Professor in Accounting
I have published numerous papers on accounting and corporate governance in leading academic journals. I am a Joint Editor of The British Accounting Review, an associate editor for Abacus, Nankai Business Review International, and an editorial board member of Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, China Journal of Accounting Research and several other international journals. I was the founding editor-in-chief of China Journal of Accounting Studies (an international research journal of Accounting Society of China). I am a Principal Fellow of Accounting Society of China. I have also maintained close ties with accounting professional bodies. In particular, I was a member of the Research Committee of ACCA Global from 2005 to 2011.
- PhD in Accounting
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy, since 1 March 2004
- Best Paper, Which price to learn from: Evidence from Cross-listings with Market Segmentation, the China Academy of Management Annual Conference, 28 October, 2017. (With Hu, G., Huang. S. Y., and Zou, H.)
- Best Paper, The Effects of Government Quality on Corporate Cash Holdings presented at the 2012 China International Conference in Finance, Chongqing, China, 2-12, July 2012, organised by Tsinghua University and MIT. (with Chen, D. and Zou, H.)
- Gansu 2009 11th Social Science Achievements (2nd prize). Yang, S. and Xiao, Z. (2008). Issues in the Chinese Government Auditing System: Empirical Investigation and Theoretical Analysis. Beijing: China Finance and Economic Press, pp. 315.
- 1998, winner of the Cardiff University Young Researcher Competition (with J. Dahya).
- Accounting Society of China Best Paper Runner-up 2001. Xie, Z. and Xiao, Z. (2000). Public Disclosure versus Private Disclosure: Price Sensitive Information Control in China. Accounting Research. No. 10, pp. 29-35. Reprinted in Xinhua Digest, No, 2, 2001.
- Accounting Society of China 2000 Yougyou Cup Best Paper Runner-up. Xiao, Z (2000). Financial Reporting: A Mass Customisation Perspective. Accounting Research. 1, pp.43-49.
- 1993-1995, Overseas Research Students (ORS) prize awarded by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, UK.
- Postgraduate Courses
- Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities (for MSc in Accounting)
- Contemporary Issues in International Financial Management (for DBA)
Main Research Grants Obtained
- 2024-2025. University of Macau Multiple-year Research Grant. Government Auditing. Principal investigator.
- 2024-2027. Audit group-client relationship. National Social Science Fund of China. Grant No. 23BJY110. Co-investigator.
- 2023-2024. University of Macau Multiple-year Research Grant. Critical Audit Matters. Principal investigator.
- 2020-2022. University of Macau Start-Up Grant. Corporate social reporting and assurance. Principal investigator.
- 2019-2022. A study of the mechanisms through which firm strategic choice affects innovation modes and economic consequences. National Natural Science Foundation, PRC. Grant no. 71872179. ¥470,000 yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2019- 2022. Economic Policy Uncertainty, Top Manager’s Cultural Characteristics and Corporate M&As. National Natural Science Foundation, PRC. Grant no. ¥290,000 yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2016-2019. The managerial discretion in fair value estimates and its consequences and governance: A study based on the OBS information on employee equity incentives. National Natural Science Foundation, PRC. Grant No: 71502122. ¥174,000 Yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2015-2016. Corporate governance research – GW4-IF3-007 “Centre for Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility” – from the GW4 collaboration schemes. £9,150. Principal Investigator.
- 2013-2016. Auditor Reputation Mechanisms and Their Economic Consequences. National Natural Science Foundation, PRC. Grant No. 71272189. RMB ¥520,000 yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2012-2015. Fair value use and usefulness in China. ICAEW’s Charitable Trusts. £29,900. Principal investigator.
- 2012-2013. Management Controls Pre- and Post-IPOs in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. From CIMA, £11,000. Co-investigator.
- 2011-2014. A study of the evaluation and monitoring of capital market stability, National Social Science Foundation of China Key Project No. 11AZD010. ¥250,000 yuan. Principal investigator of a subproject.
