Journeys of the Self

Prof. Jihao HU
Assistant Professor, School of Management
Xiamen University

Date: 20 February 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: E22 – G004
Host: Prof. Anthony WONG, Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management


As one of the most centric topics in psychology, growing scholarly attention has been paid to examining how one’s self-concepts are represented. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that individuals’ sense of self is malleable and can be shaped or revised by external transitory experiences, for instance, travel. In this seminar, I would like to share some of my research regarding the enduring effect of travel on individuals’ notions of the self and its implications in both consumption and organizational settings. In the during-trip stage, for example, because one’s core self-aspects are less available and accessible in the tourism environment, customers in the tourism (vs. daily) context undergo a diminished perception of self-diagnosticity, which motivates them to pay less in pay-what-you-want pricing. Even in the longer after-trip stage, due to the unique characteristics that tourism memories feature, travel can still exert self-directed consequences stemming from the reminiscence effect of tourism memory on one’s creativity performance.


Jihao Hu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Management, Xiamen University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interest centers on consumer/tourist behavior, prosocial behavior, and judgment and decision making. His research has been published in journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, and Advances in Psychological Sciences. He is the recipient of the Best Paper Award at CMAU (2022), Outstanding Paper Award at CASP (2023), Best Paper Award at IMPACT (2023, 2024), Outstanding Paper Award at Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Annual Research Symposium (2024), Outstanding Paper Award at JMS (2024), winner of the Competitive Graduate Student Research Grant (2023 – 2024), and the recipient of Postgraduate Research Output Award (2023 – 2024) at CUHK Business School.

All are welcome!