Assistant Professor in Accounting
- Ph.D in Accounting, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2016
- M.B.A, University of Macau, Macau, 2011
- B.A. in Accounting, Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 2005
- Aug.2018- : Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting and Information Management, University of Macau
- Jul.2016-Jul.2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy, Ji Nan University
- Undergraduate Courses
- Principles of Financial Accounting (ACCT1000)
- Management Accounting I (ACCT2000)
- Principal Investigator (2018-2020) “A study on the impacts of qualitative information in management earnings forecast reports on supply chain” (Project#:71702065) , The Young Scientists Fund of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- Principal Investigator (2019-2021) “The analyst’s response to the qualitative information of management earnings forecasts reports” (Project#: SRG2018-00136-FBA), SRG funds of University of Macau
- Co-Investigator (2023-2025) “AI and Verifying Voluntary Firm-level Disclosures”, (Project#: EF002/FBA-ZH/2023/GDSTC), The General Programme of 2023 Guangdong Natural Science Fund Programmes.
- Co-Investigator (2021-2023) “A Bilingual Big-data AI Platform for Chinese-Portuguese Business and Financial information/Knowledge Exchange and Sharing” (Project#: CP UMAC-2021-02), Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Chinese and Portuguese Bilingual Cooperation of Education and Research, FES, Macau SAR.
- Co-Investigator (2019-2021) “Using AI to Extract Investment-specific Knowledge from Unstructured Multi-modal Online Financial Information”, UM Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Program
- Qualitative information of corporate disclosures
- AI and Big data
- Supply chain
- Corporate governance
- Chen, C., Wei, M.H., Zhang, H., and Yan, J.J., (2024). Voluntary forward-looking disclosures and default risk pricing. Accounting and Business Research, 1–29,online available:
- Xi, X.Z., Chen, C., Huang, R. and Tang, F., (2024). Are Firms More Concerned about Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts after the Split-Share Structure Reform? Evidence from China. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management 32(3):411-429.
- 罗勇根,饶品贵,陈灿。(2024)。高管宏观认知与管理层预测—基于MD&A文本信息的经验证据。南开管理评论 (CSSCI,北大核心期刊) , 27(2):236-245。
- Fang, Y., Yang, G.P., Chen, X., Gong, Z.G., Yang, Y.Y., Chen, C., Hao, Z.F., (2024). Landmark-Based K-Factorization Multi-View Subspace Clustering. Information Sciences (SCI – Q1), 667, 120480.
- Yang, G.P., Yang, S., Yang, Y.Y., Chen, X., Chen, C., Gong, Z.G., Hao, Z.F., (2024). SPGMVC: Multiview Clustering via Partitioning the Signed Prototype Graph, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (SCI-Q1), Doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3439735.
- Deng, S.C., Yang, G.P., Yang, Y.Y., Gong, Z.G., Chen, C., Chen, X., Hao, Z.F., (2024). Module-based Graph Pooling for Graph Classification, Pattern Recognition (SCI-Q1), 154, 110606.
- Yang, G.P., Deng, S.C., Chen, C., Yang, Y.Y., Gong, Z.G., Chen, X., Hao, Z.F., (2023). LiteWSC: A Lightweight Framework for Web-Scale Spectral Ensemble Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (SCI – Q1), 35: 10035 – 10047.
- Yang, G.P., Deng, S.C., Chen, X., Chen, C., Yang, Y.Y., Gong, Z.G., Hao, Z.F., (2023). RESKM: A General Framework to Accelerate Large-Scale Spectral Clustering. Pattern Recognition (SCI-Q1), Vol.137, 109275.
- 罗勇根,饶品贵,陈灿。(2021)。高管宏观认知具有管理者“烙印”吗?—基于管理者风格效应的实证检验. 金融研究 (CSSCI,北大核心期刊), 491(5):171-188。
- 底璐璐, 罗勇根, 江伟, 陈灿。(2020)。客户年报语调具有供应链传染效应吗?——企业现金持有的视角. 管理世界(CSSCI, 北大核心期刊), 36(8):148-162。
- Chen, C., Kim, J.B., Wei, M.H., & Zhang, H. (2019). Linguistic Information Quality in Customers’ Forward-Looking Disclosure and Suppliers’ Investment Decisions. Contemporary Accounting Research (FT50), 36(3):1751-1783.