Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Director of Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming
  • Ph.D. in Quantitative Economics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2006
  • MBA in Banking and Finance, University of Macau, Macau, 1997
  • BBA in Marketing, University of Macau, Macau, 1994
  • Professor, Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, FBA, UM (since March 2019)
  • Adjunct Professor of The Centre for Macau Studies (CMS), UM (since 01/03/2018)
  • Professor, Hospitality and Gaming Management Program, FBA, UM(Aug 2018 to Feb 2019)
  • Associate Professor, Hospitality and Gaming Management Program, FBA, UM (Sept 2011 to Aug 2018)
  • Assistant Professor, Gaming Management Program, FBA, UM (Feb 2006 to Aug 2011)
  • Lecturer, FBA, UM (Sept 1998 to Jan 2006)
  • Teaching Assistant, FBA UM (Sept 1994 to Aug 1998)
  • Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff 2020/2021
  • Outstanding Service Award (External) of Faculty of Business Administration 2019/2020
  • FBA Teaching Award 2018 – Best of International Integrated Resort Management Programme
  • FBA Service Award 2018 – Best of International Integrated Resort Management Programme
  • Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff 2017/2018
  • FBA Research Award 2017/2018 – Best of International Integrated Resort Management Programme
  • FBA Service Award 2017/2018 – Best of International Integrated Resort Management Programme
  • Outstanding Service Award of Faculty of Business Administration 2016
  • Outstanding Service Award of Faculty of Business Administration 2015
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Casino Marketing (IRTM3016)
    • Global Issues in Resort and Gaming Management (IRTM4002)
  • Graduate Courses
    • Contemporary Issues in International Integrated Resort Management (IRTM8350)
  • Visitor Profile Study
  • Responsible Gambling
  • Gambling Disorder
  • Chinese Gambling Behavior
  • Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling
  1. 馮家超:《博彩經濟理論綜合分析》,《澳門研究》,23,144-165頁,08/2004。 [Fong, K. C. (2004). Literature Review of Economic Theories of Gambling (Chinese), Journal of Macau Studies, Vol. 23, August,144-165.]
  2. Ozorio, B., Fong, K. C. (2004). Chinese Casino Gambling Behaviors: Risk Taking in Casinos vs. Investment. UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, 8(2). pp. 27-38.
  3. Fong, K. C., Ozorio, B. (2005). Gambling Participation and Prevalence Estimates of Pathological Gambling in a Far-East Gambling City: Macao. UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, 9(2). pp. 15-28.
  4. 馮家超:《澳門博彩業社會成本分析》,《港澳研究》,夏季號,43-64頁, 07/2006。 [Fong, K. C. (2006). Social Costs Analysis of Macau Gaming Industry (Chinese), Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Summer, 43-64.]
  5. 馮家超, 馮學能:《回歸十年澳門博彩業回顧與展望》,《港澳研究》,16, 23-40頁,12/2009。 [Fong, K. C., Fong, H. N. (2009). Ten Years After the Handover: Retrospect and Prospect of the Development of Macau Gaming Industry. Hong Kong and Macau Studies, 16. pp. 23-40. ]
  6. 阮建中、馮家超:《澳門與新加坡博彩業的比較研究》,《澳門研究》59,57-71頁, 12/2010。 [Un, K.C., Fong, K.C. (2010). A Comparative Analysis on the Gambling Industry of Macau and Singapore (Chinese), Journal of Macau Studies, Vol.59, p57-71.]
  7. Fong, D. K. C., Fong, H. N., Li, S. Z. (2011). The Social Cost of Gambling in Macao: Before and After the liberalisation of The Gaming Industry. International Gambling Studies, 11(1). pp. 43-56.
  8. GAO, Z., FONG, K., Liu, X. M. (2011). Mathematical Analyses of Casino Rebate Systems for VIP Gambling. International Gambling Studies, 1. pp. 93-106.
