Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
College Master, Lui Che Woo College
- Ph.D. (Marketing), University of Western Australia, Australia, 2006
- M.B.A., University of Melbourne, Australia, 2000
- Bachelor of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1997
- Director of Accreditations, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2016 – 2021.
- Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, University of Macau, 2017 – present.
- Acting Programme Coordinator of Hospitality Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2016 – 2018.
- Acting Programme Director and Associate Professor in Hospitality and Gaming Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2016.
- Associate Professor in Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2010-2015.
- Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, Jan-Jun 2015.
- Visiting Associate Professor, School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sept 2013-Jan 2014.
- Senior Research Fellow, School of Marketing, University of South Australia, 2008-2010.
- Assistant Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2005-2008.
- Advanced Diploma Course
- GMAD005 Chinese Gambling Culture
- Undergraduate Courses
- GESB1004 Development of Games and Gambling
- Postgraduate Courses
- IRTM7035 Gaming and Casino Operation Management (MSc)
- BAGC8301 Research Writing and Ethics (DBA)
- Gambling behavior
- Cross-cultural consumer decision-making
- Word-of-mouth communication
- Brand and customer loyalty
- Internet marketing
- 2019 FBA Outstanding Service Award (Internal)
- “Emerging Leader” trophy – Asia Gaming Awards 2016
- 2015 FBA Research Award – Best of FBA
- 2015 Cambridge Clare Hall Fellowship
- Best paper for empirical generalizations track, ANZMAC 2006 – “An Investigation into the Stochastic Patterns of Gambling Consumption”
- Zhang, Y., Zheng, H., Lam, D., Fu, X., and Li, M. (2022). CEOs’ Marital Status and Corporate Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, forthcoming. (SSCI; ABS4)
- Mok, I. M. and Lam, D. (2021). Does Religiosity Matter for Vice Product Consumption among Chinese Individuals? International Journal of Consumer Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12686. (SSCI; ABS 2)
- Peng, Y., Wang, E. Y., and Lam, D. (2020). Build it and They Will Come? The Impact of Servicescape on Chinese Millennials’ Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions Toward Integrated Resorts. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15256480.2020.1805090. (ABS1)
- Nong, S. Z., Fong, L. H. N., Fong, D. K. C., & Lam, D. (2020). Segmenting Chinese Gamblers based on Gambling Forms: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36(1), 141-159. (SSCI)
- Ho, Y., Lam, L. W., and Lam, D. (2018). Gamble More Than You Want? A Study of Casino Servicescape, Perceived Control, and Unplanned Gaming Behaviors. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(2), 557-574. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Fong, L. H. N., Lam,, and Fong, D. K. C. (2017). Controllable Superstition and Its Relationship with Enduring and Behavioral Involvement in Gambling. International Gambling Studies, 18(1), 92-110. (SSCI)
- Lam, D. and Mok, I. M. (2017). Exploring the Relationship between BMI, Obesity and Gambling Level Across Different Gambling Types. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36(Sept), 97-112.
- Prentice, C., Wong, A., and Lam, (2017). Uncovering the Service Profit Chain in the Casino Industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(11), 2826-2846. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Tang, C. M. F., and Lam, D. (2016). The Role of Extraversion and Agreeableness Traits on Hotel Guests’ Green Attitudes and Willingness to Pay. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 607-623. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Mizerski, D. (2016). Predictability in Pathological Gambling? Applying the Duplication of Purchase Law to the Understanding of Cross-Purchases between Regular and Pathological Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(2), 539-553. (SSCI)
- Trinh, G., and Lam, (2016). Understanding the Attendance at Cultural Venues and Events with Stochastic Preference Models. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3538-3544. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Ren, Y., and Lam, D. (2016). An Investigation into the Link between Service Quality Dimensionalities and Positive Word-Of-Mouth Intention in Mainland China. Journal of Marketing Communications, 22(5), 513-523. (ABS1)
- Liao, X. Y., So, S. I., and Lam, (2016). Residents’ Perceptions of the Role of Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Overall Tourism Development: Case of a Fast Growing Tourism Destination-Macao. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 21(10), 1100-1113. (SSCI; ABS1)
