Professor in Management
Head of Department of Management and Marketing
- PhD, Management Learning, Lancaster University, U.K., 2003
- MBA, Marketing and Strategic Management, University of Macau, Macau, 1997
- BBA, Marketing, University of Macau, Macau, 1994
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2021)
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 2003 – Aug. 2008)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1998 – May. 2003)
- Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1996 – Aug. 1998)
- Research Assistant, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept. 1994 – Aug. 1996)
- Director of MBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (Sept 2009 – Aug. 2021)
- Visiting Professor, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand
- Visiting Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China
- Dean’s Award for Service Excellence
- Best Paper Award, 2018 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Technology Forecasting and Social Change
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of International Management
- FBA Service Award (Best of Department of Management and Marketing)
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, 2013 Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting
- Best Reviewer Award, 2011 Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting
- Academic Staff Award, University of Macau
- Emerald/IACRM Chinese Management Research Fund Award
- Undergraduate Courses
- Global Strategic Management (MGMT404)
- Special Topics in Strategic Management (MGMT414 )
- Applied Business Project I & II (MGMT402 & MGMT403)
- Competitive Advantage (MGMT366)
- Human Resource Management (MGMT318 )
- Strategic Management (MGMT317)
- Principles of Management (MGMT101)
- Introduction to Business (MGMT100)
Graduate Courses
- Doctoral Seminar in Strategic Management (MGMT8013)
- Advances in Management Studies (MGMT7036)
- Strategic Management (MGMT7011)
- Research Methods (IMBB106)
- Global Business Strategies (IMBB112)
- Integrating different institutional logics among multiple stakeholders inside academic spin-offs funded by University of Macau, 2024-2025, Principal Investigator
- Research on the development of digitalization on the innovation and ecosystem construction of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area funded by Macau Foundation, 2024-2025, Co-Investigator
- Dual Embeddedness and Subsidiary-originated Innovation, funded by University of Macau, 2018-2020, Principal Investigator
- Learning and Collaborating with Local Stakeholders for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: A Case Study of a Japanese Subsidiary in China, funded by Lingnan University, 2017-2019, Co-Investigator
- Power-learning Relationships and the Scope for Local Practice Initiatives in China-based Subsidiaries of MNCs that are Headquartered Overseas, funded by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2014-2016, Co-Investigator
- Organizational Learning and Dynamic Capabilities in Chinese Enterprises, funded by University of Macau, 2011-2014, Principal Investigator
- Making Sense of Power Inequality in Cross-cultural Organizational Learning, funded by Lingnan University, 2011-2013, Co-Investigator
- Managing Organizational Learning in a Cross-cultural Context, funded by University of Macau, 2009-2010, Principal Investigator
- Managing International Transfer of Organizational Learning Systems, funded by University of Macau, 2006-2007, Principal Investigator
- Organizational Learning
- Knowledge Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Muniz, J., Ribeiro, V., Hong, J., Wintersberger, D. & Salomon, V. (2024), Enabling Knowledge Sharing in a Production Context in China, Knowledge and Process Management, 31(3): 207-220. (ABS1)
- Snell, R., Hong, J. & Leong, T. (2024), Preface, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 13: S1-S8.
