Associate Professor in Business Economics
Programme Director of Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Minnesota, USA, 2009
- M.A. in Economics, Ohio State University, USA, 2004
- Undergraduate Courses
- Principle of Microeconomics (Undergraduate Course)
- Contemporary Global Economics Issue (Undergraduate Course)
- Graduate Courses
- PhD Research Writing (PhD Course)
- Project Management (DBA Course)
- Project Management (EMBA Course)
- External Research Grant. PI: YUAN Jia, “中國出境旅遊決定因素研究——基於政治經濟學視角的分析” sponsored by Macau Government SAR Higher Education, MOP 312500, 2020 – 2022
- External Research Grant. PI: YUAN Jia, “How Dirty Are the Wars — Examining the Impact of Armed Conflicts On Air Quality” sponsored by Macau Government SAR Higher Education Fund, 2019
- External Research Grant. PI: YUAN Jia, “The Economic Causes of China’s Haze and Its Spillover Impact on Macau” sponsored by the FDTC Macau (澳门科学技术发展基金), MOP 473,000, 2014-2017.
- Applied Economics
- Behavioral Economics
- “How Lending Experience and Borrower Credit Influences Rational Herding Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Microloan Platform Markets”, Paul Lowry, Junji Xiao and Jia Yuan. 2023. Journal of Management Information Systems. Accepted. (ABS4, FT50)
- “Political ideological distance and tourism demand: The cultural–political interplay”, Leona Shaozhi Li, Fiona Yang, Gongyan Yang and Jia Yuan. 2023. Annals of Tourism Research. Accepted. (ABS4)
- “Growing Pains for Others: Using Holidays to Identify the Pollution Spillover Externality between China and South Korea”, Shaoshuai Li, Zhigang Li, Jinlan Ni and Jia Yuan. 2023. China Economic Review. Accepted. (ABS2)
- “Beauty Premium and Tour Guide Demand”, 2022, Xi Yang, Ying Li, Xiaotong Li and Jia Yuan. Tourism Management (2022). (ABS4)
- “Master development, land appreciation, and government finance: Evidence from the Disney project in Shanghai”, Xiaotong Li, Ying Li, Jinlan Ni and Jia Yuan. Papers in Regional Science. (2022) (ABS3)
- “Market Segmentation and Firm Survival”, Xinjun Lyu, Jinlan Ni and Jia Yuan. Growth and Change. (2021). (ABS2)
- “Examining the impact of high-speed railways on land value and government revenue: evidence from China”, Shaoshuai Li, Zhigang Li and Jia Yuan. China Economics Review. Vol. 63, Oct (2020): 101502. (ABS2)
- “Land costs, government power, and migration of firms: The case of China”, Tingfeng Tang, Zhigang Li, Jinlan Ni, and Jia Yuan. China Economics Review. Vol. 64, Nov (2020): 101560. (ABS2)
- “Movie Industry Demand and Theater Accessibility”, Tommy Leung, Qi Shi and Jia Yuan. Review of Industrial Organization. (2020) 56:489–513 (ABS2)
- “Voluntary Verifiable Information Disclosure and Loan Funding Performance: Evidence from Paipaidai in China”, Ying Li, Jacky So and Jia Yuan. Singapore Economics Review. Vol. 65, No. 2 (2020) 419–441.
- “Examining the Inter-Regional Pollution Spillover: Evidence from Visibility in China”, Zhigang Li, Jia Yuan, Frank Song and Shangjin Wei. Chinese Economy. Vol 51, No.5 (2018) 397-412.
- “Does trade bring environmental pollution?”, Zhigang Li, Nan Xu, and Jia Yuan, Economics Letters. 2015. Vol 128. 72–74.
- “What Drives People to Play Lottery Gambling? Evidence from the China Lottery Industry”, Jia Yuan and Jason Gao. International Gambling Studies. 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1, 159–178
- “Exploiting Biased Believers: Strategies of Online Lottery Ticket Sellers”, Jaimie Lien and Jia Yuan, Economic Inquiry. 2015 July. Vol. 53, p. 1506 – 1521
- “Examining the Gambling Behaviors of Chinese Online Lottery Gamblers: Are They Rational?”, Journal of Gambling Study. 2015 Jun, Vol.31(2):573-84.
