Professor in Management
Head of Department of Management and Marketing
  • PhD, Management Learning, Lancaster University, U.K., 2003
  • MBA, Marketing and Strategic Management, University of Macau, Macau, 1997
  • BBA, Marketing, University of Macau, Macau, 1994
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2021)
  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 2003 – Aug. 2008)
  • Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1998 – May. 2003)
  • Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1996 – Aug. 1998)
  • Research Assistant, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1994 – Aug. 1996)
  • Director of MBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept 2009 – Aug. 2021)
  • Visiting Professor, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand
  • Visiting Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China
  • Dean’s Award for Service Excellence
  • Best Paper Award, 2018 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Technology Forecasting and Social Change
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of International Management
  • FBA Service Award (Best of Department of Management and Marketing)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, 2013 Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting
  • Best Reviewer Award, 2011 Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting
  • Academic Staff Award, University of Macau
  • Emerald/IACRM Chinese Management Research Fund Award
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Global Strategic Management (MGMT404)
    • Special Topics in Strategic Management (MGMT414 )
    • Applied Business Project I & II (MGMT402 & MGMT403)
    • Competitive Advantage (MGMT366)
    • Human Resource Management (MGMT318 )
    • Strategic Management (MGMT317)
    • Principles of Management (MGMT101)
    • Introduction to Business (MGMT100)

Graduate Courses

    • Doctoral Seminar in Strategic Management (MGMT8013)
    • Advances in Management Studies (MGMT7036)
    • Strategic Management (MGMT7011)
    • Research Methods (IMBB106)
    • Global Business Strategies (IMBB112)
  • Integrating different institutional logics among multiple stakeholders inside academic spin-offs funded by University of Macau, 2024-2025, Principal Investigator
  • Research on the development of digitalization on the innovation and ecosystem construction of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area funded by Macau Foundation, 2024-2025, Co-Investigator
  • Dual Embeddedness and Subsidiary-originated Innovation, funded by University of Macau, 2018-2020, Principal Investigator
  • Learning and Collaborating with Local Stakeholders for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: A Case Study of a Japanese Subsidiary in China, funded by Lingnan University, 2017-2019, Co-Investigator
  • Power-learning Relationships and the Scope for Local Practice Initiatives in China-based Subsidiaries of MNCs that are Headquartered Overseas, funded by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2014-2016, Co-Investigator
  • Organizational Learning and Dynamic Capabilities in Chinese Enterprises, funded by University of Macau, 2011-2014, Principal Investigator
  • Making Sense of Power Inequality in Cross-cultural Organizational Learning, funded by Lingnan University, 2011-2013, Co-Investigator
  • Managing Organizational Learning in a Cross-cultural Context, funded by University of Macau, 2009-2010, Principal Investigator
  • Managing International Transfer of Organizational Learning Systems, funded by University of Macau, 2006-2007, Principal Investigator
  • Organizational Learning
  • Knowledge Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  1. Muniz, J., Ribeiro, V., Hong, J., Wintersberger, D. & Salomon, V. (2024), Enabling Knowledge Sharing in a Production Context in China, Knowledge and Process Management, 31(3): 207-220. (ABS1)
