Associate Professor in Business Intelligence and Analytics
  • PhD in Commerce and Management, University of Queensland, Australia, 1996
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Contemporary Information Systems for Organizations (ISOM1001)
    • Introduction to Business Intelligence and Information (ISOM1005)
    • Information Systems and Organizations (ISOM2001)
    • E-Accounting and Financial Modelling (ISOM3004)
    • E-Business and Global Business Environment (ISOM3026)
    • Accounting Information Systems (ACCT314)
    • Information Systems Project Management (ISOM4001)
  • Postgraduate Courses
    • Business Technology Management (ISOM7010)
    • Information Management and Innovation Development (ISOM7013)
  • Management of Computer Professionals
  • Adoption of Innovations in Technology
  1. The Diffusion of Chatbot: A Study Based on Sentiment Analysis (MYRG2018-00118-FBA), funded by the Research Committee of the University of Macau, 2018-2020, Principal Investigator.
  1. Chan, S. H., Wan, Y. K.P., Lee, C. B., P. & Zhang, Q. (2024). Understanding mobile payment through the lens of continuity theory, Anatolia 35(4),790-803.
  2. Io, H.N., Lee, C.B.,Lian, Z. (2022), Sentiments about Autonomous Vehicles, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 66, No. 4. (ABS2)
  3. Chang Boon Lee, Hio Nam Io, & Heng Tang (2022), Sentiments and perceptions after a privacy breach incident, Cogent Business & Management, 9:1. (ABS 1)
  4. Chen Guo, Heng Tang, Ben Niu, & Patrick Lee (2020), A survey of improved bacterial foraging optimization algorithm, Neurocomputing, 452. (IF = 4.438)
  5. H.N. Io and C.B. Lee (2020). Social Media Comments about Hotel Robots, Journal of China Tourism Research, (ABS1)
  6. H.N. Io, C.B. Lee, and Z. Lian (2020). Comments About the Siri Chatbot: A Sentiment Analysis of The Postings at A Microblogging Site, Journal of Information Technology Management,  Vol. XXX, No. 4, pp. 26-40. (ABS1)
  7. Sow Hup Chan and Chang Boon Lee. (2018). Linking Sensation Seeking to the TPB Model to Predict Gambling Intention and Problem Gambling Among Undergraduate College Students, Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 17-32 (ABS1)
  8. Chang Boon Lee, Heng Tang, Kin Meng Sam, and Gang Xiong. 2018. Spreadsheet Proficiency: Which Spreadsheet Skills Are Important? Journal of Information Technology Management, XXIX(3), 35-44.(ABS1)
  9. Tang, H., Lee, C. B. P., & Choong, K. K. (2017). Consumer decision support systems for novice buyers–a design science approach. Information Systems Frontiers, 19(4), 881-897.(ABS3)
  10. Lee, P. C. B., Tang, H., & Fong, S. W. S. (2016). Price parity, channel conflict, and hotel rooms in Macao. Tourism Economics, 22(6), 1431-1439.(ABS2)
  11. Lee Chang Boon Patrick, Tang Heng, and Chan Wing Han Brenda. 2015. A Pilot Study on the Perceptions of Macao Undergraduates Regarding Help Websites for Problem Gambling, UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, 19(2).
  12. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2013. A Global Analysis on ‘Gambling, Drinking, and Smoking’, The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 33-40.
  13. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2011. How Perceived Workload Affects the Work Outcomes of Computer Professionals, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 5-22.
  14. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2011. Online Help for Problem Gambling Among Chinese Youths, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp 672-681.
  15. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Lei E. (2011) Factors Influencing Usage Intention of E-Government Services in Macao, In D. Piaggesi, K.J. Sund., and W. Castelnovo (Eds), Global Strategy and Practice of E-Governance: Examples from Around the World, Hershey, IGI publisher, pp. 57-66.
  16. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Wan G. (2010). Including Subjective Norm and Technology Trust in the Technology Acceptance Model: A Case of E-ticketing in China, The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Vol 41, No. 4, pp 40-51.