- 2010-2013. Complementarities of Management Accounting and ERP. National Natural Sciences Foundation, PRC. Grant No. 71002005. ¥210,000 yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2009-2010. The role of financial institutions in corporate governance of listed Chinese firms. National Natural Sciences Foundation, Grant No: 70940025. ¥90,000 yuan. Co-investigator.
- 2003-2005. Impact of Political Ideology on Accounting Regulation in China. From the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland (ICAS). £16,670. Principal investigator.
- 2000-2008. Auditor independence, accounting standard setting, corporate governance. Provided by a company. £115,000. Principal investigator.
- 1998-2004. Corporate Governance in China. From Cardiff University 1998 Young Researcher Competition. £6,950. Principal investigator.
- 1998-2003. The Potential of the Internet for Financial Reporting. From the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). £9,250. Principal investigator.
- 1998-2002. Inside Information Control in China. From Leverhulme Trust. £18,400. Principal investigator.
- Accounting and auditing regulation, with results reported in such journals as Abacus; Accounting Horizons; Accounting, Organizations and Society; and International Journal of Accounting. I have been undertaking a project for ICAEW on use and usefulness of fair value accounting in China.
- Impact of information technology (e.g., Blockchain, Internet and ERP) on accounting, resulting in publications in such journals as Accounting and Business Research; British Accounting Review; Accounting Horizons; European Accounting Review; European Journal of Information Systems; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; and IT&People.
- Corporate governance, which has generated outputs for such outlets as Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal; British Accounting Review; British Journal of Management; Corporate Governance – An International Review; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Corporate Finance, and Management and Organization Review.
(See more of my publications in my Google Scholar profile)
- Feng, H., Wang, Q. and Xiao, Z. (2024). Venture capital and stock price informativeness: Evidence from China. The Financial Review, DOI: 10.1111/fire.12392 (ABS3)
- Chen, X., Chen, J. and Xiao, Z. (2024). Do Social Ties Between Two Signatory Auditors Affect Audit Quality and Firm Value? Accounting and Business Research. (doi/full/10.1080/00014788.2024.2306531) (ABS 3)
- Shen, H., Wu, L., and Xiao, Z. (2023). Auditors’ sensitivity to business risk under business risk auditing. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42 (6), November–December 2023, 107113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2023.107113 (ABS 3)
- Feng, H Q and Xiao, Z. (2022). Board change and firm risk: Do new directors mean unstable corporate policies? Corporate Governance: An International Review. 30 (2): 212-231. (org/10.1111/corg.12399 ) (ABS3)
- Chen, M. Y., Xiao, Z., and Zhao, Y. (2021). Confucianism, successor choice, and firm performance in family firms: Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 69: 1-21. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2021.102023) (ABS4)
- Hu, G., Xiao, Z. and Zhen, Y. 2021. The effect of dialect sharing between CEOs and Chairmen on corporate cash holdings in China. Abacus. (org/10.1111/abac.12247) (ABS3)
- Wu, L. and Xiao, Z. (2021) The value of auditing, audit independence, and audit pricing: a review of empirical evidence from China, Accounting and Business Research, 51 (6-7), pp. 1-37. (DOI: 1080/00014788.2021.1970703) (ABS3).