- “The Cross-sectional “Gambler’s Fallacy”: Set Representativeness in Lottery Number Choices”, Jaimie Lien and Jia Yuan. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2015 Jan. Vol. 109, p. 163 – 172.
- “Is economic rebalancing “greener”? Evidence from visibility in China, 1984-2006”, Zhigang Li, Jia Yuan, Frank Song and Shangjin Wei. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2014. Vol 42, 1021–1032.
- “Visibility has more to say about the pollution-income link”, Bin Du, Zhigang Li, and Jia Yuan, Ecological Economics. 2014. 101(5), 81 -98.
- “The Lure of Illusory Luck: How Much Are People Willing to Pay for Random Shocks”, Jia Yuan, Guang-Zhen Sun and Ricardo Siu. Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization. 2014. 106 (10), 269-280.
- “Are Lotteries Substitutes for Each Other?”. Journal of Gambling Business and Economics. No 3, Page 1-14, December 2011
- 《数字澳门》,2019。作者:马志毅、袁嘉。澳门中华总商会策略研究委员会文化公所出版。 ISBN 978-99937-750-8-9。
- “粤港澳大湾区视野下澳门旅游业的现状与机遇”. YUAN Jia and Li Ying. Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau 2020 (澳门蓝皮书—澳门经济社会发展分析报告2020)
- “粵港澳大灣區地價指數的編制和比較:一個基於Hedonic Pricing的框架”. YUAN Jia and Liang Huafeng. Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau 2018 (澳门蓝皮书—澳门经济社会发展分析报告2018)
- ““一带一路”战略框架下澳门对外经贸合作的策略思考”. Liang Huafeng and YUAN Jia. Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau 2016 (澳门蓝皮书—澳门经济社会发展分析报告2016)
- 2021 AEA at Chicago
- 2020 Western Economic Association Annual Conference at Denvor
- 2019 The 17th International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking at Las Vegas, South China Normal University, Asia Econometric Society Annual Meeting at Xiamen University, 2019 Conference of Industrial Organization and Growth at the Nanjing Audit University
- 2018 AEA/ASSA meeting at Philadelphia, Nanjing Audit University, Southern Economic Association Annual Conference at DC
- 2017 Baptist University at Hong Kong, Western Economic Association Annual Conference at San Diego, Southern Economic Association Annual Conference at Tampa
- 2016 AEA/ASSA meeting at San Francisco, 16th International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking at Las Vegas, Henan University, Liaoning University, South China Normal University, Southern Economic Association Annual Conference at DC, University of International Business and Economics
- 2015 AEA/ASSA meeting at Boston, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Western Economic Association Annual Conference at Honolulu, Southern Economic Association Annual Conference at New Orleans
- 2014 University of International Business and Economics, South China Normal University, School of Economics and Finance (Scheduled on Nov 13th), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (May), Shanghai Jiaotong University (March)
- 2013 Tsinghua University School of Economics and Managemen (Sep), University of Amsterdam Department of Economics (Aug), University of Hong Kong (May)
- 2012 Harbin University of Science and Technology (May), Fudan University Economics Department (April)
- 2011 Zhejiang University (Nov), Fudan University Business School (Oct), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (Oct), The University of Hong Kong (Sep), Peking University (May)
- 2010 Peking University China Center for Economics Research (Aug), University of Athens (June)
- 2009 Shanghai Jiaotong University (May), Shanghai Finance and Economics University (May), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (May)
- “Representativeness Biases and Lucky Store Effects”, 2019, Jaimie Lien, Jia Yuan and Jie Zheng. R&R
- “P2P Herding”, 2020, Vincent Ho, Junji Xiao and Jia Yuan. Under review
- “Pollution Makes People Gamble”, 2020, Shaoshuai Li, Jaimie Lien and Jia Yuan. Under review
- “Growing Pains for Others: Using Holidays to Identify the Pollution Spillover Externality between China and South Korea”, 2019, Shaoshuai Li, Zhigang Li and Jia Yuan. Under Review
- PhD Students
- Li Shaoshuai (Receiving Offer from Business School at the Macau University of Science and Technology)
- Li Xiaotong (Current)
- Liu Yize (Current)
- Econometirc Society, AEA