- Un, J.,and Lam, D. (2015). The Portrayal of Gambling and Cognitive Biases in Chinese Gambling-Themed Movies. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(2), 200-216. (SSCI)
- Ieong, C. Y., and Lam, (2015). Role of Internal Marketing on Employees’ Perceived Job Performance in an Asian Integrated Resort. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(5), 589-612. (SSCI; ABS2)
- Cheung, M. Y., and Lam, D. (2015). Comparing the Price of Sin: Abnormal Returns of Cross-Listed Casino Gaming Stocks in the Hong Kong and US Markets. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, 73-76. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Ozorio, B. (2014). An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Digit Ratio, Illusion of Control, and Risk-taking Behavior among Chinese College Students. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(4), 1377-1385. (SSCI)
- Lam, D.(2014). Gender Differences in Risk Aversion among Chinese University Students. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(4), 1405-1415. (SSCI)
- Fong, L. H. N., Law, R., and Lam, D. (2014). An Examination of Factors Driving Chinese Gamblers’ Fallacy Bias. Journal of Gambling Studies, 30(3), 757-770. (SSCI)
- Lam, D., and So, A. (2013). Do Happy Tourists Spread More Word-of-Mouth? Annals of Tourism Research, 43 (Oct), 646-650. (SSCI; ABS4)
- Lam, D., and Ozorio, B. (2013). The Effect of Prior Outcomes on Gender Risk-Taking Differences. Journal of Risk Research, 16(7), 791-802. (SSCI; ABS2)
- Mizerski, D., Mizerski, K., Lam, D., and Lee A. (2013). Gamblers’ Habit. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1605-1611. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Ozorio, B. (2013). Duplication of Purchase Law in the Gaming Entertainment Industry – A Transnational Investigation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33, 203-207. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Ozorio, B. (2012). Linking Employees’ Personalities to Job Loyalty. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), 2203-2206. (SSCI; ABS4)
- Ozorio, B., Lam, D., and Fong, L. H. N. (2010). The Influence of Individualism and Uncertainty Avoidance on Per Capita Gambling Turnover. International Gambling Studies, 10(3), 221-238. (SSCI)
- Lam, D., Lee, A., and Mizerski, R. (2009). The Effects of Cultural Values in Word-of-mouth Communication. Journal of International Marketing, 17(3), 55-70. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Mizerski, R. (2009). An Investigation into Gambling Purchases Using NBD and NBD-Dirichlet Models. Marketing Letters, 20(3), 209-326. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D. (2007). Cultural Influence on Proneness to Brand Loyalty. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 19(3), 7-21.
- Lam, D. (2007). An Observation Study of Chinese Baccarat Players. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 11(2), 63-73.
- Lam, D. (2007). An Exploratory Study of Gambling Motivations and Their Impact on the Purchase Frequencies of Various Gambling Products. Psychology & Marketing, 24(9), 815-827, Online ISSN 1520-6793. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D. (2007). Some Psychological Understanding of Chinese Gamblers. The Worldwide Addiction Gambling Education Report (The WAGER), peer-reviewed editorial, April 18. Retrieved from: http://www.basisonline.org/2007/04/index.html.
- Lam, D. (2006). The Influence of Religiosity on Gambling Participation. Journal of Gambling Studies, 22(3), 305-320. (SSCI)
- Lam, D. (2006). Applicability of the Duplication of Purchase Law to Gaming. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 10(2), 55-62.
- Lam, D. (2005). Slot or Table? A Chinese Perspective…, UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 9(2), 69-72.
- Lam, D., and Mizerski, D. (2005). The Effects of Locus of Control on Word-of-Mouth Communication. Journal of Marketing Communications, 11(3), 215-228. (ABS1)
- Mizerski, D., Miller, R., Mizerski, K., and Lam, D. (2004). The Stochastic Nature of Purchasing a State’s Lottery Products. Australasian Marketing Journal, 12(3), 56-69. (ABS1)
- Lam, Desmond (2019), Casino Management in Integrated Resorts, UK: Routledge.
- Lam, Desmond (2017), “May the Qi be with You! Feng Shui in Macau’s Casinos”. In Stefan Al (Ed), Macau and the Casino Complex. Nevada, Reno: Nevada University Press, pp. 79-87.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). “Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts”. In Kotler et al. (Eds), Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. 7th edition, chapter case.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). “Building Macao and its Tourism Market”. In Kotler et al. (Eds), Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. 7th edition, chapter case.
