Associate Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Assistant Dean (Business Engagement and Alumni Affairs)
Director of Centre for Tourism and Integrated Resort Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
  • Master of Science, Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
  • Bachelor of Science, Business Management, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  • Assistant Dean (Business Engagement and Alumni Affairs), Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macao August 2024 – Present
  • Assistant Dean (External Relations and International), Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macao July 2021 – Aug 2024
  • Head, Research and Planning Division, Macao Government Tourism Office, Macao SAR Government. 2020-2021
  • Founding Director and Director, Center of Tourism and Integrated Resort Studies, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. 2019, 2021- Present
  • Associate Professor, International Integrated Resort Management Program, Spring 2016 – present
  • Research Fellow (by Courtesy) of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Macao (2022- Present)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Macau Studies, University of Macao (2019- Present)
  • Program Director, Hospitality and Gaming Management Program, August 2013 – 2015
  • Program Coordinator, Gaming and Hospitality Management Program, September 2009 – August 2013
  • Visiting Professor, Graduate School, Taylor’s College, January 2008
  • Honorary Institute Fellow. International Tourism Research Institute, University of South Carolina, South Carolina, USA.
  • Doctoral Course
    • Contemporary Research in Hospitality and Gaming Managemen
  • Master Courses
    • International Hospitality Marketing Management
    • Integrated Resorts Management Internship
    • Contemporary Issues of Macao
  • Selected Undergraduate and other related courses
    • Introduction to Integrated Resort Management
    • Marketing for Hospitality Industry
    • Festival and Event Management
    • Convention and Exhibition Management
    • Tourism Planning and Development
    • Special topic: New Product Development in Tourism and Integrated Resort Industry
    • Convention and Hospitality and Gaming Management Internship
  1. SiTou, C.F., Choe, J.Y, So, S. I. (A.) & Law R. (2024). Investigating of Social Media Travel Photos on Future Destination Choice: A Mixed Methodology Approach. Smart Tourism.
  2. Tang, X.J., Fong, L.,  & So, S. I. (2023). Toward a framework for perceived yuanfen in the accommodation service encounter: a grounded theory study. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(1), 155-181. SSCI journal, ABS3).
  3. Tang, X.J., Fong, L. & So, S. I. (A.) (2022) Feeling Lucky and Novelty Seeking during Vacation: The Mediating Role of Time Orientation. Leisure Sciences. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2022.2099492 (ABS 2)
  4. Lei, S., & So, S. I. (A). (2021). Online teaching and learning experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic – A comparison of teacher and student perceptions.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 33(3), 148-162. (ABS1)
  5. Cheng, E., So, S. I.(A), & Fong, L. H. N. (2021). Place perception and support for sustainable tourism development: The mediating role of place attachment and moderating role of length of residency.  Tourism Planning & Development. (ABS 2)
  6. Lou, N. M., So, S. I. (A), Hsieh, Y. J. (2019). Integrated resort employee competencies: A Macau perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.  31 (1), 247-267.  (SSCI journal, ABS3)
  7. Fong, L. H. N., So, S. (A), Law, R. (2017). Exploring jay customer behavior and handling approach in casinos. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5). pp. 1403-1425. (SSCI journal, ABS3)
  8. Loi, L. T. I., So, S. (A), Lo, S. T., Fong, H. N. (2017). Does the quality of tourist shuttles influence revisit intention through. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 32. pp.115-123.
  9. Fong, L., So, S. (A), & Law, R. (2016). Betting decision under break-streak pattern: Evidence from casino gaming. Journal of Gambling Studies. 32(1), 171-185. (SSCI journal)
  10. Mody, M, Gordon, S, Lehto, X., So, S. (A), & Li, M. (2016). The Augmented Convention Offering: The Impact of Destination and Product Images on Attendees’ Perceived Benefits. Tourism Analysis. 21(1) 1-15.
  11. Qiu, S. (C.), Li, M., So, S. (A), & Lehto, X. (2015). Competitiveness of Macau in developing the exhibition sector: Can gaming industry contribute? Journal of China Tourism Research. 11(3), 278-296.
