理學士學位(會計學)課程將專業和學術知識相結合,為同學提供最優質的會計學習體驗。課程已獲得特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)、國際會計師公會 (AIA)、澳洲會計師公會 (CPA Australia)及香港會計師公會(HKICPA)的專業資格認證,完成課程的畢業生可獲上述機構專業資格考試之豁免科目數*。這些專業認證進一步拓展了教學內容的國際視野及優化了教學質量。畢業生在考取專業認證上取得先機,在就業市場更具競爭力。
- Acquire discipline knowledge in financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and tax and be well-prepared for obtaining professional accounting qualifications.
- Obtain multidisciplinary business knowledge and skills from general education and develop a capacity to understand business issues and develop business solutions from multiple perspectives.
- Analyse, synthesise, interpret, and critically assess financial statements and non-financial information for better decision support and decision-making.
- Be equipped with IT knowledge and skills and use them for accounting, auditing and tax-related data analytics.
- Develop a sound awareness of accounting, auditing and taxation practices and be able to apply their discipline knowledge and international financial reporting standards to practices.
- Develop communication skills of different sorts (such as verbal and written, computer-mediated, personal or inter-personal and effectively communicate accounting, auditing and tax information to different users.
- Acquire critical thinking and analytical skills that support accounting, auditing and tax estimation, accounting choice, professional skepticism, risk assessment, and assurance of accounting information.
- Acquire knowledge of business and professional ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibilities and be able to develop solutions to ethical, corporate governance and social responsibility issues.
請 按此 參閱有關更多國際認證詳情。
基於完成相應模組。詳情請參閱 ACCA網頁。
基於完成相應模組。詳情請參閱 AIA網頁。
- 通過現有的科研發展和實用教學,為學生提供優質的學習體驗
- 達到會計專業認證機構包括ACCA, AIA, CPA Australia 及 HKICPA的 專業資格考試之最高豁免條件
- 教授學生企管理的重要技能,培養出優秀及具競爭力的畢業生
- 通過保持和加強與工商界、專業領域和公共機構的聯繫,確保課程內容及質量與時並進
- 培養學生終身學習的態度和能力