Senior Instructor in Management
- Ph.D. in Management, ISCTE, Portugal, 2013
- M.B.A. in Strategic Management and Marketing, University of Macau, Macau, 1998
- B.B.A. in Marketing, University of Macau, Macau, 1994
- Undergraduate Courses
- Strategic Human Resource Management (Mgmt 4012)
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (Mgmt 3009)
- Human Resources Management (Mgmt 3005)
- Principles of Business Management (Mgmt 1000)
- Applied Ethics (GESB1001)
- Global Human Resource Management (GBMT 401)
- Introduction to Business (Mgmt 100)
- Principles of Management (Mgmt 102)
- HR Planning and Staffing (Mgmt 361)
- Cultural Influences on Management (Mgmt 407)
- International Business (Mgmt 408)
- Seminar on Human Resources Management (Mgmt 409)
- Advanced Topics in Human Resources Management (Mgmt 410)
- Hiring disabled people from human resources management point of view: Other than fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2015-2016, Principal Investigator.
- Work and Life Stress
- Expatriation
- Work and Organization Commitment
- Disabled employees
- Hiring disabled people from human resources management point of view: Other than fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2015-2016, Principal Investigator.
- Chan, S.H.J. & Kuok, O.M.K. (2021), Antecedents of civic virtue and altruistic organizational citizenship behavior in Macau, Society and Business Review, 169 (1), pp. 113-133. (ABS2)
- Chan, S.H.J., Mai, X., Kuok, O.M.K. & Kong, S.H. (2016). “The influence of satisfaction and promotaibility on the relation between career adaptability and turnover intentions,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 92, 167-175. (ABS4)
- Chan, S.H., Wan, P. and Kuok, O.M. (2015). “Relationships among burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of casino employees in Macau,” Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 24(4), 345-374.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2011). “A Study of Human Resources Recruitment, Selection, and Retention Issues in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Macau,” Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 10, 421-441.
- Kuok, K.O.M. (1999). “Does Age Matter for the Experience of Stress?” Euro Asia Journal of Management, 18, pp.117-139.
- Antonio, N.S. and Kuok, K.O.M. (1996). “Corporate Culture Revisited.” In Umezawa, T., Kong, S.H. and Noronha, C. (Eds.) The Dynamic Impact of Culture on Organizations, pp.32-52.
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Chan, J.S.H. (2019). “Willingness to consume at green restaurants: The mediating effects of general attitude, environmental concern and restaurant image.” Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Braga, Portugal, Oct 24 to 25.
- Kerr, G. and Kuok, O.M. (2018). “The difficulties in understanding and learning ethics.” Invited presentation at the 7th World Business Ethics Forum, Macau, China, Dec 3 to 4.
- Kuok, O.M. and Ip, K.I. (2018). “The impact of work-family conflict and organizational commitment on individual and organizational outcomes: An investigation on casino dealers in Macau.” Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, FuZhou, China, July 11 to 14.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2018). “What are the antecedents for our students to be addicted to the smartphone?” Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, FuZhou, China, July 11 to 14.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2016). “The relationships between organizational justice, personal feedback, supervisor communication and organizational citizenship behaviors.” Paper presented at the 3rd Academy of International Business Central and Eastern Europe Chapter Conference 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept 29 to Oct 1.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. and Mai, X. (2015). “The influence of career satisfaction and promotability on the career adaptatbility-turnover intention relations.” Paper presented at the 29th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2015, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Chan, S.H. & Kuok, O.M. (2015). “Work-family conflict and turnover intention of female casino employees in Macau.” Paper presented at the 29th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2015, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2014). “The mediating effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover intention of casino employees.” Paper presented at the 28th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Kuok, O.M. and Chan, S.H. (2014). “Exploring the mediating effect of organizational justice between communication and organizational citizenship behaviors.” Paper presented at the 28th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Chan, S.H., Wan, Y.K. and Kuok, O.M. (2014). “Demographic and work-related characteristics, burnout, job satisfaction and turnover intention of casino employees in Macau.” Paper presented at Academy of International Business Northeast (AIB-NE) Special Conference, Beijing and Tianjin, China.
- Chan, S.H., Mark, and Kuok, O.M. (2013). “Understanding the role of politics, support, exhaustion, job satisfaction and commitment on turnover intention.”” Paper presented at the 2013 Special Conference of the Academy of International Business – North East Chapter in October 2013, Hartford, USA.
- Kuok, O.M. and Antonio, N. (2013). “Motives of accepting international assignments in China: Organization expatriates versus self-initiated expatriates.” Paper presented at International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM), 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Kuok, O.M., Antonio, N. and Chan, S.H. (2012). “Coping Strategies of Organization Expatriates and Self-initiated Expatriates in China.” Paper presented at the 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2012, Perth, Australia.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2012). “Job Creation and Succession Planning in Rural Microenterprises: A Study in Malaysia.” Paper presented at the 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2012, Perth, Australia.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2010). “Turnover Intention of Talented Employees: An Exploratory Study,” Paper presented at Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Antonio, N.S. (2010). “The Effects of Perception on Expatriate Satisfaction in China.” Paper presented at the 10th European Academy of Management, Rome, Italy.
- Kuok, O.M. and Chan, S.H. (2009). “Recruitment and Selection in the Eastern Monte Carlo: Empirical Evidence from Macau SAR” Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Australian and new Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2008). “Perceptions of Employers on their New Recruits in Macau SAR” Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, New Zealand.
- Chan, S.H. and Kuok, O.M. (2008). “Putting Your Application Material Together: What Are Employers Looking For? A Case of Macau SAR.” Paper presented at the 6th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Smith, D. (2006). “Are Overseas Chinese Better Candidates to China Postings Than Westerns?” Paper presented at the 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference.
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Faragher, B. (2005). “The Perceptions of Expatriates in Small and Medium Enterprises in the PRC.” Paper presented at the 7th West Lake International Conference on SMB
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Faragher, B. (2005). “What Do Expatriates ‘See’ in the PRC?” Paper presented at the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business.
- Kuok, K.O.M. and Faragher, B. (2002). “Sourcing the Sources of Stress for Expatriates in the People’s Republic of China” Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2002.
- Kuok, K.O.M. (1998). “Occupational Stress of Academics in China.” Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Co-operative Education 1998, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Kuok, K.O.M. (2021). “Why shall I jump onto the CSR wagon? ‘You jump, I jump!’ Is the answer as simple as that?” Macau Business, August 2021, 76-77.
- Master Students
- Hera Kit Wa KOU (M-B-54543-0) Graduated in 2021
- Yolanda, Sok Cheng LAM (M-B-54545-8) Graduated in 2020
- Pou Na WONG (M-B-24432-3) Graduated in 2019
- Kit Ieng IP (M-B-14442-3) Graduated in 2016