Associate Professor in Management
- Ph.D. in Management of Organizations, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Macau
- M.S. in Management Science and Engineering, Peking University
- B.A. in Marketing, Peking University
- Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, University of Macau, Aug 2020 – Present
- Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, University of Macau, Aug 2014 – Aug 2020
- Undergraduate Courses
- Principles of Business Management (MGMT1000)
- Organizational Behavior (MGMT2001)
- Performance and Compensation Management (MGMT4010)
- Developing Leadership (HONR2003)
- PhD courses
- Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Behavior / Human Resource Management (MGMT8014)
- Social identification in organizational contexts
- Individual proactivity at work
- Faculty Outstanding External Service Award, 2024
- Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2023-2024
- Multi-Year Research Grant, University of Macau, 2023-2024
- Multi-Year Research Grant, University of Macau, 2020-2021
- Outstanding Academic Staff, University of Macau, 2019
- Multi-Year Research Grant, University of Macau, 2018-2019
- Start-Up Research Grant, University of Macau, 2014-2017
- Dean’s PhD Fellowship Award, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2013-2014
- First Prize, Li Ning Dissertation Proposal Grants, International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2013
- Research Travel Grant, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2012
- Ph.D. Student Representative, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2009-2010
- Li, J., Zhang, L. L., & Mao, K. (2023). A dynamic perspective on job knowledge characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Management and Organization Review (ABS3), 19, 117-1151.
- Chow, C. W. C., Chow, C. S. F., Lai, J. Y. M., & Zhang, L. L. (2022). Online group-buying: The effect of deal popularity on consumer purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Behavior (ABS2), 21, 387-399.
- Zhang, L. L., George, E., & Chattopadhyay, P. (2020). Not in my pay grade: The Relational benefit of pay grade dissimilarity. Academy of Management Journal (ABS4*, FT50, UTD), 63, 779-801.
- Lin, X., Lam, L. W., & Zhang, L. L. (2020). The curvilinear relationship between job satisfaction and employee voice: Speaking up for the organization and the self. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS3), 37, 587-607.
- Zhang, L. L., & Farh, J. L. (2019). Separating truth from error: A closer look at the effect of grouped versus intermixed questionnaire format. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS3), 36, 881-901.
- Tan, A. J. M., Loi, R., Lam, L. W., & Zhang, L. L. (2019). Do embedded employees voice more? Personnel Review (ABS2), 48, 824-838.
- Liu, M., Liu, Y., & Zhang, L. L. (2019). Vlog and brand evaluations: The influence of parasocial interaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (ABS1), 31, 419-436.
- Pinto, L., Kaynak, E., Chow, C. S. F., & Zhang, L. L. (2019). Ranking of choice cues for smartphones using the best-worst scaling method. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (ABS1), 31, 223-245.
- George, E., Chattopadhyay, P., & Zhang, L. L. (2012). Helping hand or competition? The moderating influence of perceived upward mobility on the relationship between blended workgroups and employee attitudes and behaviors. Organization Science (ABS4*, FT50, UTD), 23, 355-372.
- Zhang, L. L., Lam, L. W., & Chow, C. S. F. (2009). Segmenting the customer base in a CRM program according to customer tolerance to inferiority – A moderator of the service failure-customer dissatisfaction link. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 22, 68-87.
- Chow, C. S. F., & Zhang, L. L. (2008). Measuring consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction intensities to identify satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 21, 66-79.
- Wan, G., Chen, S., Huai, M., Lu, Q, & Zhang, L. L. (2024) A new perspective on the relationship between female CEOs and acquisition intensity. Accepted for presentation at The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Tang, Y., & Zhang, L. L. (2023). Does helping facilitate or hinder teammate performance? An uncertainty management perspective. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
- Li, J., & Zhang, L. L. (2023). An uncertainty perspective on the dynamics of relational demography. Uncertainty Summer School, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Li, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, L. L., & Chattopadhyay, P., (2020). How to manage stereotypes in diverse teams: Examining self-regulation mechanism and its effectiveness. The INGRoup Conference, Vitual.
- Li, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, L. L., & Chattopadhyay, P., (2020). How to manage stereotypes in diverse teams: Examining self-regulation mechanism and its effectiveness. The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Virtual.
- Tan, A. J. M., Lin, X., Loi, R., & Zhang, L. L. (2019). Does procedural justice make employees thrive? The mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of psychological empowerment. The 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
- Huai, M., Mao, K., Zhang, L. L., Jamison, J., & Feldman, G. (2018). When safety/efficacy is more important in predicting employee voice? A meta-analysis on the moderating effects of cultural factors and voice types. The 8th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, China.
- Wang, F., Liu, W., Ling, C., Zhang, L. L., & Huai, M. (2017). Efficacy- and safety-based voice topography and their impacts on team performance. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Huai, M., Zhang, L. L., Farh, J. L., & Wu, X. (2016) Who speaks up more matters for team performance: A status perspective on voice distribution. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Hou, Y.-H., Zhang, L. L., & Lam, L. W. (2016). Representing the organization: The influence of team leaders’ organizational embodiment on members’ team identification and helping behavior. The 7th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hangzhou, China.
- Zhang, L. L., & George, E. (2015). The relational benefit of status dissimilarity. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
- Zhang, L. L., Chattopadhyay, P., & George, E. (2012). Asymmetric influence of goal orientation dissimilarity: A matter of perception. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
- Farh, J. L., Chen, G., Zhang, L. L., Wu, Z., & Wu, X. (2010). Effects of team level voice on team innovation: The moderating role of relationship conflict. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
- Zhang, L. L., & Farh, J. L. (2009). Grouped or intermixed items? Resolving the debate with criterion-related evidence. The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Chow, C. S. F., & Zhang, L. L. (2008). An alternative method for identifying satisfiers & dissatisfiers. The Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
- Zhang, L. L., & Chow, C. S. F. (2007). Tolerance to inferiority and tolerance disconfirmation: A model of consumer dissatisfaction. The European Marketing Academy 36th Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Zhang, L. L., Chow, C. S. F., & Nasol, R. L. (2006). The effect of performance and tolerance on consumer satisfaction: An experimental study. The Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter Conference, Miami, Florida, USA.
- Team Leader’s Organizational Prototypicality and Leadership Effectiveness: Extending the Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Department of Organization and Human Resources. Renmin University of China, December, 2021.
- Role taking and role making: Two approaches to team identification development. Faculty of Business Administration Seminar Series. University of Macau, November, 2019.
- Fit me for the team or fit the team for me? Two approaches to team identification development. The 2019 International Symposium on Fueling the Proactivity by Emotion Energy: Prospect and Dialogue. Hong Kong, May 2019.
- Who speaks up more matters for team performance: A status perspective on voice distribution. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, April 2016.
- Member of Editorial Board
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS3)
- Management Decision (ABS2)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer
- Academy of Management Journal (ABS4*, UTD, FT50)
- Organization Studies (ABS4, FT50)
- Human Relations (ABS4, FT50)
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (ABS4)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS3)
- Management and Organization Review (ABS3)
- Personnel Review (ABS2)
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology