Assistant Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
- Ph.D. in Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- M.Sc. in International Integrated Resort Management, University of Macau, Macau
- BCom in Marketing and International Business, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
- Smart Tourism
- Service Innovation
- Service Design
- Personalized Experience
- Human-Technology Collaboration
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on ‘Methodological Innovations in Tourist Behavior Studies’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (SSCI, JCR Q1, ABS2)
- Editorial Board Member, Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI, JCR Q1, ABS4)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI, JCR Q2, ABS2)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Vacation Marketing (SSCI, JCR Q3, ABS1)
- Editorial Board Member, Tourism Analysis (ABDC: A, ABS2)
- Lei, S.S.I., Wu, D., Liu, G. G., & Law, R. (2025). Customizing customer journey in hotels: A focus on human touch. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 124, 103956. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103956 (SSCI, ABS3)
- Law, R., Ye, H., & Lei, S.S.I. (2025). Ethical artificial intelligence (AI): principles and practices. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 37(1), 279-295. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2024-0482 (SSCI, ABS3)
- Pratt, S., Pan, B., Agyeiwaah, E., Lei, S.S.I., Lugosi, P., Kirillova, K…. Park, S. (2024). Tourism myths and the dunning kruger effect, Annals of Tourism Research, 104, 10.1016/j.annals.2023.103620 (SSCI, ABS4)
- Lei, S.S.I., Wang, D., Fong, L.H.N., & Ye, S. (2024). Recipe for perceived personalization in hotels, Tourism Management, 100, 104818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104818 (SSCI, ABS4)
- Law, R., Lei, S.S.I., Zhang, K., & Lau, A. (2024). Bridging the theory-practice gap: A critical reflection on ICT research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(6), 1980-1990. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-02-2023-0131 (SSCI, ABS3)
- Kim, B. & Lei, S.S.I. (2024). Millennials’ interactions with social media content on cruise tourism, Tourism Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-08-2023-0582 (SSCI, ABS1)
- Lei, S.S.I., Agyeiwaah, E., Fong, L.H.N., & Choe, J.Y. (2023). Exploring food waste at a hospitality staff canteen with meteorological data, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 48(4), 607-621. https://doi.org/10.1177/10963480231188001 (SSCI, ABS2)
- Lei, S.S.I., & Wang, D. (2023). Staging personalization: A service design perspective. Tourism Analysis, 28(3), 439-453. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354223X16765906163732 (ABDC: A, ABS2)
- Lei, S.S.I., Liu, G., Shen, H., Ye, S., & SiTou, C.F. (2023). An integrated model of customers’ intention to reuse information service: What’s new for conversational agents? Tourism Analysis, 28(4), 527-543. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354223X16829171933930 (ABDC: A, ABS2)
- Ye, S., Lei, S.S.I., Zhao, X., Zhu, L., & Law, R. (2023). Modeling tourists’ preference between hotels and peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing accommodation: a pre- and post-COVID-19 comparison. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(4), 1423-1447. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Lei, S.S.I., Fong, L.H.N., & Ye, S. (2023). “Touch over tech”: A longitudinal examination of human touch along a travel journey, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-11-2022-1372 (SSCI, ABS3)
- Fong, L.H.N., Lei, S.S.I., Chow, C.W.C., Lam, L.W. (2023). Sensory marketing in hospitality: a critical synthesis and reflection, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(8), 2916-2928. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Liu, G., Lei, S.S.I., & Law, R. (2022) Enhancing social media branded content effectiveness: Strategies via telepresence and social presence. Information Technology & Tourism, 24, 245-263. (SSCI)
- Lei, S.S.I., Chan, I.C.C., Tang, J., & Ye, S. (2022). Will tourists take mobile travel advice? Examining the personalization-privacy paradox. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 50, 288-297. (SSCI, ABS1)
- Lei, S.S.I., Wang, D., & Law, R. (2021). Mobile-Based value co-creation: Contextual factors towards customer experiences. Tourism Review, 77(4), 1153-1165. (SSCI, ABS1)
