We are pleased to inform that the Department of Accounting and Information Management (AIM) successfully co-organized the conference “把握機會·疫後高飛”, hosted by the Accounting Professional Committee (Macao Region) of the Council for the Promotion of Guangdong-Hong Kong – Macao Cooperation and the Union of the Associations of the Professional Accountants of Macau on 29/11/2022.

Prof. Jason Zezhong XIAO, Head of Department, Prof. Philip Kin Fun LAW, Associated Head and Prof. Morris Ming LIU, Programme Coordinator of BSc in Accounting have participated the conference as invited guests.

Prof. Rubin HAO, Assistant Professor of AIM, was invited as one of the speakers and has shared his insight regarding the career planning for the students in accounting.





出席研討會嘉賓包括會計師專業委員會代表容志聰、教育及青年發展局學校督導協調員鄧偉強、澳門大學工商管理學院會計及資訊管理學系系主任蕭澤忠、澳門管理學院院長唐繼宗,廣東省粵港澳合作促進會會計專業委員會(澳門區)顧問、澳門會計專業聯會會長容永恩,廣東省粵港澳合作促進會會計專業委員會(澳門區)主任、澳門會計專業聯會理事長張少東,以及廣東省粵港澳合作促進會會計專業委員會(澳門區)委員、澳門會計專業聯會監事長鄭堅立。(資料來源: 澳門日報)