Professor in Business Intelligence and Analytics
- Professional Certificate in Data Science (offered by HarvardX, in collaboration with edX, 2021)
- PhD in Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong.
- B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Xi-an Jiao Tong University, China.
- Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2014~Present
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2008~2014
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, 2002~2008
- Visiting Associate Professor, Department of MEEM, City University of Hong Kong, Sept. 2010-Jan. 2011
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, HKUST, 2005.
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2002.
- Undergraduate Courses
- Applied Calculus (ISOM1004)
- Quantitative Decision Analysis (ISOM3030)
- Statistical Quality Control (QMDS310)
- Quantitative Decision Analysis (QMDS300)
- Business Mathematics (MSOR100)
- Survey Calculus (MSOR103)
- Statistic I (MSOR210)
- Statistic II (MSOR211)
- Postgraduate Courses
- Statistical Analysis for Business and Management Research (ISOM8350)
- Business Decision Tools (IMB109)
- China Business Seminar & Field Study (IMB100)
- Business Decision Tools (IMBC102)
- Macau Science and Technology Award — Technological Invention Award, 3rd prize, 2022
- “A False Discovery Approach for Scanning Spatial Disease Clusters with Arbitrary Shapes”, Best Application Paper in IISE Transactions , 2018
- Long Service Award (2012, 2017)
- FBA Research Award, 2015
- Academic Staff Award, 2011
- “Weighted CUSUM Procedures that Account for Monotone Changes in Population Size”, Honorable Mention Award, IEEE on IEEM conference, 2010
- Direct Admission to HKUST with a Postgraduate Studentship , 1998
- Graduation with Excellence, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 1998
- Financial Engineering
- High-dimensional Statistics
- Statistical Learning
- Statistical Quality Control
- Robust Principal Component Analysis under High Dimensional and Noisy Data, Mop $480,000, PI, MYRG2022-00017-FBA, 2022-2024.
- Improving Portfolio Performance based on Robust Hedge Regression, PI, APAEM Seeding Grant, PI, Mop $100,000, 2022-2024.
- Efficient Phase I Analysis of High Dimensional Processes based on Weighted Component Tests, Mop $200,000, PI, MYRG2020-00081-FBA, 2021-2023.
- High-Dimensional Financial Index Tracking based on the Regularization Approach, PI, APAEM Seeding Grant, Mop $100,000, 2020-2022.
- A Robust Control Chart for Phase I Monitoring of High-dimensional Mean Vectors, PI, FDCT/0033/2020/A1, Mop $987,000, PI, 2020-2023.
- A Distribution Free Control Chart for Monitoring High-Dimensional Processes base on Interpoint Distances, PI, MYRG2018-00087-FBA, Mop $834,000, 2019-2022.
- Improving minimum-variance portfolios based on Schatten norms, FDCT/0064/2018/A2, Mop $789,000, PI, 2019-2022.
- Efficient design and analysis of statistical control charts with dynamic control limits, FDCT/053/2015/A2, Mop $1,123,000, PI, 2016-2019.
- Statistical Monitoring and Diagnosis of High-Dimensional Processes, MYRG2016-00012-FBA, Mop $815,000, PI, 2017-2020.
- A Gradient Approach for Efficient Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Control Charts Under Shift Uncertainty, FDCT/002/2013/A, Mop $488,000, PI, 2013-2015.
- Accurate Evaluation of Control Charts under Skewed Distributions, PI, MYRG090(Y1-L2)-FBA13-SLJ, Mop $540,000, 2013-2016.
- Monitoring Count Data with Varying Sample Sizes, PI, MYRG096(Y1-L2)-FBA12-SLJ, Mop $560,000, 2012-2015.
- Surveillance Strategies for Detecting Increases in Incidence Rate based on Weighted CUSUM Procedures, PI, MYRG164(Y1-L3)-FBA11-SLJ, Mop $840,000, 2011-2013.
- A Robust CUSUM Approach to Monitoring Process Variance Changes, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2009-2010, Principal Investigator
- A New Resetting Scheme for the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2007-2009, Principal Investigator
- Statistical Process Control of Process Dispersion When Parameters Are Unknown, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2006-2007, Principal Investigator
- Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Monitoring Process Variances, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2005-2006, Principal Investigator
- Monitoring Complex Data in Dynamic Systems, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2004-2005, Principal Investigator
- On the Monitoring of Process Mean over a Range of Shift Sizes, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2003-2004, Principal Investigator
- Dynamic Process Monitoring, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2002-2003, Principal Investigator
- 基于多步Lasso方法的高维指数追踪研究, 广东科学技术厅,EF020/FBA-SLJ/2022/GDSTC,RMB100000,PI, 2022-2024.
