HSBC/UM Macau Business Case Competition 2025
The HSBC/UM Macau Business Case Competition 2025 is jointly organized by UM-FBA, FBA-CTIRS and sponsored by HSBC Macau. ...
The HSBC/UM Macau Business Case Competition 2025 is jointly organized by UM-FBA, FBA-CTIRS and sponsored by HSBC Macau. ...
Dear FBA students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invite ...
Dear students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invited to ...
Dear FBA students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invite ...
Dear colleagues and students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordi ...
Dear FBA students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invite ...
Dear FBA students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invite ...
統計暨普查局舉辦的「數說澳門回歸25年」短片創作比賽現正接受報名,歡迎各大專院校學生報名參加,得獎學生可獲最高10,000澳門元獎學金及獎狀! 參賽資格: 就讀於本澳大專院校的學生 / 澳門以外地區大專院校的澳門學生 參賽者可以個人或團隊形 ...
Internship programme details (Information provided by the company) Company name: BANCO NACIONAL ULTRAMARINO, S.A. (大西洋銀 ...
Dear FBA students, Greetings from the General Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. You are cordially invite ...