  9. Blaszczynski, A., Collins, P., Fong, D., Ladouceur, R., Nower, L., Shaffer, H. J., Tavares, H., Venisse, J.-L (2011). Responsible Gambling: General Principles and Minimal Requirements. Journal of Gambling Studies, 27. pp. 565-573.
  10. Lam, L. W., Chan, K. W. , Fong, K. C., Lao, F. (2011). Does the look matter? The impact of casino servicescape on gaming customer satisfaction, intention to revisit, and desire to stay. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(2011). pp. 558-567. (ABS3)
  11. Hao, J. X., Yu, Y., Law, R., Fong, K. C. (2015). A genetic algorithm-based learning approach to understand customer satisfaction with OTA websites. Tourism Management,48(2015). pp. 231-241. (ABS4)
  12. Wang, L., Law, R., Guillet, B. D., Hung, K., Fong, K. C. (2015). Impact of hotel website quality on online booking intentions: eTrust as a mediator. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 47(2015). pp. 108-115. (ABS3)
  13. Wang, L., Fong, K. C., Law, R. (2015). Travel Behaviors of Mainland Chinese Visitors to Macao. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2015. pp. 1-13. (ABS2)
  14. Law, R., Fong, L. H. N., Fong, D. K. C. (2015). How useful are university rankings in tourism?. Annals of Tourism Research, 54(2015). pp. 219-221. (ABS4)
  15. Collins, P., Blaszczynski, A., Ladouceur, R., Shaffer, H. J., Fong, K. C., Venisse, J-L (2015). Responsible Gambling: Conceptual Considerations. Gaming Law Review and Economics, 19(8). pp. 594-599.
  16. Fong, H. N., Fong, K. C., Law, R. (2015). A Formative Approach to Modeling Residents’ Perceived Impacts of Casino Development. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2015. pp. 1-14. (ABS2)
  17. 馮家超, 伍美寶:《負責任博彩:澳門模式及經驗》,《港澳研究》,2015(4)。57-65頁,10/2015。 [Fong, K. C., Ozorio, B. (25/10/2015). Responsible Gambling: Macao Model and Experiences. Hong Kong and Macau Journal, 2015(4). pp. 57-65. ]
  18. Fong, K. C., Sun, S., Law, R. (2016). What Impacts The Revisit Intention Of Tourists? An Application Of Hierarchical Ordered Probit Model. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism,14(1). pp. 41-54.
  19. Ladouceur, R., Blaszczynski, A., Shaffer, H.J. and Fong, D.(2016). Extending the Reno Model: Responsible Gambling Evaluation Guidelines for Gambling Operators, Public Policymakers, and Regulators. Gaming Law Review and Economics, 20(7). pp. 580-586.
  20. Law, R., Sun, S., Fong, D. K. C., Fong, L. H. N. and Fu, H.,(2016),”A systematic review of China’s outbound tourism research”, International Journal of Contemporary HospitalityManagement, Vol. 28 Iss 12 pp. 2654 – 2674.(ABS3)
  21. Sun, S., Fong, D. K. C., Law, R. and He, S., (2017),”An updated comprehensive review of website evaluation studies in hospitality and tourism “, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 29 Iss 1 pp. 355-373.(ABS3)
  22. Su, L. J., Wang, L., Law, R., Chen, X. H., Fong, K. C. (2017). Influences of destination social responsibility on relationship quality with residents and destination economic performance. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 34:4, pp. 488-502. (ABS2)
  23. Lorenzo, M., Qian, J. J. W., Fong, K. C., & Law, R. (2017). Gambling Destinations and the Effect of Gambling Results on Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5). pp. 678-689.(ABS2)
  24. Sun, S., Law, R., & Fong, K. C. (2018). Where Do Tourists Stay Overnight in Macau?. Tourism Recreation Research, 43(1), pp.15-25.(ABS2)
  25. Xu, Y. K., Zhang, Z. Q., Fong, K. C., Law, R. (2018). Can staying overnight affect traveler satisfaction? Evidence from a gambling destination. Asia Pacific Journal of TourismResearch, 23(9). pp. 907-923. (ABS1)
  26. Wang, L., Fong, K. C., Law, R., & Fang, B. (2018). Length of Stay: Its Determinants and Outcomes. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 57(4). pp. 472–482.(ABS4)
  27. Law, R., Fong, K. C., Chan, I. C. C. , & Fong, H. N. (2018). Systematic Review of Hospitality CRM Research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(3). pp. 1686-1704.(ABS3)
  28. Fong, K. C., Fong, H. N., Chark, C. H., & Chui, M. W. (2018). The Bias of Size in Gambling Decisions: Evidence From a Casino Game. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(1). pp. 78-84. (ABS2)
  29. Fong, L. H. N., Lam, D., & Fong, K. C. (2018). Controllable Superstition and its Relationship with Enduring and Behavioral Involvement in Gambling. International Gambling Studies, 18(1). pp. 92-110.