  12. Liao, C., So, S. (A) & Lam, D. (2015). Residents’ Perceptions of the Role of Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Overall Tourism Development: Case of a Fast Growing Tourism Destination- Macao. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI journal)
  13. Lam, D. & So, S. (A). (2013). Do happy tourists spread more word-of-mouth? Annals of Tourism 43, 624-650.  (SSCI journal)
  14. Horng, J-S., Su-C.S. & So, S. (A) (2013). Segmenting food festival visitors: Applying the theory of planned behavior and lifestyle. Journal of Convention and Event Tourism. 14(3), 193-216.
  15. Dioko, D., So, S. (A), Harrill, R. (2013). Hotel category switching behavior—Evidence of mobility, stasis or loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality Management 34, 234-244. (SSCI journal )
  16. Cheung, K. P., Chen, LH. C.,  Wong, P.M.,  So, J. & So, S. (A). (2012).  Discovery of The Basic Geo-Social Golden-Ratio Triangle in the City Landscape of Shanghai. International Journal on Architectural Science. 9 (1), p.36-43.
  17. So, S. (A), Dioko, L., Fong, L. (2012). Attracting divergent segments to a destination—Assessing segment compatibility by activities sought A Case Study of Macau. Journal of Vacation Marketing. (SSCI journal)
  18. Dioko, L. & So, S. (A). (2012). Branding destinations versus branding hotels in a gaming destination – Examining the nature and significance of co-branding effects in the case study of Macao.  International Journal of Hospitality Management 31(2), 554-563. (SSCI journal)
  19. Ferns, B.H., Feng, R., So, S. (A)., & Morrison, A. (2010). Member Segmentation of Vacation Travel Club: Price Sensitivity and Member Status.  International Journal of Revenue Management 31(2).
  20. Yan, G., So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M. & Sun, Y. H. (2007). Activity segmentation of the international heritage tourism market to Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 12(4), 333-347. (SSCI journal)
  21. Brey, E., So, S. (A), Kim, D. & Morrison, A. M (2007). Web-based permission marketing: Segmentation for the lodging industry. Tourism Management. 28(6), 1408-1416. (SSCI journal)
  22. So, S. (A) & Lehto, X. (2007).  The situational influence of travel group composition: Contrasting family travelers with other travel parties. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(3-4), 79-91. (SSCI journal)
  23. Beldona, S., So, S. (A), & Morrison, A.M. (2006). Trade-Off analysis of perceived customer value: The case of a travel vacation club.  Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 14(3), 63-78.
  24. Yuan, J. (J), So, S. (A) & Chakravarty, S. (2005). To wine or not to wine: Profiling a wine enthusiast for a successful wine list.  Journal of Nutrition in Recipe and Menu. 3(3/4), 63-79.
  25. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2004). Internet marketing in tourism in Asia: An evaluation of the performance of East Asian National Tourism Organization websites. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 11(4), 93-118.
  26. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2004).  The repeat travel market for Taiwan:  A multi-stage segmentation approach.  Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 9(1), 71-87. (SSCI journal)
  • Wong, A., So, S. (A.), & KOC, V. (2021-2022). A Custom Tour Itinerary Robot based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. APAEM.
  • Wong, A., Lam, A., Lok, T. So, S.(A.), KOC, V. (2021-2022). Macau Libraries Series for Smart Tourism – A Smart Guided Tour via VR for Macau Libraries. Golding Tech Partner.
  • Qui, T (R.), Chen, J. (J.), So, S. (A.), & Wu, C. (D) (2019-2020). Corporate Income Tax Deduction Index (Tourism) for Hengqin District (橫琴新區企業所得稅優惠目錄(旅遊業)的編制). Awarded by the Finance Bureau of Hengqin District (横琴新区财政局)
  • So, S. (A), & Lei, Soey (2020). An Understanding of the Greater Bay Area Online Hospitality and Tourism Education Courses – Macao Tourism and Hospitality Association
  • So, S. (A.), & Chui Yat‐hung (2018-2020). An In-depth Examination of Personality and Working Conditions in the Hospitality Industry – A Case Study of Macau. University Research Grant, University of Macau
  • So, S. (A.), & Lehto, X. (2015-2017). Understanding Generation Y’s Social Media Usage and Travel Related Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. University Research Grant, University of Macau
  • So, S. (A.), McCartney, G. & Gift, M. (2013-2014). An Analysis of International and Regional Tourism Master Plans and the Implications for Macau. Macau Government Tourism Office.
