. (2006). New 4Cs of the internet marketing: A non-typical perspective, The 12th Cross-strait MIS Conference (ISTP indexed), August 18-20, 2006, Hong Kong, China.
- Yu, J. Liu, M., Huang, Y. (2006). Analysis of segment variables of mutual fund individual investors, Financial and Business Conference of China, Taiwan, and Eastern Asia Region, June 6, 2006, at Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Lai, W., Yu, Z. (2006). The study of angel and venture capital investment in Chinese market, , Financial and Business Conference of China, Taiwan, and Eastern Asia Region, June 6, 2006, at Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M. (2006). Why does endorsers’ attractiveness influence consumer purchase intention? The 4th International Contemporary Marketing Conference, May 19, 2006, at National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Chiu, J., Huang, Y. (2006). Consumer segment variables analysis: An example of mutual fund individual investors in consumer finance field, Business Operation and Management Conference, May 18, 2006, at Kainan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M. (2006). A study on professional athlete endorsers’ physical attractiveness: in Chinese context, Business Operation and Management Conference, May 18, 2006, at Kainan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Yu, Z. (2006). The current situation and suggestions of informal private venture investment (angel investment) in Chinese market, Annual Conference of Financial Integration and Innovative Development, April 28, 2006, at Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.
- Liu, M., Jiang, M., Zhang, J. (2005). An empirical study on the impact of endorsers’ attractiveness on consumers’ purchase intention under different match-up level, Annual Conference of Journal of Marketing Science, November 18-20, 2005 at Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Liu, M. (2005). [Invited presentation] How brand endorsers’ attractiveness influence consumer purchase intention, March 28, 2005, at Peking University, Beijing, China.
Books & Book Chapters (20+)
- Liu, M., Zhao, J. (2021). Corporation about continue education among higher education institutes in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: An example from Macau and Jiangmen (粤港澳大湾区高等教育机构与继续教育的合作机遇:以澳门特区与江门市为例) In. Chan, F, Chan, K., Loi, H. & Xiao, J. (Eds.), 澳门特区与江门: 合作、共享、发展 (pp.42-51). Beijing: Economy and Management Publishing House.
- Liu, M. (2020). Sixteen classical and practical management principles for SME operation (創業攻略–理論篇(5):中小企必懂的16條經典實用企業管理法則). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2020). Features and key factors of ‘Creative City of Gastronomy’ development (創意城市美食之都發展的特徵與關鍵因素), In. H.L.S., Zeng, D. M. & Wang, H. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(5): (Chapter 1, pp. 1-15). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2020). Marketing strategies of SMEs in catering industry in Macau: In the context of Macau as ‘Creative City of Gastronomy’ (澳門餐飲界中小企業在創意城市美食之都背景下的市場營銷戰略), In. H.L.S., Zeng, D. M. & Wang, H. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(5): (Chapter 2, pp. 17-28). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2020). Case comments for 10 SMEs (關於十家中小企的案例診斷) (十間澳門餐飲店的創業路), In. H.L.S., Zeng, D. M. & Wang, H. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(5): (Chapter 6, pp. 69-129). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2020). Macau Branding Hub and industrial supporting policies (澳門品牌文化港與企業支援措施). In. Xiang, Y. & Hsu, H. Macau Cultural Industry Development and Analysis 2 (澳門文化產業發展分析II), Macau: Committee of Cultural Industries of Macau SAR.
- Liu, M. (2019). ‘One Belt One Road’ helps Macau entrepreneurial development (一帶一路助力澳門企業發展). In. Li, L. & Law, K. (Eds.), 澳門與一帶一路 (pp. 68-87). Chung Hwa Book Co.
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2019). Something about Macau entrepreneurship index (創業攻略–理論篇(4):那些年我們追的澳門創業指數). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2019). The starting point to establish a small store: Applying focus strategy with differentiated market position (開好一家小店的前提:集中化戰略+差異化定位), In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(4):如何開一間自己的風格小店(Chapter 1, pp. 1-5). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2019). Secrets of opening only a small store with satisfactory sales (只開一家小店也能有理想銷售額的祕密), In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(4):如何開一間自己的風格小店(Chapter 3, pp. 87-96). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2019). Unity is strength: Business district with many small stores gathered (團結力量大:小店商圈模式), In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(4):如何開一間自己的風格小店(Chapter 4, pp. 97-113). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2018). Review and future: Macao youth entrepreneurship support policy (澳門青年創業扶持政策評析與展望). In. Ng. C.L & Hao, Y. F. Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau 2017-2018 (澳門藍皮書–澳門經濟社會發展報告2017-2018, pp.132-148), Macau & Beijing: Macau Foundation & Social Sciences Academic Press.
- Liu, M. (2018). SMEs’ promotion tools and approaches in Macau (澳門中小企業的宣傳促銷與推廣途徑), In. Liu & Yen (Eds.) 創業攻略–理論篇(3):劃重點–中小企創業三項指引 (Chapter 1, pp. 1-14). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2018). New brand: Establishing new brands in Macau (新生品牌:打造澳門原創新品牌). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(3):品牌澳門–中小企創新之路(Chapter 1, pp. 1-11).
- Liu, M. (2018). Introducing brand: Bringing new brand chains to Macau (引進品牌:將連鎖品牌帶進澳門). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(3): 品牌澳門–中小企創新之路(Chapter 2, pp. 43-51).
- Liu, M. (2018). Renew brand: Revitalizing old brands in Macau (再造品牌:澳門老字號如何變身). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(3): 品牌澳門–中小企創新之路(Chapter 3, pp. 83-91).
- Liu, M. (2018). Measuring consumers attitude toward brands with scientific marketing measurements (通過營銷科學方式測量消費者對品牌的看法). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(3) :品牌澳門–中小企創新之路(Chapter 4, pp.123-132).
- Liu, M. (2017). Marketing strategies: Doubling SMEs’ profit (創業攻略–理論篇(2):讓中小企利潤翻倍的營銷戰略). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2017). Differentiation: The first step to run an independent coffee shop (開獨立個性咖啡廳的第一要務). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(2):遇見100% 咖啡師(Chapter 1, pp. 1-10). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2017). How to create a stylish cafe? Case comments for 11 cafes (關於十一家咖啡廳的企業診斷). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(2) :遇見100% 咖啡師(Chapter 2, pp. 13-79). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2017). Are you ready? Six steps of self-evaluation before you run your cafe (你準備好了嗎?開店必須知道的六步驟). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(2) :遇見100% 咖啡師(Chapter 4, pp. 101-109). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M., Chang, C. (2016). Major challenges of intellectual property protection: Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (知識產權保護攸關經濟競爭力-以台港澳之主要挑戰為例). In. Lin, Z. & Wang, J. (Eds.), 公共管理的現代化,承繼與發展 (pp. 483-490). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
- Liu, M. (2016).Fifteen golden rules of marketing (十五道市場營銷黃金法則). In. Ma J. (Ed.), 創業攻略–理論篇(1)(Chapter 4, pp. 57-90). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Liu, M. (2016). Case comments for 20 SMEs (關於二十家中小企的案例診斷). In. H.L.S. & Zeng, D. M. (Eds.), 創業攻略–實戰篇(1)(pp. 7-120). Macau: Happymacao Press.
- Loi, H., Liu, M. (2009). Challenges and opportunities of gaming and hospitality industries in Macau (澳門博彩旅遊業的面臨的機遇和挑戰). In. Yu, Z., Kwang, K. & Yu, W. (Eds.), 雙城記III-港澳政治、經濟及社會發展的回顧與前瞻(pp. 388-396). Macau: Macau Social Sciences Academy.
- Loi, H., Liu, M. (2008). The investigation of perception of gaming industry impact: An empirical study of youth (澳門青少年對博彩業衝擊的認知調查). In. Lu, F.J. (Ed.), 和諧社會建設與青少年發展研究報告(pp. 272-279). Tianjin: Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences.
Doctoral students
- FU Chengjia, Summer (coming soon, PhD)
- ZHENG Shuqi, Tina (YC470743, PhD)
- ZHOU Xuye, Carol (YC470752, PhD)
- SONG Dianqi, Dianqi (YC470251, PhD)
- MA Yutong, Madison (YC370198, PhD)
- ZHU Mingxia, Zelda (YC070205, PhD)
- SONG Xi, Sissie (YC070214, PhD)
- XUE Jin, Cathy (YB970171, PhD) (now Suzhou Institute of Trade & Commerce)
- WANG Shaoshan, Rachel (YB870111, PhD) (now a research center under Shenzhen Municipal Government )
- GAO Ming, Bill (YB870051, PhD) (now University of Saint Joseph & Boss Translation)
- HUANG Li, Lily (YB770133, PhD) (now Southern Medical University)
- LIU Yongdan, Leon (YB570203, PhD) (now Central South University)
- SHI Jianfeng, Jack (YC370578, DBA)
- GAO Zhongcheng (DBA)
- LIU Jiankui (YC270632, DBA)
- WANG Zhe, Alex (YC070365, DBA)
- ZHANG Yutao (YC070356, DBA)
- LI Hongxun (YC070081, DBA)
- LIU Danhua, Angie (YB970313, DBA)
Master Students
- ZHANG Tingxuan, Sabrina (MC365842, MSc Data Science)
- HONG Ka Sin, Cynthia (MC257473, MSc Data Science)
- DENG Bei, Kathryn (MC142461, EMBA)
- WANG Xiao, Sharon (MC045167, MBA)
- ZHOU Qian, Isee (MC045432, EMBA)
- LEONG Chi Io, Karl (MB955084, MSc Data Science)
- Francois ROCHON (MB845272, MBA)
- CHEN Yang Yang, Alice (MB745249, MBA)
- DONG Shi Ying, Winnie (MB646403, MBA)
- LAM Kun Chio, Way (MB645321, MBA)
- LIAO Qi Jia, Michael (MB745022, MBA)
- HUANG Yong, Hyman (MB645062, MBA)
- WONG Si Weng, Flora (MB545069, MBA)
- SI Pui Pui, Cecilia (MB545316, MBA)
- LI Guang Liang, Jason (MB645092, MBA)
- LEUNG Cheuk Pan, Tony (MB645367, MBA)
- NG Kai Lam, Kevin (MB546370, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- CHEN Shao Jun, Karen (MB645071, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- CHANG Kit Peng, Sara (MB545343, MBA)
- LIU Di, Sunny (MB445072, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- LAM I Kei, Pamela (MB545222, MBA)
- WONG Man Han, Michelle (MB244492, MBA)
- LEI Ka Man, Karen (MB445141, MBA)
- LIN Xiao Qian, Shayla (MB344452, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- CHEN Wen Zhu, Gigi (MB445102, MBA)
- LIU Sandra (MB245037, MBA)
- ZENG Qing Ya, Tina (MB344431, MBA)
- MU Wei Qian, Mandy (MB344310, MBA)
- KOK Hei Lam, Melanie (MB345658, MBA)
- YAN Li, Eliane (MB244030, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- LOU Ka Ieng, Karen (MB244021, MBA)
- ZHENG Chan Xi, Chancy (MB244332, MBA)
- LAO Kin Ngan, Maisie (MB042224, MBA) (Outstanding Academic Papers by Students)
- CHU Fun Leng, Eunice (MB042375, MBA)
- CHAN Weng I, Kelly (MB042206, MBA)
- CHANG Kit Keng, Yuki (MA957553, MBA)
- ZHAI Shu, Sophia (MA857343, MBA)
- ZHAO Ying Ying, Joanne (MA957703, MBA)
- HO Hoi Leng, Emily (MB042423, MBA)
- SHU Hong, Carol (MA957127, MBA)
- XU Ying Ying, Mavis (MA757405, MBA)
- WONG San San, Maggie (MA757556, MBA)
- TAM Hoi Ian, Iris (MA557067, MBA)
- American Marketing Association
- Academy of Marketing Science
- European Marketing Academy
- Black belt (1st Dan), World Taekwon-Do Federation
- ROC Air Force Second Lieutenant
- Certificate of achievement of flight experience (obtained in Hong Kong)
- Certificate of basic course of Thai cookery school (obtained in Chiang Mai)
- Liu, M. (2024). Strengthening the brand and to expand into the young middle-class market, Macao Daily, December 30, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Decreasing price to stimulate more consumption/quantity sold, Macao Daily, December 25, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Do not be afraid of residents going to Guangdong for consumption by having unique advantages, Macao Daily, December 23, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Creating a Mecca for video games and toys/models in Macau, Macao Daily, December 16, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Enhancing promotion to expand tourist market, Macao Daily, December 9, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Setting pop-up stores and strengthening group purchase orders, Macao Daily, December 2, 2024 (A-18, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Promoting patriotism education in Macau through the integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Opportunities and challenges, Macao New Vision, 35 (November), 24-39 (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Creating “Must-Eat in Macau” products, Macao Daily, November 25, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Académico defende ofertas de luxo personalizadas, Hoje Macau, November 19, 2024 (P05, viewpoint) (in Portuguese).