- Lei, S.S.I., Shen, H., & Ye, S. (2021). A comparison between chatbot and human service: Customer perception and reuse intention, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(11), 3977-3995. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Lei, S.S.I., & Sou, A.S.I. (2021). Online teaching and learning experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic – A comparison of teacher and student. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 33(3), 148-162. (ABDC: B, ABS1)
- Lei, S.S.I., Kirillova, K., Wang, D., & Xiao, C (2021). Determinants of instant messaging use for communication with hotels: A policy-capturing study, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(12), 4237-4257. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Egger, I., Lei, S.S.I., & Wassler, P. (2020). Digital free tourism–An exploratory study of tourist motivations. Tourism Management, 79, 104098. (SSCI, ABS4)
- Lei, S.S.I., Nicolau, J.L., Xiao, Q., & Wang, D. (2020). The effectiveness of tryvertising in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85, 102403. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Lei, S.S.I., Ye, S., Wang, D., & Law, R. (2020). Engaging customers in value co-creation through mobile instant messaging in the tourism and hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 44(2), 229-251. (SSCI, ABS2)
- Ye, S., Lei, S.S.I., Shen, H., & Xiao, H. (2020). Social Presence, Telepresence and Customers’ Intention to Purchase Online Peer-to-peer Accommodation: A Mediating Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42, 119-129. (SSCI, ABS1)
- Zhou, Y., Lei, S.S.I., & Yan, L. (2020). Linking tourists’ performing arts experience and perceived destination image, Tourism Recreation Research, 46(1), 71-84. (ABDC: A)
- Lei, S.S.I., Nicolau, J.L., Wang, D. (2019). The Impact of Distribution Strategy on Budget Hotel Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 141-149. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Lei, S.S.I., Wang, D., & Law, R. (2019). Hoteliers’ service design for mobile-based value co-creation. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(11), 4338-4356. (SSCI, ABS3)
- Lei, S.S.I., Wang, D., & Law, R. (2019). Perceived Technology Affordance and Value of Hotel Mobile Apps: A Comparison of Hoteliers and Customers. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39, 201-211. (SSCI, ABS1
- Lei, S.S.I., Pratt, S., & Wang, D. (2016). Factors Influencing Customer Engagement with Branded Content in the Social Network Sites of Integrated Resorts. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(3), 316-328. (SSCI, ABS1)
- Fong, L.H.N., Lei, S.S.I., & Law, R. (2016). Asymmetry of Hotel Ratings on TripAdvisor: Evidence from Single – Versus Dual – Valence Reviews. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 26(1), 67-82. (SSCI, ABS1)
- Lei, S.S.I. & Couto, U.S. (2022). Information and Communication Technology and Event Management. In Arcodia, C. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Business Events. London: Routledge.
- Zhang E.Y., Wang D., Lei, S.S.I. (2022) Mobile Ethnography in Tourism and Hospitality: Concept, Tools, and Applications. In: Xiang Z., Fuchs M., Gretzel U., Höpken W. (eds) Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05324-6_44-1
- Lei, S.S.I., Kirillova, K., & Wang, D. (2018). Factors Influencing Customers’ Intention to Use Instant Messaging to Communicate with Hotels. In Stangl, B. & Pesonen, J. (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018 (pp. 296-307). Cham, Springer: Springer International Publishing.
- Lei, S.S.I., Ye, S., Qin, X., Li, Q., Wang, D. (2024) Self-compassion and pro-environmental behaviors: Insights from an online hotel booking study. Paper presented at the 2024 APacCHRIE Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
- Fong, L.H.N., Choe, J.J.Y., Agyeiwaah, E., & Lei, S.S.I. (2023), Insolation and unserved food in hotel staff canteens. Paper presented at the 2023 APacCHRIE Conference, Philippines.
- Lei, S.S.I. & Ye, S. (2022). Enhancing the effectiveness of personalized mobile travel recommendation. Paper presented at the APacCHRIE 2022 Conference, Malaysia.
- Liu, G. & Lei, S.S.I. (2021). Customer adoption of self-service technology: An integrated model. Paper presented at the 2021 APacCHRIE Conference, Singapore.