  • So, J., Fong, D., So, S. (A), Fong, L (2010-2015). Macao Visitor Profile Study. University Research Grant, University of Macau
  • So, S. (A), Chan, G., and Chow, C. (2011-2013). The role of temporal framing and affect valence on advertising effectiveness. Faculty Research Grant, University of Macau
  • So, J., Fong, D. & So, S. (A) (2010).  Chinese visitor attitudes towards Macau as a tourism destination. Macau Government Tourism Office.
  • So, S. (A), Iao, M., & Lehto X. (2010). Perceptions and Motivations of MICE Attendees Towards Attending Conventions and Exhibitions in Gaming Versus Non -Gaming Destinations: A Comparison of Macao Versus Hong Kong. University Research Grant, University of Macau
  • Gift, M., Fong, D., So, S. (A), Fong, L (2009). Macao Visitor Profile Study. University Research Grant, University of Macau.
  1. Si Tou, R. & So, S. I. (A) (2019). The motivations and characteristics of Chinese tourists for entertainment options: A case of integrated resorts in Macau. APTA 2019 Conference. Danang, Vietnam.
  2. Si Tou, R. & So, S. I. (A) (2019). The artificial intelligence and innovatios of smart tourism: Qualitative expert interviews approach. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, June, 2019. Hong Kong, SAR, China.
  3. Tang, K. & So, S. I. (A) (2019). The Impact of Online Social Interaction on Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Loyalty in Foodservice Industry. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, June, 2019. Hong Kong, SAR, China.
  4. Leung, K. I., So, S. I. (A), Hsieh, Y-C, & Jeon, S. M. (2018). Job Burnout and Work Engagement: A Case Study of Integrated Resort Employees in Macau. 16the Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, June, 2018. Guangzhou, China.
  5. Si Tou, R., So, S. I. (A) (2018). The Influence of Social Media’s Travel Photo Sharing to Future Destination Choices: Generation Y. 16the Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference, June, 2018. Guangzhou, China.
  6. So, S. I. (A) & Lehto, X. L. (2017). Understanding Generation Y’s Perceptions towards Posting their own personal travel experience pictures on Social Media. 15th APacCHRIE Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
  7. Ho, Y., So, S. (A), & Chow, W. C. (2016). The Roles Of Regulatory Focus And Attribute Value On Consumer Evaluation. Marketing Science conference, June, 2016. Shanghai, China.
  8. So, S. (A), & Ferns, B. H. (2016). Hospitality and Tourism Students’ Career Decision Making and Attitude towards Career Counselling – A Case from the Chinese Context. Asia Pacific (APacCHRIE) Conference. May 11-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
  9. So, S. (A), & Lei, S. (2015). Can hosting festivals help increase the sense of place for residents? Asia Pacific (APacCHRIE) Conference. June 10-13, Auckland, New Zealand.
  10. Lei, P. (T). & So, S. (A) (2014). Career Advancement and Development of Local Work Force in Macau Hospitality Industry. 13th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, May 14-May 16, 2014, Taiwan.
  11. Sing, W. I. (K) & So, S. (A) (2014). Resident perceptions of gaming operators’ social responsibility – a case study of Macao. 13th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, May 14-May 16, 2014, Taiwan.
  12. Peng, Y., & So, S. (A) (2014). Adoption and use of social media in integrated resorts – A case study of Macau. 13th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, May 14-May 16, 2014, Taiwan.
  13. Dioko, L, So, S. (A) & Harrill, R. (2012). When are reasons for visiting destinations not motives and vice-versa? Caveats for destination marketers. Proceeding for the Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, June 17-19, Virginia Beach, US.