- Liu, M. (2024). Luxury product stores adjust to market conditions, Macao Daily, November 18, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Building strategic cooperation with education centers to attract customers, Macao Daily, November 11, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Adjusting business operation according to market situation, Macao Daily, November 4, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Introducing customer referral campaign and promoting celebrity doctors, Macao Daily, October 28, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Sands China emphasizes staff training, Macao Daily, October 21, 2024 (A-06, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Introducing lunch sets with different dining area to increase revenue, Macao Daily, October 21, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Saving costs and increasing revenue in many ways, Macao Daily, October 14, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Recruiting and training suitable employees, Macao Daily, October 7, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Macao SMEs make good use of artificial intelligence tools and data marketing, Macao Daily, October 3, 2024 (C-9, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Attracting customers by promotion campaign and incentives, Macao Daily, September 30, 2024 (A-18, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Offering diversified courses and increasing parents’ involvement, Macao Daily, September 23, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Building brand awareness is the first priority, Macao Daily, September 16, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Strengthening e-commerce and pet product promotion, Macao Daily, September 9, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Keeping customers through diversified marketing campaign, Macao Daily, September 2, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Rebuilding brand image in retailing sector, Macao Daily, August 26, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Making brand IP outstanding and enhancing promotion, Macao Daily, August 19, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Clear brand positioning and structure help to marketing, Macao Daily, August 12, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Increasing service for seniors and home caring service for postpartum women, Macao Daily, August 5, 2024 (A-1, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Emphasizing on high-tech testing and differentiation, Macao Daily, July 29, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Keeping promoting concerts in a pragmatical way has many economic benefits, Macao Daily, July 28, 2024 (A-11, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Consolidate local customers and attract non-local customers, Macao Daily, July 22, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Emphasizing the never-closed brand spirit and feature, Macao Daily, July 15, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Expanding business in hotel to increase revenue, Macao Daily, July 8, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Maintaining product quality and innovation, Macao Daily, July 1, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Promoting healthy development of Macau’s job market, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), July, 2024 (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Improving customer experience and retaining customer through membership, Macao Daily, June 24, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 13: The Use of Spies, Macao Daily, June 23, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Creating a ‘must-eat shaved ice destination’ for visitors in Macao, Macao Daily, June 17, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Retaining talents by increasing salary or opening to join as franchisee, Macao Daily, June 10, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 12: The Attack By Fire, Macao Daily, June 9, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying flexible working & commuting hours to alleviate Macao’s traffic problems by learning from advanced cities, Macao Daily, June 5, 2024 (C-09, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Building brand image about ‘Macau select’, Macao Daily, June 3, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Helping construction companies inspect old buildings, Macao Daily, May 27, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Adding new service items and expanding in cities with high consumption power in greater bay area, Macao Daily, May 20, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 11: The Nine Battlegrounds, Macao Daily, May 19, 2024 (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Using professional instruments to improve the treatment effects and brand image, Macao Daily, May 13, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Establishing awareness through organizing competitions and exhibitions, Macao Daily, May 6, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 10: Terrain, Macao Daily, May 5, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Mo, Z., Ma, Y., Liu, M. (2024). How do corporate green behaviors spill over into employee green behaviors at work, in public, and at home? —Based on the theoretical perspective of cognitive-affective processing system, Macao New Vision, 34 (May), 11-23 (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Improving customer experience and product selection, Macao Daily, April 29, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Providing dessert catering services for the convention and exhibition industry, Macao Daily, April 22, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 9: The Army on the March, Macao Daily, April 21, 2024 (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Shortening menu, focusing on featured products and promoting to tourists, Macao Daily, April 15, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Highlighting brand story and diversified promotions, Macao Daily, April 8, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics, Macao Daily, April 7, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Setting pop-up store to test market in Zhuhai, Macao Daily, April 1, 2024 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Beauty center and medical clinic have different selling points, Macao Daily, March 25, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Enhancing collaboration and providing additional services for revenue growth, Macao Daily, March 18, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 7: Maneuvering, Macao Daily, March 17, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Promoting concerts in a continuous and pragmatic manner benefits Macau economic development in many ways, Macao Daily, March 13, 2024 (C-09, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Strengthening wholesale business and considering building logistics team, Macao Daily, March 11, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Joining e-commerce platform and building self-owned online shop, Macao Daily, March 4, 2024 (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Enhancing promotion and customized markets, Macao Daily, February 26, 2024. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 6: Weak points and strong, Macao Daily, February 25, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Collaborate to increase brand positioning and awareness, Macao Daily, February 19, 2024. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Carefully selecting and bringing popular brands to Macau community, Macao Daily, February 5, 2024. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Increasing online sessions and enhancing promotion through APP, Macao Daily, January 29, 2024. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 5: Energy, Macao Daily, January 28, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Developing business market and group order, Macao Daily, January 22, 2024. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Emphasizing award-winning quality to win clients, Macao Daily, January 15, 2024. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 4: Tactical Dispositions, Macao Daily, January 14, 2024 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Constantly developing big business clients, Macao Daily, January 8, 2024. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2024). Focusing on target customers and establishing brand awareness, Macao Daily, January 1, 2024. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem, Macao Daily, December 31, 2023 (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Testing market before expansion, Macao Daily, December 25, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 2 Waging War, Macao Daily, December 24, 2023 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Strengthening the brand image of Japanese cafe (Kissaten), Macao Daily, December 18, 2023. (A-18, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Attracting business buyers by promotion and professional, Macao Daily, December 11, 2023. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Mo, Z., Liu, M., Ma, Y. (2023). Spillover effects and constraints on employees’ green behaviors: Taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example, Macao New Vision, 33 (November), 29-38. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Setting pop-up shops to test new markets, Macao Daily, December 4, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing business collaboration and AI teaching mode, Macao Daily, November 27, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 1 Laying Plans, Macao Daily, November 26, 2023 (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Highlighting product features and considering transformation, Macao Daily, November 20, 2023. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Promoting selling proposition and enhancing non retailing parts, Macao Daily, November 13, 2023. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Meeting casino and resorts’ rigid demandabout non-gaming elements, Macao Daily, November 6, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enlarging market share and increasing revenue, Macao Daily, October 30, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing brand features to increase revenue, Macao Daily, October 23, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying two approaches to expand two different markets, Macao Daily, October 16, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Bistros can emphasize on unique selling proposition to win markets, Macao Daily, October 9, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Creating sounding slogan to help marketing, Macao Daily, October 8, 2023 (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing souvenir and customized market to increase revenue, Macao Daily, October 2, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Introducing new products and enhancing oversea market expansion, Macao Daily, September 25, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023).Mystery Shopper: A way to help to ensure corporate service quality, Macao Daily, September 24, 2023. A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Striving for group orders and non-operating revenue, Macao Daily, September 18, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Collaborating with cooperates and institutes is the first priority, Macao Daily, September 11, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Making brand features and core value outstanding, Macao Daily, September 4, 2023. (A-6, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Effective listening is beneficial to business management, September 3, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Empathizing featured products to win larger markets, Macao Daily, August 28, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing to collaborate with major clients, Macao Daily, August 21, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Brands utilize Primary Effect to promote marketing, Macao Daily, August 20, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing brand image and increasing brand awareness, Macao Daily, August 14, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Introducing experiential activities to increase revenue, Macao Daily, August 7, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Elevator pitch helps communication, sales, and financing, Macao Daily, August 6, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Increasing enrollment benefits creating impact, Macao Daily, July 31, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing distribution channel to increase revenue, Macao Daily, July 24, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying the Chameleon effect to strengthen team management, Macao Daily, July 23, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Creating communities to increase revenue, Macao Daily, July 17, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Introducing exclusive products and promoting through effective online platform, Macao Daily, July 10, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Using ‘store-in-store’ operation to enhance branding, Macao Daily, July 9, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Keeping differentiated and promoting precisely, Macao Daily, July 3, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Knowing target customers and focusing on differentiation, Macao Daily, June 26, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Focusing on production/sales and establishing tourist farm, Macao Daily, June 19, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Customer loyalty programs enhances repeated purchases, Macao Daily, June 18, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing promotion to attract young consumers in GBA, Macao Daily, June 12, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing promotion and attracting customers based on professional features, Macao Daily, June 5, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Using AI based digitalization approaches to decrease cost and increase efficiency, Macao Daily, June 4, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Strengthening professional image and building brand competition advantage, Macao Daily, May 29, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Promoting rope skipping with events and collaborating with companies, Macao Daily, May 22, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Collaborating with IR and big companies is the first priority, Macao Daily, May 15, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Marketing application of Barnum effect, Macao Daily, May 14, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Collaborating with schools and educational institutions, Macao Daily, May 8, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Organizing concerts helps economic development. Improve supporting facilities and optimizing experience are critical, Macao Daily, May 3, 2023. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Middle to high end market in stylish barbershop is workable in specific segments, Macao Daily, May 1, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Zhang, X., Li, H., Liu, D. (2023). Using the advantages of “one country, two systems” to revitalize Macao’s tourism and hospitality industrial development after the epidemic, Macao New Vision, 32 (May), 1-7. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Using placebo effect in a proper way to enhance marketing, Macao Daily, April 30, 2023. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing word of mouth promotion and regional cooperation to increase revenue, Macao Daily, April 24, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Adjusting product portfolio based on customers’ needs, Macao Daily, April 17, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023).Knowing customers’ needs and create value, Macao Daily, April 14, 2023. (A-15, keynote speech)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Mobile payment facilitates tourist consumption, Macao Daily, April 11, 2023. (A-4, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Providing customized solutions, Macao Daily, April 10, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Positioning ‘Lite version of Moutai in Macau’ to attract tourists from mainland, Macao Daily, April 3, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Promoting ‘United Nations of craft beer’ brand image, Macao Daily, March 27, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Expanding business market and promoting popular products, Macao Daily, March 20, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Promoting Pu’er tea and night-time drinking to enhance sales, Macao Daily, March 13, 2023. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Adjusting business and marketing focus after pandemic, Macao Daily, March 6, 2023. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). The new regulations offer opportunities to insurance industry in Macau to expand, Macao Daily, February 27, 2023. (A-5, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Emphasizing on customer value to expand customer base, Macao Daily, February 27, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Enhancing community management and course promotion, Macao Daily, February 20, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Expanding customer base to earn more revenue, Macao Daily, February 13, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Making the store a ‘must-visit’ site through internet promotion, Macao Daily, February 6, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Targeting different segments with different selling propositions, Macao Daily, January 30, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Trying shop in shop to help each other, Macao Daily, January 16, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Purchasing commodities precisely with regular promotion to increase sales, Macao Daily, January 9, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Winning more business and recognition from clients outside Macau, Macao Daily, January 2, 2023. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2023). Applying high technology to make Macau a marketing experiential intelligent tourism island, Macao Daily, January 2, 2023. (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Creating economies of scale through franchising, Macao Daily, December 26, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Continuing business collaboration and brand promotion, Macao Daily, December 19, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Seeking the way of ultimate wisdom in reality, Macau Lotus TV (蓮花傳媒), December, 2022 (featured interview)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How to develop brand industry and promote ‘made in Macau’, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), December, 2022 (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Strengthening brand value and professional image, Macao Daily, December 12, 2022. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enriching product line and expanding to business market, Macao Daily, December 5, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Co-branding: Collaborative marketing that creates win-win sales increase, Macao Daily, December 4, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). The way of operating a time-honored brand in Macau: Tradition, transformation and innovation, Macao New Vision, 31 (November), 1-11. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Emphasizing Macao’s characteristics to win market recognition, Macao Daily, November 28, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enterprises learn alligator principle for damage management, Macao Daily, November 27, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Emphasizing professional identification and genuine products, Macao Daily, November 21, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Delivering efficient short video marketing, Macao Daily, November 20, 2022. (A-15, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing wholesale business with precision marketing in retailing sector, Macao Daily, November 14, 2022. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enhancing experiential teaching and promotion, Macao Daily, November 7, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Marketing development and practices of ‘Sheonomy’, Macao Daily, November 6, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Expanding markets with flexible pricing strategies, Macao Daily, October 31, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Collaborating and promoting with organizations to reduce cost, Macao Daily, October 24, 2022. (B-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enhancing customized experience and promotion, Macao Daily, October 17, 2022. (B-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Eliminating workplace discrimination to ensure job equality, Macao Daily, October 16, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Promoting sport and exercise science by professionals, Macao Daily, October 10, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How do companies encourage employees to tell the truth in meetings, Macao Daily, October 9, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enhancing professional and promotion to increase revenue, Macao Daily, October 3, 2022 (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Fu, T. (2022). SMEs can use live streaming to enhance promotion and sales, Macao Daily, October 2, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Get ready for market recovery and growth after pandemic, Macao Daily, September 26, 2022. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Expanding steadily to increase revenue, Macao Daily, September 19, 2022. (A-13, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Establishing leading enterprises through benchmarking, Macao Daily, September 18, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing net profit with quick turnover and small unit profit, Macao Daily, September 12, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Tips of efficient work for getting off work on time, Macao Daily, September 11, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How does Macau recover its economic development after COVD-19 pandemic, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), September, 2022 (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Building brand awareness to increase revenue, Macao Daily, September 5, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Four characteristics of charismatic leaders facing difficulties, Macao Daily, September 4, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Green technology bank development and marekting in Greater Bay Area, CCTV (中央广播电视总台: 央视网), broadcast by 大湾区之声:港清楚, August 30, 2022. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing sales revenue through various approaches, Macao Daily, August 29, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Tips and skills for effective meetings, Macao Daily, August 28, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). A brand from Macau + made in China, Macao Daily, August 22, 2022. (A-14 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Seven habits help you to build deep work, Macao Daily, August 21, 2022. (A-7, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enhancing customer experience and online promotion, Macao Daily, August 15, 2022. (A-22 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing corporate employee sense of belonging by sharing, Macao Daily, August 14, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Introducing affordable standardized package, Macao Daily, August 8, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Adjusting sales focus in a dynamic way, Macao Daily, August 1, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How do Hong Kong and Macau help in establishment of a national carbon emissions trading market in Grater Bay Area, CCTV (中央广播电视总台: 央视网), broadcast by 大湾区之声:港清楚, August 10, 2022. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Rejuvenating the brand to enlarge customer base, Macao Daily, July 25, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Delivering online courses to maintain customer relationships under pandemic, Macao Daily, July 11, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Operating in ‘online shop’ or ‘in-shop’ to save cost, Macao Daily, July 4, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Lowering cost to defend under pandemic, Macao Daily, June 27, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Expanding market to Greater Bay Area based on professional background, Macao Daily, June 20, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Using spiritual rewards and material incentives to motivate employees, Macao Daily, June 19, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Introducing very popular limited edition to create brand awareness, Macao Daily, June 13, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Praise in public; criticize in private: A managerial principle, Macao Daily, June 12, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Empathizing product features and healing functions, Macao Daily, June 6, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Corporate vision helps sustainable development, Macao Daily, June 5, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). The difficulties and solutions of Macau youth employment and development, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), June, 2022. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Pandemic and Sino-US relation are most critical influential factors to Macau’s economic recovery, Interviewed and broadcast by Hong Kong Satellite Television (香港衛視), May 30, 2022. (http://www.hkstv.tv/index/detail/id/100923/category/18.html) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing sales by leveraging electronic consumption benefits plan, Macao Daily, May 30, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Using self-verification theory to enhance human resource management, Macao Daily, May 29, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Lei, (2022). How to influence registration willingness and voting intention of Macau local youth: An empirical study with different information delivery approach, Macao New Vision, 30 (May), 9-19. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Minimizing operating risk to survive is the first priority under COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, May 23, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Performance assessment decides employees’ behavior, Macao Daily, May 22, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Establishing a herbal tea brand that young consumers like, Macao Daily, May 16, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Application of AI in fitness industry, Macao Daily, May 15, 2022. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Moderate diversified business helps to revenue generation, Macao Daily, May 9, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Management by Walking Around helps business operation, Macao Daily, May 8, 2022. (A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Introducing featured product/service to attract customers by following trend, Macao Daily, May 2, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Hang in there with many approaches during pandemic, Macao Daily, April 25, 2022. (A-14 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Promoting culinary delights in Macau to help industry diversification after COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, April 24, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Emphasizing brand spirit and value, Macao Daily, April 18, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Practice what you preach is part of leadership, Macao Daily, April 17, 2022.(B-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Increasing sales revenue through various approaches, Macao Daily, April 11, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Trusting the person you appointed is part of leadership, Macao Daily, April 10, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Changing business model helps to market expansion and revenue growth, Macao Daily, April 4, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Winning people by virtue- A high-end leadership, Macao Daily, April 3, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Moderate transforming business attracts bigger markets, March 28, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Regular weekend off is part of employee occupational health protocol, Macao Daily, March 27, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Organizing theme activities and collaborating with others, March 21, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Giving incentives to hardworking employees to avoid bad management, Macao Daily, March 20, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Introducing signature courses to create brand awareness, March 14, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Great leaders should not get decision fatigue, Macao Daily, March 13, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Multi-business operation helps revenue increase, March 7, 2022. (A-14 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Promoting unsought product in different ways, February 28, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Reducing product line and introducing new promotion to keep/attract customers, February 21, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Overcoming spiral of silence to enhance corporate performance, Macao Daily, February 20, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Celebrity effect and expansion in mainland China increase revenue, February 14, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Promoting sports tourism with differentiated events, Macao Daily, February 6, 2022.(A-14 interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Expanding market by emphasizing added values, Macao Daily, January 31, 2022.(A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Providing excellent service that cannot be replaced by robots, Macao Daily, January 30, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Enhancing customized product and delivery service, Macao Daily, January 24, 2022.(A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Service recovery benefits marketing, Macao Daily, January 23, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Preparing popular products based on customer preference and needs, Macao Daily, January 17, 2022.(A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Leadership is doing the right things, management is doing things right, Macao Daily, January 16, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How do enterprises in Greater Bay Area help national carbon neutrality: Advantages and examples (2/2), Macao Daily, January 12, 2022.(C-08 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Expanding to mainland Chinese market with selected products, Macao Daily, January 10, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Large enterprises are actively transforming under the epidemic, Macao Daily, January 9, 2022.(A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). SMEs in Macau may target middle to high end market in e-commerce, Macao Daily, January 5, 2022.(A-14 interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). How do enterprises in Greater Bay Area help national carbon neutrality: Advantages and examples (1/2), Macao Daily, January 5, 2022.(C-08 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2022). Crossover collaboration helps prompt promotion, Macao Daily, January 3, 2022. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Increasing customer retention helps business diversification, Macao Daily, December 27, 2021. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Developing in a robust way first and expanding later, Macao Daily, December 20, 2021. (B-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Expanding scales to enhance platform economics, Macao Daily, December 13, 2021. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Empathizing on product features and promoting brand, Macao Daily, December 6, 2021. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Improving intellectual property (IP) features based on market needs, Macao Daily, November 29, 2021. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Enhancing to explore customized markets, Macao Daily, November 22, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Using big data technology to enhance insurance marketing, Macao Daily, November 21, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Highlighting main products with precise customer profiling, Macao Daily, November 15, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Creating market needs by expanding business in Zhuhai, Macao Daily, November 8, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Using 354 motivation principle to enhance human resources management, Macao Daily, November 7, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Considering adjusting market position after COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, November 1, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Chiu, J., Liu, M. (2021). Investigating and promoting the 2nd Sino-Japanese War history together: Roles of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Macau, Macao New Vision, 29 (Nov), 65-74. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Leveraging halo effect to enhance product image and selling, Macao Daily, October 31, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Online shopping platforms helps to increase sales of featured products from Macau, October 31, 2021. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Cutting cost through various approaches, Macao Daily, October 25, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). The pros and cons of rank and yank based on Vitality Curve, Macao Daily, October 24, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Improving product portfolio to keep original customers and attract new customers, Macao Daily, October 18, 2021. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Developing customized gift market which helps clients to express appreciations, Macao Daily, October 11, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Collaborating with online shops and supermarkets and enhancing group orders, Macao Daily, October 4, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Providing diversified courses and strengthening personal training programs, Macao Daily, September 27, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Continuing promotion campaign to ensure sales and revenue under COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, September 20, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Focusing on unique selling propositions under pandemic, Macao Daily, September 13, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Invited talk: Academia-industry collaboration helps Macau’s moderate economic diversification. The cooperation zone in Hengqin is a momentum to next stage. Interviewed by 21st Century Business Herald 21世紀經濟報導), broadcast by SFCCN (南方财经网), September 6, 2021. (http://www.sfccn.com/2021/9-6/zNMDE0MDVfMTY2NzYzNg.html) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Maintaining professional position but slightly adjusting product lines and pricing, Macao Daily, September 6, 2021. (A-14, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Forming creative market as one of tourism attractions, Macao Daily, September 5, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Decent transformation helps to go through hard time, Macao Daily, August 30, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Using background music decently helps to marketing promotion, Macao Daily, August 29, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Introducing specific promotion to overcome difficulties together during COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, August 23, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Learning from Japan about its excellent services, Macao Daily, August 22, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Increasing price with good service and customized products, Macao Daily, August 16, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Big data helps marketing in intelligent fire-fighting industry, Macao Daily, August 15, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Building reputation through featured promotion campaign, Macao Daily, August 9, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). AI helps to marketing cosmetics & beauty products, Macao Daily, August 8, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Adjusting marketing mix, Macao Daily, August 2, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). SMEs concentrate on narrow profession/market: On the way to hidden champions, Macao Daily, August 1, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Changing brand image and developing design business, Macao Daily, July 26, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). ‘Made in Macau’ is a good selling point for beer, Macao Daily, July 19, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Adjusting business model and target markets, Macao Daily, July 12, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Making scented candle one of daily necessities, Macao Daily, July 5, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Creative market development in Macau community, Business Incubation Generation (創孵世代), 27(July), 4-7 (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Practical and economic analysis on creative market development in Macau, Business Incubation Generation (創孵世代), 27(July), 9-11 (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Changing to focus on business market and niche retailing market, Macao Daily, June 28, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Targeting business market and introducing the products customers need, Macao Daily, June 21, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Brand color affects consumers’ perceived image, Macao Daily, June 20, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Price can be doubled when a craft piece turns into an art piece, Macao Daily, June 14, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Cultivating experiential marketing and customized products, Macao Daily, June 7, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Using placebo effect to enhance marketing sales, Macao Daily, June 6, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Mainland Chinese Tourists’ perceived destination image of Macau: A study on Ctrip from 2014 to 2018, Macao New Vision, 28 (May), 50-59. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Building featured image, lowering cost, and expanding to group buying market, Macao Daily, May 31, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Applying reciprocal principles by using small gifts to enhance marketing sales, Macao Daily, May 30, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Adjusting product and price based on market demand, Macao Daily, May 24, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Knowing lipstick effect to sense economic cycle and enhance marketing sales, Macao Daily, May 23, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Enhancing word-of-mouth marketing and expanding business market, Macao Daily, May 17, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Reasonable employee work attendance system helps corporate sustainable development, Macao Daily, May 16, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Promoting with emotional appeal and expanding B2B market, Macao Daily, May 10, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). AI helps medical and pharmaceutical industrial development, Macao Daily, May 9, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Enhancing middle to high end handmade leather shoe business, Macao Daily, May 3, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Applying Von Restorff effect to differentiated marketing, Macao Daily, May 2, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Emphasizing interpersonal communication and human feeling as major brand positioning elements, Macao Daily, April 26, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Leveraging decoy effect to enhance sales, Macao Daily, April 25, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Focusing on featured selling proposition to attract customers, Macao Daily, April 19, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). AI and robots help to improve airline and airport services, Macao Daily, April 18, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Maintaining core competence with high price–performance ratio, Macao Daily, April 12, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Tourism + sports: Creating featured events, Macao Daily, April 10, 2021 (A-10, interview comments) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Empathizing five major elements in promotion, Macao Daily, April 5, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Satisfying customers’ needs through leveraging policy advantage, Macao Daily, March 29, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Promoting through featured and theme activities, Macao Daily, March 22, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Applying consumer psychology to enhance marketing and sales, Macao Daily, March 21, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Expected impacts of Macau e-voucher stimulus scheme in 2021: Wilder range and longer time, Macau Exmoo News, March 16, 2021. (interview comments). (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Mind cost control when SMEs are building new distribution channels, Macao Daily, March 15, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) helps marketing in closing design and manufacturing, Macao Daily, March 14, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Clarifying market position to focus on target market segments, Macao Daily, March 8, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) helps marketing in food and beverage industry, Macao Daily, March 7, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). High-value customer experiential marketing matters, Macao Daily, March 1, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) helps marketing in whiskey industry, Macao Daily, February 28, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Enlarging enrollment to increase revenue and increasing salary to keep talents, Macao Daily, February 22, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Retalho absorve 41% dos apoios a jovens empreendedores, Jornal Tribuna de Macau, February 18, 2021. (interview comments)
- Liu, M. (2021). Improving structure and planning of traditional shopping mall to enhance shopping experience, Macao Daily, February 16, 2021 (A-10, interview comments) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Introducing robot to help and expanding to pet owner community, Macao Daily, February 15, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Maintaining differentiated features and introducing promotion under COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, February 8, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Vending machine + Internet of things (IoTs) makes smart marketing, Macao Daily, February 7, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Invited talk: E-payment development in Macau. Interviewed by Financial Magazine財經雜誌), broadcast by Teledifusão de Macau (澳廣視), February 1, 2021. (https://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=55651) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Promoting product benefits and developing group orders, Macao Daily, February 1, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Critical industries and infrastructures in new ‘economy era’ enhance marketing, Macao Daily, January 31, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Inflation rate expects to mildly increase in Macau in 2021 because COVID-19 pandemic is gradually under control, Macau Exmoo News, January 26, 2021 (interview comments). (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Emphasizing on marketing and product features, Macao Daily, January 25, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Fastening e-payment adoption development to foster economy and marketing, Macao Daily, January 24, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Empathizing on legal operation and quality assurance, Macao Daily, January 18, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Branding Macau: Collaborating with Greater Bay Area for diversified marketing, Macao Daily, January 17, 2021. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Empathizing on business partnering and customer value, Macao Daily, January 11, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2021). Adjusting strategy or finding the way out, Macao Daily, January 4, 2021. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Good communication enhances win-win development (SMEs and Sands China), Macao Daily, December 29, 2020. (A-12, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Empathizing on featured activities with ‘bringing in & going out’ strategy, Macao Daily, December 28, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). LIVE broadcasting and group orders help to increase revenue; location change helps to decrease rental, Macao Daily, December 21, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Empathizing on children’s potential development and art creation elements, Macao Daily, December 14, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Encouraging internal innovation and intrapreneurship to enhance competitiveness, Macao Daily, December 13, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Promoting product features and benefits to increase sales, Macao Daily, December 7, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Using technology to reduce administrative procedures and increase efficiency, Macao Daily, December 6, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Emphasizing differentiated market position to avoid competition convergence, Macao Daily, November 30, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Big data marketing knows you more than you do, Macao Daily, November 29, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Enhancing sales in non-peak hours and group orders to increase sales, Macao Daily, November 23, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). New product development through crowdsourcing in new economy, Macao Daily, November 22, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). The mascot could include Macau featured element, Macao Daily, November 16, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). AI is involving in traditional perfume industry marketing, Macao Daily, November 15, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Increasing training services and enhancing promotion in non-peak seasons, Macao Daily, November 9, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Medical tourism: A possible direction after COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, November 8, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Establishing tourist factory for telling a good story about the brand, Macao Daily, November 2, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020).‘Quality first’ leads to long tern competitive advantage, Macao New Vision, 27 (Oct), 86-93. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Focusing on design cases about old brand/store rejuvenation to win new customers, Macao Daily, October 26, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Marketing through youtuber/vlogger influences new generation consumers, Macao Daily, October 25, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Invited talk: Comments about wealth partaking scheme. Interviewed and broadcast by Teledifusão de Macau (澳廣視), October 21, 2020. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Promoting special offers to get through difficult times, Macao Daily, October 19, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Macau insurance industry has opportunities under COVID-19: Having competitive advantages in terms of insurance coverage and conditions, Macau Exmoo News October 16, 2020. (in Chinese) with Interview (https://www.exmoo.com/article/159921.html)
- Liu, M. (2020). A good location boosts revenue, Macao Daily, October 12, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). De-marketing: Application and example in the new economy, Macao Daily, October 11, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Increasing table turnover rate by offering early bird discount and enhancing revenue by offering dessert products, Macao Daily, October 5, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Evaluating with RWW rules before new product development and innovation, Macao Daily, October 4, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Winning competitions for top recognition, Macao Daily, September 28, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Morality matters in talent/human resource management, Macao Daily, September 27, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Professionals and friendly service forge dental clinic’s business competence, Macao Daily, September 21, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Establishing quality image to niche market by implementing focus strategy, Macao Daily, September 14, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Leveraging Magic Bullet Theory to enhance marketing, Macao Daily, September 13, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Strengthening data analysis to improve sales performance, Macao Daily, September 7, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Introducing limited edition for differentiated sale, Macao Daily, August 31, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Well-being oriented products/services are popular under COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, August 30, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Organizing holiday promotion is costly and not must do, focusing on featured theme is the key, Macao Daily, August 26, (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Enhancing destocking and online selling, Macao Daily, August 24, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020)., Working on product development to increase revenue, Macao Daily, August 17, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Collaborating with professional groups and enhancing promotion, Macao Daily, August 10, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Organizing business-to-consumer (B2C) fairs enhance domestic circular economy, Macao Daily, August 9, (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Establishing harmonious working environment by applying Hawthorne effect, Macao Daily, August 9, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Enhancing core competency helps ‘crossover’ business operation, Macao Daily, August 3, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Building learning organization to enhance organizational competitiveness, Macao Daily, August 2, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Empathizing on promoting professional features, Macao Daily, July 27, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Suggestions to retailing industry development in Macau after COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Daily, July 26, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Expanding product categories to increase revenue, Macao Daily, July 20, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Establishing business in major cities in Greater Bay Area to expend revenue, Macao Daily, July 13, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Referring 7/38/55 rules to enhance communication in workplaces, Macao Daily, July 12, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Consolidating local market and expanding to overseas market, Macao Daily, July 6, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Building professional image and expanding group buying market, Macao Daily, June 29, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Benefits of flexible working arrangements, Macao Daily, June 28, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Limiting rental expenses and expanding group buying markets, Macao Daily, June 22, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Enhancing product line to increase profit margin, Macao Daily, June 15, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Key to establish a business that lasts 100 years: Keeping abreast with the times and never forgetting why you started, Macao Daily, June 14, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). University of Macau demonstrated a successful model of collaborating fusion between Hengqin and Macau in past decade, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), June, 2020. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Emphasizing on unique selling proposition to expand markets, Macao Daily, June 8, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Expanding to customized products and business markets, Macao Daily, June 1, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Blockchain: Marketing application, example, and inspiration in Macau, Macao New Vision, 26 (May), 29-43. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Establishing brand advantage based on expertise, Macao Daily, May 25, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Improving market penetration and market development, Macao Daily, May 18, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Luxury brands increase price in recession make sense from marketing perspective, Macao Daily, May 15, 2020. (A-7, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Strengthening professional image through word of mouth and recognition by participating international competition, Macao Daily, May 11, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020)., Aumento de preços- Royal pede desculpas à população para afastar imagem negativa, Hoje Macau, May 6, 2020. (interview comments)(in English)