- Hong, J., Leong, T. & Snell, R. (2024), Transitioning from CSR to CSV in a Foreign Subsidiary in China through temporal decoupling, Journal of International Management, 30(1): (ABS3)
- Makoto, M., Aihara, M. & Hong, J. (2024), Effect of shared goals on knowledge sharing and withholding: The mediating role of exploration activities, Human Resource Development International, 27(2): 195-217. (ABS2)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2023), Locally initiated and designed innovation and potential reverse transfer through selective bricolage at three MNC subsidiaries in China”, R&D Management, 53(2):298-321. (ABS3)
- Zhang, J., Zheng, L., Wang, H. & Hong, J. (2022), Exploring the impact of big data analytics capabilities on the dual nature of innovative activities in MSMEs: A data-agility-innovation perspective, Annals of Operation Research, DOI:10.1007/s10479-022-04800-6. (ABS3)
- Hong, J., Zhao, X. & Snell, R. (2022), Making sense out of almost nothing: Entrepreneurial sensemaking and innovation in a Chinese biotechnology startup, Asia Pacific Business Review, DOI: 10.1080/13602381.2022.2143234. (ABS2)
- Sun, Y. & Hong, J. (2022), Developing a sustainability-driven learning organization through expatriate knowledge transfer: The case of Haier, The Learning Organization, 29(5): 485-505. (ABS1)
- Hong, J., Curado, C. & Henriques, P. (2022), Learning organization, human resource management and sustainability: Leading the future of organizations, The Learning Organization, 29(5): 421-427. (ABS1)
- Lyles, M., Tsang, E., Li, X., Hong, J., Cooke, F. & Lu, J. (2022), Learning and innovation of Chinese firms along the paths of “Bring In” to “Go Global, Journal of World Business, 57(5): 101362 (ABS4)
- Zheng, L., Ma, P. & Hong, J. (2022), Internal Embeddedness of Business Group Affiliates and Innovation Performance: Evidence from China, Technovation, 116: 102494 (ABS3)
- Muniz, J., Wintersberger, D. & Hong, J. (2022), Worker and manager judgments about factors that facilitate knowledge-sharing: Insights from a Brazilian automotive assembly line, Knowledge and Process Management, 29(2): 132-146 (ABS1)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2021), Headquarters Control and its Legitimation in a Chinese Multinational Corporation: The Case of Huawei, Management and Organization Review, 17(5): 1043-1086 (ABS3)
- Fong, V., Hong, J. & Wong, A. (2021), The Evolution of Triadic Relationships in a Tourism Supply Chain through Coopetition, Tourism Management, 84: 104274 (ABS4)
- Mak, C., Snell, R. & Hong, J. (2020), A spiritual perspective on Senge’s five disciplines: Harmony and Alibaba, The Learning Organization, 27(6): 521-533 (ABS1)
- Hong, J. (2020), Viewing learning organizations through an ethical lens: Interview with Robin Snell, The Learning Organization, 27(5): 441-453 (ABS1)
- Mak, C. & Hong, J. (2020), Creating learning organization 2.0: A contextualized and multi-stakeholder approach, The Learning Organization, 27(3): 235-248 (ABS1)
- Li, S., Easterby-Smith, M. & Hong, J. (2019), Towards an understanding of the nature of dynamic capabilities in high-velocity markets of China, Journal of Business Research, 29: 212-226. (ABS3)
- Hong, J., Zhao, X. & Snell, R. (2019), Collaborative-based HRM practices and open innovation: A Conceptual Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(1): 31-62 (ABS3)
- Fong, V., Vong, A. & Hong, J. (2018), Developing institutional logics in the tourism industry through coopetition, Tourism Management, 66: 244-262 (ABS4)
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017), Asia pacific as a research context for organizational learning: Background and research directions, Asia Pacific Business Review, 23(4): 467-474. (ABS2)
- Örtenblad, A., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2016), Good leadership: A mirage in the desert?, Human Resource Development International, 19(5): 349-357 (ABS2)
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2016), Knowledge assimilation at foreign subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs through political sensegiving and sensemaking, Organization Studies, 37(9): 1297-1321 (ABS4, FT50)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2015), Knowledge development through co-opetition: A case study of a Japanese foreign subsidiary and its local suppliers, Journal of World Business, 56(4): 769-780 (ABS4)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2015), Boundary-crossing and the localization of capabilities in a Japanese multinational firm, Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(3): 364-382 (ABS2)
- Nguyen, T. & Hong, J. (2013), Local knowledge acquisition of foreign subsidiaries in Vietnam and China, Multinational Business Review, 21(4): 312-333 (ABS2)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013), Developing new capabilities across a supplier network through boundary crossing: A case study of China-based MNC subsidiary its local suppliers, Organization Studies, 34(4): 377-406 (ABS4, FT50)