  14. Mody, M., Gordon, S., Lehto, X., So, S. (A). & Li, M. (2012). The augmented convention offering: The impact of destination and product images on benefit acquisition. Proceeding for the Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, June, Taiwan.
  15. So, S. (A), Li, M., & Lehto, X. (2011). Perceptions of Convention Attendees towards Integrated Resort: A Case Study of Macau. Proceeding for the I-CHRIE Conference, Denver, Colorado USA from 27-30 July.
  16. Dioko, L. & So, S.(A) (2011). Responding to Rapid Tourism Change–A Content Analysis of Macau’s Government Policy Priorities and Changes, 2000-2011. Presentation for the International Academy of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Chiang Mai, pp. TBA
  17. So, S. (A) & Dioko, L. (2010). Is the Strategy of Attracting Both Gaming and Heritage Tourism Working For Macao? – An implication to destination marketers. Proceeding for the APac-CHRIE Conference, Bangkok, pp. TBA
  18. Dioko, L., So, S. (A.) & Evangelista, F. (2010). Examining hotel brand loyalty via a modified brand switching matrix in the context of Macau’s rapidly growing industry. Proceeding for the APac-CHRIE Conference, Bangkok, pp. TBA
  19. Horng, J-S., Su, C-S., & So, S. (A). (2010). Understanding the model of food festival visitor behavior:  A lifestyle segmentation. Proceedings for the Asia Pacific Tourism Association 13rd Annual Conference, Macau, July 13-16.
  20. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.) (2010). Are elicited reasons for visiting a destination the same as motives for visiting? Clarifying Gnoth’s tautological problem. Proceedings for the Asia Pacific Tourism Association 13rd Annual Conference, Macau, July 13-16.
  21. Horng, J-S., Su, C-S., & So, S. (A). (2010). The Behavior of Food Festival Visitors: In the Context of Planned Behavior Theory. Proceedings for the 2010 Asia Tourism Forum – 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia, Hualien, Taiwan, May 7- 9.
  22. Dioko, L. & So, S. (A) (2009). Is the Strategy of Becoming the Las Vegas of Asia Working for Macau? —A Co-Branding Perspective. Proceeding for the 3rd Advance in Tourism Marketing Conference: Marketing Innovations for Sustainable Destinations: Operations, Interactions, Experiences. Bournemouth.
  23. So, S. (A), Gartner, W. C., Tasci, A, & Dioko, L. (2008).  An examination of relative effectiveness of information channels on destination image formation.  Conference Proceedings, TBA.  The 14th Asia Pacific Tourism Association 11th Annual Conference, Bangkok, July 9-12.
  24. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.) (2008). The effectiveness of branding destinations considering the context of social influence.  Conference Proceedings, TBA.  The 14th Asia Pacific Tourism Association 11th Annual Conference, Bangkok, July 9-12.
  25. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.) (2008). The Problem of Estimating Hotel Industry Manpower Needs: Stable Versus Rapid Growth Projections and the Influence of Discontinuous Events Using Data from Macao. Conference Proceedings, TBA. The 8th Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, Tourism, Hospitality & Foodservice Industry, France, July 2- 4.
  26. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.) (2008). Name 3 things about this destination…”—An Exploratory Inquiry into Latent Concept Associations with Destinations. Conference Proceedings, TBA. 6th Asia Pacific (APacCHRIE) Conference and THE ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008, May, 21-24.
  27. Gartner, W. C., Tasci, A.D.A., So, S. (A.) (2007). Branding Macao:  An application of strategic branding for destinations. Conference Proceedings, 133-142. 2nd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing: New Advances and Challenges for Practices. Macao, SAR China, December 17-19.
  28. So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M., Cai, L. A., Dioko, L. (2006).  Multi-destination travelers: A theoretical framework, Conference Proceedings, 1, 2006. Tourism and the New Asia: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice, Beijing, China, August 9-12.
  29. So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M., Cai, L. A., Dioko, L. (2005).  Multi-destination travelers: Behavioral and socio-demographic profiles, Conference Proceedings, 17, 206-219. 2005 International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, 20-22 October.