  2. Snell, R., Hong, J. & Leong, T. (2024), Preface, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 13: S1-S8.
  3. Hong, J., Leong, T. & Snell, R. (2024), Transitioning from CSR to CSV in a Foreign Subsidiary in China through temporal decoupling, Journal of International Management, 30(1): (ABS3)
  4. Makoto, M., Aihara, M. & Hong, J. (2024), Effect of shared goals on knowledge sharing and withholding: The mediating role of exploration activities, Human Resource Development International, 27(2): 195-217. (ABS2)
  5. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2023), Locally initiated and designed innovation and potential reverse transfer through selective bricolage at three MNC subsidiaries in China”, R&D Management, 53(2):298-321. (ABS3)
  6. Zhang, J., Zheng, L., Wang, H. & Hong, J. (2022), Exploring the impact of big data analytics capabilities on the dual nature of innovative activities in MSMEs: A data-agility-innovation perspective, Annals of Operation Research,  DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04800-6. (ABS3)
  7. Hong, J., Zhao, X. & Snell, R. (2022), Making sense out of almost nothing: Entrepreneurial sensemaking and innovation in a Chinese biotechnology startup, Asia Pacific Business Review, DOI: 10.1080/13602381.2022.2143234. (ABS2)
  8. Sun, Y. & Hong, J. (2022), Developing a sustainability-driven learning organization through expatriate knowledge transfer: The case of Haier, The Learning Organization, 29(5): 485-505. (ABS1)
  9. Hong, J., Curado, C. & Henriques, P. (2022), Learning organization, human resource management and sustainability: Leading the future of organizations, The Learning Organization, 29(5): 421-427. (ABS1)
  10. Lyles, M., Tsang, E., Li, X., Hong, J., Cooke, F. & Lu, J. (2022), Learning and innovation of Chinese firms along the paths of “Bring In” to “Go Global, Journal of World Business, 57(5): 101362 (ABS4)
  11. Zheng, L., Ma, P. & Hong, J. (2022), Internal Embeddedness of Business Group Affiliates and Innovation Performance: Evidence from China, Technovation, 116: 102494 (ABS3)
  12. Muniz, J., Wintersberger, D. & Hong, J. (2022), Worker and manager judgments about factors that facilitate knowledge-sharing: Insights from a Brazilian automotive assembly line, Knowledge and Process Management, 29(2): 132-146 (ABS1)
  13. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2021), Headquarters Control and its Legitimation in a Chinese Multinational Corporation: The Case of Huawei, Management and Organization Review, 17(5): 1043-1086 (ABS3)
  14. Fong, V., Hong, J. & Wong, A. (2021), The Evolution of Triadic Relationships in a Tourism Supply Chain through Coopetition, Tourism Management, 84: 104274 (ABS4)
  15. Mak, C., Snell, R. & Hong, J. (2020), A spiritual perspective on Senge’s five disciplines: Harmony and Alibaba, The Learning Organization, 27(6): 521-533 (ABS1)
  16. Hong, J. (2020), Viewing learning organizations through an ethical lens: Interview with Robin Snell, The Learning Organization, 27(5): 441-453 (ABS1)
  17. Mak, C. & Hong, J. (2020), Creating learning organization 2.0: A contextualized and multi-stakeholder approach, The Learning Organization, 27(3): 235-248 (ABS1)
  18. Li, S., Easterby-Smith, M. & Hong, J. (2019), Towards an understanding of the nature of dynamic capabilities in high-velocity markets of China, Journal of Business Research, 29: 212-226. (ABS3)
  19. Hong, J., Zhao, X. & Snell, R. (2019), Collaborative-based HRM practices and open innovation: A Conceptual Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(1): 31-62 (ABS3)
  20. Fong, V., Vong, A. & Hong, J. (2018), Developing institutional logics in the tourism industry through coopetition, Tourism Management, 66: 244-262 (ABS4)
  21. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017), Asia pacific as a research context for organizational learning: Background and research directions, Asia Pacific Business Review, 23(4): 467-474. (ABS2)
  22. Örtenblad, A., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2016), Good leadership: A mirage in the desert?, Human Resource Development International, 19(5): 349-357 (ABS2)
  23. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2016), Knowledge assimilation at foreign subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs through political sensegiving and sensemaking, Organization Studies, 37(9): 1297-1321 (ABS4, FT50)
  24. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2015), Knowledge development through co-opetition: A case study of a Japanese foreign subsidiary and its local suppliers, Journal of World Business, 56(4): 769-780 (ABS4)
  25. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2015), Boundary-crossing and the localization of capabilities in a Japanese multinational firm, Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(3): 364-382 (ABS2)
  26. Nguyen, T. & Hong, J. (2013), Local knowledge acquisition of foreign subsidiaries in Vietnam and China, Multinational Business Review, 21(4): 312-333 (ABS2)
  27. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013), Developing new capabilities across a supplier network through boundary crossing: A case study of China-based MNC subsidiary its local suppliers, Organization Studies, 34(4): 377-406 (ABS4, FT50)
