Lin, X., & Loi, R., Punishing the perpetrator of incivility: The differential roles of moral identity
and moral thinking orientation. Journal of Management, In press. (ABS4*)
Shenkar, O., Tallman, S., Wang. H. & Wu, J., National culture and international business: A
path forward. Journal of International Business Studies. Accepted. (ABS4*)
Chen J. J., Cui, C., Hunt, R.A., & Li, L. S., External Enablement of New Venture Creation: An
Exploratory, Query-Driven Assessment of China's High-Speed Rail Expansion, Journal of
Business Venturing. Forthcoming. (ABS4, FT50)
Fong, L. H. N., Law, R., & Ye, B. H. B., Outlook of tourism recovery amid an epidemic:
Importance of outbreak control by the government, Annals of Tourism Research, 102951,
DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2020.102951. In press. (ABS4)
Fu, X., Lin, Y., Zhang, Y. (2020), Responsible investing in the gaming industry. Journal of
Corporate Finance, 64, 101657. (ABS4)
Loi, R., Xu, A. J., Chow, C. W. C., & Chan, W. W. H. (2020), Linking customer participation to
service employees’ work-to-family enrichment: The role of job crafting and OBSE. Journal of
Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 381-404. (ABS4)
Qiu, R. T. R. , Park, J., Li, S., and Song, H. (2020), Social costs of tourism during the COVID-
19 pandemic, Annals of Tourism Research, 84, 1-14 (ABS4)
Wu, J., & Ang, S. H. (2020), Network complementaries in the international expansion of
emerging market firms. Journal of World Business, 55(2), 101045. (ABS4)
Chen, T., Informed trading and earnings announcement driven disagreement in Global
Markets, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Forthcoming. (ABS3)
Xu, A. J., Loi, R., & Chow, C. W. C., Can taking charge at work help hospitality frontline
employees enrich their family life? International Journal of Hospitality Management. In
press. (ABS3)
Liu, Y., Loi, R., & Ngo, H. Y. (2020), Linking organizational social exchange to intention to
leave: Does normative commitment matter? International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 31, 1663-1683. (ABS3)
Kim. H., Wu. J., Schuler. D., and Hoskisson. R. (2020), What is the Best Pace of Expansion?
Harvard Business Review. 98(3), p.29 (ABS3)
Source: Generated from http://bida.fba.um.edu.mo/staff/ as of 26th August, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
During July and August 2020, colleagues in FBA published 2 ABS4*, 6 ABS4, 4 ABS3 and 20
other refereed papers. Cumulatively, from January to August 2020, FBA colleagues have
published (including forthcoming) 47 ABS3/4/4* and 68 other refereed journal papers, which is
more than for the whole year in 2019 (44 ABS3/4/4* and 59 other refereed journal papers).
Congratulations to our colleagues for their research achievements!
Prof. Zhaotong LIAN
Associate Dean (Research), FBA
Faculty of B usiness A dmin istration , Un iversity of M acau
1. Message from Associate Dean
2. Journal Publications
3. External Research Grants
4. Outreaches - Articles in the Media
5. International Conference
Table of Contents
ABS3 or Above (July - August 2020)
Journal Publications (Published and Forthcoming)