- Liu, M. (2020). Focusing on core positioning and competitive products, Macao Daily, May 4, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Youngsters from Macau can involve more in Greater Bay Area development, Macao Daily, May 1, 2020. (A-7, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Local tour + Hengqin: Developing featured and profound attractions, Macao Daily, May 1, 2020. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Cooperating with small clinics to expand e-platform traffic and user base, Macao Daily, April 27, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Hiring senior citizen enhances business operation, Macao Daily, April 26, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Saving cost to weather the storm and capturing market opportunity with differentiation, Macao Daily, April 20, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Resource integration and complementation making economies of scale, Macao Daily, April 13, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Simple living and smart shopping enhance well-being, Macao Daily, April 12, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Developing relevant business to increase revenue, Macao Daily, April 6, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Introducing theme activities with differentiation to attract new customers, Macao Daily, March 30, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Reverse thinking creates new opportunity, Macao Daily, March 29, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Getting through the tough times by retailing and group buying, Macao Daily, March 23, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Capturing potential market segment before promoting the trading platform, Macao Daily, March 16, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Inviting online key opinion leaders as endorser is a marketing approach that may help revenue growth, Macao Daily, March 15, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Solving human resource problem helps business expansion, Macao Daily, March 9, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Organizing theme activities to increase brand awareness, Macao Daily, March 2, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Restaurants can adjust operation hours to yield more profit margins, Macao Daily, March 1, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Inviting previous customers to share their reflections for establishing word-of-mouth effect, Macao Daily, February 24, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Expanding in Greater Bay Area and optimizing business model to attract venture capital investment, Macao Daily, February 17, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Introducing health-enhancing product during novel coronavirus period to increase revenue, Macao Daily, February 10, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Clarifying market position and marketing mix enhances promotion, Macao Daily, February 3, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Increasing product sales with detail changes, Macao Daily, February 2, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Local small, medium and micro suppliers support programme in Macau: A win-win complementary opportunity worth catching for expansion development, Macao Daily, January 28, 2020. (A-12, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Highlighting ‘R&D in Korea’ helps to promote the new cosmetics brand, Macao Daily, January 27, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Innovation helps industrial diversification and entrepreneurial development, Macao Daily, January 22, 2020. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Promoting professional certification/recognition and signing long-term contract to lock market share with focusing on short-tern profit, Macao Daily, January 20, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Focusing on business market and finding partners in greater bay area, Macao Daily, January 13, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020)., Unveiling marketing secrets: Why shopping malls won’t lose money even offering extra low price products, Macao Daily, January 12, 2020. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2020). Targeting specific group with promotion priority, Macao Daily, January 6, 2020. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Cooperating with similar operators in Greater Bay Area to increase revenue, Macao Daily, December 30, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Following ‘watch law’ to enhance corporate organizational decision making, Macao Daily, December 29, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Discussing entrepreneurial and innovative environment through entrepreneurial café, Macao Daily, December 27, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Classic brands emphasize on branding helps to expand market in Greater Bay Area, Macao Daily, December 26, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Enlarge market coverage and increase user numbers, Macao Daily, December 23, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Developing new attractions in Taipa for diverting tourists, Macao Daily, December 21, 2019. (A-11, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Inviting endorsers helps to branding, Macao Daily, December 16, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Entrepreneurial atmosphere is positive in general, Macao Daily, December 12, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Offering monthly billing plan for market penetration, Macao Daily, December 9, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Focusing on customized products and enhancing online selling, Macao Daily, December 2, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Understanding Murphy’s Law to increase corporate success, Macao Daily, December 1, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Hou, R., Chang, C. (2019). Neuromarketing: Technologies, developments and applications, Macao New Vision, 25 (Nov), 47-60. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Focusing on featured products and positioning them well by winning awards, Macao Daily, November 25, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Promoting popular products based on creativity, Macao Daily, November 18, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Reading ‘Management time: Who’s got the monkey’ to improve decision making process, Macao Daily, November 17, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Establishing reputation and awareness by developing model enterprises, Macao Daily, November 11, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Finding unique competitive advantage by leveraging the platform among Xiamen, Macau, and Kinmen, Xiamen Daily, November 6, 2019. (A03, interview comments) (in Chinese) with Interview broadcast by Xiamen TV (http://xiamen.xmtv.cn/2019/11/05/VIDEYUYxZu4k1S1lZxCwc0dq191105.shtml)
- Liu, M. (2019). Delivering message about life philosophy with sales about florist theme, Macao Daily, November 4, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Learning the Peter’s principle to get right man for the right job, Macao Daily, November 3, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Training part-time employees to tackle the labor shortage, Macao Daily, October 28, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Three issues about Macau entrepreneurship index 2019 worthy of attention, Macao Daily, October 24, 2019. (A-11, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Increasing revenue mainly rely on branding supplemented by original equipment manufacturing, Macao Daily, October 21, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Leader follow ‘hedgehog law’ to keep decent distance with colleagues from risk, Macao Daily, October 20, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Examining marketing mix to increase profitability, Macao Daily, October 14, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Organizing theme activities to build reputation, Macao Daily, October 7, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). MiG-25 effect emphasizes the importance of teamwork collaboration, Macao Daily, October 6, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Camping accommodation doesn’t match Macau’s brand position, Macao Daily, October 6, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Macau should build brand image about ‘smart travel’ city, Macao Daily, October 3, 2019. (A-11, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Maintaining competitive advantage originated from high quality differentiation, Macao Daily, September 30, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Offering diversified services to different market segments, Macao Daily, September 24, 2019. (A-12, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Enhancing promotion through strategic alliance, Macao Daily, September 23, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Matthew effect: Strong companies will become stronger, Macao Daily, September 22, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). ‘Survival of the Fittest’ applies in economic volatility, Macau young entrepreneurs can focus more on Greater Bay Area development, Macao Daily, September 18, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Analyzing demand and preparing commodities precisely, Macao Daily, September 16, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Fine tuning brand position to make differentiation outstanding, Macao Daily, September 9, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Boiled frog syndrome: In time of peace prepare for war, Macao Daily, September 8, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Focusing on differentiation and featured product/service to survive in economic recession, Macao Daily, September 4, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Building brand image in greater bay area with enhanced sales system, Macao Daily, September 2, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Introducing reservation service to attract middle-high end market, Macao Daily, August 26, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Knowing buckets effect (cannikin law) to increase teamwork capability, Macao Daily, August 25, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Applying installment to improve cash flow, Macao Daily, August 19, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Combining sport events with featured travel plan to increase impact, Macao Daily, August 15, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Leveraging space in rooftop and balcony to tell stories of Macau, Macao Daily, August 12, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Emphasizing product features and enhancing brand promotion, Macao Daily, August 5, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). The first priority is to enlarge customer base, Macao Daily, July 29, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Learning flying geese paradigm to enhance corporate teamwork, Macao Daily, July 28, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Expanding group orders to increase revenue, Macao Daily, July 22, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Maintaining original advantage and creating unique market position, Macao Daily, July 15, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Understanding Zeigarnik Effect to increase work efficiency, Macao Daily, July 14, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Empathizing product differentiation and brand image, Macao Daily, July 8, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Organizing more events for more sales and revenue, Macao Daily, July 1, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Limited edition: a good way for promotion, Macao Daily, June 30, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Finding business partners to share risks together, Macao Daily, June 24, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Integrating limited resources and focusing on market with advantage, Macao Daily, June 17, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Identifying ‘black swam’ and ’grey rhino’ for risk management, Macao Daily, June 16, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Enhancing promotion and increasing brand awareness, Macao Daily, June 10, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Sales promotion enhances consumption and economic cycle, Macao Daily, June 8, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Invited talk: Reading Macau Entrepreneurship index. Interviewed by Financial Magazine財經雜誌), broadcast by Teledifusão de Macau (澳廣視), June 3, 2019. (https://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=43818) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Empathizing intangible and emotional brand value to attract customers, Macao Daily, June 3, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Applying ‘Diderot Effect’ to enhance consumption upgrade, Macao Daily, June 2, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Development, application, and challenges of Internet of Things, Macao New Vision, 24 (May), 51-58. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Telling a good brand story and enhancing promotion, Macao Daily, May 27, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Strengthening health product and group order development, Macao Daily, May 20, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Skillful pricing enhances sales, Macao Daily, May 19, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Empathizing on product features and expanding business markets, Macao Daily, May 13, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Considering ‘high low pricing’ to transform and increase revenue, Macao Daily, May 6, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Leveraging consumers’ loss aversion mentality to enhance marketing, Macao Daily, May 5, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Focusing on wholesale business with small profits but quick turnover business model, Macao Daily, April 29, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Expanding to business market for increasing florist sales, Macao Daily, April 22, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Application of Internet of Things (IOTs) in marketing and smart city (2/2), Macao Daily, April 17, 2019. (E-8, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Adjusting marketing strategy by following market trends, Macao Daily, April 15, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Application of Internet of Things (IOTs) in marketing and smart city (1/2), Macao Daily, April 10, 2019. (E-8, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2019). Entrepreneurship index 49: Continuing education helps SMEs’ business success, Macao Daily, April 9, 2019. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Creating unique selling proposition to expand business, Macao Daily, April 8, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Macau entrepreneurship index: A longitudinal research makes impact from objective viewpoint, Macao Daily, April 4, 2019. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Being nostalgic but innovative at the same time to attract more customers, Macao Daily, April 1, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Including two styles in one store to increase customer base and revenue, Macao Daily, March 25, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Maintaining high end theme brand position and increasing revenue by arranging tournament performances, Macao Daily, March 18, 2019. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Referring Krishna Harsh Law to have better troops and simpler administration in organizations, Macao Daily, March 17, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2019). Entrepreneurship index 48: Leveraging country of origin (COO) effect to enhance market impact, March 15, 2019. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Introducing breakfast and lunch set and evaluating catering business, Macao Daily, March 11, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Introducing featured products without promoting ice cream delivery, Macao Daily, March 4, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Applying ‘Horse Flies effect’ to motivate employees, Macao Daily, March 3, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2019). Entrepreneurship index 47: Empathizing market segments and embracing the Greater Bay Area market in the right way, February 28, 2019. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Altering brand image and emphasizing natural features to expand market, Macao Daily, February 25, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Promoting culture, allocating resources, and getting right position, Macao Daily, February 18, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Taking catfish effect to stimulate employees’ energy, Macao Daily, February 17, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Setting online shops saves cost; expanding to international markets increases revenue, Macao Daily, February 11, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Moderately adjusting product line helps to increase revenue, Macao Daily, February 4, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Applying ‘Occam’s Razor’ for simpler administration and better management, Macao Daily, February 3, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Maintaining high quality market position with differentiated image, Macao Daily, January 28, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Leveraging legal and branding advantages to expand markets in mainland China, Macao Daily, January 21, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Companies need to take action as precaution to prevent risks from danger based on broken windows theory, Macao Daily, January 20, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Maintaining featured product and enhancing new product development, Macao Daily, January 14, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Clarifying business position and enhancing business buyers, Macao Daily, January 7, 2019. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). Companies need to carefully evaluate risks to avoid dangers from escalation of commitment, Macao Daily, January 6, 2019. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2019). National rejuvenation is the trend which all Chinese should involve, People’s Daily Overseas Edition (人民日報海外版), January 4, 2019. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Shutting down physical store and repositioning marketing/business, Macao Daily, December 31, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A. Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 46: Current situation and development opportunity of business service entrepreneurs, Macao Daily, December 26, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Maintaining existing operation in Macau but expanding business in Greater Bay Area markets, Macao Daily, December 24, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Applying Pygmalion effect to motivate employees, Macao Daily, December 23, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). SMEs in Macau: Opportunity-oriented with support and development with specific focus, Macao Daily, December 20, 2018. (interview comments) (in Chinese)
