Expressions of Humility in Organizations: New Research Directions

Prof. Michael DANIELS, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia

Date:         1 February 2023 (Wednesday)
Time:        10:30am – 11:30am
Venue:      Online via Zoom
Host:         Prof. Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA, Assistant Professor of Management
Zoom Link:  https://umac.zoom.us/j/99031416356



Although humility has sometimes been viewed as a sign of weakness, an emerging body of research indicates that it can positively contribute to personal and organizationally-relevant outcomes. In an ongoing program of work, I explore how this conflation with weakness or incompetence impacts the expression and interpretation of humility, particularly in contexts governed by role expectations that are believed to run counter to it. Applying these themes to the context of leadership, I will present an experimental study that examines antecedents to expressions of humility. More specifically, I show how leader status threat and self-compassion affect the expression of leader humility through the experience of anger. Then, I will apply these themes to the context of expertise and will present research (results pending) on the impact of expert humility expressions on the evaluations that expert advice recipients make of the expert. Implications for future directions in the study of humility in organizations will be discussed.


Prof. Michael DANIELS is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources in the University of Britich Columbia, and received his PhD from Bowling Green State University. He has a forthcoming paper in Personnel Psychology, and he published one paper in Journal of Business Ethics in 2022. His works have appeared in major journals including Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly and Human Resource Management Review.

All are welcome!