Assistant Professor in Finance
  • Ph.D in Finance, Nanyang Technological University, 2018
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University, 2013
  • Assistant Professor in Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, (2019 – Present)
  • Empirical Corporate Finance, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, Sustainable Finance
  • Chinese Economy
  • Corporate Disclosure
  • FinTech
  1. Ru, H., Yang, E., Zou, K. (2024). Early-Life Experience and CEOs’ Reactions to COVID-19. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101734. (UTD24, ABS4*, FT50)
  2. *Ru, H., Yang, E. (2024). Government Credit and International Trade. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming. (FT50, ABS4)
  3. Yuan, L., Chen, X., Yang, E. (2024). Riding the Climate Surge: How Climate Change Dynamics Drives Green Innovation—Evidence from China. Organization & Environment, forthcoming. (ABS3)
  4. Chang, X., Chen, Y., Fu, K., Yang, E. (2024). Institutional investor horizons, information environment, and firm financing decisions. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 20(1), 100397. (ABS2)
  5. Huang, B., Yang, E., Zhang, Y. (2023). Board Surname Sharing and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from Chinese State-owned Enterprises. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 31(4), 597-624. (ABS3)
  6. Ru, H., Yang, E., Zou, K. (2021). Combating the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of the SARS imprint. Management Science, 67(9), 5606-5615. (Podcast of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)) (UTD24, ABS4*, FT50)
  7. Si, Y., Xia, C., Yang, E. (2019). The bright side of investor sentiment: evidence from real activities manipulation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 27(3), 327–351. (ABS2)
  1. “Corporate Taxes and Corporate Social Responsibility” (with Xin Chang, Yaling Jin, and Wenrui Zhang), Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Corporate Finance.  (ABS4)
  2. “Financialization in the Cryptocurrency Market” (with Xingjian Jiang, Wenjin Kang, and Ke Tang), 2024, Working paper.
  3. “The Effects of Environmental Policy on Industrial Pollution: A Supply Chain Perspective” (with Hong Ru and Kunru Zou), 2024, Working paper.
  4. “Stock Liquidity and Corporate Social Responsibility” (with Xin Chang, Weiqiang Tan, and Wenrui Zhang), 2022, Working paper.
  • Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff, University of Macau, 2022/2023
  • Dean’s Award for Research Excellence, University of Macau, 2021/2022
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2018
  • Excellent Graduate Student Teacher Award, Nanyang Business School, 2016
  • AFA Doctoral Student Travel Grant, 2016
  • Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship, Nanyang Technological University, 2013–2017
  • Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, Nanyang Technological University, 2013
  • Principal Investigator, NSFC Young Scientists Fund, “Government Credit and Firm Environmental Performance: Mechanisms, Consequences and Spillover Effects”, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2024–2026.
  • Principal Investigator, Multi-year Research Grant, “The impacts of stock liquidity on firms’ environmental policies and sustainability”, University of Macau, 2024–2025.
  • Principal Investigator, Multi-year Research Grant, “The impacts of corporate cultures on firms’ investment and financing policies – The social identity perspective”, University of Macau, 2023–2024.
  • Principal Investigator, Multi-year Research Grant, “Political Corruption, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability”, University of Macau, 2022–2023.
  • Principal Investigator, Start-up Research Grant, “Determinants of firms’ stakeholder orientations and corporate social responsibility”, University of Macau, 2019–2021.
  • Co-investigator, Multi-year Research Grant, “Impact of Transaction Costs on Investment Strategies and Asset Prices in Equilibrium”, University of Macau, 2023–
  • Co-investigator, NSFC General Grant, “The Economic Value of Technological Innovation: Measurement, Determinants, and Economic Consequences”, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021–2024.
  • Co-investigator, General Research Fund (GRF), “Do ‘cov-lite’ loans improve firms’ investment flexibility? Evidence from corporate innovation”, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2021–2023.
  • Investments and Portfolio Management (Master)
  • Portfolio Management (Undergraduate)
  • Theory of Finance (Undergraduate)
  • Graduation Project on Applied Finance (Undergraduate)
  • Honours Project (Undergraduate)
  1. 2024    AEA 2024*, Asian FA 2024, CICF 2024*, WEAI 2024*, SERC*, Adam Smith Sustainability Conference and 2nd Annual Conference of the British Accounting Review*, Shenzhen University, 青年资产定价学者论坛
  2. 2023     Asian FA 2023, CFRC*, China International Risk Forum & China Finance Review International Joint Conference (CIRF & CFRI) Conference
  3. 2021    Asian FA 2021*
  4. 2020    AEA 2020, Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) Discussion Papers 2020, NTU*, Peking University*, PKU HSBC Business School*, USC China workshop*
  5. 2019    SFS Cavalcade North America*, ABFER 7th Annual Conference*, NTU Finance Conference*, Singapore Economic Review Conference, CESifo Workshop on Banking and Institutions in Munich*, Deakin University*, Lingnan University*, CUHK Shenzhen*, Xiamen University, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Area Research Forum on Business, 海峡两岸暨港澳地区公共管理学术研讨会, 中国金融管理年会*, 国际金融与贸易研讨会*
  6. 2018    Australasian Finance & Banking Conference (AFBC)*, European Financial Management Association (EFMA) conference*, Annual Conference of Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Global Finance Conference (GFC), UIBE International Conference in Finance
  7. 2017    Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA)
    (* Presented by co-authors)
  • Management Science, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Research
  • Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Finance Research Letters, International Review of Finance, Economic Modelling, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Singapore Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Review of Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Hospitality Management, China Accounting and Finance Review, International Review of Economics and Finance, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Financial Innovation, 经济学(季刊)
  • FMA Annual Meeting, FIRN Annual Conference, China Journal of Accounting Studies Conference 2021, 2022 Asian FA Annual Conference, 2024 Asian FA Annual Conference, Midwest Finance Association Annual Conference 2025