  17. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, Xia Lin, Hammer. 2009. An Online Sports Betting Adoption Model, Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23-40
  18. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2009. An Analysis of Gambling Expenditures Across Countries, UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 21-27.
  19. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, Yuen Chun Yip, Desmond, and Lee Sze Kin, Ken, 2006, Further Insights into the Relationship between Consumers’ Trust and E-Commerce Adoption, International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 364-379.
  20. Toraskar, K. and Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2006, A Contextualist Approach to the Development of E-Commerce Education: An Analysis of Key Issues and Challenges, Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol. XIII, No. 3-4, pp.1-12.
  21. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2006, Information Technology Professionals’ Skill Requirements in Hong Kong, Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 141-152.
  22. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2006, Skill Requirements of Computer Professionals in the Eighties and Nineties: The Singapore Context, In F. Niederman and T. Ferrat (Eds), IT Workers: Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge Based-Environment, Information Age Publishing, Inc. pp.173 – 190.
  23. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2005, Teaching Spreadsheet Proficiency: Beyond Hitting the Keys, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp 218 – 226.
  24. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2004, Social Support and Leaving Intentions Among Computer Professionals, Information and Management, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp 323 – 334.
  25. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2004, The Relationship Between Role Variables and Turnover Intentions Among Information Technology Professionals: An Examination of Moderating Effects. In M. Igbaria and C. Shayo (Eds), Strategies for Managing IT/IS Personnel, Idea Publishing, pp 264 – 281.
  26. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2003, Going Beyond Career Plateau: Using Professional Plateau to Account for Work Outcomes, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 22, No.6, pp 538 – 551.
  27. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2002, Career Goals and Career Management Strategy Among Information Technology Professionals, Career Development International, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 6 – 13.
  28. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2000, Turnover of Information Technology Professionals: A Contextual Model, Accounting, Management, and Information Technologies, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp 101 – 124.
  29. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1999, Career Plateau and Professional Plateau: Impact on Work Outcomes of Information Technology Professionals, Computer Personnel, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 25 – 38.
  30. Hui Tak Kee, Kwan E.K, Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1993, Optimal Portfolio Diversification: Empirical Bayes Versus Classical Approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp 1155 – 1159.
  31. Hui Tak Kee, Kwan E.K., Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1992, The Sample Mean as the Best Predictor of Future Return, Securities Industry Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 75 – 81.
  1. Li, X., & Lee, C. B. (2022). Analyzing User Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses: A Bibliometrics-Based Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Education and E-Learning (pp. 309-315).
  2. Hio Nam Io and Chang Boon Lee, (2019). What are the sentiments about the automated delivery robots, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau.
  3. Guo, C., Tang, H., Lee, C.B.P., Niu, B. (2019). Data Clustering Using the Cooperative Search Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. In: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 660-671. Springer.
  4. Lee Chang Boon Patrick and Io Hio Nam Helmond. 2018, Ethics Compliance and the Facebook Scandal: An Analysis of Comments from Weibo, The 7th World Business Ethics Forum: Business Ethics, Leadership and the New Economy, Macau.
  5. Io H. N. and Lee Chang Boon Patrick. 2018. Understanding the Adoption of Chatbot: A Case Study of Siri, Proceedings of the 2018 Future in Information and Communications Conference, Singapore. (The Proceedings are published by Springer in a book entitled “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” Series).
  6. Lee Chang Boon Patrick, Chan W.H., and Lee C.M. 2017. Emotional Intelligence and IT Professionals, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEM Conference, Suntec City, Singapore.
  7. Io H. N. and Lee Chang Boon Patrick. 2017. Chatbots and Conversational Agents: A Bibliometric Analysis, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEM Conference, Suntec City, Singapore.
  8. Luo, R., Lian Z. and Lee Chang Boon Patrick. 2017. Supply Chain Coordination and Revenue-Sharing Contract with Backlogs for a Perishable Product, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEM Conference, Suntec City, Singapore.
  9. Chan, S.H. and Lee Chang Boon Patrick. 2017. Sensation Seeking and Gambling Among Undergraduate College Students in Macau. Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research Conference, Osaka, Japan
  10. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2016. Research on Problem Gambling Websites, 16th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  11. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Xiong, Gang. 2015, Information Technology Skill Requirements for Accountants, to be presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series, Macau.