- Feng, H Q and Xiao, Z. (2021). Board change and firm risk: Do new directors mean unstable corporate policies? Corporate Governance: An International Review, 1-20. (https://doi.org/10.1111/corg.12399) (ABS 3)
- Tan, Y., Xiao, J. Z., Zeng, C., and Zou, H. 2021. What’s in a name? The valuation effect of board director surname sharing, Journal of Banking and Finance January 2021, Vol. 122, pp. 1-21, 105991 (org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2020.105991) (ABS3)
- Ezzamel, M., Xiao, J. Z. and Yuan, R. 2020. Can small shareholders protect their interests from expropriation: The case of a Chinese bank. Management and Organization Review 16:1, February 2020, 139–168 (10.1017/mor.2019.23) (ABS3)
- Dai, T.et al. 2017. IPOs, institutional complexity, and management accounting in hybrid organisations: a field study in a state-owned enterprise in China. Management Accounting Research36, pp. 2-23. (10.1016/j.mar.2016.07.006) (ABS3)
- Ezzamel, M. and Xiao, J. Z. 2015. The development of accounting regulations for foreign invested firms in China: The role of Chinese characteristics. Accounting Organizations and Society44, pp. 60-84. (10.1016/j.aos.2015.05.005) (FT50, ABS4*)
- Li, W.et al. 2015. The ethical dimension of management ownership in China. Journal of Business Ethics141(2), pp. 381-392. (10.1007/s10551-015-2722-1) (FT50, ABS3)
- Chen, D.et al. 2014. The effect of government quality on corporate cash holdings. Journal of Corporate Finance27, pp. 384-400. (10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2014.05.008) (ABS4)
- Li, P.et al. 2012. Is there an expectations gap in the roles of independent directors? An explorative study of listed Chinese companies. British Journal of Management23(2), pp. 206-222. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00727.x) (ABS4)
- Yuan, R.et al. 2009. The role of financial institutions in the corporate governance of listed Chinese companies. British Journal of Management20(4), pp. 562-580. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00602.x) (ABS4)
- Yuan, R., Xiao, J. Z. and Zou, H. 2008. Mutual funds’ ownership and firm performance: evidence from China. Journal of Banking & Finance32(8), pp. 1552-1565. (10.1016/j.jbankfin.2007.08.001) (ABS3)
- Ezzamel, M., Xiao, J. Z. and Pan, A. 2007. Political Ideology and Accounting Regulation in China. Accounting Organizations and Society32(7-8), pp. 669-700. (10.1016/j.aos.2006.09.008) (FT50, ABS4*)
- Xiao, J. Z., Chow, C. and Yang, H. 2004. The determinants and characteristics of voluntary Internet-based disclosures by listed Chinese companies. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 23(3), pp. 191-225. (10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2004.04.002) (ABS3)
- Xiao, J. Z., Dahya, J. and Lin, Z. 2004. A Grounded Theory Exposition of the Role of the Supervisory Board in China. British Journal of Management15(1), pp. 39-55. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2004.t01-1-00399.x) (ABS4)
- Xiao, Z., Jones, M. J. and Lymer, A. 2002. Immediate trends in Internet reporting. European Accounting Review11(2), pp. 245-275. (10.1080/09638180020017087a) (ABS3)
- Xiao, J. Z. and Jensen, R. E. 2001. Customized financial reporting, networked databases and distributed file sharing. Accounting Horizons15(3), pp. 209-222. (ABS3)
- Xiao, J. Z., Zhang, Y. and Xie, Z. 2000. The Making of Independent Auditing Standards in China. Accounting Horizons14(1), pp. 69-89. (10.2308/acch.2000.14.1.69) (ABS3)
- Xiao, Z., Powell, P. L. and Dodgson, J. H. 1998. The impact of information technology on information asymmetry. European Journal of Information Systems7(2), pp. 77-89. (10.1057/palgrave/ejis/3000291) (ABS4)
I have published many papers in top Chinese journals, including 14 in Accounting Research (会计研究), 1 in Finance Research (金融研究), 6 in Auditing Research (审计研究), 3 in Economic Research (经济研究), 3 in Management World (管理世界), 2 in Financial and Trade Economics (财贸经济).
I have also published an award winning book in Chinese: Yang, S. and Xiao, Z. (2008). Issues in the Chinese Government Auditing System: Empirical Investigation and Theoretical Analysis (中国国家审计体制:实证研究和理论分析). Beijing: China Finance and Economic Press, pp. 315.
Main Keynote Speeches, Invited Seminars, Conference/Seminar Organization and Presentations Since 2000
- 2024, Invited speaker and session chair at the Long Ma Accounting & Finance Conference, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 8 July 2024.
- 2024, speaker and co-chair of the keynote session at the 12th SIIFC International Conference — Green Finance Empowers New Quality Productivity Forces & 8th Shanghai-Edinburgh-London-Cape Town Green Finance and Accounting Conference, 1 June 2024.