  28. Hong, J. (2012), Glocalizing Nonaka’s SECI model: Issues and challenges, Management Learning, 43(2): 198-206 (ABS3)
  29. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2009), Knowledge flow and boundary crossing at the periphery of a MNC, International Business Review, 18(6): 539-554 (ABS3)
  30. Hong, J. & Nguyen, T. (2009), Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations, Journal of World Business, 44(4): 347-356 (ABS4)
  31. Hong, J. & O, F. (2009), Conflicting identities and power between communities of practice: The case of IT outsourcing, Management Learning, 40(3): 311-326 (ABS3)
  32. Hong, J. & Vai, S. (2008), Knowledge sharing in cross-functional virtual team, Journal of General Management, 34(2): 21-37 (ABS2)
  33. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2008), Power Inequality in Cross-Cultural Learning: The Case of Japanese Transplants in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 14(2): 253-273 (ABS2)
  34. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2006), Cross Cultural Influences of Organizational Learning in MNCs: The Case of Japanese Companies in China, Journal of International Management, 12(4): 408-429 (ABS3)
  35. Hong, J., Easterby-Smith, M. & Snell, R. (2006), Transferring organizational learning systems to Japanese subsidiaries in China, Journal of Management Studies, 43(5): 1027-1058 (ABS4, FT50)
  1. Hong, J. & Li, S. (eds.) (2023) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
  2. Hong, J. & Li, S. (2023) “Introduction”, In J. Hong & S. Li (eds.) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms, pp. 3-13. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
  3. Zhao, X., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2023) “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in China” In J. Hong & S. Li (eds.) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms, pp. 73-91. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
  4. Hong, J. & Muniz, J. (2022) Cross-cultural Knowledge Management: Cross-cultural Influences in Brazil and China. London: Routledge.
  5. Hong, J. & Mak, C. (2019) “The empire strikes back: How learning organization scholars can learn from the critiques”, In A. örtenblad (ed), The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization, pp.417-428. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. Hong, J. & Xi, Z. (2017) “Effectuated Innovation Process in Entrepreneurial Firms: A Conceptual Model”, In S. Sindakis & P. Theodorou (eds.) Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms, pp.11-30. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
  7. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (eds.) (2017) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges. Oxford: Elsevier.
  8. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017) “Introduction: Organizational Learning in Context, Not Isolation”, In J. Hong, Snell, R. & Rowley (eds.) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, pp.3-12. Oxford: Elsevier.
  9. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017) “Challenges for Organizational Learning: Institutional Contexts, Cross-Border Knowledge and Context”, In J. Hong, Snell, R. & Rowley (eds.) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, pp.187-192. Oxford: Elsevier.
  10. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Contextualizing Nonaka’s Theory of Knowledge in China: When Samurai Meets Bruce Lee”, In A. örtenblad (ed), Handbook of Research on the Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context, pp.343-365. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  11. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mian, L. (2013) “Developing learning organizations in China”, in A. örtenblad (ed), Handbook of Research on the Learning Organization: Adaptation and Context, pp.107-125. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  12. Hong, J., Snell, R. S. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2012) “Research organizational learning in Chinese contexts”, in C. Wang, D. Ketchen & D. Bergh (eds), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol. 8, pp. 195-216. Emerald Publishing.
  13. Snell, R. S. & Hong J. (2011) ‘Asian perspectives on organizational learning’, in M. P. V. Easterby-Smith & M. Lyles (eds), Handbook on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management (Second Edition), pp. 635-658. New York: Wiley.
  1. Hong, J. & Yang, P. (2024) “It Takes Two to Tango: Aligning Complementary and Conflicting Institutional Logics in Academic Spin-offs”, 6th INSEAD Doriot Entrepreneurship Conference, Abu Dhabi.
  2. Wang, X. & Hong, J. (2024) “Uncovering the Institutional Logic of Digital Platforms”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Guangzhou, China.
  3. Hong, J., Leung, T. & Snell, R. (2021) “A Bumpy Path from CSR to CSV: An Organizational Learning Challenge”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. Hong, J. & Snell, R. & Xi, Z. (2020) “Innovation through Selective Bricolage at Three MNC Subsidiaries in China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China.