- 020 模式下即时配送服务质量优化设计研究,NSFC#71972031,Co-Investigator, RMB480,000, 2020-2023。
- 多元复杂时空数据建模与监控方法研究, NSFC #71672109, RMB480,000, Co-Investigator, 2017-2020.
- 质量管理中高维数据的统计过程控制研究, NSFC #71172131, RMB420,000, Co-investigator, 2012-2015.
- 长记忆过程转变点的监测及有自相关扰动项的过程调整研究, NSFC #71102145, RMB 220,000 Co-Investigator, 2012-2014.
- Shu, L., Apley, D. and Tsung, F. (2002), Triggered Cuscore Charts for Monitoring Autocorrelated Processes, Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 18, 411-421.
- Shu, L. and Tsung, F. (2003), On Multistage Statistical Process Control, Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 20, 1-8.
- Shu, L., Tsung, F. and Kapur, K. (2004), Monitoring and Diagnosis with Multiple Cause-Selecting Control Charts, Quality Engineering, 16, 437-450.
- Shu, L., Tsung, F., and Tsui, K.-L. (2004), Run-Length Performance of Regression Control Charts with Estimated Parameters, Journal of Quality Technology, 36, 280-292.
- Shu, L., Tsung, F. and Tsui, K.-L. (2005), Effects of Estimation Errors on the Performance of Cause-Selecting Charts, IIE Transactions, 37, 559-567 (ABS3)
- Shu, L. and Jiang, W. (2006), A Markov Chain Model for the Adaptive CUSUM Control Chart, Journal of Quality Technology, 38, 135-147.
- Jiang, W., Shu, L. and Tsung, F. (2006), A Comparison of Joint Monitoring Schemes for APC-Controlled Processes, Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 22, 939-952.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Wu, S. (2007), A One-Sided EWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Process Means, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 36, 901-920.
- Shu, L. (2008), An Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart for Monitoring Process Variances, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 78(4), 367-384.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W. and Tsui, K.-L. (2008), A Weighted CUSUM Chart for Detecting Patterned Mean Shifts, Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 194-213.
- Jiang, W., Shu, L. and Apley, D. (2008), Adaptive CUSUM Procedures with EWMA-based Shift Estimators, IIE Transactions, 40(10), 992-1103. (ABS3)
- He, F., Jiang, W., and Shu, L. (2008), Improved Self-Starting Control Charts for Short Runs, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 5(3), 289-308.
- Shu, L. and Jiang, W. (2008), A New EWMA Chart for Monitoring Process Dispersion, Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 319-331.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W. and Wu, Z. (2008), Adaptive CUSUM Procedures with Markovian Mean Estimation, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52(9), 4395-4409. (ABS3)
- Wu Z., Khoo M. B. C., Shu, L. and Jiang W. (2009), An np Control Chart for Monitoring the Mean of a Variable Based on An Attribute Inspection, International Journal of Production Economics, 121(1), 141-147. (ABS3)
- Liu Y. F., He Z., Shu, L. and Wu Z. (2009), Statistical Computation andAnalyses for Attribute Events, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 3412-3425. (ABS3)
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Yeung, H. F. (2010), An Adaptive CUSUM Procedure for Signaling Process Variance Changes of Unknown Sizes, Journal of Quality Technology, 42, 69-85.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Tsui, K.-L. (2011), Comparison of Weighted CUSUM Procedures that Account for Monotone Changes in Population Size, Statistics in Medicine, 30(7), 725-741. (Honarable Mention Award in IEEE on IEEM 2010 conference)
- Su, Y., Shu, L., and Tsui, K.-L. (2011), Adaptive EWMA Procedures for Monitoring Processes Subject to Linear Drifts, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 2819-2829 (ABS3)
- Jiang, W., Shu, L., and Tsui, K.-L. (2011), Weighed CUSUM Control Charts for Monitoring Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes with Varying Sample Sizes, Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 346-362.
- Su, Y., Chan, L., Shu, L., and Tsui, K.-L. (2012), Real Time Prediction Models for Output Power and Efficiency of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Applied Energy, 93, 319-326.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Wu, Z. (2012), Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Monitoring Increases in Poisson Rate, IIE Transactions, 44(9), 711-723. (ABS3)
- Huang, W., Shu, L., and Jiang, W. (2012), Evaluation of Exponentially Weighted Moving Variance Control Chart Subject to Linear Drifts, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56,4278-4289. (ABS3)
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Tsui, K.-L. (2012), A Standardized Scan Statistic for Detecting Spatial Clusters with Estimated Parameters, Naval Research Logistics, 59, 397-410. (ABS3)
- Jiang, W., Shu, L., Zhao, H., and Tsui, K.-L. (2013), CUSUM Procedures for Health Care Surveillance, Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 29(6), 883-897.
