When Virtual and Physical are Brought Together via Augmented Reality (AR): A Mixed-Method Approach of Understanding AR Affordances and Its Design in Offline Retail
Prof. Alain Yee Loong CHONG
Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Partnerships
Professor in Information Systems
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Date: 05 December 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30 – 16:00
Venue: E22 – G015
Host: Prof. Jacky LIN, Assistant Professor in Business Intelligence and Analytics
While Augmented Reality (AR) technology can blend the “real” and the “virtual,” research on its unique features from the user’s perspective—especially in offline shopping contexts—remains limited. To address this gap, we conducted a two-phase, mixed-methods study to identify key AR factors salient to users in this context and explore why AR might benefit them. In Phase I, we used a qualitative approach combining affordance and means-end chain theories to uncover AR factors relevant to offline shopping from the user’s viewpoint. Our findings highlighted visual realism as a distinct AR design feature, setting it apart from other concepts of realism discussed in previous literature. Interestingly, we discovered that low visual realism (e.g., cartoonish versus realistic AR design) can stimulate creative thinking, suggesting that such a design could be advantageous for introducing novel products that require creativity. In Phase II, we tested and validated this insight with an experimental design, focusing on novel product acceptance. Our findings offer valuable implications for conceptualizing and effectively implementing the integration of the real and virtual—AR’s defining attribute.
Professor Alain Chong is Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Partnerships and Professor of Information Systems at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. His research focuses on exploring the impact of disruptive technologies on individuals and organisations. Alain has published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, among others. He has published in over 100 SSCI/SCI journals. Alain has received major grants in the countries and regions where he has worked, including the NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists, also known as 外国优青. Alain received the Westlake Friendship Award in 2023, the Ningbo Camellia Award in 2022 and Ten Outstanding Young Malaysians in 2012.
All are welcome!