Assistant Professor in Marketing
- PhD in Marketing, Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom, 2007
- MBA in Marketing, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 1987
- BBA in Marketing, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 1984
- Undergraduate Courses
- Consumer Behavior (MKTG306)
- International Marketing (MKTG402)
- Advertising and Promotion Management (MKTG443)
- International Business (MKTG404)
- Export Marketing
- Organizational Learning
- Consumer Behavior in the Asia Pacific Region
- Hughes, P., Souchon, A. L., Nemkova, E., Hodgkinson, I. R., Oliveira, J. S., Boso, N., … & Sy-Chan (2019), Quadratic effects of dynamic decision-making capability on innovation orientation and performance: Evidence from Chinese exporters. Industrial Marketing Management.(ABS3), Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 83, 59-69 (ABS3)
- Efrat, K., Hughes, P., Nemkova, E., Souchon, A. L., & Sy-Changco, J. (2018). Leveraging of Dynamic export capabilities for competitive advantage and performance consequences: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Research, 84, 114-124.(ABS3)
- Sy-Changco, J. A., Singh, R., Gregorio, R. L., Lu, P. X., & Shin, G. C. (2016). Impact of sales call adaptiveness and customer willingness on sales call length: a cross-country study of India, China, Korea, and Philippines. Journal of Global Marketing, 29(3), 128-138.(ABS1)
- Sy-Changco, J. A., Agapito, C., and Singh, R. (2013), “Entrepreneurial Competence and Institutional Heritage: Their Impact on Business Process Outsourcing in the Philippines,” in The Process of Internationalization in Emerging SMEs and Emerging Economies, McGill International Entrepreneurship Series, edited by Hamid Etemad, Edgar Elgar Publishing, 281-302.
- Sy-Changco,J.A. and Singh, R. (2013) “HK Disneyland: Chinese Tourists’ Behavior and Disneyland’s Internationalization Strategy” (A case study in chapter 4 Global Marketing, 1st edition, authored by Ilan Alon and Eugene Jaffe, McGraw-Hill, 85-89.
- Sephanie U Si Man and Josepph Sy-Changco (2016), “Better for World, Better for Firm? A Study on Green Demarketing Strategy from Customers’ Perspectives”,proceedings of Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference,, (ANZMAC), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 5 – 7, 2016, p. 121-128.
- Sachet Marketing, funded by the Research Committee of the University of Macau, 2007, Principal Investigator
- “Field” and “Habitus”: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Mobile SMS Communication Patterns Among University Students in China, India, and the Philippines, funded by the Research Committee of the University of Macau, 2008, Principal Investigator
- Phi Kappa Phi International Honor Society
- Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society
- U.P. Junior Marketing Association
- U.P. Junior Finance Association
- U.P. MBA Alumni Association
- Hong Kong and Macau Association for European Studies