- Shu, L., Huang, W., Su, Y., and Tsui, K.-L. (2013), Computation of Run Length Percentiles of CUSUM Control Charts under Changes in Variances, Journal of Statistical Computationand Simulation, 83, 1238-1251.
- Huang, W., Shu, L., Jiang, W. and Tsui, K.-L. (2013), Evaluation of Run-Length Distribution for CUSUMCharts under Gamma Distributions, IIE Transactions, 45, 981-994. (ABS3)
- Qu, L., Wu, Z., Khoo M. B. C., Shu, L. (2014), A New Control Chart for Monitoring the Event Frequency and Magnitude, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8, 789-813. (ABS2)
- He, F., Shu, L, and Tsui, K.-L. (2014), Adaptive CUSUM Charts for Monitoring Linear Drifts in Poisson Rates, International Journal of Production Economics, 148, 14-20. (ABS3)
- Huang, W., Shu, L., and Su, Y. (2014), An Accurate Evaluation of Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Schemes, IIE Transactions, 46, 457-469. (ABS3)
- Shu, L., Su, Y., Jiang, W., and Tsui, K.-L. (2014), A Comparison of Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Based Methods for Monitoring Increases in Incidence Rate with Varying Population Size, IIE Transactions, 46(8), 798-812. (ABS3)
- Zhou, Q., Huang, W., and Shu, L. (2014), A Comparison of Weighted CUSUM Procedures for Monitoring Process Proportions with Varying Sample Sizes, International Journal of Production Research, 3225-3238. (ABS3)
- Li, Y., Su, Y., and Shu, L. (2014), An ARMAX Model for Forecasting the Power Output of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System, Renewable Energy, 66, 78-89.
- Shu, L., Huang, W., and Jiang, W. (2014), A Novel Gradient Approach for Optimal Design and Sensitivity Analysis of EWMA Control, Naval Research Logistics, 61, 223-237. (ABS3)
- Shu, L., Ling, M.H., Wong. S.Y., Tsui, K.L. (2014), Spatial Clustering in Public Health: Advances and Challenges. In: Yang, H., Kundakcioglu, E.. Healthcare Intelligence: Turning Data into Knowledge, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(3):65-68.
- Han, S.W., Jiang W., Shu L., and Tsui, K.-L. (2015), A Comparison of Likelihood-based Spatiotemporal Surveillance Methods, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 44(1), 14-39.
- Zhou, R., Shu, L., and Su, Y. (2015), An Adaptive Minimum Spanning Tree Test for Detecting Irregularly-Shaped Spatial Clusters, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 89, 134-146. (ABS3)
- Zhao, H., Shu, L., and Tsui, K.-L. (2015), A Window-Limited Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Monitoring Poisson Processes with Linear Drifts, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(15), 2975–2988.
- Shu, L., Zhou, R., and Su, Y. (2016), A Self-Adjusted Weighted Likelihood Ratio Test for Global Clustering of Disease, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(5), 996-1009.
- Zhou, Q., Shu, L., and Jiang, W. (2016), One-sided EWMA Control Charts for Monitoring Processes with Varying Sample Sizes, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 45, 6112-6132.
- Li, J., Yu, N., Liu, Z., and Shu, L. (2016), Optimal Rebate Strategies in a Two-echelon Supply Chain with Nonlinear and Linear Multiplicative Demands, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 12(4), 1587-1611. (ABS1)
- Huang, W., Shu, L., Jiang W. (2016), A Gradient Approach to the Optimal Design of CUSUM Charts Under Unknown Mean Shift Sizes, Journal of Quality Technology, 48, 68-83.
- Wang, G., Su, Y., and Shu, L. (2016), One-day-ahead Daily Power Forecasting of Photovoltaic Systems based on Partial Functional Linear Regression Models, Renewable Energy, 96, 469-478.
- Li, Y., He, Y., Su, Y., and Shu, L. (2016), Forecasting the Daily Power Output of a Grid-connected Photovoltaic System based on Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Applied Energy, 180, 392-401.