- 2023, co-organiser and co-chair of The British Accounting Review Inaugural Global Conference 2023, University of Cape Town, 8-9 December 2023
- 2023, co-organiser and co-chair of The British Accounting Review Inaugural Annual Conference 2023, Harvard University, 4 December 2023
- 2023, invited speaker on the British Accounting Review Perspective on Intelligent Accounting and Risk Management at the International Conference of Intelligent Accounting and Risk Management, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 25-28 August, 2023.
- 2023, Invited campus visit and seminar speaker at Curtin University, Australia, 15-18 Nov. 2023
- 2023, c-organizer and co-chair of The British Accounting Review Reception held on 8 August 2023 during the 2023 AAA meeting in Denver, USA.
- 2023, invited speaker and session chair at the Long Ma Accounting & Finance Conference, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 8 July 2023.
- 2023, organized and hosted the BAR Reception at the EAA 2023 Annual Congress, Helsinki, Finland, on 25 May 2023.
- 2023, invited seminar: Family Leadership and ESG performance. Northeastern University, 10 July 2023.
- 2023, invited keynote speech: Family Leadership and ESG performance, at the 5th Global Chinese Accounting Association (GCAA) Summit 2023, The Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ) Special Issue Conference, 24-25 June.
- 2023, invited keynote speech, “AI and Audit Capacity”, XJTLU AI and Big Data in Accounting and Finance Conference, and British Accounting Review (BAR) special issue, 10-11 June, 2023, XJTLU South Campus. (online).
- 2023, invited presentation “AI and Audit Capacity”, at the 1st Conference of China Auditing professors Forum, 18 March.
- 2022, Invited panel member for Editors’ Forum, at the 21st International Symposium on Chinese Empirical Accounting Research, Zhejiang, China, 16-18 December 2022. (online).
- 2022, Invited lecture: Corporate Governance at the MPAcc Forum, Suzhou University, 11 December 2022. (online).
- 2022, invited keynote speech, Corporate Site Visits and Management Range Guidance, 中国管理会计教授年会, 2022-12-3 (online).
- 2022, Invited keynote speech: Corporate Site Visits and Management Range Guidance at the 10th Auditing Theoretical Innovation and Development Forum and the Annual Conference of the China Centre for Government Auditing Research (CCGAR). 10-11 Dec. 2022. (online)
- 2022, invited seminar on “Dynamic Interactions between Independent Director Dissension, Shareholder Votes, and Management Remedial Responses” at the Macquarie University – Jill McKinnon Research Seminar Series 2022 – Wednesday, 28 September 2022 (online)
- 2022, invited keynote speech “Dynamic Interactions between Independent Director Dissension, Shareholder Votes, and Management Remedial Responses” and Editor’s Forum The 5th International Academic Conference of Accounting and Finance in the Emerging Markets, 5 Nov. 2022. (online)
- 2022, invited keynote speech “Dynamic Interactions between Independent Director Dissension, Shareholder Votes, and Management Remedial Responses”at the Tri-University Annual Conference, “Recover and Rebalancing”, Cardiff-Xiamen-Newcastle Universities, 3-4 Nov. 2022. (online)
- 2022, presentation of paper titled The invisible hand: government auditing and the local government auditing in China at the Alternative Accounting European (AAE) Online Conference, Birmingham University, UK., 7 Jan 2022. (with Simon Tan)
- 2021, co-organiser and chair, UM FBA Distinguished Research Seminar (online) by Prof. Naomi Sorderstrom, Digital insiders and informed trading before earnings announcements. 3 Nov. 2021.
- 2021, invited keynote speech, titled Audit value, audit independence and audit fees: Empirical Evidence from China at the 10thAuditing Theoretical Innovation and Development Forum and the Annual Conference of the China Centre for Government Auditing Research (CCGAR). 10-11 Dec. 2021.
- 2021, co-organiser and chair of the online Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Special Issue Conference on Auditing and Public Policy in China, 22-23 Oct. 2021.
- 2021, invited chair of a Global China Accounting Association (GCAA) online seminar by Prof. Donghui Li at Shenzhen University on Resolve the Global Risk-Related Agency Conflict: Evidence from U.S. Foreign Institutional Investors, 16 July 2021.