- Lam, Desmond (2014), Chopsticks and Gambling, New York: Routledge. Previous publisher: Transaction Publishers (NJ).
- Lam, Desmond (2009), The World of Chinese Gambling, Adelaide , Australia : Peacock Publications.
- Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2008), “An Investigation into Chinese Betting Behavior”, In Marco J. Esposito (Ed.), The Psychology of Gambling, New York: Nova Science.
- Mok, I and Desmond Lam (2019), “Does Religiosity Influence Vice Product Consumption?”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2019, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Wang, Erin Yirun, Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong and Desmond Lam (2019), “Emotions in Online Review and Consumer Response: Future Research Directions in Hospitality and Tourism”, 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong.
- Mok, I and Desmond Lam (2017), “How Extrinsic Religiosity Impacts on Vice Product Consumption?”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2017, San Francisco.
- Giang Trinh and Desmond Lam (2016), “Stochastic Preference of Cultural Venue and Event Attendance: An Abstract”, 2016 AMS World Marketing Congress, Paris.
- Ozorio, Bernadete and Desmond Lam (2015), “An Exploratory Study of the Role of Culture and Locus of Attention on Escalation of Commitment”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2015, Chicago.
- Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2013), “A Cross-national Investigation into the Applicability of the Duplication of Purchase Law in the Gaming Entertainment Industry”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference 2013, Las Vegas.
- Ozorio, Bernadete and Desmond Lam (2012), “The Effect of Prior Outcomes on Gender Risk-taking Differences”, poster session, European Marketing Academy Conference.
- Ye, Ren, Desmond Lam, and Alvin Lee (2011), “An Examination of Service Quality Dimensionality and Positive Word-Of-Mouth Intentions in a Chinese Telecommunication Context”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2011, Perth, Australia.
- Mizerski, Richard, Desmond Lam, and Alvin Lee (2010), “The Gambling Habit”, Special Session: Understanding Differences in Recreation and Problem Gambling: Implications to Marketing and Public Policy, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference 2010.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “An Investigation of External Locus of Control and Online Privacy Concern”, Proceedings of the 2009 American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Tampa , Florida , February 2009, extended abstract published, ISSN 1054-0806.
- Lam, Desmond, Bernadate Ozorio, and Lawrence Fong (2008), “An Investigation into the Effects of Individualism and Uncertainty Avoidance on Per Capita Gross Lottery and Casino Gambling Turnover”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Gaming Industry & Public Welfare 2008, Beijing.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “An Investigation of the Duplication of Game Purchases between Regular and Pathological Gamblers”, Partnerships, Proof and Practice – International Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference 2008 – Proceedings, Wollongong , Paper 11.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “An Investigation into the Betting Behavior of Chinese University Students”, Proceedings of the International Business & Economic Research, Las Vegas , USA (October), abstract published, ISSN 1539-8757.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Collectivism and Uncertainty Avoidance on Email Word-of-mouth”, The 2007 International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Administration, Society, and Education, Hong Kong (Aug), ISBN 987-986-83038-1-2.
- Lam, Desmond and Dick Mizerski (2006), “An Investigation into the Stochastic Patterns of Gambling Consumption”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2006, Brisbane , Australia (December). Awarded Best Paper for Empirical Generalisations Track.
- Lam, Desmond and Alvin Lee (2005), “Cultural Values and their Impact on Brand Loyalty”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2005, Perth , Australia (December), ISBN 0-646-45546-X.
- Lee, Alvin and Desmond Lam (2005), “How Well Does the Index of Receptivity to Tobacco Industry Promotion Discriminate Between Smoking and Never Smoking Adolescents?”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2005, Perth , Australia (December), ISBN 0-646-45546-X.
- Lam, Desmond (2005), “Why do Chinese Gamble? Implications to Businesses”, Proceedings of the International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas , USA (October), abstract published, ISSN 1539-8757.
- Lee, Alvin, Dick Mizerski, Katherine Mizerski, and Desmond Lam (2005), “Investigating the Construct of Adolescent Receptivity to Tobacco Advertising and Promotion”, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific American Academy of Advertising Conference, Hong Kong (June), ISBN 0-931030-33-1.
- Lam, Desmond, Dick Mizerski, and Alvin Lee (2005), “Cultural Influence on Word-of-Mouth Communication”, Proceedings of the 2005 American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Antonio , USA (February), abstract published, ISBN 0-87757-314-X.
