Assistant Professor in Accounting
Programme Coordinator of BSc in Accounting
- PhD in Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2008)
- MBA in Banking and Finance, University of Macau, Macau (2000)
- BBA in Accounting, University of Macau, Macau (1997)
- Cheng Yu Tung College Affiliate (September 2015 to present)
- Student Staff Consultative Committee FBA Representative (September 2014 to August 2016)
- Honors College Program Coordinator, University of Macau (September 2012 to December 2014)
- Honors College Faculty Coordinator for FBA, University of Macau (September 2010 to August 2012)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (August 2000 to November 2008)
- Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau (November 1997 to July 2000)
- Assistant Accountant, KPMG Peat Marwick Macau (August 1997 to October 1997)
- CFA Institute Outstanding Paper Award, CSEAR North-Asia Hong Kong Conference 2017, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- 2011 UM academic staff award, University of Macau
- Faculty teaching award 2007-2009 on the Professorship level, University of Macau
- The most favorite lecturer, 2005-2006, FBA Day, University of Macau
- The most favorite lecturer, 2004-2005, FBA Day, University of Macau
- The most popular teaching assistant, 1999-2000, FBA Day, University of Macau
- The most popular teaching assistant, 1998-1999, FBA Day, University of Macau
- Undergraduate Courses
- Principles of Financial Accounting (ACCT1000/100)
- Principles of Managerial Accounting (ACCT213)
- Principles of Accounting I (ACCT200)
- Principles of Accounting II (ACCT201)
- Cost Accounting (ACCT303)
- Intermediate Accounting I (ACCT2001/211)
- Intermediate Accounting II (ACCT3000/212/307)
- Intermediate Accounting III (ACCT3003)
- International Financial Reporting Standards and the Global Environment (ACCT3001/214)
- Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCT3004/400)
- Accounting Theory (ACCT401)
- Corporate Governance (ACCT433)
- Honors Project (course facilitator) (HONR400)
- Chu, T (Principal Investigator), I.M. Haw, X. Zhang, The relationship of disclosures quality in annual reports and earnings management: a study on English-speaking countries in Asia-Pacific (Small multi-year researh grant)
- Corporate Governance
- Cost of Equity Capital
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Zhang R.P., Chu T., Guan J., Noronha C. Corporate Value Creation, Stock Price Syncronicity and Firm Value in China: Implications for Beyond, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Forthcoming (ABS2)
- Chu T., Haw I.M., Ho S.M., Zhang X. (2020), Labor protection, ownership concentration, and cost of equity capital: international evidence, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, V54, 1351-1387 (ABS3)
- Chu T., Haw I.M., Lee B.H., Wu W. (2014), Cost of equity capital, control divergence, and institutions: the international evidence, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, V43, 483-527 (ABS3)
- Chu T. et. al. (2000), A study on role of Chinese women in managing companies in Macao, Euro Asia Journal of Management, V19, 47-63
- Can corporate taxation pay off financially? A social value generation perspective, The Ethics of Tax Evasion Volume 2, Springer (Forthcoming)
- Chu T., Leung T., Cheong P.S. (2021) The impact of ESG guide revision on sustainability reporting in Hong Kong, 43rd EAA Virtual Annual Congress (online)
- Zhang R.P., Chu T., Noronha C., Guan J.Q. (2021) The Effects of Social Value Generation on Stock Price Synchronicity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Stock Markets, The Eighth International Conference of the JIAR (online)
- Zhang. R.P., T. Chu, C. Noronha, J.Q. Guan (2019) Social Contribution Value Per Share (SCVPS): An empirical test, The 9th Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
- Chu. T, Y. Wang (2017) The information content of earnings per share and social contribution value per share in China, CSEAR North-Asia Hong Kong Conference 2017, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Chu. T, C. Noronha, L.Z. Peng (2015) Government policies, corporate social responsiblity and investors’ reactions: an empirical analysis, 5th Biennial Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS), University of Macau, Macau
- Chu. T, I.M. Haw, L.S. Hwang, W. Wu (2010) Cost of equity, control divergence and institutions: the international evidence, 33rd European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
- Chu. T, X.Q. Bai. Corporate governance and earnings management: a banking industry perspective.
- Chu. T, Y. Wang. The information content of earnings per share and social contribution value per share in China.
- Chu. T, L.L. Zhang, Board characteristics and earnings management research – based on Hong Kong listed corporation.
- Chu. T, K.F. Chan, The impacts of board structure on audit fees and non-audit fees for Hong Kong listed companies.
- Master Students
- Cheong Pak San, Sam, The effectiveness in promoting sustainability reporting after the release of the new Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting gude in Hong Kong (completed)
- Bai Xueqi, Katherine, Corporate governance and earnings management: a banking industry perspective (completed)
- Wang Yi, Coco, The information content of earnings per share and social contribution value per share in China (completed)
- Chan Kun Fai, The Impacts of Board Structure on Audit Fees and Non-Audit Fees for Hong Kong Listed Companies (completed)
- Zhang Ling Ling, Board characteristics and earnings management research – Based on Hong Kong Listed Corporation (completed)
- Associação Promotora do Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior de Macau (Member)
- Macau Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility in Greater China (General Assembly President)