- Huang, W., Shu, L., Woodall, W.H., and Tsui, K.-L. (2016), CUSUM Procedures with Probability Control Limits for Monitoring Processes with Variable Sample Sizes, IIE Transactions, 48(8), 759-771. (ABS3)
- Li, Y., Shu, L., and Tsung, F. (2016), A False Discovery Approach for Scanning Spatial Disease Clusters with Arbitrary Shapes, IIE Transactions, 48(7), 684-698. (ABS3)
- Huang, W., Shu, L., Cao, J., and Tsui, K.-L. (2016), Probability Distribution of CUSUM Charting Statistics, IIE Transactions, 48(4), 324-332. (ABS3)
- Yang, A., Jiang, X., Shu, L., and Lin, J. (2017), Bayesian Variable Selection with Sparse and Correlation Priors for High-dimensional Data Analysis, Computational Statistics, 32, 127-143. (ABS2)
- Fan, J, Shu, L., Zhao, H., and Yeung, H. (2017), Monitoring Multivariate Process Variability via Eigenvalues, Computer & Industrial Engineering, 113, 269-281. (ABS2)
- He, F., Mao, T., Hu, T., and Shu, L. (2018), A New Type of Change-Detection Scheme based on the Window-Limited Weighted Likelihood Ratios, Expert Systems with Applications, 94, 149-163. (ABS3)
- Su, Y., Zhang, Y., and Shu, L. (2018), Experimental Study of Using Phase Change Material Cooling in a Solar Tracking Concentrated Photovoltaic-Thermal System, Solar Energy, 159, 777-785.
- Yang, A., Xiang, J., Shu, L., and Yang, H. (2018), Sparse Bayesian Variable Selection with Correlation Prior for Forecasting Macroeconomic Variable using Highly Correlated Predictors, Computational Economics, 51, 323-338.
- Huang, W., Shu, L., and Jiang, W. (2018), A Gradient Approach to Efficient Design and Analysis of Multivariate EWMA Control Charts, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88, 2705-2725.
- Shu, L., and Fan, J. (2018), A Distribution‐free Control Chart for Monitoring High‐dimensional Processes based on Interpoint Distances, Naval Research Logistics, 65, 317-330. (ABS3)
- Li, Y., Liu, S., and Shu, L. (2019), Wind Turbine Fault Diagnosis Based on Gaussian Process Classifiers Applied to Operational Data, Renewable Energy, 134, 357-366.
- Yang, A., Jiang, X., Shu, L., and Liu, P. (2019), Sparse Bayesian Kernel Multinomial Probit Regression Model for High-dimensional Data Classification, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 48, 165-176.
- Shi, F., Shu, L., Yang, A., and He, F. (2019), Improving Portfolio Performance by Alleviating Over-dispersion of Eigenvalues, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55, 2700–2731 (ABS4, FT50)
- Shu, L., Shi, F., and Tian, G. (2020), High-Dimensional Index Tracking based on the Adaptive Elastic Net, Quantitative Finance, 20, 1513–1530 (ABS3)
- Wang, B., Xu, F., and Shu, L. (2020), A Bayesian Approach to Diagnosing Covariance Matrix Shifts, Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 36, 736-752.
- Fan, J., Shu, L., Li, Y., and Yang, A. (2021), Phase I Analysis of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices Based on Sparse Leading Eigenvalues, Journal of Quality Technology, 53, 333-346
- Hu, L., Cai, W., Shu, L., Xu, K., Zheng, H., and Jia S. (2021), Energy Optimisation for End Face Turning with Variable Material Removal Rate Considering the Spindle Speed Changes, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 8, 625-638.
- Li, Y., Jiang, W., Zhang, G., and Shu, L. (2021), Wind Turbine Fault Diagnosis based on Transfer Learning and Convolutional Autoencoder with Small-scale Data, Renewable Energy, 171, 103-115.
- Zhang, G., Li, Y., Jiang, W., Shu, L. (2022), A Fault Diagnosis Method for Wind Turbines with Limited Labeled Data based on Balanced Joint Adaptive Network, Neurocomputing, 481, 133-153
- Shi, F., Shu, L., and Gu, X. (2022), An Enhanced Factor Model for Portfolio Selection in High Dimensions, Journal of Financial Econometrics, https://doi.org/10.1093/jjfinec/nbac029 (ABS3)
- Ding, W., Shu, L., and Gu, X. (2023), A robust Glasso Approach to Portfolio Selection in High Dimensions, Journal of Empirical Finance , 70, 22-37 (ABS3)
- Huang, W., Shu, L., Li, Y., and Wang, L. (2023), A Phase I Change-point Method for High-dimensional Process with Sparse Mean Shifts, Naval Research Logistics , 70(3), 261-273 (ABS3)
- Shi, F., Shu, L., Luo, Y., and Huo, X. (2023), High-dimensional sparse index tracking based on a multi-step convex optimization approach, Quantitative Finance, , 23(9), 1361–1372. (ABS3)
- Wang, B., He, Z., and Shu, L. (2023), A Generalized Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart for Monitoring Autocorrelated Vectors, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation., 52(6), 2559-2577.