- 2021, session chair: ESG and Innovation of the Responsible Innovation Forum jointly organized by UM FBA, Academy of Sciences of China, Tsinghua University, and Oxford University on 17 May 2021.
- 2020, co-organiser and chair, Online Forum on ICT and Corporate Governance, held on 10 December 2020. Keynote speakers were Prof. Qiang Ye at Ha’erbin Institute of Technology and Prof. Runhui Lin at Nankai University.
- 2020, co-organiser and chair, Online Forum on MNEs Expansion and Governance held on 28 September 2020. The Forum had three distinguished speakers. Dr ZhanKui Zhang, former CFO, Aluminium Corporation of China Limited talked about Chinese MNEs’ overseas M&As. Professor Runhui Lin, from Nankai University presented a newly developed theoretical framework of MNE governance jointly with Prof. Jean Chen from Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macao. Mr Xingbao Liu, Assistant General Manager, Tewoo Energy Resources Development Co. Ltd., focused on Chinese MNEs’ cross-border M&As and overseas subsidiary governance.
- 2020, organizer and chair, Professor Edward Lee’s seminar: Current Challenges and Issues in Accounting Researchon 18 Nov 2020. Professor is from University of Manchester, and a Co-editor of Accounting and Business Research.
- 2020, presentation on the effect of dialect sharing between CEO and board chair on firm performance at The First Guang Dong-Hong Kong-Macau Universities’ Alliance of Accounting Online Forum on Accounting and Corporate Governanceheld on 21 Nov 2020.
- 2020, co-organizer, Online conference on Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance in China: A special issue for Abacus, 6-7 June, with keynote speakers: Prof. T. J. Wong and Prof. Weiguo Zhang.
- 2019, invited keynote speaker, “Current and future of Chinese accounting research”, Global Chinese Accounting Summit, Perth, Australia, 16-18, Jan.
- 2019, invited seminar, “The valuation effect of board directors’ sharing of surnames”, University of Western Sydney, 22, Jan.
- 2018, invited seminar, “The valuation effect of board directors’ sharing of surnames”, University of Sussex, 3 Oct.
- 2018, co-organizer, Conference on Auditing in China: A special issue for Accounting and Business Research, Beijing, China, 8-9 Dec.
- 2018, invited roundtable speakeron “How to publish Chinese studies in top international academic journals” at the 30th Anniversary Conference of Chinese Economics Association (CEA, UK), Edinburgh, 23 June.
- 2018, invited seminar on “The effect of ERP in procedural justice in budgeting”, Reading University, 18 Jan.
- 2017, invited seminar on “The effect of ERP in procedural justice in budgeting”, Turku University, 1 Dec.
- 2017, invited discussant of “Government Anti-Corruption and Firms’ Accounting Information Quality: Evidence from China”, MIT Accounting in Asia Conference, 17 July, Hangzhou, China.
- 2016, organiser, Xiamen-Cardiff Management Symposium, 27-28 June, 2016.
- 2015, invited seminar, Colluding with ancestry members. IESEG, France, 24 Sept.
- 2015, hosted a Reception for China Journal of Accounting Studiesat the 2015 EAA Annual Congress in Glasgow in April 28 April.
- 2014, organised a Special Issue on Accounting in China for AbacusConference in Chengdu on 14-15 May with T. J. Wong as the Keynote Speaker.
- 2014, as a Founding and Joint Editor, organised the 3rdCJAS annual conference in Wuhan on 17-18 May with Rajiv Banker as Keynote Speaker.
- 2013, as Founding and Joint Editor, organised and hosted the China Journal of Accounting Studies(CJAS) Reception at the AAA Annual Conference in August 2013.
- 2013, as a Founding and Joint Editor, organized the 2ndChina Journal of Accounting Studies annual conference, Dalian, China, 18-19, May, 2013, with keynote speakers: Stephen Penman (Columbia) and Ranjani Krishnan (Michigan State).
- 2012, invited keynote speaker, Complementarities between ICT and MAC, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) annual conference, Xiamen, China, 15-17 Nov. 2012.
