Adjunct Associate Professor
- D.B.A., Marketing and Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2002
- M.B.A., Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1992
- B.Sc. (Hons), Computer Science, University of London, United Kingdom, 1987
- Associate Editor, Psychology & Marketing, from Dec 2019 to Dec 2021 and Nov 2022 to Present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Channels, renamed as Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships, 2014 to present
- Undergraduate Courses
- Introduction to International Business
- Introduction to Global Business Management
- Principle of Marketing
- Marketing Research
- Logistics, Distribution and Supply Chain Management
- Services Marketing
- Special Topics in Marketing
- Marketing Channel Management
- Graduate Courses
- Marketing Channel Relationship Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Applied Business Research
- Marketing Management
- Global Business
- Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
- Buying Decision Process
- Channel of Distribution
- Branding Strategy
- Green Consumerism
- Principal Investigator of a consultancy project titled “2006 CEM Customer Satisfaction Survey”.
- Principal Investigator of a consultancy project titled “2005 CEM Customer Satisfaction Survey”.
- Principal Investigator of a research titled “The Effect of Performance and Tolerance On Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: An Experimental Study”, funded by the research grant provided by University of Macau in 2005
- Chow, C.S.F., Chow, C.W.C., Leong, W.I., Zheng, S. (2024). How product hedonism affects the Country-of-Origin effect on product perceived quality and price in the China market. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics; Vol.36, Issue 4, pp.862-877.
- Chow, C.W.C., Chow, C.S.F., Lai, J.Y.M, & Zhang, L.L. (2022). Online group-buying: The effect of deal popularity on consumer purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.21, Issue 2, pp.387-399.
- Pinto, L.; Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2019), “Ranking of Choice Cues for Smartphones Using the Best-Worst Scaling Method”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 223-245.
- Kaynak, E.; Kara, A; Chow, C.S.F. and Laukanen, T. (2016), “Role of Adaptive Selling and Consumer Orientation on Salesperson Performance: Evidence from Two Distinct Markets of Europe and Asia”, Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 21, Issue 2. pp. 62-83.
- Chow, C.S.F.; Kaynak, E. and Mak, W. (2015), “The effect of plain packaging format in cigarette labeling on smoking intent and brand likability among young non-smokers in Macau”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 27, Iss. 1, pp. 23-39.
- Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Xie, J.Z. (2015), “Slotting Allowance in China: Perspectives of a Large Manufacturer versus a Large Retailer in the China Grocery Market”, Journal of Marketing Channels, Vol. 22, No 1, pp. 27-41.
- Kaynak, E.; Kara, A; Chow, C.S.F. and Apil, A.R. (2013), “Pattern of Similarities/ Differences in Time Orientation and Advertising Attitudes: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Georgian and Macau Consumers”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 631-654.
- Kaynak, E.; Kara, A. and Chow, C.S.F. (2013), “Time Orientation and Attitudes towards Advertising in a Right-Context Culture: An Empirical Study of Macau”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol. 14, Iss. 2. pp. 88-106.
- Chow, C.S.F.; Kaynak, E. and Yang, C.J. (2011), “Channel Power Struggle between a Manufacturer Giant and a Retailer Giant in China: Who is the Winner?”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21, No 3, pp.306-321.
- Zhang, L.L.; Lam, L.W. and Chow, C.S.F. (2009), “Segmenting the customer base in a CRM program according to customer tolerance to inferiority – A moderator of the service failure-customer dissatisfaction link”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 22, pp. 68-87. [JCSD&CB is ranked as one of the top 20 marketing journals in a study using citation analysis method done by Guidry J.A., Hollier B.N.G., Johnson L., Tanner J.R. and Veltsos C. (2004), “Surveying the Cites: A Ranking of Marketing Journals Using Citation Analysis”, Marketing Education Review, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 45-59.]
- Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2008), “Measuring Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Intensities to Identify Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 21, pp 66-79.
- Chow, C.S.F.; Tang, E.P.Y. and Fu, I.S.F. (2007), “Global Marketers’ Dilemma: Whether to Translate the Brand Name into Local Language”, Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 20, No 4, p. 25.
- Tang, E.P.Y.; Fryxell, G.E. and Chow, C.S.F. (2004), “Visual and Verbal Communication in the Design of Eco-label for Green Consumer Products”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 16, Issue 4. pp. 85-105.
- Mak, W.; Kaynak, E. and Chow, C.S.F. (2013), “The effect of the latest government warning format in cigarette labeling on smoking intent of non-smoking youngsters”, Proceedings of the 22nd World Business Congress of the IMDA, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2013.
- Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F. and Xie, J.Z. (2012), “Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Slotting Allowance in China: Perspectives of Chinese Managers of a Large Manufacturer and a Large Retailer in China”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 2012.
- Zhang, L.L.; Lam, L.W. and Chow, C.S.F. (2010), Using Customer Tolerance To Inferiority as a Customer Segmentation Base: A Managerial Perspective”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Chicago, USA, June 2010.
- Chow, C.S.F. and Zhang, L.L. (2008), “An Alternative Method For Identifying Satisfiers & Dissatisfiers”, Proceedings of the Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, Las Vegas, USA, June 2008.
- Zhang, L.L. and Chow, C.S.F. (2007), “Tolerance to Inferiority and Tolerance Disconfirmation: A Model of Consumer Dissatisfaction”, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy 36th Conference (EMAC), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2007.
- Zhang, L.L., Chow, C.S. F. and Nasol, R.L. (2006), “The Effect of Performance and Tolerance on Consumer Satisfaction: An Experimental Study”, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, Feb 2006.
- Tang, E.P.Y.; Fu, I.S.F. and Chow, C.S.F. (2005), “The Moderating Effect of Product Hedonism on Brand Name Translation: An Experimental Research”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2005.
- Chow, C.S.F.; Fryxell, G.E. and Tang, E.P.Y. (2003), Can Eco-Label Attract Buyers? Proceedings of the 2003 European Applied Business Conference, June, Venice, Italy (non-refereed).
- PhD Students
- Supervisor of a PhD student in a thesis about consumer tolerance to inferiority from 2004 to the student’s graduation in 2008