- Hong, J. (2012), Glocalizing Nonaka’s SECI model: Issues and challenges, Management Learning, 43(2): 198-206 (ABS3)
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2009), Knowledge flow and boundary crossing at the periphery of a MNC, International Business Review, 18(6): 539-554 (ABS3)
- Hong, J. & Nguyen, T. (2009), Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations, Journal of World Business, 44(4): 347-356 (ABS4)
- Hong, J. & O, F. (2009), Conflicting identities and power between communities of practice: The case of IT outsourcing, Management Learning, 40(3): 311-326 (ABS3)
- Hong, J. & Vai, S. (2008), Knowledge sharing in cross-functional virtual team, Journal of General Management, 34(2): 21-37 (ABS2)
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2008), Power Inequality in Cross-Cultural Learning: The Case of Japanese Transplants in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 14(2): 253-273 (ABS2)
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2006), Cross Cultural Influences of Organizational Learning in MNCs: The Case of Japanese Companies in China, Journal of International Management, 12(4): 408-429 (ABS3)
- Hong, J., Easterby-Smith, M. & Snell, R. (2006), Transferring organizational learning systems to Japanese subsidiaries in China, Journal of Management Studies, 43(5): 1027-1058 (ABS4, FT50)
- Hong, J. & Li, S. (eds.) (2023) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
- Hong, J. & Li, S. (2023) “Introduction”, In J. Hong & S. Li (eds.) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms, pp. 3-13. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
- Zhao, X., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2023) “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in China” In J. Hong & S. Li (eds.) Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms, pp. 73-91. Frankfurt: De Gruyter.
- Hong, J. & Muniz, J. (2022) Cross-cultural Knowledge Management: Cross-cultural Influences in Brazil and China. London: Routledge.
- Hong, J. & Mak, C. (2019) “The empire strikes back: How learning organization scholars can learn from the critiques”, In A. örtenblad (ed), The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization, pp.417-428. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hong, J. & Xi, Z. (2017) “Effectuated Innovation Process in Entrepreneurial Firms: A Conceptual Model”, In S. Sindakis & P. Theodorou (eds.) Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms, pp.11-30. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (eds.) (2017) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017) “Introduction: Organizational Learning in Context, Not Isolation”, In J. Hong, Snell, R. & Rowley (eds.) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, pp.3-12. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Rowley, C. (2017) “Challenges for Organizational Learning: Institutional Contexts, Cross-Border Knowledge and Context”, In J. Hong, Snell, R. & Rowley (eds.) Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, pp.187-192. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Contextualizing Nonaka’s Theory of Knowledge in China: When Samurai Meets Bruce Lee”, In A. örtenblad (ed), Handbook of Research on the Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context, pp.343-365. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mian, L. (2013) “Developing learning organizations in China”, in A. örtenblad (ed), Handbook of Research on the Learning Organization: Adaptation and Context, pp.107-125. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. S. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2012) “Research organizational learning in Chinese contexts”, in C. Wang, D. Ketchen & D. Bergh (eds), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol. 8, pp. 195-216. Emerald Publishing.
- Snell, R. S. & Hong J. (2011) ‘Asian perspectives on organizational learning’, in M. P. V. Easterby-Smith & M. Lyles (eds), Handbook on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management (Second Edition), pp. 635-658. New York: Wiley.
- Hong, J. & Yang, P. (2024) “It Takes Two to Tango: Aligning Complementary and Conflicting Institutional Logics in Academic Spin-offs”, 6th INSEAD Doriot Entrepreneurship Conference, Abu Dhabi.
- Wang, X. & Hong, J. (2024) “Uncovering the Institutional Logic of Digital Platforms”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Guangzhou, China.
- Hong, J., Leung, T. & Snell, R. (2021) “A Bumpy Path from CSR to CSV: An Organizational Learning Challenge”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. & Xi, Z. (2020) “Innovation through Selective Bricolage at Three MNC Subsidiaries in China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China.