- Lam, Desmond (2004), “True Value of Brand Loyalty”, in Young-Won Ha and Youjae Yi (eds.), Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. VI, Seoul , South Korea (June), ISBN 0-915552-52-3.
- Lam, Desmond (2004), “Habit as a Key Predictor of Internet Email Behaviour”, in Young-Won Ha and Youjae Yi (eds.), Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. VI, Seoul , South Korea (June), ISBN 0-915552-52-3.
- Lam, Desmond and Xiaoli Lin (2003), “Guanxi and Word-of-Mouth”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2003, Adelaide , Australia (December), ISBN 0-868-03983-7.
- Said Ila, Dick Mizerski, and Desmond Lam (2003), “Comparing the Effect of Habit in the Online Game Play of Australian and Indonesian Gamers”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2003, Adelaide , Australia (December), ISBN 0-868-03983-7.
- Lam, Desmond and Dick Mizerski (2003), “Cross-Cultural Differences on the Internet: The Case of Internet Privacy”, Proceedings of the 2003 American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago , USA (August), abstract published, ISBN 088757-307-7.
- So, Jacky, Davis Fong, Raymond Tung, Desmond Lam, Rose Liu, Hang Fai Yeung, Stella Sam, et al. (2020). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2015 – 2019. Macao: University of Macau.
- So, Jacky, Davis Fong, Raymond Tung, Rose Liu, Desmond Lam, Fong Hang, Winnie Un, et al. (2019). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2014 – 2018. Macao: University of Macau.
- So, Jacky, Davis Fong, Raymond Tung, Rose Liu, Desmond Lam, Fong Hang, Winnie Un, et al. (2018). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2013 – 2017. Macao: University of Macau.
- So, Jacky, Davis Fong, Raymond Tung, Rose Liu, Desmond Lam, Fong Hang, Winnie Un, et al. (2017). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2012 – 2016. Macao: University of Macau.
- Lam, Desmond, Iris Lo, Mark Lei, and Mandy Un (2016), Survey on Employees’ Attitudes toward Smoking Lounges in Six Casino Operators. Report to MGM China Holdings Ltd.
- So, J., Fong, D., Liu, R., Lam, D., Hang, F., & Un, W. et al. (2016). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2012 – 2016. Macao: University of Macau.
- So, J., Fong, D., Lam, D., So, A., Lam, T., & Tung, R. et al. (2015). Macao Visitor Profile Study Summary Report 2011 – 2015. Macao: University of Macau.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), Branding Macau: Key Issues to Consider for a Sustainable Destination Branding Framework, Report to the Centre for Sustainable Development, Macau .
- Fong, Ka Chio, Desmond Lam., Bernadete Ozorio and Fong Hoc Nang. (2008), Responsible Gaming Policy Report, Report to Secretariat for Economy and Finance, Macau: Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau .
- Fong, Ka Chio, Desmond Lam and Bernadete Ozorio (2007), Gambling Participation and Prevalence Estimates of Pathological Gambling in Macau 2007, Report to Social Welfare Burean (IAS), Macau: Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau.
- Lam, Desmond (2020). Re-imagining Macau for a Diversified Future. Asia Gaming Brief, October.
- Lam, Desmond (2020). Macau Post-Pandemic Recovery Options – Target, Integrate and Innovate. Macau News Agency, October.
- Lam, Desmond (2020), “Towards Recovery, with Soul and Spirit – A Pathway for Macau”, Macau Business, May.
- Lam, Desmond and Stella Sam (2018), “極限服務 – 穿梭於澳門街頭”, Business Intelligence, April.
- Desmond Lam (2018), “A Mesmerizing MGM Cotai”, Global Gaming Business News, Vo. 16, No. 4, January.
- Un, Josephine and Desmond Lam (2018), “Gambling in Chinese Movies”, Global Gaming Business, January, pp. 16.
- Lam, Desmond and Yuko Matsumoto (2017), “The Case of Japan – The dilemma and way forward for Asian integrated resorts”, Global Gaming Business, December.
- Lam, Desmond (2017), “Shelter from the Storm”, Global Gaming Business News, 15 (85).
- Lam, Desmond (2017), “Guanxi in the Chinese VIP Market”, Infinity Gaming Magazine, May, pp. 24-26.