  30. Yan, C. (G), So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M. & Sun, Y-H. (C) (2005).  International heritage tourists to Taiwan: A market segmentation approach. Conference Proceedings, 284-292. The 11th Asia Pacific Tourism Association 11th Annual Conference, Korea, July 7-10.
  31. So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M., Dioko, L. & Vong, F. (2005).  Single versus multiple destinations: An examination of international visitors to Macao, Hong Kong and China. Conference Proceedings, 953-962. The 11th Asia Pacific Tourism Association 11th Annual Conference, Korea, July 7-10.
  32. Brey, E., So, S. (A), Kim, D. & Morrison, A. M (2005). Selling the destination resort: Permission marketing and the Internet. Conference Proceedings (31-38). Received the Best Paper Award and presented at the 2005 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 27-31.
  33. So, S. (A), Kim, D. & Morrison, A. M. (2005).  Primary travel decision maker:  Attitudes towards destination websites and the Internet usage preference.  Conference Proceedings, X, 917-925. Tenth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, South Carolina, January 5-7, 2005.
  34. So, S. (A) & Cai, L. A. (2004).  Destination Branding: A case study of Indiana. Conference Proceedings, XVI, 105-112.  2004 International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Conference, Hong Kong, China. September 26-28, 2004.
  35. Beldona, S., & So, S. (A.). (2004). Exploring the trade-off in perceived value of membership in a travel vacation club. Proceedings of the International Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education Conference (I-CHRIE), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
  36. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M.  (2004). Examining potential U.S. travelers to multiple destinations in Asia.  Conference Proceedings, X, 351-357.Presented at the 2004 Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, Japan, July 4 – 9, 2004.
  37. Beldona, S., So, S. (A), & Morrison, A. M. (2004).  Looking in or looking out?  An examination of customer value and online travel purchase behavior in a travel vacation club. Conference Proceedings, II, 382-392. Second Asia Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference & The Sixth Biennial Conference of Tourism in Asia. Phuket, Thailand, May 27-29, 2004.
  38. So, S. (A), Lehto, X, Cheng, C-K, & O’Leary, J. (2004).  Traveling with family:  An examination of the neglected Japanese segment. Conference Proceedings, II, 747-758. Second Asia Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference & The Sixth Biennial Conference of Tourism in Asia. Phuket, Thailand, May 27-29, 2004.
  39. So, S. (A), Morrison, A. M., & Beldona, S. (2004).  Understanding the multi-destination enthusiast:  Implications of variety seeking behavior to destination marketers.  Conference Proceedings, IX. Received the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Best Paper Award and presented at the Ninth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, January 6-9, 2004.
  40. So, S. (A), Cai, L. A. & Yuan, J. (2003).  Festival tourism and loyalty.  Conference Proceedings, XV, 205-206.  2003 International Society of Travel And Tourism Educators Conference, Providence, RI. October 16-18, 2003.
  41. Yuan, J., So, S. (A), & Chakravarty , S. (2003).  Who is a wine enthusiast? Conference Proceedings, XV, 175-179.  2003 International Society of Travel And Tourism Educators Conference, Providence, RI. October 16-18, 2003.
  42. So, S. (A), Cai, L. A., & Feng, R. (2003).  Are repeat travelers homogeneous? Conference Proceedings, 381-385.  2003 International CHRIE Conference, Indian Wells, CA,
    a. August 6-9, 2003.
  43. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2003).  Heritage tourism: A case study of Taiwan. Conference Proceedings, I, 397-403. First Asia-Pacific CHRIE, Seoul, Korea, May 21-23, 2003.
  44. Cai, L. A., Morrison, A. M. & So, S. (A.) (2002). Introduction to rural tourism In Indiana Program.  Poster Presented at the National Extension Tourism Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, September, 2002.
  45. So, S. (A) & Ismail, J. A. (2002).  An alternative analysis of how travel cost factors affect different segments of the U.S. lodging industry. Conference Proceedings, VIII, 612-617. Presented at the Eighth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 5-7, 2003.
