Adjunct Associate Professor
  • D.B.A., Marketing and Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2002
  • M.B.A., Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1992
  • B.Sc. (Hons), Computer Science, University of London, United Kingdom, 1987
  • Associate Editor, Psychology & Marketing, from Dec 2019 to Dec 2021 and Nov 2022 to Present
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Channels, renamed as Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships, 2014 to present
  • Undergraduate Courses
    • Introduction to International Business
    • Introduction to Global Business Management
    • Principle of Marketing
    • Marketing Research
    • Logistics, Distribution and Supply Chain Management
    • Services Marketing
    • Special Topics in Marketing
    • Marketing Channel Management
  • Graduate Courses
    • Marketing Channel Relationship Management
    • Integrated Marketing Communication
    • Applied Business Research
    • Marketing Management
    • Global Business
  • Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
  • Buying Decision Process
  • Channel of Distribution
  • Branding Strategy
  • Green Consumerism
  • Principal Investigator of a consultancy project titled “2006 CEM Customer Satisfaction Survey”.
  • Principal Investigator of a consultancy project titled “2005 CEM Customer Satisfaction Survey”.
  • Principal Investigator of a research titled “The Effect of Performance and Tolerance On Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: An Experimental Study”, funded by the research grant provided by University of Macau in 2005
  1. Chow, C.S.F., Chow, C.W.C., Leong, W.I., Zheng, S. (2024). How product hedonism affects the Country-of-Origin effect on product perceived quality and price in the China market. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics; Vol.36, Issue 4, pp.862-877.
  2. Chow, C.W.C., Chow, C.S.F., Lai, J.Y.M, & Zhang, L.L. (2022). Online group-buying: The effect of deal popularity on consumer purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.21, Issue 2, pp.387-399.
  3. Pinto, L.; Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2019), “Ranking of Choice Cues for Smartphones Using the Best-Worst Scaling Method”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 223-245.
  4. Kaynak, E.; Kara, A; Chow, C.S.F. and Laukanen, T. (2016), “Role of Adaptive Selling and Consumer Orientation on Salesperson Performance: Evidence from Two Distinct Markets of Europe and Asia”, Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 21, Issue 2. pp. 62-83.
  5. Chow, C.S.F.; Kaynak, E. and Mak, W. (2015), “The effect of plain packaging format in cigarette labeling on smoking intent and brand likability among young non-smokers in Macau”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 27, Iss. 1, pp. 23-39.
  6. Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Xie, J.Z. (2015), “Slotting Allowance in China: Perspectives of a Large Manufacturer versus a Large Retailer in the China Grocery Market”, Journal of Marketing Channels, Vol. 22, No 1, pp. 27-41.
  7. Kaynak, E.; Kara, A; Chow, C.S.F. and Apil, A.R. (2013), “Pattern of Similarities/ Differences in Time Orientation and Advertising Attitudes: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Georgian and Macau Consumers”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 631-654.
  8. Kaynak, E.; Kara, A. and Chow, C.S.F. (2013), “Time Orientation and Attitudes towards Advertising in a Right-Context Culture: An Empirical Study of Macau”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol. 14, Iss. 2. pp. 88-106.
  9. Chow, C.S.F.; Kaynak, E. and Yang, C.J. (2011), “Channel Power Struggle between a Manufacturer Giant and a Retailer Giant in China: Who is the Winner?”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21, No 3, pp.306-321.
  10. Zhang, L.L.; Lam, L.W. and Chow, C.S.F. (2009), “Segmenting the customer base in a CRM program according to customer tolerance to inferiority – A moderator of the service failure-customer dissatisfaction link”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 22, pp. 68-87. [JCSD&CB is ranked as one of the top 20 marketing journals in a study using citation analysis method done by Guidry J.A., Hollier B.N.G., Johnson L., Tanner J.R. and Veltsos C. (2004), “Surveying the Cites: A Ranking of Marketing Journals Using Citation Analysis”, Marketing Education Review, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 45-59.]
  11. Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2008), “Measuring Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Intensities to Identify Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 21, pp 66-79.
  12. Chow, C.S.F.; Tang, E.P.Y. and Fu, I.S.F. (2007), “Global Marketers’ Dilemma: Whether to Translate the Brand Name into Local Language”, Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 20, No 4, p. 25.
  13. Tang, E.P.Y.; Fryxell, G.E. and Chow, C.S.F. (2004), “Visual and Verbal Communication in the Design of Eco-label for Green Consumer Products”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 16, Issue 4. pp. 85-105.
  1. Mak, W.; Kaynak, E. and Chow, C.S.F. (2013), “The effect of the latest government warning format in cigarette labeling on smoking intent of non-smoking youngsters”, Proceedings of the 22nd World Business Congress of the IMDA, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2013.
  2. Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Xie, J.Z. (2012), “Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Slotting Allowance in China: Perspectives of Chinese Managers of a Large Manufacturer and a Large Retailer in China”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 2012.
  3. Zhang, L.L.; Lam, L.W. and Chow, C.S.F. (2010), Using Customer Tolerance To Inferiority as a Customer Segmentation Base: A Managerial Perspective”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Chicago, USA, June 2010.
  4. Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2008), “An Alternative Method For Identifying Satisfiers & Dissatisfiers”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Las Vegas, USA, June 2008.
  5. Zhang, L.L. and Chow, C.S.F. (2007), “Tolerance to Inferiority and Tolerance Disconfirmation: A Model of Consumer Dissatisfaction”, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy 36th Conference (EMAC), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2007.
  6. Zhang, L.L., Chow, C.S. F. and Nasol, R.L. (2006), “The Effect of Performance and Tolerance on Consumer Satisfaction: An Experimental Study”, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, Feb 2006.
  7. Tang, E.P.Y.; Fu, I.S.F. and Chow, C.S.F. (2005), “The Moderating Effect of Product Hedonism on Brand Name Translation: An Experimental Research”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2005.
  8. Chow, C.S.F.; Fryxell, G.E. and Tang, E.P.Y. (2003), Can Eco-Label Attract Buyers? Proceedings of the 2003 European Applied Business Conference, June, Venice, Italy (non-refereed).
  • PhD Students
    • Supervisor of a PhD student in a thesis about consumer tolerance to inferiority from 2004 to the student’s graduation in 2008