- Desmond Lam (2017), “What the Business of Casino Gaming in Macau is Telling Us about Modern Chinese Values?”, Infinity Gaming Magazine, April, 30-31.
- Lam, Desmond (2016), “Drilling Through the Wall of Woes to Save Macau”, Infinity Gaming Magazine, January, pp. 46-49.
- Lam, Desmond (2014), “Too Many, Too Much – The Case of Macau Trying Too Hard”, Global Gaming Business, September, pp. 34.
- Lam, Desmond (2013), “團隊化學反應的奧秘”, Macao Daily News, November.
- Lam, Desmond (2012), “管理耽擱”, Macao Daily News, July.
- Desmond (2012), “從《金髮姑娘與三隻小熊》學到的教訓”, Business Intelligence, April.
- Lam, Desmond (2012), “Lessons from Goldilocks”, Macau Business, Apr.
- Lam, Desmond (2012), “Precious Players”, Infinity Gaming Magazine.
- Lam, Desmond (2012), “Chinese Red Packets”, Infinity Gaming Magazine, January, pp. 7.
- Lam, Desmond (2011), “Crystal Balling the World of Chinese Gambling”, Infinity Gaming Magazine, December, pp. 25.
- Lam, Desmond (2011), “‘Dirty’ Casino Jobs in Macau”, Casino Enterprise Management, June.
- Lam, Desmond (2011), “I Quit! Managing Macau’s New Generation of ‘Spoiled’ Casino Employees”, Global Gaming Business, June and Macau Daily Times, 27th April, pp. 4.
- Lam, Desmond (2011), “The Dawn of Cotai”, Global Gaming Business, April.
- Lam, Desmond (2010), “Severe Service”, Global Gaming Business, December.
- Lam, Desmond (2010), “No More “Take It or Leave It” Service Mentality in Macau”, Macau Daily Times, 30th September, pp. 4.
- Lam, Desmond (2010), “What’s in a Number?”, Inside Asian Gaming, June.
- Lam, Desmond (2010), “Managing Ills in Macau’s VIP and Mass Gaming Market”, Casino Enterprise Management, June.
- Lam ,Desmond (2010), “In Pursuit of the Best Casino Operator in the World”, International Gaming Awards, Issue 6.
- Lam, Desmond (2010), “How Much Is One Hundred Singapore Dollars Worth?”, Inside Asian Gaming, March.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “Integrated Responsible Gaming Strategy for the Good of Macau and Its Gaming Industry”, Macau Daily Times, 24th October, pp. 5.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “The Rise of Casino Gaming on Cruise Ships in Singapore”, Casino Enterprise Management, October, pp. 26-27.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “Unlocking the World of Chinese Gambling”, Global Gaming Business, September, pp. 34-35.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “Grooming for the Future”, Macau Business, August, pp. 120-121.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “Enter the Dragon – Key Entry Strategies for Chinese Gaming Market’, Casino Enterprise Management, June, pp. 42-44.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “Killing the Ills”, Global Gaming Business, June.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “”Pride and Prejudice in Macau”, Casino Journal, May, pp. 40.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “A Look at Singapore’s Integrated Resorts”, Casino Enterprise Management, February.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “A Singapore Primer”, International Gaming & Wagering Business, February, pp. 10.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Lessons Learned from NASA’s Mars Missions”, Macau Daily Times, 27th December, pp. 6.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Managing “Guanxi” in the Chinese VIP Market”, Casino Enterprise Management, November.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “De-market Corporate Macau to Remove the Bad”, Macau Daily Times and Global Gaming Business Weekly.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Building Good Will in Macau, One ‘Red Packet’ at a Time”, International Gaming & Wagering Business, August, pp. 19.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Uncovering the Chinese Culture – A Guide for Casino Executives Working in Macau”, Casino Enterprise Management, July, pp. 16-17.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Corporate Social Integration for Macau’s Casino Operators”, Macau Business, June, pp. 69.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “Casino Branding in Macau – Key to Sustainability”, Macau Daily Times, 10th May, pp. 7.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “May the Qi be with You”, Inside Asian Gaming, April, pp. 46-47.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS – The Year of the Yang Earth Rat and Consolidation in Macau”, Global Gaming Business Weekly, 6 (12), pp. 1-2.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “The Digital Life of Chinese Players”, International Gaming & Wagering Business, November, pp. 44.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “The Illusion of Control”, Inside Asian Gaming, July, pp. 48.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “The Illusion of Control Drives Chinese Casino Play”, International Gaming & Wagering Business, July, pp. 26.