  5. Muniz, J., Hong, J., Wintersberger, D. & Ribeiro, V. (2019) “Knowledge Sharing in a Chinese Electronic Plant: A Comparative Study of Managers and Workers”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Brighton, U.K.
  6. Snell, R. & Hong, J. (2018) “Managing Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in a Chinese Multinational Corporation: The Case of Huawei”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China.
  7. Hong, J., Faiz, R. & Hollinshead, G. (2018) “An inside-out view of the ‘institutional void’: Dominant logics and personal networking in Pakistan and China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
  8. Muniz, J., Wintersberger, D. & Hong, J. (2018) “Assembly Line Worker Perceptions of Factors Facilitating Knowledge Sharing: The Case of the MAN Modular Consortium in Brazil”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Liverpool, U.K.
  9. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Smith, A. (2017) “Strong-armed headquarters control and tame subsidiary responses in a contemporary Chinese MNC: The case of Huawei”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Dubai, U.A.E.
  10. Wu, W. H. Fong, S. Wang & Hong, J. (2016) “Execution of the dynamic capabilities concept in China”, World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, U.S.A.
  11. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2016) “Discovering and exploiting opportunities in MNCs: An external embeddedness perspective”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquia, Naples, Italy.
  12. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2016) “Dual embeddedness and subsidiary-originated innovation: The case of MNCs in China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A.
  13. Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2015) “Strategic Agent and the Internationalization of Chinese Firms”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquia, Athens, Greece.
  14. Hong, J. & Xu, J. (2015) “Image Evolution and Internationalization of Chinese State-owned Enterprises”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, St Gallen, Switzerland.
  15. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Developing Knowledge-Based Practices at Foreign Subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs through Political Sensegiving and Sensemaking”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Macau, China.
  16. Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2014) “The Leveraging Role of Institutional Entrepreneur and Internationalization of Chinese Firms”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  17. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Local Knowledge Development through Political Sensemaking in MNCs”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
  18. Muniz, J., Batista, E., Costa, C., Hong, J., Yaroslav, P., Loureiro, G., Salomon, V. & Velasco, M. (2014) “Knowledge sharing through analytic hierarchy structure: Blue collar worker perspective”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2014, Oslo, Norway.
  19. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013) “Co-opetition and knowledge development in overseas Japanese production networks: Including supplier’s voices”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
  20. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013) “Developing learning organizations in China”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2013, Washington, D.C. US.
  21. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2013) “Local knowledge development through boundary crossing in MNCs”, 8th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Mykonos, Greece.
  22. Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2012) “Internationalization of Chinese firms: From isomorphism to strategic responses”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Guangzhou, China.
  23. Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2012) “Home-based networks, local institutions and innovation of Chinese multinational firms”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Singapore.
  24. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2012) “Collaborative knowledge work in international context: Crossing cultural boundary”, 7th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Rhodes, Greece.
  25. Mak, C., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2012) “Cultivating local knowledge: Agency, power and culture”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2012, Valencia, Spain.
  26. Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2011) “Home-based networks and internationalization of Chinese firms”, Conference on Emerging Market Firm Competitiveness, Temple University, Philadelphia, US.
  27. Hong, J. (2011) “Organizational learning in a cross-cultural context: A comparative study of Chinese and Japanese”, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
  28. Nguyen, T. & Hong, J. (2011) “Local knowledge acquisitions of foreign subsidiaries: An empirical study of MNCs in Asia”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
  29. Hong, J. (2010) “Nonaka’s knowledge creation model: Universal or particularistic?”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2010, Boston, US.
  30. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2009) “Knowledge co-creation involving a foreign subsidiary in China and its local suppliers: A case study”, Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting, Chicago, US.
  31. Hong, J. & Nguyen, T. (2008) “Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Cologne, Germany.
  32. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2008) “The role of power and bridging repositories in knowledge transfer involving the periphery of a MNC”, Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting, Anaheim, California, US.
  33. Hong, J. & Vai, S. (2007) “Knowledge sharing in cross-functional virtual team”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Indiana University, Indianapolis, US.