- Cheong, A. Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 45: Embracing greater bay area development with Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB), Macao Daily, December 19, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Enlarging dried seafood sales and considering moving store location, Macao Daily, December 17, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). ‘Made in Macau’ enhances sales through CEPA, Macao Daily, December 10, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Service industry enhances consumption value and service experience, Macao Daily, December 9, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). The World Cafe: A supplementary evidence besides quantitative research, Macao Daily, December, 5, 2018. (A-10 interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Suggesting to transform business focus while expanding to tourist market is difficult, Macao Daily, December, 3, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Legal protection principles of personal data: Examples from EU, Hong Kong, and Macau, Macao New Vision, 23 (November), 20-25. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Focusing on takeaway snack business and exploring possible business in upstream of industrial chain, Macao Daily, November, 26, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 44: SMEs can use social media to attract more customers, Macao Daily, November 20, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Making delivery coverage includes Macau and Taipa is the first priority, Macao Daily, November, 19, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 43: Enhancing Innovation and entrepreneurship to increase industrial impact, Macao Daily, November 13, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Gradually increasing sales percentage from self-designed products, Macao Daily, November, 12, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Promoting unique selling proposition to expand market, Macao Daily, November, 5, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 42: SMEs plan to hire more people to develop Greater Bay market, Macao Daily, October 30, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Developing business market and entering Greater Bay area, Macao Daily, October 29, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Utilizing advantages in different genders to break glass ceiling in workplace, Macao Daily, October 28, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Hiring more teachers to enlarge business capacity and increase revenue, Macao Daily, October 22, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Focusing on consistent management and quality control in business expansion, Macao Daily, October 15, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Making Macau a ‘rich and courtesy’ shopping paradise, Macao Daily, October 14, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Most entrepreneurs have positive expectation to development in Greater Bay Area, Macao Daily, October 10, 2018. (interview comments) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Expanding to tourist market, business market, Greater Bay area, Macao Daily, October 8, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Suggestions to personal data protection and rational usage in Macau (2/2), Macao Daily, October 3, 2018. (E-06 column article)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 41: Positive mindset helps to increase the odds of entrepreneurial success, Macao Daily, October 2, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Focusing on business market and adjusting business model, Macao Daily, October 1, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 40: Understanding risks of entrepreneurial activities helps to increase the odds of startup success, Macao Daily, September 28, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Suggestions to personal data protection and rational usage in Macau (1/2), Macao Daily, September 26, 2018. (E-06 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Entering international markets to increase sales and lower unit cost, Macao Daily, September 24, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Mobile payment helps to establish smart city and to promote marketing, Macao Daily, September 23, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 39: Educational level of entrepreneurs is related to the type of entrepreneurship, Macao Daily, September 22, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Empathizing professionalism helps to develop business market, Macao Daily, September 17, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 38: Personal service industry is the first choice among different categories of new startups in Macau, Macao Daily, September 13, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Outsourcing can be considered based on different cases, Macao Daily, September 10, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Lifetime employment system declines, continuing education matters, Macao Daily, September 9, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 37: Startups prefer to expand to Greater Bay areas; traditional firms care more about original local market, Macao Daily, September 4, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Conducting survey to identify market position before developing new dessert product line, Macao Daily, September 3, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 36: Male and female entrepreneurs have different characteristics in Macau, Macao Daily, August 28, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Market and product expansion for revenue increase, Macao Daily, August 27, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Marketing application of blockchain, Macao Daily, August 26, 2018. (A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Excellent product and service increase customer satisfaction, Macao Daily, August 20, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 35: Positive expectation to business environment development enhances entrepreneurs’ attitude, Macao Daily, August 14, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Low pricing packages help to attract SMEs and household market, Macao Daily, August 13, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Cooperating with fashion brand and enhancing high end tailor-made business, Macao Daily, August 6, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Adjusting pricing and promotion campaign and introducing new value added service, Macao Daily, July 30, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). City culture and brand marketing, Macao Daily, July 29, 2018. (A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 34: Understanding opportunities in Greater Bay area exactly helps to develop business, Macao Daily, July 26, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Enhancing quality, increasing price, and expanding to Greater Bay area market, Macao Daily, July 23, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M., (2018). Entrepreneurship index 33: 60% entrepreneurs in Macau are willing to enter Greater Bay market, Macao Daily, July 18, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Emphasizing ratio of sales per square foot of selling space when expanding new stores, Macao Daily, July 16, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Depending on unique competitive advantage to well establish a small store, Macao Daily, July 15, 2018. (A-11 column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Decreasing rental cost by or implementing none-store retailing or sharing store with others, Macao Daily, July 9, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M., (2018). Entrepreneurship index 32: About half of female entrepreneurs recognize entrepreneurial choice, Macao Daily, July 5, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Examining sales structure and improving product line mix, Macao Daily, July 2, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Application of VR and AR in marketing, Macao Daily, July 1, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 31: Catering industry is a red sea market in Macau: New startups should be careful, Macao Daily, June 27, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Increasing revenue through various approaches, Macao Daily, June 25, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Local businesses need more funding for Greater Bay Area, Macau Business by Macau News Agency, June 22, 2018. (interview comments)
- Liu, M. (2018). Majority of local entrepreneurs self-funded, Macau Business by Macau News Agency, June 18, 2018 (interview comments).
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 30: International venture capitalists prefer to invest startups with high growth potential, Macao Daily, June 19, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Expanding to dinner time to increase revenue without opening new store, Macao Daily, June 18, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Artificial intelligence (AI) helps marketing decision making, Macao Daily, June 17, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Chiu, C. (2018). Cultural city branding/marketing and cultural creativity industry: Examples from Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Changsha and Macau, Macao New Vision, 22 (May), 18-27. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Expanding to mature or potential markets in Greater Bay Area, Macao Daily, June 11, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Setting more vending machines which are necessary distribution channels, Macao Daily, June 4, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Key success factors of sharing economy marketing, Macao Daily, June 3, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). SMEs may be under pressure when gaming industry recovers from recess, Macao Daily, May 31, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Increasing brand awareness and attracting middle class in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Macao Daily, May 30, 2018. (A-10 case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Internet development helps retailing industry, Macao Daily, May 23, 2018. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Keeping existing customers and attracting new customers through various approaches, Macao Daily, May 21, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Slightly adjusting business structure to expand business in non-peak hours, Macao Daily, May 14, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Increasing revenue and customer base through employee benefit promotion and group orders, Macao Daily, May 7, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 29: Family support matters when entrepreneurial members are few, Macao Daily, May 2, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Expanding mainland market by promoting accredited product/service, Macao Daily, April 30, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Introducing creative courses to overcome revenue gap between peak season and normal season, Macao Daily, April 23, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Promoting brand with celebrity effect, Macao Daily, April 16, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Making the store a “must-visit” attraction of tourists in Macau first, Macao Daily, April 9, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 28: Practical experience matters in different entrepreneurial stage, Macao Daily, April 5, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Introducing exclusive products with business sense, Macao Daily, April 2, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 27: Entrepreneurial attitude influences result, Macao Daily, March 27, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Improving price-performance ratio to stimulate more sales, Macao Daily, March 26, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Expanding business market and enhancing industrial corporation, Macao Daily, March 19, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Turning potential customer to profitable customer, Macao Daily, March 18, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index research analyzes different segments’ attitude, Macao Daily, March 13, 2018. (A-10, interview opinion)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Promoting brand and enlarging customer base by introducing new products, Macao Daily, March 12, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 26: Macau entrepreneurs emphasize on mainland Chinese market expansion, Macao Daily, March 6, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Making product feature outstanding by following ‘boutique approach’, Macao Daily, March 5, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Original fashion brands need to promote brand identity and spirit, Macao Daily, February 26, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Macau is on the way becoming a shopping paradise, People’s Daily Overseas Edition (人民日報海外版), February 23, 2018. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship index 25: Different entrepreneurs have different needs about entrepreneurial education, Macao Daily, February 21, 2018. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Analyzing industry development in the future and renting new store to release financial pressure, Macao Daily, February 19, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Spending time rather on market development than product development, Macao Daily, February 12, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Insisting “quality first” to win professional recognition, Macao Daily, February 5, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Application of big data in marketing, Macao Daily, February 4, 2018. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Flexible pricing strategy helps revenue increase without establishing more branches, Macao Daily, January 29, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Tangible store is not necessary in Macau at this moment; expanding to mainland by focusing on kids’ market, Macao Daily, January 22, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). making special/feature products outstanding through internet promotion, Macao Daily, January 15, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship index research results reflect objective situation, Macao Daily, January 9, 2018. (A-10, interview opinion)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). The tip for operating a small shop: Increasing revenue and decrease cost, Macao Daily, January 8, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2018). Reinforcing unique service quality/experience and expand gradually, Macao Daily, January 1, 2018. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Extending/leveraging brand image to beauty salon service, Macao Daily, December 25, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Opening new branches for market expansion, Macao Daily, December 18, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 24: Entrepreneurship education helps to increase entrepreneurial success rate, Macao Daily, December 12, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Applying for international accreditation for global market expansion, Macao Daily, December 11, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M.(2017). Entrepreneurship index 23: Supporting policies for entrepreneurs, Macao Daily, December 7, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Charging differently in different time period to increase and moderate customer traffic, Macao Daily, December 4, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Leveraging internet and word-of-mouth effect to expand market, Macao Daily, November 27, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M.(2017). Entrepreneurship index 22: Entrepreneurs comment on government service and support, Macao Daily, November 23, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Upgrading gambling industry before bidding of concession contracts for the operation of casino games of fortune in Macau, Macao New Vision, 21 (Nov.), 10-19. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Utilizing new viewpoint and resource from a new industry, Macao Daily, November 20, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Paying attention to policy which is down to earth, Macao Daily, November 16, 2017. (A-10, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 21: Nurturing high-growth enterprises to fuel economic momentum, Macao Daily, November 14, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Making natural brand image outstanding enhances business expansion, Macao Daily, November 13, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Making ‘100% natural’ brand image helps to expansion, Macao Daily, November 6, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Service robots application in marketing, Macao Daily, November 5, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Introducing standardized set plan to upgrade, Macao Daily, October 30, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 20: Working first then establishing startups takes advantage, Macao Daily, October 24, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Finding a precise market position for establishing brand(s), Macao Daily, October 23, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Conducting focusing marketing and promoting by offering classes with rented venue, Macao Daily, October 16, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 19: The importance of networking to entrepreneurship, Macao Daily, October 10, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Regulating business operation and expanding help to financing, Macao Daily, October 9, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Quality first: A successful corporate strategy, Macao Daily, October 8, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 18: Most start-ups are opportunity-oriented and partnership business is more popular, Macao Daily, October 3, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Rethinking business model, Macao Daily, October 2, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Increasing trust and sharing benefits: The keys to successful sharing economy, Macau Monthly (澳門月刊), September, 2017. (interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Balancing supply in high/low seasons to expand business, Macao Daily, September 25, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Promoting in senior citizens consuming market in Macau, Macao Daily, September 24, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Território pouco empreendedor, Jornal Tribuna de Macau, September 20, 2017 (interview comments)