- Muniz, J., Hong, J., Wintersberger, D. & Ribeiro, V. (2019) “Knowledge Sharing in a Chinese Electronic Plant: A Comparative Study of Managers and Workers”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Brighton, U.K.
- Snell, R. & Hong, J. (2018) “Managing Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in a Chinese Multinational Corporation: The Case of Huawei”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China.
- Hong, J., Faiz, R. & Hollinshead, G. (2018) “An inside-out view of the ‘institutional void’: Dominant logics and personal networking in Pakistan and China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
- Muniz, J., Wintersberger, D. & Hong, J. (2018) “Assembly Line Worker Perceptions of Factors Facilitating Knowledge Sharing: The Case of the MAN Modular Consortium in Brazil”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Liverpool, U.K.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Smith, A. (2017) “Strong-armed headquarters control and tame subsidiary responses in a contemporary Chinese MNC: The case of Huawei”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Dubai, U.A.E.
- Wu, W. H. Fong, S. Wang & Hong, J. (2016) “Execution of the dynamic capabilities concept in China”, World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, U.S.A.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2016) “Discovering and exploiting opportunities in MNCs: An external embeddedness perspective”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquia, Naples, Italy.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2016) “Dual embeddedness and subsidiary-originated innovation: The case of MNCs in China”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A.
- Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2015) “Strategic Agent and the Internationalization of Chinese Firms”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquia, Athens, Greece.
- Hong, J. & Xu, J. (2015) “Image Evolution and Internationalization of Chinese State-owned Enterprises”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, St Gallen, Switzerland.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Developing Knowledge-Based Practices at Foreign Subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs through Political Sensegiving and Sensemaking”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Macau, China.
- Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2014) “The Leveraging Role of Institutional Entrepreneur and Internationalization of Chinese Firms”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2014) “Local Knowledge Development through Political Sensemaking in MNCs”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
- Muniz, J., Batista, E., Costa, C., Hong, J., Yaroslav, P., Loureiro, G., Salomon, V. & Velasco, M. (2014) “Knowledge sharing through analytic hierarchy structure: Blue collar worker perspective”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2014, Oslo, Norway.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013) “Co-opetition and knowledge development in overseas Japanese production networks: Including supplier’s voices”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2013) “Developing learning organizations in China”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2013, Washington, D.C. US.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2013) “Local knowledge development through boundary crossing in MNCs”, 8th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Mykonos, Greece.
- Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2012) “Internationalization of Chinese firms: From isomorphism to strategic responses”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Guangzhou, China.
- Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2012) “Home-based networks, local institutions and innovation of Chinese multinational firms”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Singapore.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2012) “Collaborative knowledge work in international context: Crossing cultural boundary”, 7th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Rhodes, Greece.
- Mak, C., Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2012) “Cultivating local knowledge: Agency, power and culture”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2012, Valencia, Spain.
- Fong, V. & Hong, J. (2011) “Home-based networks and internationalization of Chinese firms”, Conference on Emerging Market Firm Competitiveness, Temple University, Philadelphia, US.
- Hong, J. (2011) “Organizational learning in a cross-cultural context: A comparative study of Chinese and Japanese”, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
- Nguyen, T. & Hong, J. (2011) “Local knowledge acquisitions of foreign subsidiaries: An empirical study of MNCs in Asia”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
- Hong, J. (2010) “Nonaka’s knowledge creation model: Universal or particularistic?”, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) 2010, Boston, US.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2009) “Knowledge co-creation involving a foreign subsidiary in China and its local suppliers: A case study”, Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting, Chicago, US.
- Hong, J. & Nguyen, T. (2008) “Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Cologne, Germany.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2008) “The role of power and bridging repositories in knowledge transfer involving the periphery of a MNC”, Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting, Anaheim, California, US.
- Hong, J. & Vai, S. (2007) “Knowledge sharing in cross-functional virtual team”, Academy of International Business (AIB) Meeting, Indiana University, Indianapolis, US.