- Liu, G., Agyeiwaah, E., & Lei, S.S.I. (2020). The impact of social media content on purchase intention – The role of telepresence and social presence. Paper presented at the 2020 APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong SAR China.
- Lei, S.S.I., Liu, T.T., Ye, S., & Wang, D. (2019). Pursuing Personalization in Tourism and Hospitality – Current Progress and Future Research. Paper presented at the 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong SAR China.
- Lei, S.S.I., Ye, S., Wang, D., & Law, R. (2018). Engaging Customers for Value Co-creation through Mobile Instant Messaging. Paper presented at the Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan (Premier Award of Best Paper Award).
- Wang, C.H., Lei, S.S.I., & Wang, D. (2017). An Examination of Customers’ Impression of and Satisfaction with High-Tech Hotels. Paper presented at the 3rd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong SAR China.
- Zhang, E., Lei, S.S.I., & Tse, T. (2016). Luxury Travelers: Travel Experience with Mobile Device. Paper presented at the APTA 2016 Conference, Beijing, China.
- Lei, S.S.I., & Wang, D. (2016). An Exploration of IT-Based Service Innovations in Hotels – A Perspective on Customer Value Creation. Paper presented at the 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong SAR China.
- Lei, S.S.I., Pratt, S., & Wang, D. (2016). Factors Influencing the Popularity of Branded Content of Integrated Resort in Social Media. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Philadelphia, USA.
- So, S. (A), & Lei, S.S.I. (2015). Can Hosting Festivals Help Increase the Sense of Place for Residents? Paper presented at the 2015 APacCHRIE Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
- “Reviewer of the Year”, 2024, Journal of Vacation Marketing (SSCI, ABS1)
- 旅遊共享經濟多元服務衝突的形成演化機制研究: “權力-制度”結構視角. 國家自然科學基金(NSFC)面上研究計劃項目. 參與. (2023)
- Privacy-enhanced technology-mediated personalization (TMP) as a smart tourism initiative, funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for the Tourism Education and Training for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, DSECJ (Education Fund of the Macao SAR Government), 2021-2023. (Principal Investigator)
- Premier Award of Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Engaging Customers for Value Co-creation through Mobile Instant Messaging”, co-authored with Dr. Shun Ye, Dr. Dan Wang and Prof. Rob Law, at the Global Marketing Conference (GMC) 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
- Panelist, “Sharing on PhD Study Experience by SHTM PhD Graduates”, PhD Orientation Workshop (2021), School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Moderator, “Hospitality and Tourism Education: The Past, Present, and Future” (Sept 2021), APacCHRIE Webinar Series.
- Moderator, “Women Leadership” (Nov 2021), APacCHRIE Webinar Series.
- Panelist, “Sharing on PhD Study Experience by SHTM PhD Graduates”, PhD Orientation Workshop (2017), School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Moderator, “Sharing on PhD Study Experience by SHTM PhD Graduates”, PhD Orientation Workshop (2016), School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Panelist, “Research Salon: The Sound and Sense of Tourism Research”, The Fourth Research Methods Summer School for Research Students (2017), School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Chair, UNWTO Ulysses Prize Laureate Plenary Session, HONG KONG 2017: The 3rd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference.
- Editorial Assistant, Conference Proceedings, The 22nd Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism (2017), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Journals
- Tourism Management
- Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights
- Journal of Business Research
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Current Issues in Tourism
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
- Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education
- Tourism Recreation Research
- Tourism Culture and Communication
- Tourism Review
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
- Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism
- International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
- International Journal of Tourism Research
- Conferences
- The 21st APacCHRIE Conference 2023
- The 19th APacCHRIE Conference 2021
- The 18th APacCHRIE Conference 2020
- The 27th Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism 2022
- The 26th Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism 2021
- The 24th Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism 2019
- Certified Hospitality Educator – Issued by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute in 2017
- Director of Marketing, The Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (APacCHRIE)
- Vice President of the Executive Committee, Macao Tourism and Hospitality Association
- Director, Asia Pacific Association for Gambling Studies