Assistant Professor of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Programme Coordinator for the IIRM (Postgraduate) Programme
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
- B.Sc. in Probability and Statistics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
- UM Teaching Excellence Award 2022/2023
- FBA Outstanding Teaching Award 2022/2023
- FBA Outstanding Research Award 2021/2022 (research track)
- Merit Prize (research paper category) in the 6th Macau Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award, Macao Foundation
- FBA Outstanding Research Award 2020/2021 (research track)
- Third Prize (research paper category) in the 5th Macau Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award, Macao Foundation
Undergraduate Courses
- Human Resource Management in Integrated Resort (IRTM 3006)
- Convention and Exhibition Management (IRTM 3002)
Graduate Courses
- Managing Human Resources and Personnel Psychology in Integrated Resorts (IRTM 7012)
- Retail Management in Integrated Resorts (IRTM 7038)
- Personnel psychology
- Experience management in tourism and hospitality
- Destination branding
- 2023-2025 Co-PI, The key technology research of the metaverse and its application for smart tourism and smart home, funded by University of Macau (MYRG-CRG2022-00013-IOTSC), MOP 1,106,000
- 2023-2024 PI, Employees’ impression management on social media platforms, funded by University of Macau (MYRG2022-00065-FBA), MOP 250,000
- 2020-2022 PI, Determinants of Chinese outbound tourism flow: A political economy perspective, funded by Macao Government Higher Education Fund (TET-UMAC-2020-01), MOP 312,500
- 2019-2022 PI, Cross-boundary interpersonal relationships in the hotel industry, funded by University of Macau (SRG2019-00170-FBA), MOP 150,000
- Xiong, X., Wong, I. K. A., & Yang, F. X. (2025) Bodily feelings as information: The embodied cognition perspective on robotic services, European Journal of Marketing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EJM-06-2023-0457. (ABS3, ABDC A*, Q1)
- Lei, M. I. T., Huang, H., & Yang, F. X. When and why do cuteness cues intensify the power of message framing in promoting pro-environmental behaviors? International Journal of Hospitality Management,123, 103894. (ABS3, ABDC A*, Q1)
- Lin, C. J. Z., Wong, I. K. A., Yang, F. X., & Huang, G. I. (2024) Transcending psychological unease with coveted home-state travel: The role of homesickness, regret, and place attachment, International Journal of Tourism Research, 26, e2720 (ABS2, ABDC A, Q1)
- Miao L., Yang F. X., Hu J., Wang K. Y., Zhang Q. (2024), Sense of place of tourism destinations in a metaverse paradigm, Tourism Management, Forthcoming (ABS4)
- Miao L., Yang F. X., Im J., Zhang Q. (2024), Flexwork and flextravel, Annals of Tourism Research, Forthcoming (ABS4)
- Lin Z., Wong I. K. A., Yang F. X. (2024), Hotel quarantine and trip-induced wellbeing: The buffering effect of online crisis support , Tourism Recreation Research, Forthcoming (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Li X., Cai B., Xiong X., Wong I.K.A. (2024), Kindness for kindness: A dual appraisal of international support in response to COVID-19, Journal of Travel Research, V63, 818-840 (ABS4)
- Ren L., Henrique F. B. N., Yang F. X., Yan K. K., Law R. (2024), An anatomy of the dilution of a local cuisine in a post-colonial destination – evidence from Macao, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, V22, 44-60
- Miao L., Yang F. X. (2023), Text-to-image AI tools and tourism experiences, Annals of Tourism Research, V102, 103642 (ABS4)
- Li X., Lau V.M.-C., Yang F. X. (2023), Buffering job demands and burnout during a crisis: The interplay between personal and job resources, Tourism Analysis, V28, 545-563 (ABS2)
- Yang F. X., Li X., Wong I. K. A. (2023), What happens on Facebook stays on Facebook? Virtual surface acting in cyberspace–workplace relationship transition, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V114, 103538 (ABS3)
- Wong I. K. A., Lin Z., Yang F. X., Kou I. T. E. (2023), From shattered assumptions to fantasy realization: the role of meaning search in pleasure travel during the COVID era, Current Issues in Tourism, Forthcoming (ABS2)
- Xu Y. H., Yang F. X., Leong M. K. (2023), In-destination online shopping: A new tourist shopping mode and innovation for cross-border tourists, Tourism Recreation Research, Forthcoming (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Yang G., Li Y., Liu Y. (2023), Friends with money? A political–economic analysis of Chinese foreign aid-induced tourism demand, Tourism Analysis, V28, 603-624 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Wang Y. (2023), Rethinking metaverse tourism: A taxonomy and an agenda for future research, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Forthcoming (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Li L.S.Z., Yang G., Yuan J. (2023), Political ideological distance and tourism demand: The cultural–political interplay, Annals of Tourism Research, V98, 103525 (ABS4)
- Chen, P.J., Ren, L., Li, X., & Yang, F. X. (2022) Advances in tourism behavior & retailing introduction to a special issue in Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science (JGSMS), Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 22(1), 1-15. (Guest editorial)
- Yang F.X., Li Y., Li X., Yuan J. (2022), The beauty premium of tour guides in the customer decision-making process: An AI-based big data analysis, Tourism Management, V93, 104575 (ABS4)
