Dear Colleagues,
I hope all of you are keeping safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.
In this issue, we first summarize our major research achievements during March
and April this year, and the 2019 FBA Research Award Winners. Congratulations to
those colleagues for their research achievements!
Although we are in the coronavirus outbreak period, we never stopped progressing
in our research. In this issue, we provide a detailed examination of our research
performance in 2019, including an analysis of journal publications, internal/external
research grants, and the improvement in postdoctoral fellow and PhD recruitment.
As you can see from the analysis, we have made very good progress in improving
our research capacity and quality. We hope this analysis will provide you with a
better picture of where we are and which areas we need to further improve in 2020.
Thank all of you for your contributions to FBA’s research achievements.
Prof. Zhaotong LIAN
Associate Dean (Research), FBA
1. Message from Associate Dean
2. Forthcoming Journal Publications
3. FBA Research Rewards
4. Journal Publication Comparison
5. Citations and H-indexes
6. Journal Publication Rates
7. Diversification of Journal Publications
8. Research Grants
9. PhD and Postdoctoral Recruitment
Table of Contents
Fa cul ty of Busi nes s Adm inist rat ion, Unive rsi ty of Ma ca u
K. Si, X.Dai, & R. Wyer Jr. The Friend Number Paradox, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, forthcoming (ABS4)
L. Shu, F. Shi, & G. Tian. High-Dimensional Index Tracking based on the Adaptive Elastic
Net, Quantitative Finance, accepted (ABS3)
F. X. Yang, V.M.-C. Lau, & L. Ren. An original sin of casino hotels? Consequences of CSR
misfit and remedies, International Journal of Hospitality Management, forthcoming (ABS3)
ABS3 or Above (Mar - Apr 2020)
Source: Generated from http://bida.fba.um.edu.mo/staff/ as of 20th April, 2020
Forthcoming Journal Publications
2019 FBA Outstanding Research Award Winners
FBA Outstanding Research Award
(Research Track)
Prof. Warren Jie WU
FBA Outstanding Research Award
(Balance Track)
Prof. Rico Long Wai LAM
FBA Young Scholar Award
Dr. Jacey Ja Young CHOE