Associate Professor in Finance
Programme Coordinator of BSc in Finance
  • Ph.D. in Finance, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2012.
  • M.Sc. in Finance, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2010.
  • M.Sc. in Probability and Statistics, Central South University, China, 2007.
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Central South University, China, 2004.
  • Associate Professor of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (2023-present).
  • Assistant Professor of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (2017-2023).
  • Associate Professor of Finance, Institute of Financial Studies, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012-2017).
  • Assistant Professor of Finance, Institute of Financial Studies, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012-2012).
  • Dean’s Award for Service Excellence, 2022/2023.
  • Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 2021/2022.
  • FBA Outstanding Teaching Award, 2020/2021. (Faculty level)
  • Research Excellence Award by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2014/2015.
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Advanced Financial Mathematics (FINC436/FINC4013)
    • Exotic Options and Structured Products (FINC437/FINC4014)
    • Financial Management (FINC210)
  • Graduate Courses
    • Advanced Topics in Finance (FINC7041)
    • Research Topics in Business Economics and Finance (FINC8012)
    • Mathematical Techniques in Finance (FINC7033)
  • Impact of Transaction Costs on Investment Strategies and Asset Prices in Equilibrium, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2023-2024, Principal Investigator.
  • The Impacts of Corporate Cultures on Firms’ Investment and Financing Policies – The Social Identity Perspective, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2023-2024, Co-Investigator.
  • Information Quality and Asset Pricing: The Implications of Heterogeneous Beliefs, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (MYRG), 2019-2022, Principal Investigator.
  • Achieving Pareto Equilibrium with Continuous Trading, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau (SRG), 2018-2021, Principal Investigator.
  • Influence of Market Frictions on Optimal Investment Strategies, funded by the Research Committee of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2016-2017, Principal Investigator.
  • Asset Pricing
  • Corporate Finance

(Notes: 1. * indicates corresponding author. 2. Authors in all papers are alphabetically ordered unless clarified.)

  1. Mark Loewenstein and Zhenjiang Qin* (2024), An Equilibrium Model of Imperfect Hedging: Transaction Costs, Heterogeneity in Risk Aversion, and Return Volatility, The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming. (ABS4*, FT50, UTD)
  2. Peter Ove Christensen and Zhenjiang Qin* (2014), Heterogeneous beliefs and information: Cost of capital, trading volume and investor welfare, The Accounting Review, V89,page 209–242. (ABS4*, FT50, UTD)
  3. Zhenjiang Qin* (2013), Speculations in option markets enhance allocation efficiency with heterogeneous beliefs and learning, Journal of Banking and Finance, V37,page 4675–4694. Lead article. (ABS3)
  4. Stanley Ko, Rose Lai*, Zhenjiang Qin (2023), Social network matters: Capital structure risk control on REITs, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, V66:709–742. (ABS3)
  5. Yishu Fu, Chunbo Liu, Zhenjiang Qin*, Dongwei Zhao (2022), Institutional cross-ownership and firm social performance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, V30: 738–764. (ABS3)
  6. Andreas Karathanasopoulos, Chia Chun Lo, Xiaorong Ma, Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Maintaining cost and ruin probability, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, V57, pages 759–793. (ABS3)
  7. Yishu Fu and Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Institutional cross-ownership and corporate philanthropy, Financial Research Letters, V43, 101996. (ABS2)
  8. Yishu Fu, Chunbo Liu, Zhenjiang Qin* (2021), Does CEO-chairman dialect similarity affect stock price informativeness for Chinese listed firms?, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, V55, 101313 (ABS2)
  9. Ke Du, Yishu Fu, Zhenjiang Qin*, and ShuoxunZhang (2020), Regime shift, speculation, and stock price, Research in International Business and Finance, V52, 101181. (ABS2)
  10. Liang Dong, Bo Yu, Zhenjiang Qin, Keith Lam (2024), Liquidity risk and expected returns in China’s stock market: A multidimensional liquidity approach, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 69, 102247. (Not alphabetically ordered.) (ABS2)
  11. Bo Yu, Liang Dong*, Zhenjiang Qin, Keith Lam (2025). What is the best composite liquidity proxy for explaining stock returns? Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. Forthcoming (Not alphabetically ordered.) (ABS2)
  12. Zhenzhong Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Jinying Tong, Tiandao Zhou, Zhenjiang Qin (2022), Some explicit expressions for GBM with Markovian switching and parameter estimations, Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods, 1-31. (Not alphabetically ordered.)
  13. Jinying Tong, Yaqin Sun, Zhenzhong Zhang*, Tiandao Zhou, and Zhenjiang Qin (2021), Some characterizations for the CIR model with Markov switching, Stochastics and Dynamics, V21, 2150022. (Not alphabetically ordered.)
  1. Product Market Competition, Financial Market Efficiency, and Information Acquisition: Implications of Real Demand Uncertainty, with Minxing Zhu. 2023 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  2. An Equilibrium Model of Hedging with Transaction Costs. 11th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society. Hong Kong (2022).
  3. Achieving Pareto Equilibrium with Continuous Trading. Taiwan Finance Association Annual Meeting in National Chengchi University, Taipei (2018).
  4. How to Squander Your Endowment: Pitfalls and Remedies, with Philip Dybvig. China International Conference in Finance (2015) and American Finance Association Annual Meeting (2016).
  1. An Equilibrium Model of Imperfect Hedging: Transaction Costs, Heterogeneity in Risk Aversion, and Return Volatility, with Mark Loewenstein.
  2. Product Market Competition, Financial Market Efficiency, and Information Acquisition: Implications of Real Demand Uncertainty, with Minxing Zhu. 2024.
  3. Does ESG Rating Disagreement Make Investment Less Sensitive to Stock Price? Evidence from China, with Yishu Fu and Chunbo Liu, 2024.
  4. How to Squander Your Endowment: Pitfalls and Remedies, with Philip Dybvig, 2022.
  • PhD Students
    • Hao Yu
    • Minxing Zhu