  46. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2002). Many happy returns?  An analysis of repeat travel to Taiwan. Conference Proceedings, I, 284-295. Presented at First Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, Macao, S.A.R., May 2002.
  47. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2002). Virtually there?  An evaluation of the Website of Asian National Tourism Organization. Conference Proceedings, V5, 539-549. Presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference of Tourism in Asia: Development, Marketing, And Sustainability, Hong Kong, SAR, China, May 2002.
  48. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2002). Does the World Wide Web deliver? A comparison of destination marketing organization (DMO) website users and non-users. Conference Proceedings, V7, 508-517.  Presented at the Seventh Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, USA, January 2002.
  1. So, S. (A), Liu, M. M. & Siu, R. C. S. (2018). A MICE center for the China-Portuguese trade and economic cooperation (中葡經貿合作會展中心) (in Chinese).  In Report on the Recommendations to the 19 Measures from Premier Li Keqiang for Boosting the Substantiality and Diversification of Economy of Macau, 57-74 Macao SAR, China: University of Macau.
  2. A Coca-Stefaniak, AM Morrison, D Edwards, N Graburn, C Liu, P Pearce, C Seng Ooi, DG Pearce, S Stepchenkova, GW Richards,  So, S. (A).,  C Spirou, KJ Dinnie, J Heeley, L Puczko, H Shen, M Selby, HB Kim, G Du (2016). Views from the editorial advisory board of the International Journal of Tourism Cities – Trends likely affect the future of urban tourism over the next 10 years and the role of International Journal of Tourism Cities in shaping this future. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2(4), 273-380.
  3. Dioko, L. & So, S. (A) (2009). Is the Strategy of Becoming the Las Vegas of Asia Working for Macau? —A Co-Branding Perspective. In Alan Fyall, Metin Kozak, Luisa Andreu, Juergen Gnoth and Sonja Sibila Lebe (Eds). Marketing Innovations for Sustainable Destinations: Operations, Interactions, Experiences. (In press). Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.
  4. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.). (2007). Conference proceedings: 2nd International conference on destination branding and marketing: New advances and challenges for practice, Macao, SAR, China, December 17-19, 2007.
  5. So, S. (A.) & Morrison, A. M. (2006). Destination marketing organizations’ website users and nonusers:  A comparison of actual visits and revisit intentions. In A. Papatheodorou, Managing Tourism Destinations (pp. 466-476). Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.
  6. Dioko, L., & So, S. (A.). (2005). Conference proceedings: International conference on destination branding and marketing for regional tourism development, Macao, SAR, China, December 8-10, 2005.
  7. So, S. (A) & Morrison, A. M. (2004). Book Review – Sport and adventure tourism.  Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 16(1), 96.
  • Smart tourism development and marketing
  • Sustainable tourism development
  • Tourism and Hospitality marketing and branding
  • Tourism planning and development
  • Tourist behavior
  • Metaverse and digital tourism
  • Integrated resort marketing and management
  • Social media marketing
  • Career planning, counseling and development in hospitality industry
  • Tourism and hospitality education
  • Local Leadership Service
    • Macau Tourism and Hospitality Association.
      • Founder and President (2019- Present).
  • International Leadership Service
    • International Executive Board Member for Professional Associations
      • President (2016-2017). Asia Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ApacCHRIE).
      • Executive Board Member (2013 – 2017). Asia Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ApacCHRIE).
      • Board Member. International Study of Tourism Association (2013-2017)
      • Board Member – G2E Advisory Board (2009 – 2014). Global Gaming Expo Conference.
      • Program Coordinator – Global Gaming Expo Gaming Management Program for International Casino Professionals (2009 to 2014)
  • Major Conference/ Forum /Event Related Leadership Service
    • Organizing Committee Vice Chair (2022). Inaugural Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Annual Research Symposium.
    • Organizing Committee (2021). 2021 Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Grater Bay Area Integrated Resort sustainability Business Case Study Competition “Start Young” Hospitality Management Professional Challenge.
    • Forum Chair (2019). Forum on Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Practice in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
    • Forum Chair (2019). Forum for Tourism and Hospitality Graduate Students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
        • Forum Chair (2018). Forum on Tourism and Hospitality Education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Macau.
