Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Chow, C. W. C. (2023). Does taking charge help or harm employees’ promotability and visibility? An investigation from supervisors’ status perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 53-71. (ABS4*; FT50)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., Chow, C. W. C., & Lin, V. (2023). Driving retail cross-selling. Journal of Service Research, 26(2), 212-232. (ABS4)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Cai, Z. (2023). Not threats, but resources: An investigation of how leaders react to employee constructive voice? British Journal of Management, 34, 37-56. (ABS4)

Yang, F. X., Li, Y., Li, X., Yuan, J. (2022). The beauty premium of tour guides in the customer decision-making process: An AI-based big data analysis. Tourism Management. V93, 104575. (ABS4)

Fong, V., Hong, J. & Wong, A. (2021). The Evolution of Triadic Relationships in a Tourism Supply Chain through Coopetition. Tourism Management. 84: 104274. (ABS4)

Deng, Q., Gu, X., Law, R. and Lian, Z. (2020). A Comparative Study for Determinants of Gaming Efficiency in Macao and Las Vegas. Tourism Management. V77(4), 103964. (ABS4)

Loi, R., Xu, A. J., Chow, C. W. C., & Chan, W. W. H. (2020). Linking customer participation to service employees’ work-to-family enrichment: The role of job crafting and OBSE. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 381-404. (ABS4)

Shi, F., Shu, L., Yang, A., and He, F. (2020), Improving Minimum-Variance Portfolios by Alleviating Overdispersion of Eigenvalues. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 55, 2700–2731. (ABS4)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., Cai, Z., & Liden, R. C. (2019). Reversing the lens: How followers influence leader-member exchange quality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92, 475-497. (ABS4)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Chow, C. W. C. (2019). What threatens employees’ thriving at work under leader-member exchange? The role of store spatial crowding and team negative affective tone. Human Resource Management, 58, 371-382. (ABS4)

Fong, V., Vong, A. & Hong, J. (2018). Developing institutional logics in the tourism industry through coopetition”. Tourism Management. 66: 244-262. (ABS4)

Fu, Y., Liu, X., Wang, Y. Q., & Chao, R. F. (2018). How experiential consumption moderates the effects of souvenir authenticity on behavioral intention through perceived value. Tourism Management. 69. pp. 356-367. (ABS4)

Loi, R., Xu, A. J., Chow, C. W. C., & Kwok, J. M. L. (2018). Customer misbehavior and store managers’ work-to-family enrichment: The moderated mediation effect of work meaningfulness and organizational affective commitment. Human Resource Management, 57, 1039-1048. (ABS4)

Hong, J., Snell, R. & Mak, C. (2016). Knowledge assimilation at foreign subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs through political sensegiving and sensemaking. Organization Studies. 37(9): 1297-1321. (ABS4)

Lam, L. W., Liu, Y., & Loi, R. (2016). Looking intra-organizationally for identity cues: Whether perceived organizational support shapes employees’ organizational identification. Human Relations. 69(2): 345-367. (ABS4)

Li, X., Guo, P. and Lian, Z. (2016), Quality-speed competition in customer-intensive services with boundedly rational customers. Production and Operations Management. V25 (11), 1885-1901. (ABS4, FT50, UTD)

Loi, R., Liu, Y., Lam, L. W., & Xu, A. J. (2016). Buffering emotional job demands: The interplay between proactive personality and team potency. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95, 128-137. (ABS4)

Shi, Y. and Lian, Z. (2016), Optimization and Strategic Behavior in a Passenger-taxi Service System. European Journal of Operational Research. V249(3),1024-1032. (ABS4)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Ngo, H. Y. (2016). Ethical leadership behavior and employee justice perceptions: The mediating role of trust in organization. Journal of Business Ethics, 134, 493-504. (ABS3; FT50)

Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Lam, L. W. (2015). The bad boss takes it all: How abusive supervision and leader-member exchange interact to influence employee silence. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 763-774. (ABS4)


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