- Xu, F., Shu, L., Li, Y., and Wang, B. (2023), Joint Diagnosis of High-dimensional Process Mean and Covariance Matrix based on Bayesian Model Selection, Technometrics , https://doi.org/10.1080/00401706.2023.2182366
- Qu, Y., Shu, L., and Xu, J. (2023), An Adaptive Weighted Component Test for High-Dimensional Means, Statistica Sinica, accepted
- Shu, L., Tsui, K.-L., and Tsung, F., ?A Review of Regression Control Charts,? in ?Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability,? Ed. Ruggeri, F., Faltin, F., and Kenett, R., Wiley, NY, 1569-1573, 2007.
- Shu, L. and Tsung, F., Multistage Process Monitoring and Diagnosis, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, 2000.
- Shu, L. and Tsung, F., Multistage Statistical Quality Control, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems [CD-ROM], Taipei, Taiwan, 2002.
- Shu, L., Tsung, F. and Tsui, K.-L., Effects of Estimation Errors on the Performance of Cause-Selecting Charts, INFORMS, Miami, 2002.
- Shu, L., Tsung, F. and Tsui, K.-L., Run Length Performance of Regression Control Charts with Estimated Parameters, INFORMS, Atlanta, 2003.
- Shu, L. and Jiang, W., Run length performance of an adaptive CUSUM chart, IFORS, Hawaii, 2005.
- Shu, L. and Jiang, W., Adaptive CUSUM Procedures with Markovian Mean Estimation, INFORMS, Hong Kong, 2006.
- Journal of Quality Technology Invited paper presentation, A Weighted CUSUM Chart for Detecting Patterned Mean Shifts, INFORMS, Washington DC, 2008.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W. and Wu, Z., Markov Chain Approximation to the Performance of Adaptive CUSUM Procedures, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 2008.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Tsui, K.-L.,Weighted CUSUM Procedures for Surveillance of Health Events with Varying Population Sizes, IEEE on IEEM, Macau, 2010.
- Shu, L., Jiang, W., and Tsui, K.-L.,A Standardized Scan Statistic, the 2nd ICISE, Taiwan, 2012.
- Huang, W., Shu, L., and Jiang, W., Optimal Design of Cumulative Sum Control Charts under Shift Uncertainty, the 59th Worlds Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, 2013.
- Shu, L., A Gradient Approach for Efficient Design of Cusum Charts under Uncertainty, the X-th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, Sydney, 2013.
- Zhou, R. and Shu, L., The Test for Detecting Arbitrarily Shaped Spatial Clusters based on Adaptive Minimum Spanning Tree, INFORMS, Minneapolis, 2013.
- Zhou, R., Shu, L., and Jiang, W., The Weighted Average Likelihood based Tests for Spatial Clusters, IIE Asia, Taipei, 2013.
- Postdoctoral Researchers
- Luoke Hu, School of Mechanical Engineering, ZheJiang University, 2019-2021
- PhD Students
- Wenliang Ding, Portfolio Optimization in High Dimensions, 2023.
- Fangquan Shi, Portfolio Optimization and Index Tracking Using Regularization Techniques, graduated in 2020
- Jinyu Fan, Statistical Monitoring of High-dimensional Processes, graduated in 2018
- Ruoyu Zhou, On the Study of Spatial Clustering of Diseases, graduated 2014
- Wen-po Huang, Numerical Methods for Efficient Design and Analysis of Control Charts, graduated in 2013 (Macau Scientific and Technological R&D Award for Postgraduates 2014)
- Master Students
- Peipei, Wu, “Logistics performance evaluation for key provinces along “the Belt and Road” in China”, 2018.
- Yuan, Xu, “An Investigation on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Real Estate Enterprises in China”, 2012.
- Leong Pui Wa, “An evaluation of Credit Risk Scoring Models in Macau Banks”, 2012.
- Pak-chun Chau, “A Six-Sigma Approach to the Improvement of the Customer Satisfaction in Casinos at Macau”, 2008.
- Bo-sen Wang, “Statistical Process Control of Process Dispersion When Parameters are Unknown”, 2007.
- Wen-jing Tian, “A Multivariate Control Chart for Monitoring Univariate Processes”, 2006.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2010~present
- Senior Editor, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 2010~2012
- Editor, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2007~2010
- Senior Member, American Society of Quality (ASQ)
- Senior Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Member, American Statistical Association (ASA)