- Li X., Boley B.B., Yang F.X. (2022), Empowerment and its divergent influence over mass and alternative tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, V24, 786-799 (ABS2)
- Li X., Boley B.B., Yang F.X. (2022), Resident empowerment and support for gaming tourism: Comparisons of resident attitudes pre- and amid-COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, V47, 1503-1529 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Li X., Choe Y. (2022), What constitutes a favorable destination brand portfolio? Through the lens of coherence, Tourism Management, V90, 104480 (ABS4)
- Xiong X., Wong I.K.A., Yang F.X. (2021), Are we behaviorally immune to COVID-19 through robots?, Annals of Tourism Research, V91, 103312 (ABS4)
- Lau V.M.-C., Ren L., Yang F.X. (2021), CSR and casino hotel branding: The joint moderation of CSR misfit and corporate awareness, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, V49, 375-384 (ABS1)
- Yang F.X., Xu Y. H., Wong I.K.A. (2021), Too close to work together? Identity conflicts induced by coworker friendships in cyberspace, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V99, 103060 (ABS3)
- Chen J.J., Ko S.I.M., Li L.S.Z, Yang F.X. (2021), Are better-connected CEOs more socially responsible? Evidence from the U.S. restaurant industry, Tourism Management, V85, 104304 (ABS4)
- Yang F.X., Li X., Lau V.M.-C., Zhu V. (2021), To survive or to thrive? China’s luxury hotel restaurants entering O2O food delivery platforms amid the COVID-19 crisis, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V94, 102855 (ABS3)
- Li X., Kong, W.H., Yang F.X. (2021), Authentic food experiences bring us back to the past: An investigation of a local food night market, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing , V38, 233-246 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Wong, I.K.A. (2021), The social crisis aftermath: Tourist well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, V29, 859-878 (ABS3)
- Li X., Yang F.X., Lau V.M.-C. (2021), Antecedents and consequences of souvenir authenticity, Tourism Analysis, V26, 363-376 (ABS2)
- Wong I.K.A., Yang F.X. (2020), A quarantined lodging stay: The buffering effect of service quality, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V91, 102655 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Wong, I.K.A., Xiuchang Tan, Chi Wai Wu (2020), The role of food festivals in branding culinary destinations, Tourism Management Perspectives, V34, 100671 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Ren L., Lau V.M.-C. (2020), An original sin of casino hotels? Consequences of CSR misfit and remedies, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V87, 102500 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Wong, I.K.A. (2020), How do cyberspace friendships transition to favorable workplace outcomes? The self-team joint influence, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V85, 102363 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X. (2020), Subordinate–supervisor friendship in cyberspace: A typological and comparative analysis of hotel employees., Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, V61, 271-286 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X. (2020), Social media friending in building coworker guanxi: A study in the hotel industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management. , V84, 102183 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Lau V.M.-C. (2019), Evil customers, an angel boss and coopetitive coworkers: Burnout of frontline employees, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V83, 1-10 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Lau V.M.-C. (2019), Experiential learning for children at World Heritage Sites: The joint moderating effect of brand awareness and generation of Chinese family travelers, Tourism Management, V72, 1-11 (ABS4)
- Li L.S.Z., Yang F.X., Cui C. (2019), High-speed rail and tourism in China: An urban agglomeration perspective, International Journal of Tourism Research, V21, 45-60 (ABS2)
- Ngan H.F.B., Yang F.X. (2019), Transit advertising in corporate branding: a multilevel study, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, V31, 1452-1468 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X. (2017), Effects of restaurant satisfaction and knowledge sharing motivation on eWOM intentions: the moderating role of technology acceptance factors, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, V41, 93-127 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Tan S.X. (2017), Event innovation induced corporate branding, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, V29, 862-882 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Zhang R.Q., Zhu K. (2017), Should purchasing activities be outsourced along with production?, European Journal of Operational Research, V257, 468-482 (ABS4)
- Yang F.X. (2016), Tourist co-created destination image, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, V33, 425-439 (ABS2)
- Yang F.X., Lau V.M.-C. (2015), “LuXurY” hotel loyalty–a comparison of Chinese Gen X and Y tourists to Macau, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, V27, 1685-1706 (ABS3)
- Yang F.X., Lau V.M.-C. (2015), Does workplace guanxi matter to hotel career success?, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V47, 43-53 (ABS3)
- Editorial board member, Journal of Travel Research (March 2022-present)
- Editorial board member, Tourism Analysis (March 2022-present)