Water is one of the scarce and precious resources in this world. This planet is endowed with only 3% of fresh water and as limited as only 23% of this is ready in a usable state. With the limited supply of usable fresh water, it is estimated that nearly half of the world population will live in areas with high water stress by 2030 (Lean, 2009).

Macao is a city with limited natural resources, which include water. In the year of 2019, Macao consumed 92.81 million cubic meters of water (DSEC, 2021), in which almost all the water consumed was from its motherland, China. The Macao Water Supply Limited Company (Macao Water) performs a very crucial function in between, which is to treat the raw water from China and then supply Macao citizens with high quality drinkable water.

In October 2020, a group of FBA students joined a corporate visit organized by Macau Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility in Greater China (MICSRGC) to visit Macao Water. The visit was fruitful for the students as it allowed them have a more in-depth understanding of Macao Water’s roles in ensuring the quality and quantity of water supply in Macao while at the same time striving hard to achieve the lowest wastage of this precious resources. Macao Water is a live example of companies that can be sustainable and profitable at the same time!



Lean, J. (2009, March 15). Water scarcity “now bigger threat than financial crisis”. Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/water-scarcity-now-bigger-threat-than-financial-crisis-1645358.html

Macao Water, (2021). About Macao Water. https://www.macaowater.com/about-macao-water/water-supply-statistics