- Hong, J. & Lao, S. (2006). “Sustaining sensemaking practices: A case study of a higher education institution”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
- Hong, J., Snell, R. & Easterby-Smith, M. (2004). “Cross-cultural Influences on Organizational Learning”, Proceedings of the First Conference on Cross-Cultural Leadership and Management Studies, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
- Hong, J. (2003). “Researching Organizational Learning: Diversity of Modes and Methods”. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
- Hong, J. & Snell, R. (2002), “Power Inequality in Cross-Cultural Learning”, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Connecting Learning and Critique, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Hong, J. & Eastergy-Smith, M. (2002), “Transfer of Organizational Learning Practices”, Proceedings of Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, ALBA, Athens, Greece.
- Pollard, D. & Hong, J. (2001), “Cross-cultural Learning Issues in International Joint Ventures”, Proceedings of 27th European International Business Academy Conference, Paris, France
- Hong, J. (2001), “The Socio-Cultural Constraints of Transferring Knowledge in Multinational Organizations”, Proceeding of 4th International Congress on Intellectual Capital, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
- Pollard, D. & Hong, J. (2000), “Cross-cultural determinants of Learning in International Joint Venture”, Proceeding of the British Academy of Management Conference, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.
- Hong, J. & Pollard, D. (2000), “Critiques of Learning in International Joint Venture: The Neglected Role of Culture as an Important Determinant”, Proceeding of the 2nd Connecting Learning and Critique Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
- Hong, J. (2000), “Knowledge Creation-The Japanese Way”, Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium on Macau and Japanese Studies, University of Macau, Macau
- Hong, J. (1999), “Cross-Cultural Influence on Organizational Learning: The Case of Japanese Companies in China”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Organizational Learning, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
- Hong, J. (1999), “Organizational Learning and Total Quality Management: A Matter of Convergence?”, Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM, Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- Verges, P., Jesuino, J. C., Pereira, F. C., Antonio, N., Hong, J. Xu, L. and Yu, C. (1996) “Representation of Economic Processes in the Delta of Pearl River”, Proceedings of the Second South China International Business Symposium, University of Macau, Macau.
- Hong, J. (2024) Review of A. Örtenblad’s and R. Koris’s (Eds.) “Debating Business School Legitimacy: Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo”, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 23(3): 504-505.
- Hong, J. (2020) Review of A. Edmondson and S. Reyonlds’s “Building the Future: Big Teaming for Audacious Innovation”, The Learning Organization, 27(5): 473-474.
- PhD Students
- Yixin Sun (Reverse knowledge transfer in Chinese Multinational Corporation, since 2020)
- Xi Zhao (Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China, graduated in 2021)
- Carry Mak (Organizational Learning in Multinational Firms, graduated in 2017)
- Veronica Fong (Internationalization of Chinese Firms, graduated in 2015)
- Master Students
- I have supervised more than 25 MBA students’ thesis since 2004.
- Guest editor of a Special Issue of Journal of World Business on “From “Bring In” to “Go Global”: Learning and Innovation of Chinese Firms along the Path of Inward and Outward Internationalization”, 2022, 57(5). (Scopus, Web of Science, ABS4)
- Guest editor of a Special Issue of Asia Pacific Business Review on ‘Organizational Learning in Asia Pacific Contexts: Global Perspectives, Local Insights”, 2017, 23(4). (Scopus, Web of Science, ABS2)
- Guest editor of a Special Issue of Human Resources Development International on “Good Leadership: A Matter of Learning, Development, Practice or Skepticism?” 2016, 19(5). (Scopus, Web of Science)
- Guest editor of a Special Issue of International Journal of Learning and Change on “Learning to Innovate in Asia: A Human Resource Development Perspective”, 2019, 11(4). (Scopus)
- Associate Editor – Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (ABS1)
- Editorial Review Board Member – Journal of World Business (ABS4); International Business Review (ABS3); Management Learning (ABS3); Critical Perspectives on International Business (ABS2); The Learning Organization (ABS1); Journal of Economics and Development (Emerald); The Production Journal (Scopus-indexed)