  12. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2014, A Study on Online Privacy Provided by Casino-Hotels in Macau, The 5th World Business Ethics Forum, Business Ethics: Challenges and Implications for the Private and Public Sectors, Macau.
  13. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Fong Wai San, Sarah. 2014, An Empirical Study on Timing of Online Hotel Room Reservation and Price, 2014 POMS International Conference, Singapore.
  14. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Leong P.I, Stella. 2012. Cultural Adaptations of Macau’s Casino Hotel Web Sites, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Management, Hong Kong.
  15. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2012. Which Online Organizations to Approach for Help on Problem Gambling? 4th International Gambling Conference, Shaping the Future of Gambling – Positive Chang through Policy, Practice and Research, Auckland, New Zealand.
  16. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick. 2011. Analysis of Expenditure on Gambling and Other Vices Across Countries, International Conference on Gambling Studies, Nottingham Conference Centre, United Kingdom.
  17. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick (2010). Installing Help on Problem Gambling in the Web, International Gambling Conference, Gambling in the 21st Century: The Implications of Technology for Policy, Practice and Research, Aucklalnd, New Zealand. (Abstract Only).
  18. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick (2009). Perceived Workload and Work Outcomes Among Computer Professionals, Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Melbourne, Australia.
  19. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Xia Lin, Hammer, 2008, Factors Influencing Intention to Gamble Online, Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada.
  20. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Zhang Lingyan, Maggie, 2008, Reputation Distribution and Consumer-to-Consumer Online Auction Market Structure: A Study of Macao, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taipei.
  21. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick and Lei U Lan, Edith, 2007, Adoption of E-Government Services in Macao, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electronic Government, Macao.
  22. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2006, Skill Requirements of Information Technology Professionals in Hong Kong, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Business and Information, Singapore.
  23. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, Yuen Chun Yip, Desmond and Lee Sze Kin, Ken, 2005, Consumers’ Adoption of B2C E-Commerce in Macao, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference in E-Business, Hong Kong.
  24. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2004, Enhancing Spreadsheet Learning, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Excellence in Education and Training, Singapore.
  25. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2003, A Preliminary Investigation of Factors Related to Students Academic and Occupational Pursuits in Computing, Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Perth, Australia.
  26. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2003, The Context of E-Commerce Education, Proceedings for The E-Commerce Workshop on E-Commerce and Education, Hong Kong
  27.  Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2002, The Social Context of Turnover Among Information Technology Professionals, 2002 ACM Special Interest Group Computer Personnel Research Conference, Norway, pp 145 – 153. (This research won the First Runners-Up for the Best Conference Paper Award).
  28. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2002, Changes in Skills Requirements of Information Technology Professionals in Singapore, Proceedings for the 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, United States.
  29. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2001, The Impact of Role Variables on Turnover Intentions of Information Technology Professionals: An Examination of Moderating Effects, Proceedings for the Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, United States, pp 1483-1489.
  30. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 2001, Technopreneurial Inclinations and Career Management Strategy Among Information Technology Professionals, Proceedings for the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, United States.
  31. Amit Das, Soh Wai Lin, Christina, Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1999, Client Satisfaction with Outsourced IT Services: A Transaction-cost Approach, Proceedings for the 1999 International Conference on Information Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, United States.
  32. Amit Das, Soh Wai Lin, Christina, Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1999, A Model of Customer Satisfaction with Information Technology Service Providers: An Empirical Study, Proceedings for the 1999 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
  33. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, 1999, Career Strategies, Job Plateau, Career Plateau, and Job Satisfaction Among Information Technology Professionals, Proceedings for the 1999 ACM Special Interest Group Computer Personnel Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
  34. Lee Chang Boon, Patrick, Ang Soon, Sandra Slaughter, 1997, Turning Over and Away from the IS Profession: A Causal Analysis of Information Systems Professionals, Proceedings for the 1997 International Conference on Information Systems, United States.