Assistant Professor in Business Intelligence and Analytics
Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Science in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) Programme
Dr. Heng Tang received his Ph.D degree in the Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong. He is currently an assistant professor at the department of Accounting and Information Management, University of Macau. His research interests are in the areas of consumer behavior in digital markets, intelligent systems, and innovation management. His research has appeared in journals such as Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Information Science, Knowledge-based Systems, Journal of Applied Psychology, etc. He holds the certificates of Senior Software Developer and System Analyst (Software Professional Technical Qualification Examination of China).
- Ph.D in Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- System Analyst (Software Professional Technical Qualification Examination of China)
- Senior Software Developer (Software Professional Technical Qualification Examination of China)
- FBA Dean’s Award: Service Excellence; 2022/2023
- FBA Dean’s Award: Teaching Excellence; 2020/2021
- Recommended paper award: Twenty-third Chinese Annual Conference on Management Science, 2021 Dec. Chengdu, China
- Distinguished paper award: International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) 2017, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Undergraduate Courses
- Business Data Mining and Visualization (ISOM3018)
- Contemporary Information Systems for Organizations (EBIS112)
- Information Systems and Organizations (EBIS200)
- Business Data Management (EBIS303)
- Quantitative Decision Analysis (ISOM3030)
- Computer Programming using C++ (EBIS318)
- Basic Business Programming (EBIS300)
- Spreadsheet and Decision Making (ISOM4000)
- Big Data with Business Applications (ISOM3006)
- Business Data Mining (ACIS354)
- Advanced Computer Programming (ISOM3028)
- Honours Project (HONR4000)
- Introduction to Computing (EBMIS100)
- Database Management Systems I (CBIS343)
- Database Management Systems II (CBIS344)
- Business Mathematics (QMDS100 )
- Object-oriented Programming (CBIS465)
- Information Systems Project (CBIS493)
- Computer Applications (CBIS111)
- Computer Systems: Hardware and System Software (CBIS211)
- etc. (…)
- Graduate Courses
- Information Management and Digital Innovation (ISOM7013, MBA)
- Digital Strategy for Blockchain and Fintech Development (ISOM7305, EMBA)
- Computer Applications in Accounting (AIS750, Msc. Acc.)
- Management Information Systems (ISOM7011, MBA)
- Advanced Topics in Decision Sciences and Information Systems (ISOM8012, Ph.D)
- Digital Transformation of Public Services (公務人員領導力培訓班)
- Information systems
- Digital markets
- Intelligent systems & algorithms
- Innovation management
- Exploring the Impact of Cyber Incivility on Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Insights from Large-Scale Observational Data and Machine Learning in Online Co-learning Communities, MYRG 2025-2026 (2 years), Principal Investigator
- Facilitating Generative AI-based Knowledge Acquisition Through User Interface Design, MYRG 2024-2025 (2 years), Principal Investigator
- Curbing Online Shopping Cart Abandonment in C2C Markets — An Uncertainty Reduction Approach MYRG 2018-2022, Principal Investigator
- Designing A Managerial Fraud Management System – A Machine Learning Approach MYRG 2017-2018, Principal Investigator
- Study on Impulsive Buying Behavior on Mobile Platform – Insight into the paradox of mobility’s influences MYRG 2014-2015, Principal Investigator
- A Novel Recommender System based on Product Review Mining, MYRG 2012-2013, Principal Investigator
- Intelligent Recommender Systems for Mobile Commerce, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2010-2012, Principal Investigator
- Ben Niu, Chen Guo, & Heng Tang (2022), Multi-objective Multi-learning Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm for Mixed Data Clustering, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 30(12)
- Chang Boon Lee, Hio Nam Io, & Heng Tang (2022), Sentiments and perceptions after a privacy breach incident, Cogent Business & Management, 9:1 (ABS1)
- Lin, X., Lu, L., Ozer, M., Tang, H (2023), Am I motivated to share knowledge for better innovative performance? An approach and avoidance framework, Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(1):138-151 (ABS4*, FT50)
- Chen Guo, Heng Tang, Ben Niu (2021), Evolutionary State–Based Novel Multi-objective Periodic Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm for Data Clustering, Expert Systems (IF = 2.587), Forthcoming: https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12812 (ABS2)
- Chen Guo, Heng Tang, Ben Niu, Patrick Lee (2020), A survey of improved bacterial foraging optimization, Neurocomputing, 452 (IF = 4.438)
- Helen Du, Jiahong Xu, Heng Tang, and Ruixin Jiang (2020), Repurchase intention in online knowledge service: The brand awareness perspective, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 62(1) (ABS2)
- Heng Tang and Xiaowan Lin (2019), Curbing Shopping Cart Abandonment in C2C Markets — An Uncertainty Reduction Approach , Electronic Markets, V29, 533-552 (ABS2)
- Chang Boon Lee, Heng Tang, Kin Meng Sam, and Gang Xiong (2018), Spreadsheet Proficiency: Which Spreadsheet Skills Are Important?, Journal of Information Technology Management, XXIX(3), 35-44 (ABS1)
- Heng Tang, Xiao Jing LIN, Philip PUN, and Simon Iok Kuan WU (2017), Why Do Online Buyers Engage in Electronic Word-of-mouth? An Expectancy Disconfirmation Perspective, Journal of Management Information System & E-commerce, 4(1), 12-25
- Heng Tang, Chang Boon Patrick Lee, and Kwee Keong Choong (2017), Consumer decision support systems for novice buyers – a design science approach, Information Systems Frontiers, V19, 881–897 (ABS3)