- Liu, M. (2017). Macau entrepreneurship index survey covers wide range of population and reflects different opinions, Macao Daily, September 19, 2017. (A-10, interview opinion)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Promoting health and convenience to expand decently, Macao Daily, September 18, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Price discount is a short-tern way; bundle selling can be consider, Macao Daily, September 11, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Business scale depends on how much resources you have, Macao Daily, September 4, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Franchising helps to expand market and increase revenue, Macao Daily, August 28, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). New media may have more influence in political campaign: Likes do not equal to votes, Macao Daily, August 27, 2017. (B-07, interview comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Moderately diversify product lines in middle-end market position, Macao Daily, August 21, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A., (2017). Entrepreneurship index 17: Getting innovation before entrepreneurship increases successful rate, Macao Daily, August 15, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Expanding product category and teaching capacity decently, Macao Daily, August 14, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Building brand helps to revenue increase and long-term development, Macao Daily, August 7, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 16: Advantages and challenges serial entrepreneurs, Macao Daily, August 1, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Collaborating with celebrity to build brand image, Macao Daily, July 31, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Multi-brand strategy helps to expansion, Macao Daily, July 30, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Promoting more about convenience and added value for market expansion, Macao Daily, July 24, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Promoting differentiated and high quality products helps to market expansion, Macao Daily, July 17, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Advance development strategies for department stores, Macao Daily, July 16, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Expanding markets for revenue growth, Macao Daily, July 10, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Differentiation creates larger market, Macao Daily, July 3, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Differentiation: The first step to open your own cafe, Macao Daily, July 2, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship in Macau is heading to opportunity oriented way, Macao Daily, June 29, 2017. (A-10, project comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Empathizing convenience and added value, Macao Daily, June 26, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Empathizing customer experience and enhancing business market, Macao Daily, June 19, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 15: Online To Offline expansion enhances sales, Macao Daily, June 13, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Maintaining unique selling proposition (USP) to expand decently, Macao Daily, June 12, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Keeping advantage to expand gradually, Macao Daily, June 5, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Enhancing promotion and global expansion after stable revenue flow, Macao Daily, May 29, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Re-positioning and adjusting business operation, Macao Daily, May 22, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M.(2017). Using country of origin (COO) effect to help local brands in Macau, Macao Daily, May 21, 2017. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Adjusting operation to increase business capacity, Macao Daily, May 15, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 14: Objective data reflects reality better than subjective perception, Macao Daily, May 10, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Market development helps to revenue increase, Macao Daily, May 8, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M.(2017). Online innovative business model gains new opportunities, Macao Daily, May 7, 2017. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Finding right market position first then promote the brand, Macao Daily, May 1, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Using country of origin effect to enhance Macau local brands, Macao New Vision, 20 (May), 14-19. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Developing new market and new product enhances sales, Macao Daily, April 24, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M.(2017). Great employer branding helps to attract, keep, and educate local HR talent, Macao Daily, April 23, 2017. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Seeking for overseas distribution channels to increase sales, Macao Daily, April 17, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 13: Entrepreneurship index from different countries have different focuses and universal common concerns, Macao Daily, April 11, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Introducing unique product/service or exclusive business model, Macao Daily, April 10, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Improving marketing mix to increase revenue, Macao Daily, April 3, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Focusing on middle to high end business markets, Macao Daily, March 27, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Emphasizing on added value to keep existing customers and to attract new customers, Macao Daily, March 20, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Decreasing cost by lower rental and enlarging service scope, Macao Daily, March 13, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Seasonal variation of Macau entrepreneurship index falls in reasonable range, Macao Daily, March 7, 2017. (A-10, comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Adjusting business model for long-term development, Macao Daily, March 6, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Improving marketing mix for revenue generation, Macao Daily, February 27, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Unmanned aerial vehicles: Focusing on business-to-business market first, Macao Daily, February 20, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Apply product-market expansion grid to increase revenue, Macao Daily, February 13, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 12: How to effectively use Macau Entrepreneurship Index internet platform, Macao Daily, February 8, 2017. (A-11, column article)
- Liu, M. (2017). Middle to high end limited offering makes difference, Macao Daily, February 6, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 11: Macau Entrepreneurship Index internet platform is available online now, Macao Daily, February 1, 2017. (A-11, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Precise positioning: balancing between reality and dream, Macao Daily, January 30, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 10: Improving competitiveness Governmental policies helps start-ups’ initial development, Macao Daily, January 26, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Developing new customers for increasing revenue, Macao Daily, January 23, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship index 9: Improving self-awareness helps to entrepreneurship decision-making success, Macao Daily, January 20, 2017. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Mini beauty salon emphasizes on excellent and considerate service, Macao Daily, January 16, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017), Depending on professionals to involve animation industrial chain in mainland China, Macao Daily, January 9, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2017). Improving promotion and online sales, Macao Daily, January 2, 2017. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Enhancing online sales to further market development, Macao Daily, December 26, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Thinking about new business model and new market, Macao Daily, December 19, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Leveraging professional market to expand to mass market, Macao Daily, December 12, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Balancing mission and reality to clarify market position, Macao Daily, December 5, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Developing business with beneficial policies and franchise opportunities, Macao Daily, November 28, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 8: Improving competitiveness with help from governmental policies, Macao Daily, November 22, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Diversifying customer bases through decent product mix, Macao Daily, November 21, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). KSFs analysis of department stores in global context and suggestions to Macau department store, Macao New Vision, 19 (Nov.), 17-25. (in Chinese)
- Chiu, J., Liu, M. (2016). Animation industry development in Taiwan: Example and inspiration to Macau cultural and creativity industry, Macao New Vision,19 (Nov.), 43-51. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Optimizing operational process and building strategic alliance, Macao Daily, November 14, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Adjusting price and exploring new markets for revenue increase, Macao Daily, November 7, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Introducing brand management with original advantage and features, Macao Daily, October 31, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 7: How do newly established SMEs in Macau become more influential, Macao Daily, October 25, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Setting unified price range in contract to avoid internal competition, Macao Daily, October 24, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Improving brand positioning for better expansion, Macao Daily, October 17, 2016. (A-11, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Changing store image and attracting high end business clients, Macao Daily, October 10, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Focusing on branding first then expanding markets for more revenue, Macao Daily, October 3, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Applying country-of-origin effect to enhance branding, Macao Daily, September 26, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Introducing unique products to attract customers’ purchase, Macao Daily, September 19, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Invited talk: The development of local SMEs procurement program. Interviewed by Talent Talk (澳門人才講壇), broadcast by Macau Cable TV, September 17, 2016. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZM91oQtEyw) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Developing frequent visitors for branding is the first priority, Macao Daily, September 12, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Improving online marketing would be an alternative of establishing new store, Macao Daily, September 5, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Applying reservation system to win middle to high end customers in mainland China, Macao Daily, August 29, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Enhancing human resource and product portfolio to enter catering market, Macao Daily, August 22, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Expanding customer base and considering new product introduction, Macao Daily, August 15, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Following the trend when operating a specific e-commerce, Macao Daily, August 8, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 6: Major industries and distribution of entrepreneurship in Macau, Macao Daily, August 4, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Putting business clients in first priority with different sale plans, Macao Daily, August 1, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 5: Most young and middle aged entrepreneurs are opportunity-motivated, Macao Daily, July 28, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Positioning correctly for target customers, Macao Daily, July 25, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 4: Important self-evaluation principles before entrepreneurship, Macao Daily, July 20, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Increasing sales gross profit by offering unique design, Macao Daily, July 18, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 3: The composition and measurement of entrepreneurship index, Macao Daily, July 14, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Differentiated pricing develops new customers, Macao Daily, July 11, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M., Cheong, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship index 2: Entrepreneurship index helps governmental policymaking, Macao Daily, July 8, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Cheong, A., Liu, M.(2016). Entrepreneurship index 1: What is entrepreneurship index and its major evaluation systems, Macao Daily, July 5, 2016. (A-10, column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Catching the timing and improving business market promotion, Macao Daily, July 4, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Diversifying business and promoting more to increase revenue, Macao Daily, June 27, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Confirming business theme and features to attract target customers, Macao Daily, June 20, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Targeting on right segments with decent market position, Macao Daily, June 13, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Increasing added value through professional and award-winning image, Macao Daily, June 6, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Expanding appropriately at the right time, Macao Daily, May 30, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Making differentiation outstanding so customers can recognize, Macao Daily, May 23, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Targeting right market segments and introducing featured products, Macao Daily, May 16, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Adjusting business model to increase revenue and decrease cost, Macao Daily, May 9, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Becoming more professional to win consumers’ recognition, Macao Daily, May 2, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Sports tourism and city marketing: An example in Macau, Macao New Vision (May), 18, 13-18. (in Chinese)
- Chiu, J., Liu, M. (2016). Building intellectual property rights about Sino-Japanese War together with bilateral cooperation: Industrial inspiration to Macau, Macao New Vision, 18 (May), 45-51. (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Establishing consumer preference, Macao Daily, April 25, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Maintaining high quality to keep existing customers and waiting for word-of-mouth effect to attract new customers, Macao Daily, April 18, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Expanding to franchise business after stable development of first store, Macao Daily, April 11, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Focusing on business clients and high-end families first, Macao Daily, April 4, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Cooperating with others to enrich brand equality, Macao Daily, March 28, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Adjusting business: keep the best and give up the under-performed one, Macao Daily, March 21, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Invited talk: Are you really ready starting your own business? Speech in General Education Talk, organized by CTLE, University of Macau. March 17, 2016. (https://vimeo.com/161011030) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship: Starting your business with your expertise and do it after carefully evaluation, Macao Daily, March 14, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). A new brand needs to empathize on differentiation, Macao Daily, March 7, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Strengthening brand and upgrading product portfolio, Macao Daily, February 29, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Maintaining current business model and improving promotion, Macao Daily, February 22, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Focusing on developing business market, Macao Daily, February 15, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Re-positioning brand first, considering expansion carefully, Macao Daily, February 8, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Increasing capacity with minor operational adjustment, Macao Daily, February 1, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Modifying marketing strategies base on consumer habits, Macao Daily, January 25, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Establishing high-end market position by winning awards, Macao Daily, January 18, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Promoting brand to establish professional image, Macao Daily, January 11, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2016). Corporate with educational institutes for more influence, Macao Daily, January 4, 2016. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Establishing a complex for cultural and creative industries, Macao Daily, December 28, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Differentiation makes corporate competitiveness outstanding, Macao Daily, December 21, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Re-positioning for better development, Macao Daily, December 14, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expansion through franchising to increase brand awareness, Macao Daily, December 7, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Loi, E. H., Liu, M.(2015). Challenges and opportunities of gambling industry for next 10 years, Macao Daily, December 6, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Improving promotion to expand new markets, Macao Daily, November 30, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Keep ‘high price-performance ratio’ strategy for business expansion, Macao Daily, November 23, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Exploring business clients and adjusting price, Macao Daily, November 16, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Keep promoting high quality products enhances branding, Macao Daily, November 9, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Added product/service enhances revenue, Macao Daily, November 2, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Intellectual property protection in Macau and Hong Kong in a digital marketing area, Macao New Vision, 17 (Nov.), 18-24. (in Chinese).
