Timing of Equity Splits on Venture Team Relational Norms and Behaviors

Prof. Jared NAI, Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University



Date: 7 September 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
Venue: Online via Zoom
Host: Prof. Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA, Assistant Professor of Management
Online registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YSt7giDzOQXCh8
Zoom Link: https://umac.zoom.us/j/96124481203?pwd=R2lveFJUMEJ1cTlOWDZQeUJQNlowZz09
Password: 07092022


Deciding how to distribute equity is one of the key decisions venture owners must make, yet little is known about how equity split affects venture outcomes. Specifically, the timing at which the equity split is determined and its impact on venture outcomes remains relatively understudied. In this article, we investigate how the timing of equity splits impacts venture team relational norms and behaviors. Drawing on relational models theory, we propose that the timing at which venture owners decide on equity splits activates different relational norms, which has consequences on venture team members’ cooperation, conflict and effort. We test our predictions in two cross- sectional surveys with more than 238 focal founders and co-owners of ventures, and a laboratory experiment with 88 undergraduate teams.


Prof. Jared NAI is Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources at the Singapore Management University. He received his Ph.D in Management and Organization from National University of Singapore. His research areas are diversity, entrepreneurship, prosocial behavior and organizational decision making. His works has appeared in major journals including Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Strategy Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology as well as Academy of Management Journal.


All are welcome!