  30. Sun, S., Fong, K. C., & Law, R. (2018). Effect of distance decay on Chinese who travel to Macau. Annals of Tourism Research, 70(2018). pp. 105-107.(ABS4)
  31. Fong, L. H. N., Chui, P. M. W., Cheong, I. S. C., & Fong, D. K. C. (2018). Moderating effects of social support on job stress and turnover intentions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27(7). pp. 795-810.(ABS1)
  32. Chan, I. C. C., Fong, D. K. C., Law, R., & Fong, L. H. N. (2018). State-of-the-art social customer relationship management. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5). pp. 423-436.(ABS1)
  33. Fong, K. C., Ye, B. H. , & Law, R. (2018). The relationship of impact factors and journal rankings in tourism. Int. J. Bibliometrics in Business and Management, 1(2). pp. 97-103.
  34. Wu, J. L., Law, R., Fong, K. C., Liu, J. Y. (28/11/2018). Rethinking travel life cycle with travel career patterns. Tourism Recreation Research, 44(2). pp. 272-277. (ABS2)
  35. Sun, S., Law, R. & Fong, D.K.C., (2018) What Affects the RevisitIntention of Chinese Tourists to Macao?, Journal of China Tourism Research, 14:3, 296-309, DOI:10.1080/19388160.2018.1492482(ABS1)
  36. Law, R., Li, G., Fong, D.K.C., and Han, X. (2019), Tourism demand forecasting: a deep learning approach, Annals of Tourism Research, V75, 410-423 (ABS4)
  37. Collins, P., Shaffer , H. J., Ladouceur, R., Blaszczynski, A., Fong, K. C. (2020), Gambling Research and Industry Funding, Journal of Gambling Studies, V36, 989-997
  38. Pang, L., Law, R., Fong, K. C (2021), Mainland Chinese Visitors’ Perceptions of Macau as a Travel Destination, Journal of China Tourism Research, 17 (1), 33-56 (ABS1)
  39. Zhou, H., He, Y. W., Yuan, Z., Zhou, Y., Yin, J. W., Chark, R., Fong, D. K. C., Fong, L. H. N. & Wu, A. M. S. (2023). Altered hierarchical organization between empathy and gambling networks in disordered gamblers. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1083465.
  40. Law, R., Chen, S. R., Li, X. N. & Fong, D.K.C. (2024). Analyzing review studies of the recent development in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(6), 2086-2106.
  41. Law, R., Lin, J. X., Ye, H. Y. & Fong, D.K.C. (2024). Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and future directions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(6), 2049-2068.
  42. Yang, H. M., Fong, L. H. N., Zhou, H., Chark, R., Fong, D. K. C., Hui, B. P. H., & Wu, A. M. S. (in press). Is self-compassion a protective factor for addictions? Exploring its effects on alcohol and gambling-related problems using a self-compensation model framework. Current Psychology, [SSCI].