Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Head of Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
UMDF Professorial Fellow
- Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, USA
- M.S., Oklahoma State University, USA
- B.A., Nankai University, P. R. China
- Sep. 2021 – Present: Professor & Head of Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
- Sep. 2021 – Present: UMDF Professorial Fellow, University of Macau
- Jan. 2021 – Present: Executive Editor, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
- Aug. 2014 – Sep. 2021: Associate Professor / Professor / Charles W. Lanphere Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Oklahoma State University
- Aug. 2015 – Aug. 2020: Director of Graduate Programs / Associate Director – Research and Graduate Studies / Interim Director, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Oklahoma State University
- Aug. 2008 – Aug. 2015: Assistant Professor / Associate Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue University
- 2019: Best Paper Award, Central CHRIE Conference
- 2018: Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor, College of Human Sciences, Oklahoma State University
- 2017: I-CHRIE Outstanding Reviewer, I-CHRIE
- 2015: Bruce I. Lazarus Teaching Award, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue University
- 2014: PSHRS Emerging Professional Award, Penn State Hotel & Restaurant Society
- The Impacting Mechanism of Empowering Leadership on Employee Service Innovation Behavior from the Perspective of Ambidexterity, funded by China National Science Foundation, 2020-2023, CI
- A Tourism Study of the City of Stillwater, OK – Baseline Tourism Data and Visitor Profile, funded by City of Stillwater, OK, 2018-2019, PI
- Research on Consumers’ Evaluations and Effect Mechanism of Service Product Innovation, funded by China National Science Foundation, 2017-2020, CI
- Hospitality and tourism experiences
- Intersections among culture, technology and experience
- Emerging travel and tourism behaviors
- Miao, L., Im, J., Hu, J., Fung So, K. K., Huang, Z., & Fu, X. (2025). The estrangement experience in travel and tourism. Tourism Management, 108, 105127.
- Im, J., Eastham, R., Kim, H., Miao, L., & West, J. J. (2025). Women executives’ inclusion experience and strategies in the hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism Management, 108, 105097.
- Hu, J., Miao, L., Jiang, T., & Chen, C. (2024). ‘Yanhuo Chi’: An everyday aesthetic tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 109, 103850.
- Miao, L., Yang, F. X., Hu, J., Wang, K. Y., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Sense of place of tourism destinations in a metaverse paradigm. Tourism Management, 105, 104958.
- Miao, L., Yang, F. X., Im, J., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Flexwork and Flextravel. Annals of Tourism Research, 106.
- Miao, L., & Yang, X. (2023). Text-to-image AI tools and tourism experiences. Annals of Tourism Research.
- Lin, M., Li, Y., & Miao, L. (2023). The impact of knowledge hiding on targets’ knowledge sharing with perpetrators. Tourism Management, 98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104775.
- Jiang, Ting, Miao, Li, & Fu, Xiaoxiao. (2022). Tourism and Yuan-based strangership. Annals of Tourism Research, 94.
- Lin, Meizhen, Miao, Li, Wei, Wei, & Moon, Hyoungeun. (2022). A conceptual research: The regulatory role of peer-to-peer engagement behaviors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102.
- Miao, Li, So, Kevin Kam Fung, Im, Jinyoung, & Jiang, Ting. (2022). The pandemic’s effects on customer-to-customer engagement in hospitality consumption: A multi-country investigation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102.
- Cao, Yan, & Miao, Li. (2022). Consumer perception of clean food labels. British Food Journal.
- Jang, Yisak, Miao, Li, & Chen, Chih-Chien. (2021). Pay Now or Pay Later: The Impact of Time on Payment Preference in Hotel Booking. Journal Of Vacation Marketing.
- Miao, Li. (2021). The Interplay Between Context and Concept: Theorizing in Hospitality and Tourism Research. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 45(8), 1351-1359.
- Fan, Xiangli, Im, Jinyoung, Miao, Li, Tomas, Stacy, & Liu, Hailing. (2021). Silk and steel: A gendered approach to career and life by upper echelon women executives in the hospitality and tourism industry in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 97.
- Cao, Yan, & Miao, Li. (2021). Consumer responses to suboptimal food products. Appetite, 163.
- Miao, Li, Lin, Meizhen, Wei, Wei, & Moon, Hyoungeun. (2021). Peer Regulation in a Peer-to-Peer Business Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.
- Miao, Li, Im, Jinyoung, Fu, Xiaoxiao, Kim, Haemi, & Zhang, Yi Estella. (2021). Proximal and distal post-COVID travel behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 88.
- Im, Jinyoung, Kim, Haemi, & Miao, Li. (2021). CEO letters: Hospitality corporate narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92.