- Numerous articles in Urbino.net since 2005.
- Lam, Desmond (2020). Winning the Future of Chinese Tourists. AGB Webinar Series, panel member, Sept 23.
- Lam. Desmond (2020). Post-pandemic Challenges to Macao Tourism and Integrated Resorts. France Macau Chamber of Commerce. Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16, June 24.
- Lam, Desmond (2019). Creating Opportunities for Local community and Business. Korea Gaming Congress, Songdo Convensia, Korea, panel member, July 17.
- Lam, Desmond (2019). Incorporating Entertainment into the IR Industry. Korea Gaming Congress, Songdo Convensia, Korea, moderator, July 17.
- Lam, Desmond (2019). 2020 and Beyond: the Future of Macau’s Gaming Concessions. G2E Asia Conference, IAGA Best Practices Institute, panel member, 23rd May.
- Lam, Desmond (2019). Predictability of Gaming Behaviors to a Successful Business and Social Strategy. The Sands China Audit Services Group Annual Conference. Four Seasons Macao, Macao, June 14.
- Lam, Desmond (2019). Insights into Macao & its Casino Gaming Industry. Presented to delegates from Creighton University, University of Macau, Macao, January 11.
- Lam, Desmond (2018). Recent Findings of Chinese Gamblers’ Behavior. Presented to executives from Seven Luck Casino (South Korea), Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau, Macao, July 30-31.
- Lam, Desmond (2018). History, Psychology and Social Impacts of Gambling. The 5th module of Global Leadership Development Program – International Integrated Resort Management, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, Nagasaki (Japan), July 21.
- Lam, Desmond (2018). Strategic Management for the Gaming and Integrated Resorts Industries. The 5th module of Global Leadership Development Program – International Integrated Resort Management, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, Nagasaki (Japan), July 21.
- Lam, Desmond (2018). Gaming in Macao – Past, Present and Future. Presented to delegates from Tama University (Japan), University of Macau, Macao, March 6.
- Desmond Lam (2018). Panel Conversation on Active Learning. 2018 CTLE Spring Faculty Development Workshop, University of Macau, Macau, January 24.
- Lam, Desmond (2018). Macao’s Casino Gaming Industry – Past, Present & Future. Presented to delegates from Creighton University, University of Macau, Macau, January 8.
- Lam, Desmond (2017). Corporate Social Integration of Macao’s Integrated Resorts. AACSB Asia Pacific Affinity Group Meeting, Seoul, Oct 25.
- Lam, Desmond (2017). Recent Findings of Chinese Gamblers’ Behavior. Presented to delegates from Seven Luck Casino (South Korea), Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau, Macau, July.
- Lam, Desmond (2017). Casino Gaming in Asia – The Case of Macau. AACSB Asia Pacific Affinity Group Meeting, Bangkok, May 18.
- Lam, Desmond (2017). Green Hospitality in Integrated Resorts. 4th Hospitality Leadership Program: Leading in Innovation, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Macau, April 21.
- Lam, Desmond (2017). Introduction to Macau’s Casino Gaming Industry. Presented to delegates from Creighton University, University of Macau, Macau, January 9.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Changing Customer Preferences in the Hospitality Industry. The 3nd Hospitality Leadership Program: Leading in Challenging Times, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Macau, December 1.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Translating Research into Practice. AACSB Asia Pacific Annual Conference, Sands Cotai Central, Macau, September 23.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Embracing an Integrated Responsible Gambling Framework. Rui Cunha Foundation Forum, Macau, November 29.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Recent Findings of Chinese Gamblers’ Behavior. Presented to delegates from Seven Luck Casino (South Korea), Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau, Macau, July 22.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Changing Customer Preferences in the Hospitality Industry. The 2nd Hospitality Leadership Program: Leading in Challenging Times, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Macau, April 14.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Macao’s Casino Gaming Industry – Past, Present & Future. MSc in Global Hospitality Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Okura Hotel, Macau, January 21.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Introduction to Macau’s Casino Gaming Industry. University of Macau, presented to delegates from Creighton University, Macau, January 11.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Introduction to Macau’s Casino Gaming Industry. University of Macau, presented to delegates from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Macau, January 8.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). Introduction to Macau’s Casino Gaming Industry. University of Macau, presented to delegates from University of Maryland, Macau, January 7.