- Liu, M. (2015). Cooperating with local associations to accumulate customer and revenue, Macao Daily, October 26, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Adding service to attract customer visits on weekdays, Macao Daily, October 19, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Maintaining key success factors for market expansion, Macao Daily, October 12, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Introducing promotion deals in economic recession, Macao Daily, October 5, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Developing in stable pace in economic recession, Macao Daily, September 28, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expanding of the scale moderately and improving publicity, Macao Daily, September 21, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Maintaining high quality product and expanding carefully, Macao Daily, September 14, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Pour survivre, Macao copie Las Vegas, Le Temps, September 11, 2015. (interview comments)
- Liu, M. (2015). Increase professional image and awareness, Macao Daily, September 7, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Marketing strategy (“VICKY”) for luxury fashion products in recession, Macao Daily, September 6, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Cooperating with mature partners, Macao Daily, August 31, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Promoting service with professional image is the key, Macao Daily, August 24, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Applying case method in marketing education, Macao Daily, August 23, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Empathizing added value through brand alliance, Macao Daily, August 17, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Strengthening promotion to increase recognition, Macao Daily, August 10, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). O2O marketing is getting popular, Macao Daily, August 9, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Insisting marketing differentiation and unique selling proposition, Macao Daily, August 3, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Increasing revenue by utilizing space or up-scaling business, Macao Daily, July 27, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expanding business and seeking talents outside local market, Macao Daily, July 20, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Enhancing business development and mass promotion, Macao Daily, July 13, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Transforming customers’ waiting time to business, Macao Daily, July 12, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Cooperating with associations with motivation-related themes, Macao Daily, July 6, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Enhancing horizontal alliances to increase awareness, Macao Daily, June 29, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Developing marketing mix and expanding to adult educational market, Macao Daily, June 22, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Establishing a しんやしょくどう-styled food stand, Macao Daily, June 15, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Considerate conducts make service quality excellent, Macao Daily, June 14, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expanding business capacity appropriately, Macao Daily, June 8, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Carefully evaluating market potential before expanding, Macao Daily, June 1, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Excellent service failure recovery also creates customer satisfaction, Macao Daily, May 31, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Establishing brand with organic concept, Macao Daily, May 25, 2015.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Keeping delivering excellent service to increase sales, Macao Daily, May 18, 2015.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Making unique features outstanding and adjusting revenue-cost structure, Macao Daily, May 11, 2015.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Invited talk: Marketing development and education in Macau. Interviewed by Talent Talk (澳門人才講壇), broadcast by Macau Cable TV, May 8, 2015. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmuYyPsQfvg) (in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Creating economy of scale by expanding market, Macao Daily, May 4, 2015.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Developing by following product/market expansion grid, Macao Daily, April 27, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Conducting different marketing strategies for high/low season, Macao Daily, April 20, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Attracting customer with clear positioning, Macao Daily, April 13, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expanding sales points and offering diversified payment methods, Macao Daily, April 6, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Attracting young and business clients with promotion, Macao Daily, March 30, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Repositioning by adjusting product lines, Macao Daily, March 23, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Providing excellent service for building brand, Macao Daily, March 16, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Enhance first-mover advantage and increase capacity, Macao Daily, March 9, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Increasing sales by leveraging word-of-mouth and celebrity endorsement, Macao Daily, March 2, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Maintaining advantage, avoiding potential risk, Macao Daily, February 23, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Expanding steadily by accumulating customer, Macao Daily, February 16, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Pull and push sales promotion strategies (2), Macao Daily, February 15, 2015. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Developing new products and expanding new markets, Macao Daily, February 9, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Continuing cultural course when it enhances sales, Macao Daily, February 2, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Keeping unique selling proposition and conducting brand extension, Macao Daily, January 26, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Professional marketers need recognition from market more than official accreditation, Macao Daily, January 25, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Properly adjusting selling model and focusing online sales, Macao Daily, January 19, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Insisting original taste to win customer support, Macao Daily, January 12, 2015. (A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Improving intellectual property protection to help industry diversification, Macao Daily, January 11, 2015.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2015). Introducing exclusive products and developing new customers, Macao Daily, January 5, 2015.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Adjusting marketing mix to increase profit, Macao Daily, December 29, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Cultural & Creative Industries: Combining with market need for sustainable development, Macao Daily, December 22, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Keeping fashion taste for long term development, Macao Daily, December 15, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Taking policy advantage to help SMEs to expand, Macao Daily, December 8, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Beware cost control and quality content, Macao Daily, December 1, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Using first-mover advantages to create market value, Macao Daily, November 24, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Implementing focus strategy shapes professional image, Macao Daily, November 17, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Reasonable expansion creates economy of scale , Macao Daily, November 10, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Making professional characteristics outstanding to win customers, Macao Daily, November 3, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Professional marketer certification issue in Macau, Macao New Vision, 15 (Nov.), 15-20. (in Chinese).
- Liu, M. (2014). Excellent internal marketing keeps employees, Macao Daily, October 27, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Differentiated marketing strategies to different consumer segments, Macao Daily, October 20, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Complex operation model with unique selling proposition works, Macao Daily, October 13, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Providing high quality and exclusive product to win customer, Macao Daily, October 6, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Pull and push sales promotion strategies, Macao Daily, October 5, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Product diversification with quality standardization, Macao Daily, September 29, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Improving public transportation quality to build city brand image, Macao Daily, September 28, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Promoting concept and product simultaneously, Macao Daily, September 22, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Enhancing promotion and multichannel distribution, Macao Daily, September 15, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Learning from industrial successful players and investing on branding, Macao Daily, September 8, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Knowing expectation disconfirmation for enhancing customer satisfaction, Macao Daily, September 7, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). International market first, local market second, Macao Daily, September 1, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Leveraging brand value for market expansion, Macao Daily, August 25, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Rethinking unique selling proposition to find new customers , Macao Daily, August 18, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Government can learn marketing to promote policy, Macao Daily, August 17, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Focusing on value added niche market by creating differentiation, Macao Daily, August 11, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Price adjusting and value-added branding, Macao Daily, August 4, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). SMEs are the hardcore supporting forces in Macau, Macao Daily, August 3, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Promoting business through entertainment and experience approaches, Macao Daily, July 28, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Leveraging added value to promote business, Macao Daily, July 21, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Establishing brand awareness helps revenue generation, Macao Daily, July 14, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Social marketing: A great way for corporate sustainable development, Macao Daily, July 13, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Building brand with product innovation and promotion, Macao Daily, July 7, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Building consumer preference, Macao Daily, June 30, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Buzz marketing: leveraging interpersonal communication, Macao Daily, June 29, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Decreasing cost by building strategic partnership, Macao Daily, June 23, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Promoting leisure skiing experience, Macao Daily, June 16, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Cooperating with industry players for market expansion, Macao Daily, June 9, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Enhancing business to business marketing for expansion, Macao Daily, June 2, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Consumer attitude influences purchase behavior, Macao Daily, June 1, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Increasing revenue by expanding markets and products, Macao Daily, May 26, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Enhancing profitability by increasing revenues and cutting costs through channel strategy, Macao Daily, May 19, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Hungry marketing, Macao Daily, May 18, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Conducting buzz marketing enhances customer base; involving business agent business increases revenue, Macao Daily, May 12, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Diversification and price adjustment help increasing revenue, Macao Daily, May 5, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Internal marketing, Macao Daily, May 4, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Should internet shops develop physical stores? Macao Daily, April 28, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Promoting business culture and selling product, Macao Daily, April 21, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Re-purposing of unused space and developing culinary school, Macao Daily, April 14, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Choosing right direction before branding, Macao Daily, April 7, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Marketing: Making selling unnecessary, Macao Daily, April 6, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Building strategic alliance and co-branding and help promotion, Macao Daily, March 31, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Customization and marketing strategy modification, Macao Daily, March 24, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Decreasing inventory, increasing convergence rate, introducing group buying, Macao Daily, March 17, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Implementing customer loyalty program increases repurchase, Macao Daily, March 10, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Conducting market survey before starting business, Macao Daily, March 6, 2014.(A-10, case comments)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Embedding customer experience into your value added product, Macao Daily, March 3, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Creating customer satisfaction by improving service quality, Macao Daily, January 26, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2014). Macroscopic factors affecting buying behavior, Macao Daily, January 12, 2014.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). International marketing: Expanding global market, Macao Daily, December 29, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Setting pricing strategy base on brand position, Macao Daily, December 15, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Branding: The magic and strategies, Macao Daily, November 3, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). New product development (NPD) helps corporate growth, Macao Daily, October 20, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Marketing your corporate social responsibility (CSR), Macao Daily, October 6, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Retaining customers and creating revenue, Macao Daily, September 22, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Increasing revenue by leveraging customer loyalty program, Macao Daily, August 4, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Marketing essence for SMEs: 4P and 4C, Macao Daily, June 23, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). Inspiration: from marketing to political marketing, Macao Daily, April 28, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). The key success factors of word-of-mouth marketing online, Macao Daily, April 14, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2013). The internet application on political marketing, Macao Daily, February 3, 2013.(A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2012). Who is the best endorser of hospitality and gaming industries in Macau, Macao Daily, December 9, 2012. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2012). Excellent service makes Macau unique, Macao Daily, March 4, 2012. (A-11, Column article)(in Chinese)
- Liu, M. (2011). Applying marketing STP in political campaign: Examples from Macau & Taiwan, Macao New Vision, 7 (Nov.), 30-35. (in Chinese)
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- Liu, M. (2004). Humble yourself to feel the pulse of the land, Global Views Monthly (遠見雜誌), February 1, 2004. (interview comments)(in Chinese)