- Lee, Kai Sean, Blum, Denise, Miao, Li, & Tomas, Stacy R. (2020). The creative minds of extraordinary pastry chefs: an integrated theory of aesthetic expressions – a portraiture study. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(9), 3015-3034.
- Fan, Alei, Wu, Luorong, Miao, Li, & Mattila, Anna S. (2020). When does technology anthropomorphism help alleviate customer dissatisfaction after a service failure?–The moderating role of consumer technology self-efficacy and interdependent self-construal. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 29(3), 269-290.
- van der Rest, Jean Pierre I., Sears, Alan M., Miao, Li, & Wang, Lorna. (2020). A note on the future of personalized pricing: cause for concern. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 19(2), 113-118.
- Lin, Meizhen, Miao, Li, Wei, Wei, & Moon, Hyoungeun. (2019). Peer Engagement Behaviors: Conceptualization and Research Directions. Journal of Service Research, 22(4), 388-403.
- Moon, Hyoungeun, Wei, Wei, & Miao, Li. (2019). Complaints and resolutions in a peer-to-peer business model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 239-248.
- Jang, Yisak, Chen, Chih Chien, & Miao, Li. (2019). Last-minute hotel-booking behavior: The impact of time on decision-making. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 38, 49-57.
- Moon, Hyoungeun, Miao, Li, Hanks, Lydia, & Line, Nathaniel D. (2019). Peer-to-peer interactions: Perspectives of Airbnb guests and hosts. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 405-414.
- Lehto, Xinran, Luo, Wenying, Miao, Li, & Ghiselli, Richard F. (2018). Shared tourism experience of individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 8, 185-193.
- Yu, Xi, Anaya, Gerardo Joel, Miao, Li, Lehto, Xinran, & Wong, Ip Kin Anthony. (2018). The Impact of Smartphones on the Family Vacation Experience. Journal of Travel Research, 57(5), 579-596.
- Line, Nathaniel D., Hanks, Lydia, & Miao, Li. (2018). Image Matters: Incentivizing Green Tourism Behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 296-309.
- Fu, Xiaoxiao, Zhang, Wenqian, Lehto, Xinran Y., & Miao, Li. (2018). Celebration of heritage: linkages between historical re-enactment festival attributes and attendees’ value perception. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 202-217.
- Wei, Wei, Kim, Gaeul, Miao, Li, Behnke, Carl, & Almanza, Barbara. (2018). Consumer inferences of corporate social responsibility (CSR) claims on packaged foods. Journal of Business Research, 83, 186-201.
- Seo, Soobin, Miao, Li, Almanza, Barbara, & Behnke, Carl. (2018). How Have Restaurant Firms Responded to Food Safety Crises? Evidence From Media Coverage. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 21(1), 83-105.
- Shen, Ruyi, Miao, Li, Lehto, Xinran, & Zhao, Xinyuan. (2018). Work or/and Life? An Exploratory Study of Respite Experience of Bed and Breakfast Innkeepers. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42(1), 142-165.
- Wei, Wei, & Miao, Li. (2017). Memorable experiences in customer-customer interactions (CCIs) at conferences. Event Management, 21(6), 771-787.
- Wei, Wei, Miao, Li, Cai, Liping A., & Adler, Howard. (2017). Modeling event attendees’ experiences during customer-customer encounters (CCEs). International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(8), 2085-2102.
- Wei, Wei, Lu, Ying, Miao, Li, Cai, Liping A., & Wang, Chen ya. (2017). Customer-customer interactions (CCIs) at conferences: An identity approach. Tourism Management, 59, 154-170.
- Park, Haeik, Almanza, Barbara A., Miao, Li, Sydnor, Sandra, & Jang, Soo Cheong. (2016). Consumer perceptions and emotions about sanitation conditions in full-service restaurants. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 19(5), 474-487.
- Huang, Zhuowei, & Miao, Li. (2016). Illegitimate Customer Complaining Behavior in Hospitality Service Encounters: A Frontline Employee Perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40(6), 655-684.
- Line, Nathaniel D., Hanks, Lydia, Miao, Li, & Daniell, Robert B. (2016). Understanding Perceptions of E-cigarette Use in Shared Consumption Spaces: A Schema Congruity Perspective. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 57(3), 297-313.
- Anaya, Gerardo Joel, Miao, Li, Mattila, Anna S., & Almanza, Barbara. (2016). Consumer envy during service encounters. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(3), 359-372.
- Miao, Li, & Wei, Wei. (2016). Consumers’ Pro-Environmental Behavior and Its Determinants in the Lodging Segment. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40(3), 319-338.