- Lam, Desmond (2015). Changing Customer Preferences in the Hospitality Industry. The 1st Hospitality Leadership Program: Leading in Challenging Times, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Macau, November 24.
- Lam, Desmond (2014). Chinese Gaming Behavior (Mass Market). Gaming in Asia –Managing for Excellence, Executive Development Program, MGM Macao, Macau, September 22.
- Lam, Desmond (2014). Introduction to Macau’s Casino Gaming Industry. University of Macau, presented to delegates from University of Kitakyushu, Macau, September 15.
- Lam, Desmond (2013). Environmental Impact of Hospitality and Tourism Businesses. 4th module of Global Leadership Development Program – Hospitality and MICE, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, Guangzhou, November 9.
- Lam, Desmond (2013). Issues Relating to Tourism Marketing Strategy of a Destination – Lessons Learnt from Singapore and Macau. Presented to delegates from University of Kitakyushu, University of Macau, Macau, September 23.
- Lam, Desmond (2013). Brand and Marketing Strategy. 2nd module of Global Leadership Development Program – Hospitality and MICE, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Singapore, June 22.
- Lam, Desmond (2013). Hospitality Marketing in Macau. Presented to delegates from Kyung Hee University, University of Macau, Macau, January 25.
- Lam, Desmond and Ricardo Siu (2011). The Chinese Consumer: How to Appeal to the Regional Giant. Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia, Macau, June 9.
- Lam, Desmond (2010). Targeting the Mass Gaming Market in Macau: Strategic Marketing Issues & Considerations. Presented to delegates from Korea Casino Association, Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, Macau, September 6.
- Lam, Desmond (2009). Mass Marketing: Who is the Asian Player and How to Market to them? Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia, Macau, June 3.
- Lam, Desmond (2008). Chinese Gaming Behavior and Implications to Casino Service Marketing. Gaming in Asia – Managing for Excellence (GAME), Executive Development Program, Venetian Macao, Macau, April 8.
- Lam, Desmond (2008). Exploring the Psychology of Chinese Players and its Implications. Asian i-gaming Congress & Expo, Hong Kong, February 26.
- Lam, Desmond (2006). Targeting the Mass Gaming Market in Macau: Strategic Marketing Issues & Considerations. Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, presented to delegates from Korea Casino Association, Macau, November 14.
- Chair, 2nd China Investment Forum (2016), jointly organized by the Faculty of Business Administration, Greater China Center for Private Equity, Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, and IMD Alumni Club China, Macau, November 14.
- Chair, Internet of Things Forum (2016), jointly organized by the Faculty of Business Administration, Greater China Center for Private Equity, and Asia Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, Macau, May 30.
- International scientific committee member for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management conferences.
- Session chair for the 16th International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking (2016), Las Vegas.
- Session chair for the World Business Ethics Forum (2014), Macau.
- Session chair for the American Marketing Association (AMA) winter educators’ conference (2009), Tampa, USA.
Quoted by a number of international media outlets including TIME, New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg News, The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, Capital New York, BBC News, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Business Traveler, Japan Times, Sydney Morning Herald, South China Morning Post, The Standard, Global Gaming Business News, and Gambling Insider.
- Honorary scholar, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Regional assistant editor, International Gambling Studies
- Judge since 2018, G2E Asia awards
- Life Member (elected in 2015), Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
- Editorial board, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
- Editorial board, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Ad-hoc reviewer for Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Journal of Gambling Studies, International Gambling Studies, Journal of Gambling Issues, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, American Marketing Association Marketing Educators’ Conferences
- Member since 2003, American Marketing Association
- Judge since 2008, International Gaming Awards (London)
- Academic affairs advisor to the Macau Gaming Management Association since 2012
- Selection panel member of Asian Gaming Power 50
- Chair, Library Committee, 2016
- University Senate, since 2014
- University Academic Quality Assurance Committee, 2014
- University Research Ethics Committee, MYRG, since 2013
- Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Business Administration, since 2013
- AACSB AOL Committee, Faculty of Business Administration, since 2012