  34. Hong, J. & Lao, S. (2006). “Sustaining sensemaking practices: A case study of a higher education institution”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  35. Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2004). “Cross-cultural Influences on Organizational Learning”, Proceedings of the First Conference on Cross-Cultural Leadership and Management Studies, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
  36. Hong, J. (2003). “Researching Organizational Learning: Diversity of Modes and Methods”. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
  37. Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2002), “Power Inequality in Cross-Cultural Learning”, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Connecting Learning and Critique, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
  38. Hong, J. & Eastergy-Smith, M. (2002), “Transfer of Organizational Learning Practices”, Proceedings of Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, ALBA, Athens, Greece.
  39. Pollard, D. & Hong, J. (2001), “Cross-cultural Learning Issues in International Joint Ventures”, Proceedings of 27th European International Business Academy Conference, Paris, France
  40. Hong, J. (2001), “The Socio-Cultural Constraints of Transferring Knowledge in Multinational Organizations”, Proceeding of 4th International Congress on Intellectual Capital, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
  41. Pollard, D. & Hong, J. (2000), “Cross-cultural determinants of Learning in International Joint Venture”, Proceeding of the British Academy of Management Conference, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.
  42. Hong, J. & Pollard, D. (2000), “Critiques of Learning in International Joint Venture: The Neglected Role of Culture as an Important Determinant”, Proceeding of the 2nd Connecting Learning and Critique Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
  43. Hong, J. (2000), “Knowledge Creation-The Japanese Way”, Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium on Macau and Japanese Studies, University of Macau, Macau
  44. Hong, J. (1999), “Cross-Cultural Influence on Organizational Learning: The Case of Japanese Companies in China”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Organizational Learning, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
  45. Hong, J. (1999), “Organizational Learning and Total Quality Management: A Matter of Convergence?”, Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM, Baptist University, Hong Kong.
  46. Verges, P., Jesuino, J. C., Pereira, F. C., Antonio, N., Hong, J. Xu, L. and Yu, C. (1996) “Representation of Economic Processes in the Delta of Pearl River”, Proceedings of the Second South China International Business Symposium, University of Macau, Macau.
  1. Hong, J. (2024) Review of A. Örtenblad’s and R. Koris’s (Eds.) “Debating Business School Legitimacy: Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo”, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 23(3): 504-505.
  2. Hong, J. (2020) Review of A. Edmondson and S. Reyonlds’s “Building the Future: Big Teaming for Audacious Innovation”, The Learning Organization, 27(5): 473-474.
  • PhD Students
    • Yixin Sun (Reverse knowledge transfer in Chinese Multinational Corporation, since 2020)
    • Xi Zhao (Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China, graduated in 2021)
    • Carry Mak (Organizational Learning in Multinational Firms, graduated in 2017)
    • Veronica Fong (Internationalization of Chinese Firms, graduated in 2015)
  • Master Students
    • I have supervised more than 25 MBA students’ thesis since 2004.
  • Guest editor of a Special Issue of Journal of World Business on “From “Bring In” to “Go Global”: Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms along the Path of Inward and Outward Internationalization”, 2022, 57(5). (Scopus, Web of Science, ABS4)
  • Guest editor of a Special Issue of Asia Pacific Business Review on ‘Organizational Learning in Asia Pacific Contexts: Global Perspectives, Local Insights”, 2017, 23(4). (Scopus, Web of Science, ABS2)
  • Guest editor of a Special Issue of Human Resources Development International on “Good Leadership: A Matter of Learning, Development, Practice or Skepticism?” 2016, 19(5). (Scopus, Web of Science)
  • Guest editor of a Special Issue of International Journal of Learning and Change on “Learning to Innovate in Asia: A Human Resource Development Perspective”, 2019, 11(4). (Scopus)
  • Associate Editor – Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (ABS1)
  • Editorial Review Board Member – Journal of World Business (ABS4); International Business Review (ABS3); Management Learning (ABS3); Critical Perspectives on International Business (ABS2); The Learning Organization (ABS1); Journal of Economics and Development (Emerald); The Production Journal (Scopus-indexed)