- Kim, Seontaik, Miao, Li, & Magnini, Vincent P. (2016). Consumers’ Emotional Responses and Emotion Regulation Strategies During Multistage Waiting in Restaurants. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40(3), 291-318.
- Wang, Chen Ya, Miao, Li, & Mattila, Anna S. (2015). Customer responses to intercultural communication accommodation strategies in hospitality service encounters. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 96-104.
- Torres, Edwin N., Adler, Howard, Behnke, Carl, Miao, Li, & Lehto, Xinran. (2015). The Use of Consumer-Generated Feedback in the Hotel Industry: Current Practices and Their Effects on Quality. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 16(3), 224-250.
- Seo, Soobin, Almanza, Barbara, Miao, Li, & Behnke, Carl. (2015). The Effect of Social Media Comments on Consumers’ Responses to Food Safety Information. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18(2), 111-131.
- Seo, Soobin, Jang, Soo Cheong Shawn, Almanza, Barbara, Miao, Li, & Behnke, Carl. (2014). The negative spillover effect of food crises on restaurant firms: Did Jack in the box really recover from an E. coli scare?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 39, 107-121.
- Huang, Zhuowei, Zhao, Chen, Miao, Li, & Fu, Xiaoxiao. (2014). Triggers and inhibitors of illegitimate customer complaining behavior: Anecdotes from frontline employees in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(4), 544-571.
- Miao, Li. (2014). Self-regulation and “other consumers” at service encounters: A sociometer perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 39, 122-129.
- Miao, Li, Lehto, Xinran, & Wei, Wei. (2014). The Hedonic Value of Hospitality Consumption: Evidence From Spring Break Experiences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(2), 99-121.
- Miao, Li. (2014). Emotion Regulation at Service Encounters: Coping with the Behavior of Other Customers. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(1), 49-76.
- Miao, Li, & Mattila, Anna S. (2013). Impulse Buying in Restaurant Food Consumption. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 16(5), 448-467.
- Li, Yuan, Miao, Li, Zhao, Xinyuan, & Lehto, Xinran. (2013). When family rooms become guest lounges: Work-family balance of B& B innkeepers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34(1), 138-149.
- Torres, Edwin N., Adler, Howard, Lehto, Xinran, Behnke, Carl, & Miao, li. (2013). One experience and multiple reviews: the case of upscale US hotels. Tourism Review, 68(3), 3-20.
- Seo, Soobin, Jang, Soo Cheong Shawn, Miao, Li, Almanza, Barbara, & Behnke, Carl. (2013). The impact of food safety events on the value of food-related firms: An event study approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(1), 153-165.
- Wei, Wei, & Miao, Li. (2013). Effects of calorie information disclosure on consumers’ food choices at restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(1), 106-117.
- Wei, Wei, Miao, Li, & Huang, Zhuowei. (2013). Customer engagement behaviors and hotel responses. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(1), 316-330.
- Choi, Jinkyung, Miao, Li, Almanza, Barbara, & Nelson, C. Douglas. (2013). Consumers’ Responses to Restaurant Inspection Reports: The Effects of Information Source and Message Style. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 16(3), 255-275.
- Miao, Li, & Wei, Wei. (2013). Consumers’ pro-environmental behavior and the underlying motivations: A comparison between household and hotel settings. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 32(1), 102-112.
- Miao, Li, & Mattila, Anna S. (2013). The Impact of Other Customers on Customer Experiences: A Psychological Distance Perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 37(1), 77-99.
- Wei, Wei, Miao, Li, Cai, Liping A., & Adler, Howard. (2012). The influence of self-construal and co-consumption others on consumer complaining behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 764-771.
- Miao, Li, Mattila, Anna S., & Mount, Dan. (2011). Other consumers in service encounters: A script theoretical perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 933-941.
- Miao, Li, Adler, Howard, & Xu, Xiaofeng. (2011). A stakeholder approach to expatriate management: Perceptions of hotel expatriate managers in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3), 530-541.
- Jimmy Xie, Hui, Miao, Li, Kuo, Pei Jou, & Lee, Bo Youn. (2011). Consumers’ responses to ambivalent online hotel reviews: The role of perceived source credibility and pre-decisional disposition. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1), 178-183.
- Miao, Li. (2011). Guilty pleasure or pleasurable guilt? affective experience of impulse buying in hedonic-driven consumption. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 35(1), 79-101.
- Namasivayam, Karthik, Miao, Li, & Zhao, Xinyuan. (2007). An investigation of the relationships between compensation practices and firm performance in the US hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(3), 574-587.
- Miao, Li, & Mattila, Anna S. (2007). How and How Much To Reveal? The Effects of Price Transparency On Consumers’ Price Perceptions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 31(4), 530-545.