    • Forum Chair (2018). Forum for Tourism Graduate Students in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.
    • Conference Co-Chair. 11th Asia Pacific – Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education 2013 Conference (11th ApacCHRIE 2013 Conference).
    • Conference Co-Chair. 4th Asia Pacific – Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education 2013 Youth Conference (ApacCHRIE 2013 Youth Conference).
  1. Moderator (Nov, 2022). Perspective of Industry Executives and Academic Researchers: Bridging the Gap of Technology Applications in Hosp Save itality and Tourism. APAEM.
  2. Distinguished Speaker (June 16, 2022). 研究型案例與教學型案例的轉化與出版.  Sage 出版公司與北京航空航天大學經濟管理學院案例中心聯合主辦
  3. Panel Speaker (July, 2021). 大灣區酒店業人才發展座談會. 澳門酒店協會及美高梅.
  4. Distinguished Speaker (November 23, 2019). Importance of Networking in Academia. Forum for Tourism and Hospitality Graduate Students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Macau.
  5. Panel Speaker (November 22, 2019). Panel on Sustainable Tourism Development in Macau: Issues and Challenges. Forum on Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Practice in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Macau.
  6. Distinguished Speaker (August 28, 2019). Evolution of the Integrated Resorts Industry in Macau and the Basic Principles of Integrated Resorts Management. Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation.
  7. Distinguished Speaker (June 19, 2019).了解澳門的現在與未來- 旅遊, 會展, 酒店及博彩業的前景. Sui Ki Perpetual Help College (陳瑞祺永援中學).
  8. Panel Speaker (November 28, 2018). The role of Macau higher institutions in the development of tourism education in the Greater Bay Area. Forum on Tourism and Hospitality in the Greater Bay Area. Macau.
  9. Panel Moderator (June 2015). Hospitality/Tourism (H/T) researchers in a greening world. Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference.
  10. Program Facilitator (May 2015). Gaming Management Program. G2E Asia.
  11. Panel Speaker (September 26-28, 2013). The Euro-Asia Economic Forum (EAEF) 2013. Topic: The MICE Tourism Development in Macau, SAR, China: Opportunities and Challenges. Xian, China
  12. Invited Speaker (November 9, 2013). The Macao Government Tourism Office in Hong Kong. Hong Kong. Topic: Tourism Development of Macau –    An Implication for Student Education and Student Education Travel. Speaker (2013). The Experiential Learning Forum. Topic: Experiential Learning in University of Macau. Hosted by the Macau University Science and Technology.
  13. Panel Speaker (May 2014). 12th Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference. Topic: What Tourist Really Want: Value or Low-Cost?
  14. Guest speaker at workshops /seminars organized by different local associations and Research Centers.
  • Editorial Board Member
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Vacation Marketing (SSCI journal) (2015 – present)
    • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Tourism Cities (2013 – present).
    • Editorial Board Member, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI Journal) (2012 – present).
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI journal) (2021 – present)
  • Ad hoc Reviewer
    • Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research [ESCI]
    • Tourism Management [SSCI]
    • Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing [SSCI]
    • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management [SSCI]
    • International Journal of Hospitality Management [SSCI]
    • Journal of Destination Marketing & Management [SSCI]
    • Tourism Management Perspectives [SSCI]
  • Editorial Experience
    • Co-Guest Editor – Li, J., He, Mang, Tao, W., So, S.(A) (2022). Special Issue “ We can’t Return to Normal”: Rethinking Tourism Motivation, Preferences, Consumption, and Tourist Behaviors in the New Normal. Sustainability.
    • Co-Editor (2005). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing For Regional Tourism Development, December 8-10.
    • Co-Editor (2007). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing: New advances and challenges for practice, Macau, December 17-19.
  • President and Founding President, Macao Tourism and Hospitality Association
  • Past President, Asia Pacific – International Council on Hospitality, Restaurant, And Institutional Education
  • Founding member, International Tourism Studies Association
  • Member, Asia Pacific Tourism Association
  • Member, Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association