Associate Professor in Finance
Programme Coordinator of BSc in Finance
- Ph.D. in Finance, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2012.
- M.Sc. in Finance, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2010.
- M.Sc. in Probability and Statistics, Central South University, China, 2007.
- B.Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Central South University, China, 2004.
- Associate Professor of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (2023-present).
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (2017-2023).
- Associate Professor of Finance, Institute of Financial Studies, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012-2017).
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Institute of Financial Studies, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012-2012).
- Dean’s Award for Service Excellence, 2022/2023.
- Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 2021/2022.
- FBA Outstanding Teaching Award, 2020/2021. (Faculty level)
- Research Excellence Award by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2014/2015.
- Undergraduate Courses
- Advanced Financial Mathematics (FINC436/FINC4013)
- Exotic Options and Structured Products (FINC437/FINC4014)
- Financial Management (FINC210)
- Graduate Courses
- Advanced Topics in Finance (FINC7041)
- Research Topics in Business Economics and Finance (FINC8012)
- Mathematical Techniques in Finance (FINC7033)
- Impact of Transaction Costs on Investment Strategies and Asset Prices in Equilibrium, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2023-2024, Principal Investigator.
- The Impacts of Corporate Cultures on Firms’ Investment and Financing Policies – The Social Identity Perspective, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2023-2024, Co-Investigator.
- Information Quality and Asset Pricing: The Implications of Heterogeneous Beliefs, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2019-2022, Principal Investigator.
- Achieving Pareto Equilibrium with Continuous Trading, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (SRG), 2018-2021, Principal Investigator.
- Influence of Market Frictions on Optimal Investment Strategies, funded by the Research Committee of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2016-2017, Principal Investigator.
- Asset Pricing
- Corporate Finance
(Notes: 1. * indicates corresponding author. 2. Authors in all papers are alphabetically ordered unless clarified.)
- Mark Loewenstein and Zhenjiang Qin* (2024), An Equilibrium Model of Imperfect Hedging: Transaction Costs, Heterogeneity in Risk Aversion, and Return Volatility, The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming. (ABS4*, FT50, UTD)
- Peter Ove Christensen and Zhenjiang Qin* (2014), Heterogeneous beliefs and information: Cost of capital, trading volume and investor welfare, The Accounting Review, V89,page 209–242. (ABS4*, FT50, UTD)
- Zhenjiang Qin* (2013), Speculations in option markets enhance allocation efficiency with heterogeneous beliefs and learning, Journal of Banking and Finance, V37,page 4675–4694. Lead article. (ABS3)
- Stanley Ko, Rose Lai*, Zhenjiang Qin (2023), Social network matters: Capital structure risk control on REITs, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, V66:709–742. (ABS3)
- Yishu Fu, Chunbo Liu, Zhenjiang Qin*, Dongwei Zhao (2022), Institutional cross-ownership and firm social performance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, V30: 738–764. (ABS3)
- Andreas Karathanasopoulos, Chia Chun Lo, Xiaorong Ma, Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Maintaining cost and ruin probability, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, V57, pages 759–793. (ABS3)
- Yishu Fu and Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Institutional cross-ownership and corporate philanthropy, Financial Research Letters, V43, 101996. (ABS2)
- Yishu Fu, Chunbo Liu, Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Does CEO-chairman dialect similarity affect stock price informativeness for Chinese listed firms?, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, V55, 101313 (ABS2)
- Ke Du, Yishu Fu, Zhenjiang Qin*, and ShuoxunZhang (2020), Regime shift, speculation, and stock price, Research in International Business and Finance, V52, 101181. (ABS2)
- Liang Dong, Bo Yu, Zhenjiang Qin, Keith Lam (2024), Liquidity risk and expected returns in China’s stock market: A multidimensional liquidity approach, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 69, 102247. (Not alphabetically ordered.) (ABS2)
- Bo Yu, Liang Dong*, Zhenjiang Qin, Keith Lam (2025). What is the best composite liquidity proxy for explaining stock returns? Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. Forthcoming (Not alphabetically ordered.) (ABS2)
- Zhenzhong Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Jinying Tong, Tiandao Zhou, Zhenjiang Qin (2022), Some explicit expressions for GBM with Markovian switching and parameter estimations, Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods, 1-31. (Not alphabetically ordered.)
- Jinying Tong, Yaqin Sun, Zhenzhong Zhang*, Tiandao Zhou, and Zhenjiang Qin (2021), Some characterizations for the CIR model with Markov switching, Stochastics and Dynamics, V21, 2150022. (Not alphabetically ordered.)
- Product Market Competition, Financial Market Efficiency, and Information Acquisition: Implications of Real Demand Uncertainty, with Minxing Zhu. 2023 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- An Equilibrium Model of Hedging with Transaction Costs. 11th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society. Hong Kong (2022).
- Achieving Pareto Equilibrium with Continuous Trading. Taiwan Finance Association Annual Meeting in National Chengchi University, Taipei (2018).
- How to Squander Your Endowment: Pitfalls and Remedies, with Philip Dybvig. China International Conference in Finance (2015) and American Finance Association Annual Meeting (2016).
- An Equilibrium Model of Imperfect Hedging: Transaction Costs, Heterogeneity in Risk Aversion, and Return Volatility, with Mark Loewenstein.
- Product Market Competition, Financial Market Efficiency, and Information Acquisition: Implications of Real Demand Uncertainty, with Minxing Zhu. 2024.
- Does ESG Rating Disagreement Make Investment Less Sensitive to Stock Price? Evidence from China, with Yishu Fu and Chunbo Liu, 2024.
- How to Squander Your Endowment: Pitfalls and Remedies, with Philip Dybvig, 2022.
- PhD Students
- Hao Yu
- Minxing Zhu