Minor Programmes in FBA

Faculty Minor  Knowledge Area Target Students
Faculty of Business Administration Science FAH, FED, FLL, FSS students
Business Administration FAH, FED, FHS, FLL, FSS (except Economics major), FST students
Science FAH, FED, FLL, FSS students
Science FAH, FED, FLL, FSS (except Economics major) students
Science FAH, FED, FLL, FSS students

* Minor is an additional area of study of a Bachelor’s degree programme. It must have a knowledge area different from the Major.

Minor in Accounting

Course Code Course Credits
ACCT100 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ACCT210 Management Accounting I 3
ACCT211 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACCT212 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACCT311 Management Accounting II 3
ACCT312 Intermediate Accounting III 3
Choose two courses from the following courses:
ACCT313 Advanced Financial Accounting 3
ACCT314 Accounting Information Systems 3
ACCT332 Auditing I 3
ACCT435 China Tax 3
ACCT442 Taxation in Macau and Hong Kong 3
Total Credits 24

*Students should take note of the pre-requisite requirement for courses in the study plan of Minor in Accounting before course enrollment.

Minor in Business Administration

Course Code Course Credits
BECO100 Principles of Microeconomics 3
BECO101 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
MGMT110 Principles of Business Management 3
MKTG220 Principles of Marketing 3
ACCT100 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
FINC210 Financial Management 3
EBIS200 Information Systems and Organizations 3
Total Credits 21

Minor in Electronic Business

Course Code Course Credits
BECO100 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Business Management
EBIS200 Information Systems and Organizations 3
Basic Business Programming
Business Programming
Designing IT Solutions
Analysis and Design of Information Systems
Business Data Management
Database Management
Web Site Design and Internet Business Applications
Web-Based Development of Information Systems
Total Credits 21

Minor in Finance

Course Code Course Title Credits
ACCT100 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
BECO100 Principles of Microeconomics 3
BECO210** Econometrics I 3
FINC210 Financial Management 3
FINC211 Advanced Financial Management 3
FINC302 Derivative Securities 3
FINC344 Portfolio Management 3
Choose One course from the following courses:
BECO201 Intermediate Economics 3
BECO311 Financial Econometrics 3
FINC341 Theory of Finance 3
FINC426 Mergers and Acquisitions 3
FINC427 Fixed Income Securities 3
FINC431 International Finance and Global Issues 3
FINC432 Financial Modeling 3
FINC433 Bank Management 3
FINC435 Financial Risk Management 3
FINC436 Advanced Financial Mathematics 3
FINC437 Exotic Options and Structured Products 3
Total Credits 24

*Students who have taken any course(s) listed in the Compulsory for fulfilling CM or RE toward their major programmes have to take additional elective course(s) to fulfil the study plan of minor in Finance.

**BECO210 can be replaced by BECO403/ECOB320 for students majoring in Business Economics/Economics respectively. Additional elective course needed to be taken if BECO403/ECOB320 is taken to fulfil CM or RE for the major programmes. The pre-requisite of BECO210 will be waived for non-FBA students if the application of minor in Finance is approved.

In order to complete the Minor in Finance programme, students are required to complete 8 courses in the study plan of minor in Finance and achieve a cumulative GPA 2.0 or above among the courses taken in the study plan for pursuing minor in Finance.

For application and other details, please kindly visit Registry website: https://reg.umac.mo/current-students/minor-programme/general-rules/