- Xiaowan Lin and Heng Tang (2016), A Framework for Human Resource Configurations in Knowledge-intensive Organizations, International Journal of Business Administration, 7(1)
- Lee, Patrick Chang Boon, Heng Tang, and Sarah Wai San Fong (2016), Research note: Price parity, channel conflict, and hotel rooms in Macao, Tourism Economics, V 22(6) 1431–1439 (ABS2)
- Lee Chang Boon Patrick, Heng Tang, and Chan Wing Han Brenda (2015), A Pilot Study on the Perceptions of Macao Undergraduates Regarding Help Websites for Problem Gambling, UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, V 19(2) (ABS2)
- Heng Tang, Stephen Liao, and Sherry Sun (2013), A prediction framework based on contextual data to support Mobile Personalized Marketing, Decision Support Systems, V56, 234-246 (ABS3)
- Heng Tang and Stephen Liao (2008), Discovering Original Motifs with Different Lengths from Time Series, Knowledge-based Systems, V 21(7)
- Stephen Liao, Heng Tang, Wei-yi Liu (2004), Finding Relevant Sequences in Time Series Containing Crisp, Interval and Fuzzy Interval Data, IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics (B), V34(5) (ABS3)
- Stephen Liao, Joy Wei He and Heng Tang (2004), A Framework for Context Information Management, Journal of Information Science, 30(6) (ABS2)
- Ru, Zeyuan; Tang, Heng; and Wang, Qian, “The Impact of AI on Coding Practice for Programmers: Users’ Behavioral Shifts in Online Programming Platforms”. International Conference on Information Systems 2024 TREOS
- Guo, C., Tang, H., Niu, Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Multi-Objective Periodic Bacterial Foraging Optimization with Two Learning Archives, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Data Mining, Sydney Australia, August 30-31, 2022
- Guo, C., Tang, H., Niu, B.. Hybrid data clustering based on multi-objective multivariate learning bacterial foraging optimization algorithm, Twenty-third Annual China Management Science Academic Conference, 2021 Dec. Chengdu, China (in Chinese, 中国管理科学学术年会推荐论文奖)
- Guo, C., Tang, H., Lee, C.B.P., Niu, B.. Data Clustering Using the Cooperative Search Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. In: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, pp. 660-671. Springer, (2019)
- Lin, X., Lu, L., Tang, H., & Ozer, M. (2019, June). A relational approach to the effects of self-regulatory foci on employee innovative performance. Paper presented at Asia Academy of Management conference, Bali, Indonesia.
- Heng Tang and Xiaowan Lin, Curbing Shopping Cart Abandonment in C2C Markets — An Uncertainty Reduction Approach, The 17th International Conference on Electronic Business, Dubai UAE, 2017 Dec.
- Heng Tang, Xiao Jing LIN, Philip PUN, Simon Iok Kuan WU. “Why Do Online Buyers Engage in Electronic Word-of-mouth? An Expectancy Disconfirmation Perspective”. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) 2017, Hiroshima, Japan (distinguished paper award).
- Heng Tang and Xiaowan Lin. Institutional Communication Facilitators for The Reduction of Experience Products Uncertainty in E-Marketplaces – The Initial Interaction Perspective. The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Chiayi, Taiwan. 2016.
- Heng Tang, A Novel Framework Based on Word-of-mouth Mining for Non-prosumer Decision Support. The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Chengdu, China. 2014.
- Heng Tang, An Intelligent Online Shopping Guide Based on Product Review Mining. the 11th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB2011). Bangkok, Thailand.
- Heng Tang, Stephen Liao, Sherry Sun. Mining Sequential Relations from Multidimensional Data Sequence for Prediction. International Conference on Information Systems 2008, Accepted. (Top 1 conference of Information Systems, acceptance rate 24%)
- Heng Tang, Stephen Liao, David J J Xu, An Open Platform for Context-aware Short Message Service, 2007 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Colorado, 2007
- Heng Tang, Context-awareness Enabled Personalization to Support M-commerce Applications, 16th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2nd December 2005. Sydney, Australia. (Doctoral consortium)
- Kaiquan Xu, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Raymond Y.K. Lau, Heng Tang, Shanshan Wang, Building Comparative Product Relation, Maps by Mining Consumer Opinions on the Web, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2009
- Kaiquan Xu, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Raymond Y. K. Lau, Lejian Liao, Heng Tang (2009). Self-Teaching Semantic Annotation Method for Knowledge Discovery from Text. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science,5-8 January 2009, Big Island, HI.
- Xu, D. J. J., Liao, S., & Tang, H. (2005, December). The importance of personalization in affecting consumer attitude toward mobile advertising in China, ACIS 2005 Proceedings – 16th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney, Australia.
- Tang, H., Liao, S., & Xu, D. J. J. (2005, June). Discovering motifs with different lengths in time series, proceedings of the European Management and Technology Conference, Roma, Italy.
- Xu, D. J. J., Liao, S., & Tang, H. (2005 June). Review: Bayesian network-based user modeling for mobile commerce applications, the European Management and Technology Conference, Roma, Italy.
- Leung, F., Chau, T., Tang, H., & Liao, S. (2003, August). A Virtual Laboratory for an Online Web-Based Course – Rapid E-business Systems Development, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Web-based Learning, Melbourne, Australia
- Chou, T., Leung, F, Tang, H., & Liao, S. (2003, July). A Context Information Center for M-commerce Applications, 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, Australia.
- PhD Students
- Lu Zeyan
- Chen Yingyin
- Chen Guo (2019 – 2023)
- Master Students
- IO CHI SENG (EMBA, 2023)
- Yunfeng Li (EMBA, 2022)
- Kai Wang (EMBA, 2022)
- Chuan Zhang (EMBA, 2022)
- Fung Ho TSOI (MBA, 2020)
- Qiuguang Yang (Master, 2018)
- Hui Wang (MBA, 2017)
- The Association for Information Systems, Member