- 2012, as a Founding and Joint Editor, organized the 1stChina Journal of Accounting Studies annual conference, Chengdu, China, 18-19, May, 2012. Keynote speakers: Prof. Chee Chow of San Diego State University and Prof. Mary Barth of Stanford University.
- 2012, invited keynote speaker, at the 2nd European Journal of FinanceSpecial Issue Conference on the Chinese Capital Market, Durham University, 25-26 June.
- 2012, co-organised the International Symposium on Management Accounting Research as an agenda setting event sponsored by Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, 18-19 June.
- 2012, invited speakeron Small Shareholder Activism at the Engineering Masters Forum at Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 6 January 2012.
- 2011, invited keynote speaker, Small Shareholder Activism, at the 10thInternational Symposium on Chinese Empirical Accounting Research, Kunming, China, 16-18 December 2012.
- 2011, co-organised International Symposium on Management Accounting Research, held in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 24-25 June 2011, with Peking University and Chengchi University. Keynote speakers: Chris Chapman (Imperial College) and Prof. Joan Luft (Michigan State University).
- 2010, invited keynote speaker,A Review and Assessment of Management Accounting Research in China, 6th International Symposium on Chinese Accounting and Management, 4-5 June, 2010, Beijing, China. Chair of the Doctoral Colloquium. Also a co-organiser of the events.
- 2008, invited plenary speaker, International Symposium on Mao Zedong Thoughts, Xiangtan University, Hunan, China, 6-9 Sept 2008.
- 2008, invited research seminar on Management Accounting Research in China: A Review and Assessment, 9 April, 2008. Peking University.
- 2008, invited panelist, China Accounting Revolution, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, January, London.
- 2007, invited keynote speakeron complementarities between ICT and MACs at the International VBM and Financial Management Conference, Financial Management Section, Accounting Society of China.
- 2004, invited plenary session speakeron accounting in China at the 4th International Conference on Management Accounting, Brussels, organised by EIASM in December 2004.
Postdoctoral/PhD supervision and examination
- Postdoctoral/PhD supervision
- I have supervised 3 postdoctoral researchers and over 30 PhD and DBA students. They are now university professors or company executives/owners in Australia, China, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and the UK.
- PhD Examination
- I have examined over 30 PhD and DBA theses, at Cardiff University, University of Macau, Nottingham University, Curtin University, Southampton University, Victoria University, Birmingham University, University of Surrey, Australian National University, Herriot-Watt University, and Edinburgh Napier University.
- Joint editor (2021 – ): The British Accounting Review.
- Founding and Joint Editor (2009-2015): China Journal of Accounting Studies (previously titled Accounting Research in China), an international research journal of the Accounting Society of China
- Associate Editor: Abacus (from 2018); Accounting Forum (2019 – 2021); China Journal of Accounting Research (2008-2011); Nankai Business Review International (from 2010); Journal of Applied Accounting Research (from 2016 to 2019)
- Joint Guest Editor: Abacus (ABS 3) Special Issue on Accounting in China, published in 2016. Special Issue on Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance in China, 2019-2020.
- Joint Guest Editor: Accounting and Business Research (ABS 3) Special Issue on Auditing in China, 2018-2020.
- Joint Guest Editor: Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (ABS 3) Special Issue on Auditing and Public Policy in China. 2021-2023.
- Joint Guest Editor: European Accounting Review (ABS 3) Special Issue on Accounting in Emerging and Transitional Economies, published in 2011.
- Editorial Board Member: Abacus (since 2014); Accounting Education – An International Journal (from 2018); Auditing Research (in Chinese) (2002-2015); British Accounting Review (from 2005-2021); China Journal of Accounting Research (from 2011); International Journal of Digital Accounting Research (from 2004); Journal of International Accounting Research (an AAA journal) (2007-2011); Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (from 2019); Journal of Applied Accounting Research (2012-2016, 2019- ); Frontiers in Business Research in China (from 2010).
- Research Committee Member, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) (from 2005 to 2011).
- Member of Board of Directors, Auditing Society of China (2004-2009).
- Principal Fellow, Accounting Society of China.
- Member of the External Relations Committee, European Accounting Association (2017-2024).